Donald J. Trump (For everyone else)

Donald J. Trump (For everyone else)

I assume it's still acceptable to have a Trump thread in a Politics forum?

So this is an obvious lie - basically aimed at

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28 April 2019 at 04:18 AM

14133 Replies


Grocery prices are definitely up, but that has f-all to do with the presidency, obviously.

All liberals in America need to read every word of this and actually think about it for a minute POST All conservatives are not brain dead racists. A lot of them are just fed the F up with Biden, his policies, and the media that covers for him. People are going to vote for Trump despite knowing he is a narcistic idiot. He will not, and cannot, end democracy. Attempts to keep him off the ballot are more akin to that.

no way i am buying a 3 year old steak


by Gordie k

All liberals in America need to read every word of this and actually think about it for a minute POST All conservatives are not brain dead racists. A lot of them are just fed the F up with Biden, his policies, and the media that covers for him. People are going to vote for Trump despite knowing he is a narcistic idiot. He will not, and cannot, end democracy. Attempts to keep him off the ballot are more akin to that.

Yup trying to overturn an election is not trying to end democracy.
Can u tell us in your opinion what is to end democracy ?

I wouldn’t want to imagine what he will do next if he get re-elected.

by Montrealcorp k

Yup trying to overturn an election is not trying to end democracy.
Can u tell us in your opinion what is to end democracy ?

I wouldn’t want to imagine what he will do next if he get re-elected.

trying to and hoping to are not ending. actually being able to overturn is ending. Trump will never be able to overturn an election. Just not possible in the USA unless congress, senate and military all align. Much more likely to happen with a Dem president

by DonkJr k

I am shocked that anybody would even suggest that grocery bills are not significantly higher than in January 2021. A ribeye steak at Target was $8.99 a pound in early 2021. The same exact steak at Target is now $16.89 a pound. The cost of chicken, eggs, milk, etc has all gone up significantly as well.

I buy all those things, though not at Target. Have never paid more than $7 for ribeye. That sounds like comparing a sale price in 2021 with the recent regular price. I've recently paid $. 99 per pound for a whole chicken and $1.50 for a half gallon of milk. Eggs are still fluctuating a lot, but I last paid about $1.70 for a large dozen. Have paid as little as $1 for a dozen in the last year though, which equals the lowest I ever remember paying.

I believe the standard 'regular prices' for these things have gone up, but I wouldn't know and it doesn't matter to me because I never pay them.

by Gordie k

trying to and hoping to are not ending. actually being able to overturn is ending. Trump will never be able to overturn an election. Just not possible in the USA unless congress, senate and military all align. Much more likely to happen with a Dem president

It is the same, jackass. The constitution provides for that.

Section 3
No person shall be a Senator or Representative in Congress, or elector of President and Vice-President, or hold any office, civil or military, under the United States, or under any State, who, having previously taken an oath, as a member of Congress, or as an officer of the United States, or as a member of any State legislature, or as an executive or judicial officer of any State, to support the Constitution of the United States, shall have engaged in insurrection or rebellion against the same, or given aid or comfort to the enemies thereof. But Congress may by a vote of two-thirds of each House, remove such disability.

by Gordie k

All liberals in America need to read every word of this and actually think about it for a minute POST All conservatives are not brain dead racists. A lot of them are just fed the F up with Biden, his policies, and the media that covers for him. People are going to vote for Trump despite knowing he is a narcistic idiot. He will not, and cannot, end democracy. Attempts to keep him off the ballot are more akin to that.

I read as much of this as I could until I got through the terrible takes to an outright lie. Saying things like Trump left in disgrace and is untrustworthy are not insulting to republican voters, and I have no idea how they could be considered "elitist". By any reasonable definition, Trump is more a member of the "elite" than anyone who has been president at least as far back as JFK.

Then it says that all the cases against him were brought by democrats. The state of Georgia is not a Democrat. Its governor and secretary of state are both republican. The secretary of state is the one who made the accusation, and some Republicans now disowning him does not make him a Democrat.

No more media "covers for" Biden than Trump. The NY Post is a major media outlet. The biggest news outlet in the country is Fox News.

So gtfo. Get rekt. Suck my circumcised dick, thereby occupying your f-in mouth.

You're unfit to participate in any discussion of consequence.

by Schlitz mmmm k

So gtfo. Get rekt. Suck my circumcised dick, thereby occupying your f-in mouth.

You're unfit to participate in any discussion of consequence.

