Donald J. Trump (For everyone else except Victor)
I assume it's still acceptable to have a Trump thread in a Politics forum?
So this is an obvious lie - basically aimed at
By the way I came across this comment in relation to that Biden clip which I thought was pretty bloody funny.
"Joes handlers are as stupid as the Dementia patient himself! All they need to do is place specific items in the locations they want Jo-Jo to go....
- Pre-teen girl at the podium
- Ice cream cone - exit stage left
- Fresh Huggies atop AF1 stairs
Problem solved!!!"

If you are looking at average intelligence during a president’s term Biden is an absolute lock to be the least intelligent. I think a more interesting discussion would be average intelligence during a president’s life or first 60 years of their life.
I'm certain that even with a slight decline that Biden is still way more intelligent than was W. But as I'm sure you know, that any kind of mental decline with age is not usually considered as part of general intelligence.
I would call them both non-zero probabilities but I'm really, really close to agreeing with you. I don't know exactly how many zeros I want after the decimal in Jesus's case but it's a lot.
Trump marginally better, I mean if Jesus in play maybe some Christmas ghosts visit Mar a Lago or something I don't know
I would call them both non-zero probabilities but I'm really, really close to agreeing with you. I don't know exactly how many zeros I want after the decimal in Jesus's case but it's a lot.
Trump marginally better, I mean if Jesus in play maybe some Christmas ghosts visit Mar a Lago or something I don't know
You might have missed my little joke there.
Who is more likely to be wrong:
The person who thinks that Jesus is the son of God and if you don't believe that, you go to hell.
The person who thinks Trump will be a good president.
(I realize that the number of people who have exactly one of these two beliefs is small, but there are a few.)
The person who thinks trump will be a good president is unlikely to be wrong.
This is what irks me about "polarization" in politics ATM. When discussing politics people claim both left and right are "radical". It's because GOP has literally lost touch with reality and simultaneously moved all the way to the right side of the political spectrum favoring dictators and authoritarians. The left has literally shifted right to the center to concede.
There is no leftward shift on from Dems to match GOP's polarization, it's the opposite. Apparently acceptance of reality equates being polarized because MAGA toddler can't. This is described as polarization because some people exist in the Qniverse and can't be objective.
It's an odd looking situation because the left keeps persuading itself that they have to vote for parties offering policies they really dont want. It's a form of appeasment
This is what irks me about "polarization" in politics ATM. When discussing politics people claim both left and right are "radical". It's because GOP has literally lost touch with reality and simultaneously moved all the way to the right side of the political spectrum favoring dictators and authoritarians. The left has literally shifted right to the center to concede.
There is no leftward shift on from Dems to match GOP's polarization, it's the opposite. Apparently acceptance of reality equates be
How can you claim this with a straight face?
The left wasn't even in favour of homosexual marriage 20 years ago ffs.
The left never even talked about trans people 15 years ago.
The left was in favor of strong border controls with OBAMA.
The left now (and recently) literally talks about:
giving free healthcare to illegal aliens (in the 2020 primaries, all democrat candidates said they agreed with that). 10 on 10 raised their hands.
How men can get pregnant and have abortions, when answering in congress under oath
forfeiting 20k per debtor, for student debt (i don't think you need a link on this)
Do you need links to defunt the police statements by democrat politicians? abolish ICE statements? Obama deported 2.4 m people in his 8 years.
He got called "deporter in chief".
LOL at the idea the left moved right now. Just L O L.
i disagree with lolwat's premise that the left has remained stagnant
I'm a "bill maher liberal" in the sense that he was considered very left when he came up a few decades ago and now today his ideologies haven't changed one iota and yet now he gets more criticism from the left than he does from the right because they've shifted so much
but also, hard lol at the views on gay marriage being driven just to own the GOP, that's a natural reflection in American society - as more and more gay men have come out, the vast majority of us are now friends and family with open gays and with that experience, it changes our perspective
it's not that people just hated gays and have brainwashed into accepting it
it's that it was something they never interacted with nor understood and was such a foreign concept with such easy strawmen to attack that it was natural to dislike it rather than bother to understand it
now that we all know joe and laura and they eat dick and box on the reg and yet are otherwise regular people we know longer have this wild association with what gay people are like but instead one based on reality and it turns out they are just regular people who enjoy eating dick and box just like the rest of us, just in the opposite order of preference
Sure in the case of gay marriage both parties moved far to the left vs the historical past, probably because society did (ie the parties lagged societal change, didn't cause it).
