Donald J. Trump (For everyone else)
I assume it's still acceptable to have a Trump thread in a Politics forum?
So this is an obvious lie - basically aimed at
Let’s just be honest your all upset that Trump crushed Iowa yesterday and The new miss America doesn’t have a penis
Was there really any doubt trump wouldn’t win the republicans nomination by any non republicans here ???
I understand many wished he wouldn’t win but thinking they think he wouldn’t win is funny knowing which kind of electorate trump has ….
Me I’m not surprise at all he wins easily with all the lawsuits he has against him and didn’t even need to do any debates .
Republicans just don’t care about those thing shrug
They may be a little higher, but not much for the things I buy. Like gasoline, they went up and then came back down. But then I buy almost everything when it's on sale, so I don't go by the always inflated 'regular prices'.
a lot of the things that went up in price and stayed up in price were because of republicans beloved corporations realizing they could screw people a little bit more and get away with it. profit margins at all time highs.
like egg prices went up and most of the farm advocacy groups immediately blew the whistle that the manufacturers were colluding to try and price gouge. which the egg companies have been convicted in court of doing previously.
Yes, but I have never voted out of spite.
One of my earliest core memories was sitting at a table staring out a bay window for literal hours because my 85 year old cranky babysitter demanded that I finish my lunch plate, but I refused to eat whatever terrible vegetables she had. I couldn't have been more than 4. I would much rather have been watching Adventures of the Gummi Bears or Thundercats or whatever was cool in the mid 80s, but **** that. She made a big deal about it, and I didn't back down. Ruined my own afternoon over something that I ultimately didn't really care that much about, just to prove I could. I did not like that woman. Consequences be damned.
This is is sort of the point. The stakes of you getting in a standoff with your elderly babysitter were trivial. The stakes of a presidential election involving Trump are significant.
The left lost their **** on a daily basis when Trump was in office, even over things that were not worth talking about. Trump's shenanigans turned people like me off, but having to listen to the incessant bitching and moaning from the left is what made me almost entirely disengage from politics during his time in office. It was easily more obnoxious than whatever he was doing. Many of you will disagree with me on that, and that's fine, but apparently enough of the GOP base would rather stick it to the cranky libs than enjoy their afternoon.
If you are being honest, did you realize pretty quickly that electing Trump was a mistake? Nobody likes to be reminded that they voted for the wrong person, whether the reminder is polite or obnoxious. Trump brought a lot of the negative media coverage on himself by (i) making "fake news" a cornerstone of his campaign, (ii) accusing MSM outlets of lying even when they obviously were not lying, and (iii) insulting journalists on a personal level. News people -- and I'm referring to real news people here, not opinion media like Hannity -- are inclined to circle the wagons when attacked, just like people in other professions. That's why you saw many of the news people at Fox -- Shep, Chris Wallace, Megyn Kelly, etc. -- turn on Trump, and that's why you saw a lot of news people at more liberal outlets defend the Megyn Kellys of the world.
Have you never done something unpleasant just to spite someone, or out of sheer defiance?
One of my earliest core memories was sitting at a table staring out a bay window for literal hours because my 85 year old cranky babysitter demanded that I finish my lunch plate, but I refused to eat whatever terrible vegetables she had. I couldn't have been more than 4. I would much rather have been watching Adventures of the Gummi Bears or Thundercats or whatever was cool in the mid 80s, but **** that.
Pathological demand avoidance is actually a maladaptive behavior, friend.
Everybody except all the economist and central banks around the world ….
Any 3rd grader have no idea where inflation comes from lol because they still complain today !
The majority thought it was supply chain issues and then war happened .
If it was only democrats how come any freakn countries in the world suffered even more inflation then the US ?
U think biden policies affect even more the rest of the world then the US ?
Yes biden police’s did some inflation in the US but they need those tax
When you print more money, inflation happens
Because I have always enjoyed doing grocery shopping, go to different stores to find the best deals, do all the grocery shopping for my roommate, etc.
I certainly don't know anyone personally who does more grocery shopping with me, not even my sister who has two teenage boys.
I could be wrong, but I would be willing to bet I do more than metsandfins fan, who said I must not do the shopping. I certainly do more than the average person, and I think of people on 2+2 as mostly being the type who goes
Grocery shopping at least once a week isn't that unusual, especially in cities where people live without cars and don't have the option of buying a month's worth of groceries in one shot. I shop for groceries at least once a week.
I have been disappointed in our country for quite some time, but I wasn't remotely surprised that Trump won Iowa by a wide margin. There was no reason to expect that the polls were off by an astronomical margin.
and The new miss America doesn’t have a penis
Maybe you don't realize this because you live in Canada, but it has been many years since anyone in the U.S. has given a **** about the Miss America pageant. I'm not even sure that it is televised, and it it is, approximately ten people tune in.
I have been disappointed in our country for quite some time, but I wasn't remotely surprised that Trump won Iowa by a wide margin. There was no reason to expect that the polls were off by an astronomical margin.
Maybe you don't realize this because you live in Canada, but it has been many years since anyone in the U.S. has given a **** about the Miss America pageant. I'm not even sure that it is televised, and it it is, approximately ten people tune in.
It was a attempt at humor
Hey, what's funnier than trans jokes, amirite? Might as well pile on while it's the cool thing to do in barstool conservative circles.
Everything cost related u complain u can discarded your garbage narrative because clearly u have no idea how monetary policies work and how and why inflation appears ….
Trump had massive responsibilities about all of this and biden a little as well but far less .
It’s freakn hilarious u think so much stuff about trump economic (disaster) being so great just because his actions didn’t have time to go through a regular economic cycle .
Ps: btw interest rates are under central bank
No $h!t Sherlock , did I ever say otherwise?
Now tell me who did most debt trump or Biden (by a big margin ) ?
I guess u found your answer …..
When I hear people claiming trump was doing a great job economically I roll me eyes so much .
Yeah go try have a recession when u have an idiot doing 8 trillions of deficit in a an expansionary economy , not even recessional economy and huge tax cuts lol .
Then complain we have inflation afterwards and put the blame on the guy that actually cut it down …
This article made me look at PACs and their impact on the primary process a little differently:
I'm pretty sure I do more grocery shopping than any other regulars here, I go at least once a week.
Bruh, I go 3-4 times a week. Once a week is pretty standard in America - load up the kids and annoy everyone in the store on a Sunday afternoon.
It's called a concession. The only way he could get a corporate tax cut that never expires to pass, was to give you some crumbs that expire next year.
I'm sure if Trump wins, you'll remember that his tax cuts expire in 2025, but if a Dem wins, you'll blame them for your taxes going up in 2025 😃
Lowering taxes might be the strangest policies on many levels to fight inflation….
Coming from a guy that blames democrats for inflation and yet wants to lower taxes like a real smart Republican !
Not U LoL but the guy u were quoting from .
Grocery shopping at least once a week isn't that unusual, especially in cities where people live without cars and don't have the option of buying a month's worth of groceries in one shot. I shop for groceries at least once a week.
Are your grocery bills a lot higher than when Trump left office?
I am shocked that anybody would even suggest that grocery bills are not significantly higher than in January 2021. A ribeye steak at Target was $8.99 a pound in early 2021. The same exact steak at Target is now $16.89 a pound. The cost of chicken, eggs, milk, etc has all gone up significantly as well.
the betting line had trump -50000 to win iowa guys
lol repubes forever
LOL, is chillrob still running with his none of the items he buys for two people in his area have gone up enough that he's noticed, so grocery costs probably aren't up much theory?