Spoken like a true intellectual. Thank you for your coherent rebuttal.

by chillrob k

Have never paid more than $7 for ribeye.

You should treat yourself to a decent steak every now and then.

Have some diplomatic, tactful conversation with a dreg like you. No point.

by chillrob k

I buy all those things, though not at Target. Have never paid more than $7 for ribeye. That sounds like comparing a sale price in 2021 with the recent regular price. I've recently paid $. 99 per pound for a whole chicken and $1.50 for a half gallon of milk. Eggs are still fluctuating a lot, but I last paid about $1.70 for a large dozen. Have paid as little as $1 for a dozen in the last year though, which equals the lowest I ever remember paying.

I believe the standard 'regular prices' for these

It sounds like you are shoplifting 80% of your goods and figuring that into the average prices you have paid. I would love to know where in America a pound of chicken retails for 99 cents a pound or a ribeye retails for $7 a pound.

by DonkJr k

It sounds like you are shoplifting 80% of your goods and figuring that into the average prices you have paid. I would love to know where in America a pound of chicken retails for 99 cents a pound or a ribeye retails for $7 a pound.

No shoplifting here, just the best sales that happen occasionally. Not the 'regular' retail price, as I have stated at least twice. Mostly at Safeway, sometimes at Fred Meyer, both in Portland, OR. I'll try to let you know the next time I see a good sale - you can visit here and we'll go stock up together.

Stop the presses! No waiting. In the Fred Meyer ad starting in one hour, whole chickens or various delicious parts, on sale for 99 cents a pound.
No ribeye this time, but a very good price on hamburger as well. Come and get it!

by DonkJr k

It sounds like you are shoplifting 80% of your goods and figuring that into the average prices you have paid.

Rofl. He did say, "I wouldn't know because I don't pay it," so maybe you're on to something.

by DonkJr k

I would love to know where in America a pound of chicken retails for 99 cents a pound or a ribeye retails for $7 a pound.

He did say he shops around for the lowest prices, so maybe he buys shiit that the store is discounting heavily because it's going land someone toe-up in the morgue in a day or so.

by Gordie k

trying to and hoping to are not ending. actually being able to overturn is ending. Trump will never be able to overturn an election. Just not possible in the USA unless congress, senate and military all align. Much more likely to happen with a Dem president

Ok so trump lies about the election result and fraud .
Then try overturn the election creating votes in Georgia and another state I don’t remember which .
He lies about it .
Says the constitution should be suspended in some situation like this and you telling us no it’s no big deal and that is not proof is against democratic process ?

Wtf is wrong with you ?
I mean you already say democrats are more of a danger while doing far far far less then what trump did attempt on the US democracy and its institutions ….

Seeing otherwise is utterly being brain dead .

by chillrob k

No shoplifting here, just the best sales that happen occasionally. Not the 'regular' retail price, as I have stated at least twice. Mostly at Safeway, sometimes at Fred Meyer, both in Portland, OR. I'll try to let you know the next time I see a good sale - you can visit here and we'll go stock up together.

Stop the presses! No waiting. In the Fred Meyer ad starting in one hour, whole chickens or various delicious parts, on sale for 99 cents a pound.
No ribeye this time, but a very good price on

Lol. It's hilarious to assert, "I can buy stuff the store is taking a loss on in order to attract shoppers to the store, therefore grocery prices haven't gone up!"

by Land O Lakes k

Rofl. He did say, "I wouldn't know because I don't pay it," so maybe you're on to something.

He did say he shops around for the lowest prices, so maybe he buys shiit that the store is discounting heavily because it's going land someone toe-up in the morgue in a day or so.

I actually do get the expiring soon 'manager's specials' sometimes, they're perfectly fine if you're cooking them I within the next day or two. But the prices I gave are common sales, as shown in the weekly ad I just shared.

And I don't shoplift, but if I wanted to pay even less, I could easily do so, as shoplifting is basically legal in Portland, as I have also reported within the last year. Everybody come here, don't listen to those naysayers like Trump, Portland is the land of free milk and honey!

by Land O Lakes k

Lol. It's hilarious to assert, "I can buy stuff the store is taking a loss on in order to attract shoppers to the store, therefore grocery prices haven't gone up!"

The prices I pay haven't gone up. If you prefer to pay full price that's your problem. If you go to the store a few times a week I sure don't understand why you wouldn't take advantage of all the sales though. These are not unusual - Safeway had the same price for chicken last week.

