Donald J. Trump (For everyone else)

Donald J. Trump (For everyone else)

I assume it's still acceptable to have a Trump thread in a Politics forum?

So this is an obvious lie - basically aimed at

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28 April 2019 at 04:18 AM

14490 Replies


i see they released more epstein stuff and Trump is all in it again. i'm interested to see the pivot away from the "save the children" if there will be one.

The left knows they literally have to assassinate or imprison their opponent to maintain power at this point but we don't live in a banana Republic.

Gavin is your only tangible hope due to the fact he can speak clearly (as he's basically a used car salesmen) and he's polling way behind Trump. Dem's rig their own primaries 2 elections in a row to keep out Sanders and the damage this caused them is coming home to roost.

The cope is real ITT.

extra-judicial is right, owing to the pathetic state of jurisprudence in this country.

As I predicted in this thread (or possibly another one), there will not be a "sentencing" on July 11th. It's a good thing no one took me up on any side action.

by Playbig2000 k

As I predicted in this thread (or possibly another one), there will not be a "sentencing" on July 11th. It's a good thing no one took me up on any side action.

A bit late for that one, but would you like to take any bets on any of your other predictions? If so, please let me know which ones.

by steamraise k

This was the worst Trump we’ve seen yet.

there was not a single answer Trump gave that did not include some awful prejudice,
a preposterously misleading statement or an outright lie, often more than one

He won’t be shamed into telling the truth, his supporters
don’t seem to care, and his lies only grow uglier as time goes on.

Trump didn’t bother explaining what he thinks a "black job" or a "Hispanic job" is.

This is very similar to when he said years ago that Mexico wasn’t sending their best over the border illegally. A lot of stupid people said saying some Mexican are worse than other Mexicans is racist.

I assume you didn’t actually watch the debate and hear the context of his quote about black jobs or are blinded by your hatred for trump.

by bahbahmickey k

This is very similar to when he said years ago that Mexico wasn’t sending their best over the border illegally. A lot of stupid people said saying some Mexican are worse than other Mexicans is racist.

I assume you didn’t actually watch the debate and hear the context of his quote about black jobs or are blinded by your hatred for trump.

Nothing Trump says matters because he is both a bullshitter and a monster. All that matters is that he never be in power again. Ever.

by MrDavitWilliam k

Nothing Trump says matters because he is both a bullshitter and a monster. All that matters is that he never be in power again. Ever.

What part of his policies don't you like and how is our country now compared to his Presidency?...or are you just a low tier TDS lunatic who was traumatized by bad orange man mean words?

by BGnight k

What part of his policies don't you like and how is our country now compared to his Presidency?...or are you just a low tier TDS lunatic who was traumatized by bad orange man mean words?

He meets with Putin with any other Americans present and then requests top secret spy info, which he gives to Putin.

It’s The spying for Putin that does it for me.

by PointlessWords k

He meets with Putin with any other Americans present and then requests top secret spy info, which he gives to Putin.

It’s The spying for Putin that does it for me.

Lord have mercy. Please let this be sarcasm.

by BGnight k

What part of his policies don't you like and how is our country now compared to his Presidency?...or are you just a low tier TDS lunatic who was traumatized by bad orange man mean words?

I do not care about his policies or lack thereof. I am a never Trumper. My concern is his broken psyche and the fact that he’s a total piece of **** human being, worse than anyone in the WhiteHouse ever. And it is not close. In fact, he is basically sub-human in my view because he is completely devoid of uniquely human characteristics like joy, shame, love, laughter and empathy.

If ANY other person was the GOP nominee vs Biden, they’d get my vote. (Read that again. Twice. So you understand.)

Trump is the only person who could make me vote for Biden. But to be fair I’ve found the GOP is filled with *******s who actually LIKE the fact Trump is so despicable. That’s disappointing to me. The Dems are full of pie in the sky dreamer idiots, but at least they’re not dicks just to be dicks (ala MattGaetz).

