Biggest loser in online poker history wants to grind $16k

Biggest loser in online poker history wants to grind $16k

I start this with some pictures:

nl2 -$8792.18 -82 buy ins below EV

nl5 (notice that pt4 shows party poker nl5 as nl4) -$5943.81

nl10 -$773.92 -15 buy ins below EV

Total loss -$15509.91

This is me playing nl2, nl5 and nl10 on party poker for one year.

My history begins somewhere in same period when they started to show WSOP shows in television. I think I have played 12-13 years nows mainly NL2, some amount of NL5 and little bit of NL10 what is the biggest stake i've ever played.

I've read all Sklansky, all Harrington, all Miller, watched huge amount of videos, bought trackers and calculators.

Still after those years and after that all I've lost huge amount of money on those stakes. I try to play my best but losing to huge suckouts like 95/5 favorite makes me really upset.

I've lost literally all my money including all my life savings to online poker. I want to try one last time to win those money back and little bit of extra. That's why $16k. What I need is support and guiding.

I had thread on micro forum but they deleted it just when people start to understand that this is real situation and not fake.

And if you wonder where that biggest loser comes from it was said by guy who has been playing for living many years. He said I'm the biggest loser in history counted as lost buy ins.

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18 March 2019 at 01:30 PM

1075 Replies


by Paisting k

And that customer service idiot should be fired in 1 second. You can't be allowed to post that kind of pure **** to people after losing to whale.

She showed more poker understanding in 2 sentences than you have in 5 years to be fair

by Slugant k

You are completely right Paisting. The amount of times you are so lucky again and suck out per month is not normal. The last monthly graphs you always run above EV. How are you so lucky, its not normal!!!

ignoring the difficult questions huh paisting. Probably because you are rigging the EV in your favor yourself!

by Paisting k

Haha Paisty, she completely owned you. 😃 😮

by Paisting k

In this hand typical green marked ******ed whale. Making **** pants donk bets. On turn I punish his stupid whale and these are the hands I should beat they in 15 minutes and take all their money. But with even 95% equity site won't let that happen. Pure manipulated RNG, working just like I've been told how sites want to it work.

1) Fold K9offsuit preflop
2) There is no reason to shove allin on the turn. This likely lost you the hand. If you raise to 3 or 4 there is a good chance villain folds because that would seem like a reasonable play for someone who has a hand that can beat pocket 8s.
3) If villain called turn you now have to check the river because a flush is easy to have or you bluff and hope for the best. You likely save money here because you have to fold.
4) Villain made a bad play and got lucky. They likely made the play based on previous hands where you shoved with garbage. Once again your "style" of play cost you money.

by DingusEgg k

1) Fold K9offsuit preflop
2) There is no reason to shove allin on the turn. This likely lost you the hand. If you raise to 3 or 4 there is a good chance villain folds because that would seem like a reasonable play for someone who has a hand that can beat pocket 8s.
3) If villain called turn you now have to check the river because a flush is easy to have or you bluff and hope for the best. You likely save money here because you have to fold.
4) Villain made a bad play and got lucky. They likely ma

Interesting analysis taking account that I made him call all his money with 5% equity. It's called total crushing. If I lose that pot I think the problem is with site RNG not my play.

So just take the cashout and print f millions?

by Mike Femton k

So just take the cashout and print f millions?

the objective is not to make money, it is to prove to the world that RNGs are rigged (while also losing a quarter million dollars at the lowest stakes available). please respect the process!

by Paisting k

Interesting analysis taking account that I made him call all his money with 5% equity. It's called total crushing. If I lose that pot I think the problem is with site RNG not my play.

I would love to see a court case on this.

Judge: Ladies and Gentlemen of the jury, in the case of the Plaintiff vs Pokersites on the charge of rigging the RNG, how do you find the defendant?

Jury: Not guilty

Plaintiff: No ****ing way I was totally crushing. I made him press call with 5% equity.

Judge: Silence or I will hold you in contempt, a full house is better than two pair and shipping 100BB to a 3BB raise is downright stupid.

Defendant spokesperson statement afterwards: We are delighted with the verdict today and welcome the player to continue to play at our tables as his unique playing style has increased our rake tenfold in the last five years.

Plaintiff statement afterwards: Disappointed with the outcome today but never mind I will grind my way to the 16k. I just have to make them respect my BB.

by Paisting k

I post every month about 20 hand where I lose with 70-95% equity to show people that is not normal working poker site. Go through to hands and look how much there is shoving and with any 2. Those your any 2 has 80-90% equity against those whales. 888 just don't let me run over them like it should be and those idiots should lose money in 15 minutes.

Do you think most people who play thousands or tens of thousands of hands every month would have much trouble finding 20 hands in their recent hand history, where they lost with 80% or more equity?

Seriously man, you need help, and I don't mean poker coaching. You live in a country where you can get help much more easily and cheaper than in most places on the planet, and I suggest you use that opportunity for your own well being. This is a genuinely depressing thread and should probably be education material for mental health professionals.

by DeezedFourz k

Do you think most people who play thousands or tens of thousands of hands every month would have much trouble finding 20 hands in their recent hand history, where they lost with 80% or more equity?

Why I don't see that anywhere and what's the most important thing, not that high frequency? And no, it's not normal to get 20-30 suckouts every month now over 2 years in row without any month that is not happening.

by Paisting k

Why I don't see that anywhere

Because everyone else realises it's juts part of the game and that no one cares about their bad beat stories

by Paisting k

It's called total crushing.