Still, that's a move to the left for both, certainly not a move to the right by the dem in any sense , nor an increase in gop extremism.
Ofc if you, like lolwat does, simply completly disregard the biggest victories of the left and the leftward shifts of parties, then you will claim the parties shifted right lol
luciom, what did you think that i wrote?
Btw both parties also moved FAR to the left wrt deficits, and proper monetary policy.
Both parties confirmed a fed chair that compared to say greenspan, is so much to the left your neck would hurt for how much you have to twist it leftward to see him.
Both parties find ample majorities to pass 6-8% of GDP deficits at full employment, when in the past it was about "how big of a SURPLUS should we run at full employment" lol
I think he expected them to peacefully march down to the capitol and protest like he told them to do.
Then why call the event Stop the Steal? It implies doing something more than just complaining.
There's zero reason to go inside if the event is just called Show up and Register your Disapproval with the Results(from a safe distance).
This is what irks me about "polarization" in politics ATM. When discussing politics people claim both left and right are "radical". It's because GOP has literally lost touch with reality and simultaneously moved all the way to the right side of the political spectrum favoring dictators and authoritarians. The left has literally shifted right to the center to concede.
There is no leftward shift on from Dems to match GOP's polarization, it's the opposite. Apparently acceptance of reality equates be
It's not really democrats moving left, it's conservatives basically having to retreat on a host of issues that were central to identity of the party. Reagan straight up opposed the Civil Rights and Voting Rights bills. The current Republican party still basically does, but you really can't come out and say it anymore. So you go after migrants or whoever doesn't have political power but racists don't like.
How can you claim this with a straight face?
The left wasn't even in favour of homosexual marriage 20 years ago ffs.
The left never even talked about trans people 15 years ago.
The left was in favor of strong border controls with OBAMA.
The left now (and recently) literally talks about:
giving free healthcare to illegal aliens (in the 2020 primaries, all democrat candidates said they agreed with that). 10 on 10 raised their hands.
lilItaly....HOW DO YOU KNOW??? Did you live here during these times???
Politicians should have no interest in our sexuality. The reason I don't think the left has shifted much more as society has as they aren't making policies to revoke rights. GOP wants to regulate sexuality and reproduction while democrats don't. There's no shift from left, while the right has decided to regulate us. See the policy shift?
There's no real reason to engage with fear mongering regarding immigrants. If we wanted less illegal immigrants, we'd crack down on their employers. Obviously the system is a mess just as the GOP intends it to be.
There is reason to be concerned about violence and police murders specifically, but no one is willing to reform the slave patrols.
How do you know about ancient Rome or World War II or who is the current prime minister of Canada?
"The Left ...
The left...
The left...
The left..."
These are vast generalizations. Did he travel the country watching local news, taking the pulse of americans, specifically 'the left' during this time?
"The Left ...
The left...
The left...
The left..."
These are vast generalizations. Did he travel the country watching local news, taking the pulse of americans, specifically 'the left' during this time?
Don't get me wrong, I don't agree with his sweeping generalisations about the left (or about anything, really). But I don't attach as much importance as you do to first hand experience when drawing (or assessing someone else's ability to draw) such conclusions, especially in the internet age.
As much as Republicans talk about being responsible with money and wanting to control spending, every Republican president of my lifetime has left office with a larger deficit than they started, and every Democratic president of my lifetime has had the reverse. I know it's not all about the president, but this does suggest that actual policies do the opposite of the rhetoric they're selling.
Then why call the event Stop the Steal? It implies doing something more than just complaining.
There's zero reason to go inside if the event is just called Show up and Register your Disapproval with the Results(from a safe distance).
Because it was all about trying to persuade Pence to legally delay the certification until voting irregularities were sorted out, via peacefully protesting outside the capitol. Hence "stop the steal". Trump didn't tell them to go inside. So, to say he instigated an insurrection is just ridiculous nonsense.