Donald J. Trump (For everyone else except Victor)
I assume it's still acceptable to have a Trump thread in a Politics forum?
So this is an obvious lie - basically aimed at
If you think all religious people aren't sane then that a statement about you not them
Still, like some others have said, I can't deny that there have been some extremely intelligent people who seemed to have sincere religious beliefs, including some within the last century.
I didn't deny this, I just gave my estimate on the incidence of these cases (top 10% intelligence + highly religious) as being on the order of about 1 in 1,000 people.
I don't know whether "not sane" is the correct technical term. Here is the lay definitions for psychosis:
a mental disorder characterized by symptoms, such as delusions or hallucinations, that indicate impaired contact with reality.
Would you agree that believing in the existence of a personal god (i.e. some sort of variation of the pixie in the sky) would constitute a delusion, and believing you are in two-way communication with this being would constitute a hallucination?
If not, and I replaced "personal god" with "leprechauns" or "flying spaghetti monsters", does your answer remain the same? If not, why not?
If you believe all these people are delusional, hallucinating or have a mental disorder then that's a statement more about you than about them
If you believe all these people are delusional, hallucinating or have a mental disorder then that's a statement more about you than about them
Ah, I see we're just ignoring the question and pretending that repeating the same thing over and over constitutes "engaging in dialogue". Peak chez.
Your question just added some extra terms to the same point. The answer does the same. There was nothing insightful about your new terms.
The point remains the same. If you think all these people have a mental disorder (or insert loads of other terms that dont change the issue) then that's a statement more about you than them.
i'm going with aliens
Your question just added some extra terms to the same point. The answer does the same. There was nothing insightful about your new terms.
The point remains the same. If you think all these people have a mental disorder (or insert loads of other terms that dont change the issue) then that's a statement more about you than them.
My post was a response to chillrob's post about people who go to leprechaun meetings. You are the one who made the connection between that and religiosity, so perhaps you're the one who thinks they are not sane?
More seriously, my point was more along the lines of "if you think the leprechaun people are insane, what's the difference between them and the god people?" Why is one group mentally ill and not the other?
I don't know whether "not sane" is the correct technical term. Here is the lay definitions for psychosis:
Would you agree that believing in the existence of a personal god (i.e. some sort of variation of the pixie in the sky) would constitute a delusion, and believing you are in two-way communication with this being would constitute a hallucination?
If not, and I replaced "personal god" with "leprechauns" or "flying spaghetti monsters", does your answer remain the same? If not, why not?
No one has ever told me they had two way communication with God, and I went to 12 years of religious school.
So there's not much hallucination.
The delusions are group induced. Like the psychology experiment where a group of actors all say the shorter line is longer, then most people go along with them. If they hear that for their entire childhood, and they're praised for misjudging the line, they eventually believe it and pass it on.
People talk about the MAGAs being brainwashed by hearing untruths over and over again, but hearing it from your parents and authority figures for 18 years, before you have a strong sense of your own judgment, is multiples of that. If you weren't raised with religion I don't think you can understand how tough it is to question it.
No one has ever told me they had two way communication with God, and I went to 12 years of religious school.
So there's not much hallucination.
The delusions are group induced. Like the psychology experiment where a group of actors all say the shorter line is longer, then most people go along with them. If they hear that for their entire childhood, and they're praised for misjudging the line, they eventually believe it and pass it on.
People talk about the MAGAs being brainwashed by hearing untr
Dude, loads of people claim to talk to god or Jesus or the virgin Mary or whatever. Didn't Dubya say that god himself told him to invade Iraq or something? If our prime minister said something like that I expect he wouldn't be able to finish his sentence before a vote of no confidence was called.
My post was a response to chillrob's post about people who go to leprechaun meetings. You are the one who made the connection between that and religiosity, so perhaps you're the one who thinks they are not sane?
oh right. There was no connection between that post and the ones that led up to it.
I didn't take your 'more seriously' seriously.
Not after your claim that I was the one had made the connection with religion. I'm not sure you do serious - which is fair enough.
Dude, loads of people claim to talk to god or Jesus or the virgin Mary or whatever. Didn't Dubya say that god himself told him to invade Iraq or something? If our prime minister said something like that I expect he wouldn't be able to finish his sentence before a vote of no confidence was called.
Yes they claim they talk to god, but very few claim he talks to them, certainly not explicitly. You specifically said two way communication.
Yes but your other examples were all one way, and you weren't sure about W. I'm not sure about him either, but I've never spoken to him. I said no one ever told me God spoke to them, so it is likely pretty rare.
Yes but your other examples were all one way, and you weren't sure about W. I'm not sure about him either, but I've never spoken to him. I said no one ever told me God spoke to them, so it is likely pretty rare.
First Google hit on "George W Bush god told me":
One of the delegates, Nabil Shaath, who was Palestinian foreign minister at the time, said: "President Bush said to all of us: 'I am driven with a mission from God'. God would tell me, 'George go and fight these terrorists in Afghanistan'. And I did. And then God would tell me 'George, go and end the tyranny in Iraq'. And I did."
Don't priests regularly tell their congregations during sermons that god tells them stuff?
In fact, don't religious leaders often claim to be god's messengers on Earth? Presumably he needed to give them the message to deliver, right?
First Google hit on "George W Bush god told me":
Don't priests regularly tell their congregations during sermons that god tells them stuff?
In fact, don't religious leaders often claim to be god's messengers on Earth? Presumably he needed to give them the message to deliver, right?
Not that I've heard. Only the death cult leaders, not regular low level leaders of mainstream churches. I don't remember even any popes in my lifetime saying anything like that.
I think not having grown up with religion, the crazier people are the only ones you know much about.
W was almost certainly the least intelligent president of my lifetime, possibly ever. He was also the most out there religiously. President Carter was very religious and believed in the power of prayer, but I can't find anything about him claiming God spoke to him.
Not that I've heard. Only the death cult leaders, not regular low level leaders of churches. I don't remember even any popes in my lifetime saying anything like that.
Alright, maybe the hallucinations were just the president then. We can stay with delusions, I'm not precious about keeping both.
Still, a little bit concerning that the guy in charge of the most powerful military in the world started a couple of wars because his imaginary friend told him to, wouldn't you say?
Still, a little bit concerning that the guy in charge of the most powerful military in the world started a couple of wars because his imaginary friend told him to, wouldn't you say?
Yes it is. But I think he wouldn't have likely done those things if he didn't also have the devil (Dick Cheney) telling him to do so.