We can survive bad policy, but we can’t survive a monster like Trump.

The true TDS is the people who overlook all of his massive character flaws simply because he’s mean to people that they hate.

I am mostly moderate with some liberal leanings and some TRUE conservatives leanings. I agree with many policies. For example, I’m all for a wall (that dumbass Trump never built) to secure our border.

Being called a lunatic by someone who is incapable of seeing the danger Trump poses is a badge of honor.

by BGnight k

All politicians are narcissists.


Ah, the good old "all politicians are x therefore we shouldn't be concerned about electing someone who exhibits a pathological degree of x, because I agree with his policies" argument.

Trump lies 1000 times a day? No problem, here's a another guy who lied once, same thing! Trump incited an insurrection? Well, BLM, Kamala, something something, they all do it!

I don't know quite what time posts were being written or warnings were sent or who was writing what when, etc, so please let's all just reset and stop with the insults towards each other. Thank you.

by d2_e4 k

Ah, the good old "all politicians are x therefore we shouldn't be concerned about electing someone who exhibits a pathological degree of x, because I agree with his policies" argument.

Trump lies 1000 times a day? No problem, here's a another guy who lied once, same thing! Trump incited an insurrection? Well, BLM, Kamala, something something, they all do it!

if only we held the same standards to our friends and loved ones

"it's ok my child is in prison, he's always been naughty since he was a little boy"

"no big deal my wife cheated on me as the focal point of a gangbang without my knowledge nor consent, afterall, she wasn't a virgin when we met"

by BGnight k

Your brainwashed NPC delusion is the greatest danger to this country. You're an unhinged lunatic with no grasp on reality. Your response displays this in bright colors.


Oh good fgators is back

Anyone have that lifetime graph of his?

by d2_e4 k

Ah, the good old "all politicians are x therefore we shouldn't be concerned about electing someone who exhibits a pathological degree of x, because I agree with his policies" argument.

Trump lies 1000 times a day? No problem, here's a another guy who lied once, same thing! Trump incited an insurrection? Well, BLM, Kamala, something something, they all do it!

I never argued this. Trump is more honest, moral, and better at the job than any possible candidate.

by BGnight k

I never argued this. Trump is more honest, moral, and better at the job than any possible candidate.

Lol. You are clearly a very serous person.

by d2_e4 k

Lol. You are clearly a very serous person.

If trolling TDS clowns (omg is this an insult moderator?!) makes me serious, then yeah I guess.

by BGnight k

If trolling TDS clowns (omg is this an insult moderator?!) makes me serious, then yeah I guess.

I think the only people around here who are suffering from any sort of Trump derangement are those thinking he is honest, moral, or qualified. Even most Trump supporters would agree that's pretty ****ing deranged. I guess being a god botherer has made you completely immune to reflecting on your own delusions, though.

by BGnight k

What part of his policies don't you like and how is our country now compared to his Presidency?...or are you just a low tier TDS lunatic who was traumatized by bad orange man mean words?

What are those policies beside lying about everything and saying everyone not with him are plotting against him cause is mr. perfect ?

by PointlessWords k

He meets with Putin with any other Americans present and then requests top secret spy info, which he gives to Putin.

It’s The spying for Putin that does it for me.

by BGnight k

Lord have mercy. Please let this be sarcasm.

not sarcasm, I was wrong tho, only one other american present

I mean trump was already getting blackmailed by epstein, as we learned forever ago but was reminded recently, and that means putin probably has dirt on trump as well. We know that putin gave trump hundreds of millions of dollars in loans and overpriced home purchases

Trump is a complete embarrassment on the world stage. He knows nothing about foreign policy or how to communicate with our allies. He is not a student of history, or, in reality a student of anything. He is a bullshit con artist whose business model is slapping his name on things and then claiming they have more value....until they go bankrupt from mismanagement.