I'm not comparing the old full prices with the new sale prices, I'm comparing the old sales to the new sales, as I have repeatedly said. Maybe the stores are taking a loss on them. Seems pretty silly of them if they are, but it's certainly not my problem.

by chillrob k

The prices I pay haven't gone up. If you prefer to pay full price that's your problem. If you go to the store a few times a week I sure don't understand why you wouldn't take advantage of all the sales though. These are not unusual - Safeway had the same price for chicken last week.

I'm not comparing the old full prices with the new sale prices, I'm comparing the old sales to the new sales, as I have repeatedly said. Maybe the stores are taking a loss on them. Seems pretty silly of them if the

I eat perimeter foods and wouldn't restrict what I eat based on sales or drive all over the place to get a haul.

"Hey, I bought chips for $2.29, but I had to buy four bags." 😃

My nephew's wife is like that despite him having a very good job. She just can't pass up a deal and is compelled to clip coupons.

She had like 9 tubs of kitty litter that she got for free when she bought a bunch of other stuff. They don't have a cat.

by Land O Lakes k

I eat perimeter foods and wouldn't restrict what I eat based on sales or drive all over the place to get a haul.

"Hey, I bought chips for $2.29, but I had to buy four bags." 😃

My nephew's wife is like that despite him having a very good job. She just can't pass up a deal and is compelled to clips coupons.

She had like 9 tubs of kitty litter that she got for free when she bought a bunch of other stuff. They don't have a cat.

Those people are funny, but there's no reason not to buy 4 bags of chips if you're going to eat them all before they go bad (we eat a lot of chips here). Years ago I clipped coupons, but the store ones are all digital now.

I don't need to base what I eat on the sales, chicken is certainly fine in the freezer and steak loses very little.

And I certainly don't drive all over the place. I drive by both major chains each week on the way to and from other places anyway.

I don't want to take this disrail much further, but I think my comparisons are fair, and anyone who doesn't take advantage of sales certainly has no reason to complain about grocery prices going up.

Maybe gas and groceries have gone up more in other parts of the country and liberal bastion Portland just happens to be the place everything is a bargain, but it just seems unlikely.

They still are slightly higher here than they were when I lived in Las Vegas, and I haven't noticed them being too high there in the several times I have visited in the last few years.

I think most of the hoopla about inflation was blown way out if proportion by the sensationalist media (including 'liberal' MSM). Then people just believe what they hear and panic. I remember inflation being far worse when I was a kid in the 70s.

by metsandfinsfan k

When you print more money, inflation happens


Inflation occurs when too much money chases too few goods so yes printing money was one variable that caused inflation. However, shutting down schools and parts of the economy caused fewer goods to be made which also caused inflation. In the same light paying people extra benefits on top of the normal unemployment to not work also decreased production which also was a factor increasing inflation.

The shut downs were widely supported by dems and very much less supported by repubs - especially the further we got from the start of Covid. The extra benefits to not work were also far more supported by dems than repubs. Dems also supported the free handouts more than repubs.

by chillrob k

I actually do get the expiring soon 'manager's specials' sometimes, they're perfectly fine if you're cooking them I within the next day or two. But the prices I gave are common sales, as shown in the weekly ad I just shared.

And I don't shoplift, but if I wanted to pay even less, I could easily do so, as shoplifting is basically legal in Portland, as I have also reported within the last year. Everybody come here, don't listen to those naysayers like Trump, Portland is the land of free milk and ho

That is fine but it’s not sustainable obviously .
No business could survive if everyone would do u like you .
Regular prices year to year are going up .
glad u fine way to get less hit by inflation but your situation is not a representation of common market prices .

by bahbahmickey k

Inflation occurs when too much money chases too few goods so yes printing money was one variable that caused inflation. However, shutting down schools and parts of the economy caused fewer goods to be made which also caused inflation. In the same light paying people extra benefits on top of the normal unemployment to not work also decreased production which also was a factor increasing inflation.

The shut downs were widely supported by dems and very much less supported by repubs - especially the

I didn’t know sentiment had any influence on inflation …..
What does it matter who wanted it more ?
It happened and tax cutting for example , which creates more government debts, do create inflation too , which republicans are for it much more then democrats , so it’s a wash buddy .

Point is government debt creation puts more money in the system and both side did it a lot .
So stop pretending republicans aren’t as equally guilty .

Ps: I got those 4 charts ready to go if u start on the erroneous narrative that democrats printed more and created more debt ….
Remember those ?