I love you Paisting. This is why I'm subscribed to this thread. Thank you 😀

by Paisting k

Why I don't see that anywhere and what's the most important thing, not that high frequency? And no, it's not normal to get 20-30 suckouts every month now over 2 years in row without any month that is not happening.

Is it normal variance to be above EV with 21.5 buy ins even tho they were lucky against you 20-30 times?

by Mike Femton k

So just take the cashout and print f millions?

This dummy was criing for allin cashout function for 2 years because he tough that means he presses a button mid hand and they award him the full pot uncontested. That's the kind of genius we're dealing with.

I had a couple of minutes to waste, since starting the thread he lost based on the monthly graphs:

-$41815 with an EV of -$40401

but he had couple of losing months worth of -$2693 when he was ashamed of how lucky he was and censored the EV info and a couple of times he didn't post monthly graph, probably for the same reason or w/e.

He dumped an additional $3k on tournaments.

A sound estimation of total losses are -$50k

Finally, a legendary table makeup from the start of the thread when he was raging for an AK < whatever badbeat.

Player5 (UTG): $43.34 (2167 bb)

Player6 (MP): $22.33 (1117 bb)

Player1 (CO): $20.89 (1045 bb)

Player2 (BU): $36.31 (1816 bb)

Player3 (SB): $29.62 (1481 bb)

Paisting (BB): $2.00 (100 bb)

Good job Pastry!

by Paisting k

Interesting analysis taking account that I made him call all his money with 5% equity. It's called total crushing. If I lose that pot I think the problem is with site RNG not my play.

You're missing the point as per usual.

Your pattern of play leads people to make decisions that they normally wouldn't under different circumstances.

In the situations that you hand pick you are often ahead and get bad beat, but I am certain there are 1000s of more situations where you shoved with garbage and people call down light and beat you. This type of strategy could be costing you money because people are so willing to call you down in these spots that you have lost the ability to get people to fold out hands. It is easy to say "why would I want someone to fold when they're behind"? Clearly we don't want people to fold when they are behind, however if your opponents never fold when you make plays like this then you leave yourself open to more variance because they turn into situations where you cant' control the flop, turn or river.

Control of the flop, turn and river would be having the ability to fold your cards on scare boards, get your opponents to fold on scare boards, bluff, check call, check raise, get opponents to call one too many streets, make a sizeable bet on the river to get someone off a stronger hand and basically utilize every poker concept that winning, breakeven and losing players use every day.

Your decision to just rip it for full stacks or over bets at any given point limits your ability to actually play poker.

Bad beats or not, your style of play is not profitable. End of story.

by enzet k

I had a couple of minutes to waste, since starting the thread he lost based on the monthly graphs:

Thanks for your effort bro! Maybe your next work would be how and with what stakes and games is the road to win something like that.

by Paisting k

Thanks for your effort bro! Maybe your next work would be how and with what stakes and games is the road to win something like that.

Would be a great lesson for you if the government finds out who you are and sues you for the full amount of welfare money you gave away in gambling sites. 😀

by Paisting k

Thanks for your effort bro! Maybe your next work would be how and with what stakes and games is the road to win something like that.

How: accept that you don't know how to play poker or that your current style is not profitable and make a decision to change.

What: There are no stakes that you can win at with your playing style, eventually people catch on to what you're doing. Change or keep losing.

You should move to omaha. The pot limit style of play will limit your ability to just dump a stack in preflop. It will also allow you to bet large amounts at certain points in the hand (which you seem to love) that will actually benefit you in the hand. Omaha is all about punishing people for drawing to junk. You seem to be fixed on punishing people with your superior holdings so Omaha is right for you.

The downside is that people will suck out on you and likely a lot. You also have to learn how to fold on scary flops, scary turns and gut wrenching rivers which you may have trouble with.

The upside is that you can only ever bet pot and people don't like folding to 3bets preflop.

Give it a go, you're already 50K in the hole whats a few thousand more to try a new game.

by DingusEgg k

You should move to omaha.

I have always said that Omaha is like roulette, gambling without any skill. If we think guys who many think are good player and winners like Sami Kelopuro and Phil Galfond, look their hands. It's always big news when they make million dollars in one hand but when we look that hand we see that it was only coinflip like one round of slots. They the real sick gamblers. They play million dollars round with hand that has 50% equity without any skill. And maybe Phil Galfond has won lots of money, but must say that when watching his streams, only thing comes to my mind is that why he is so popular. When he played no limit holdem his calls are really bad. Like totally whale calls. Even I know you can't make those calls out oof position he makes. He plays same style that whales on micros, calling with total air on flop to hope hit something. Look his streams, it's just ****ing bad.

But this is my Omaha test. Cost me over 500 dollars. All hands on nl2. And tell me how the **** is possible that on nl2 only hand they reraise is AA? They even fold fold KK. On nl2. Every player most be house bots making rake to site that is absurd high on Omaha. Pure slot game.

at least you ran under ev though

These are rookie numbers. I bet you can't make your graph a straight vertical line.

by Mr Spyutastic k

These are rookie numbers. I bet you can't make your graph a straight vertical line.

These numbers show that omaha is same luck game than roulette and blackjack.

by Paisting k

These numbers show that omaha is same luck game than roulette and blackjack.

Do the holdem graphs not show the same?

Paisting if you were Adrian Mateos in the main event losing AA to AK would you have stopped shoving all in every hand to sleep yet?

by herbalerv k

Paisting if you were Adrian Mateos in the main event losing AA to AK would you have stopped shoving all in every hand to sleep yet?

People who pay 10k to play one tournament to lose some idiot are just stupid.
