Donald J. Trump (For everyone else except Victor)

Donald J. Trump (For everyone else except Victor)

I assume it's still acceptable to have a Trump thread in a Politics forum?

So this is an obvious lie - basically aimed at

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28 April 2019 at 04:18 AM

13638 Replies


rationalisation vs cause

by chillrob k

I think not having grown up with religion, the crazier people are the only ones you know much about.

True, but the "crazier people" seem to be like the 50% of Americans who vote republican.

by chezlaw k

rationalisation vs cause

The adults are talking now, and so far you have not demonstrated your ability to join in this conversation, so run along to BBV where you'll find the posting more suited to your style.

Thanks once more for your kind offers but no thank you

I think you're quite capable of considering rationalisations (or even lies). That just maybe george bush didn't order the invasion of iraq because he hallucinated god telling him to. Not even if that's what he said one day.

by chezlaw k

Thank once mroe for your kind offer but nop thanks

I think you're q

Q from Start Trek? Or did you mean "cute" and that was another one of your phonetic spellings? In which case, I'm flattered, but I wouldn't touch you with Trolly's.

by chezlaw k

Thanks once more for your kind offers but no thank you

I think you're quite capable of considering rationalisations (or even lies). That just maybe george bush didn't order the invasion of iraq because he hallucinated god telling him to. Not even if that's what he said one day.

Guy who is known to be a religious nutcase does something because he thinks god told him to do it. What's your point? That he doesn't think god told him to do it and he lied? Why would he lie about that, it's just about the worst reason he could give. It's not like it makes him look good in any way.

I got cut off mid post by my phat phumbs but dont worry I still thing you're cute and no touching is required

by d2_e4 k

Guy who is known to be a religious nutcase does something because he thinks god told him to do it. What's your point? That god he doesn't think god told him to do it and he lied? Why would he lie about that, it's just about the worst reason he could give.

I think you should condider how rationalisations works more. What's more I think you will

As for the possibility of a lie - worst reason in your opinion but he dont give a shite what you think of him. Or what i think of him.

i recently found out my friend Derek was invited to Mar a Lago last night for a dinner (idk what the dinner was, maybe a fund raiser, but that's really irrelevant). Derek is a retired military guy and musician, like myself, and an expert in military law, who's also convinced the military that actually controls the country understands that byden is just a deep state plant, and they're still loyal to President Trump as their actual leader (I know of several white hat generals that are on the same page).

Some of the things Derek is convinced of, such as what went down yesterday at gtmo, is even hard for me to accept as fact because I'm just the kind of person that never believes anything unless I can see or prove it for myself. However, seeing that he was invited by Trump's team last night can do nothing less than solidify these things a little more for me personally.

He said they have a rule down there that once the music starts (or stops, I don't rem) and the servers come out to serve dinner, no one's allowed to take any pics so he took this just before dinner of our 45th and 47th President!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

by chezlaw k

I think you should condider how rationalisations works more. What's more I think you will

As for the possibility of a lie - worst reason in your opinion but he dont give a shite what you think of him. Or what i think of him.

So what exactly is your theory? That at the time he did thing X he didn't think god had spoken to him, but now that he's rationalised his reasoning for doing thing X he's realised that it was because god had in fact spoken to him?

by Playbig2000 k

I'm just the kind of person that never believes anything unless I can see or prove it for myself.

Story checks out.

I leave him on range.

In general people rationalise all the time, they lie some of the time and occasionally some hear voices they think are from god

It's also quite possible he means somethign far more like. 'I thought it was right and god is my guide'. (which could also be a rationalisation)

by d2_e4 k

True, but the "crazier people" seem to be like the 50% of Americans who vote republican.

That many people do seem pretty crazy to me also, but most not in the crazy religious way. More in the crazy gullible conspiracy way.

by d2_e4 k

Guy who is known to be a religious nutcase does something because he thinks god told him to do it. What's your point? That he doesn't think god told him to do it and he lied? Why would he lie about that, it's just about the worst reason he could give. It's not like it makes him look good in any way.

Unfortunately, it actually does make him look good to a very large portion of his base.

But again, it's likely that both God and Dick instructed him.

by bahbahmickey k

Time to get back on topic. The intelligence community came up huge the last two elections with Russia, Russia, Russia and then burying hunter's laptop that incriminated the big guy and now it is up to the judicial branch to do their job and make sure trump does not get elected. I think the recent polls that came out saying trump was ahead in almost all purple states may have given the judges a boost in the urgency of

U know all the witness said they lied and couldn’t testify about the laptop and Joe Biden having anything to do with his son business right ?
But regardless , trump believe he was above the law with full immunity while he was president and so any action he did he couldn’t be find guilty of anything …..
So why u try to find fault with Biden with the law being a president too ?

You mean like trump not allowing the people to choose who the next president should be by trying to steal the election by lying on who won ?
By fraud, by inventing VP power to cancel election result , by organizing a riot to stop the certification , by trump calling people to try find imaginary vote to make him a winner ?
U win the left trying that kind of stuff ?

by David Sklansky k

Considering that the debate was between two of my biggest detractors

excuse me? have we even interacted once before this other than when I told you a few months ago that you've never once admitted you could be wrong about anything?

i may not cup your balls for emotional support like chez law each time you post, but I find that read hilarious, I'm honestly surprised you even know who I am

by chillrob k

W was almost certainly the least intelligent president of my lifetime, possibly ever.

If you are looking at average intelligence during a president’s term Biden is an absolute lock to be the least intelligent. I think a more interesting discussion would be average intelligence during a president’s life or first 60 years of their life.

The upcoming eclipse keeps reminding me of this little gem


It's almost as if the 4 yearly presidential elections are a competition to find the dumbest doofus in America to run the country.

Ladies and gentlemen I give you contestant number two.

by Brian James k


It's almost as if the 4 yearly presidential elections are a competition to find the dumbest doofus in America to run the country.

Ladies and gentlemen I give you contestant number two.

Good grief. He's sooo confused.

You only think that because you were told to think that. Literally looks like anyone in the world in a similar situation, but someone told you he looks confused and you spread that bs dutifully.

Who is more likely to be wrong:

The person who thinks that Jesus is the son of God and if you don't believe that, you go to hell.

The person who thinks Trump will be a good president.

(I realize that the number of people who have exactly one of these two beliefs is small, but there are a few.)

by David Sklansky k

Who is more likely to be wrong:

The person who thinks that Jesus is the son of God and if you don't believe that, you go to hell.

The person who thinks Trump will be a good president.

(I realize that the number of people who have exactly one of these two beliefs is small, but there are a few.)

One has a zero probability of being true and one has a nonzero probability of being true.

Hence, I have my seat reserved by the fire already.

by Gorgonian k

Good grief. He's sooo confused.

You only think that because you were told to think that. Literally looks like anyone in the world in a similar situation, but someone told you he looks confused and you spread that bs dutifully.

You're right. He looks sharp as a tack.

by Brian James k

You're right. He looks sharp as a tack.

He looks (and is) smarter than you.

By the way I came across this comment in relation to that Biden clip which I thought was pretty bloody funny.

"Joes handlers are as stupid as the Dementia patient himself! All they need to do is place specific items in the locations they want Jo-Jo to go....

- Pre-teen girl at the podium
- Ice cream cone - exit stage left
- Fresh Huggies atop AF1 stairs

Problem solved!!!"
