Donald J. Trump (For everyone else)

Donald J. Trump (For everyone else)

I assume it's still acceptable to have a Trump thread in a Politics forum?

So this is an obvious lie - basically aimed at

) 26 Views 26
28 April 2019 at 04:18 AM

14489 Replies


by Rococo k

What is your evidence for this:

Or this:

Or this:

or this:

by BGnight k

MORE honest, moral, and qualified.



You took a lot of effort to make an incoherent and unfunny post. Congrats.

Ever heard the saying "the left can't meme"? There's a reason for that.

by BGnight k

His personality obviously rubs people the wrong way and turns them into blabbering, incoherent morons who can't think objectively.

Didn't realise this condition was contagious. We might need to quarantine him.

by BGnight k

You meant Biden right? Trump was the most respected leader we've had since Reagan. He had the balls to walk into N. Korean territory without a security detail. Obama, Bush, Clinton(s), and especially our current child molesting invalid, can't compare to his leadership qualities. Explain why he's the most popular and most supported President by our troops since WW2 if what you say has even a speck of truth (it doesn't.)

He doesn't need to be a student. He needs to be a leader, which he is. He's a

The Trump derangement is definitely strong with this one.

Stuff like this is so out there that it probably belongs in the conspiracy thread.

He didn't even get as many votes for president as Hillary in 2016.

All elections are fraud, rob

Come on, man!

Do people still really think a guy who couldn't even fill 5 circles at his campaign events got more votes than President Trump, the most popular president in history?

by Playbig2000 k

Come on, man!

Do people still really think a guy who couldn't even fill 5 circles at his campaign events got more votes than President Trump, the most popular president in history?

He might have been popular amongst you and your knuckle-dragging friends, but if you ever travelled outside whatever hick town you're from, you'd quickly learn he is in the running for the least popular president in history.

by Playbig2000 k

Come on, man!

Do people still really think a guy who couldn't even fill 5 circles at his campaign events got more votes than President Trump, the most popular president in history?

Yes. And any further claims that the 2020 election was fraudulent in some way will be moved to the conspiracy thread, or deleted if it gets too much and too annoying.

by Playbig2000 k

Come on, man!

Do people still really think a guy who couldn't even fill 5 circles at his campaign events got more votes than President Trump, the most popular president in history?

Where are the voting booths in those pictures? Or do you think how many people you draw to an event that isn't an election matters?

by BGnight k

You took a lot of effort to make an incoherent and unfunny post. Congrats.

Who did? I don't see that any recent posts in this thread that required a lot of effort.

by bahbahmickey k

This is very similar to when he said years ago that Mexico wasn’t sending their best over the border illegally. A lot of stupid people said saying some Mexican are worse than other Mexicans is racist.

I assume you didn’t actually watch the debate and hear the context of his quote about black jobs or are blinded by your hatred for trump.

It was brought to my attention by a mod that I may be insulting people in this post so I want to apologize to anyone who took this as me calling them stupid. Even though I didn’t say everyone who thinks saying “one group of Mexicans is worse than another group of Mexicans is racist” is stupid, I want to elaborate further.

Saying one group of a race is better or worse than another group of the same race by definition can not be racist.

However, there are multiple reasons one can think that phrase is racist other being stupid; such as not having a great handle on the English language, having a fundamental misunderstanding on the definition of racism, they are blinded by hatred towards trump, republicans or people who think differently than them, maybe they misheard the quote or they were mislead into believing it is racist by the media (who often intentionally misleads people into thinking things that aren’t true).

by Rococo k

Who did? I don't see that any recent posts in this thread that required a lot of effort.

Yeah, weird thing to say considering he's posted more words than everyone else who responded to him combined. Perhaps he's not as good a troll as he'd like to think he is.

by Gorgonian k

do you think how many people you draw to an event that isn't an election matters?

Of course it matters, why wouldn't it? Don't you understand common sense?

I'll give you an example:

Singer A goes on tour and only fills her venues at 30% max.

Singer B goes on tour and sells out every venue.

Which singer is more popular, singer A or singer B?


Hint: you can't put a square peg in a round hole

Playbig, was Trump's inauguration crowd bigger than Obama's?

by Playbig2000 k

Of course it matters, why wouldn't it? Don't you understand common sense?

Because there is no scenario where it matters even slightly. I do understand common sense. You don't seem to.

by Playbig2000 k

I'll give you an example:

Singer A goes on tour and only fills her venues at 30% max.

Singer B goes on tour and sells out every venue.

Which singer is more popular, singer A or singer B?


Hint: you can't put a square peg in a round hole

I'll try to explain this as simply as I can. Let's rate everyone's preference for one candidate or another from 0-100 (0-49 being Trump, 0 being Trump is the messiah, 49 being barely prefers Trump, with the inverse true for 51-100).

In order to go for a rally for a politician, you have to be let's say >80 or <20, which ever way you're going to go. So only <20s are paying money, traveling, and blocking off a whole night or more of their life to go to a ridiculous rally for Trump, and only >80s are going to do the same for Biden.

Now, for some reason, Trump inspires a whole freaking lot of people enough to get them to be <20. Biden doesn't. His supporters are in the 51-70 range pretty comfortably. It takes a lot to push someone to one of those extremes.

But the <20 crowd for Trump is very visible (see the stupid trucks, banners, hates, people literally worshipping statues of him and praying to him, etc.) so this is obviously true.

Just because the support isn't at the extremes doesn't mean its not there.

For example, I would never in a million years go to a rally for ANY candidate. But I will run over your mother to get to the voting booth to vote against Trump.

Now, that is simple enough that even you can understand it. Let's see how you contort yourself into pretending you don't.

by d2_e4 k

Playbig, was Trump's inaugutation crowd bigger than Obama's?

When President Trump said these words at his inauguration:

"We're not transferring power from one administration to the other, or one party to the other. We're transferring power from Washington, DC and giving it back to you, the people"

A group of what have been confirmed to be Military JAG officers stood behind him in solidarity.

Did they do that for Obama?


No, Obama was owned by the DS

by Gorgonian k

Now, that is simple enough that even you can understand it.

Doubt there is such a thing.

by Playbig2000 k

When President Trump said these words at his inauguration:

"We're not transferring power from one administration to the other, or one party to the other. We're transferring power from Washington, DC and giving it back to you, the people"

A group of what have been confirmed to be Military JAG officers stood behind him in solidarity.

Did they do that for Obama?


No, Obama was owned by the DS

Playbig, you seem to be confused. The question was: "was Trump's inauguration crowd bigger than Obama's?" You seem to be answering some other question that I didn't ask. I'm sure this is an honest mistake and not an attempt to avoid answering the question, so have another go.

I’ve never been to an election rally my entire life and have no plans to ever. I will never buy a presidential campaign bumper sticker and won’t ever pay money to wear ridiculous clothes or a stupid red hat supporting a presidential candidate. I have voted in every election since my 18th birthday but I’m bummed to find out apparently they’ve all been fraudulent votes

by Rococo k

I don't think he describes the policy proposals as "Project 2025" because what's the point from his perspective of making it sound like some secret plan. But he talks about various policy proposals embedded in "Project 2025" all the time. Not all of them, of course, but many of them.

The Heritage Foundation's main policy document on Project 2025 is more than 900 pages long, so I think we can be certain that Trump has not actually read it, for whatever that is worth.

Yeah, this is how I've been refuting the claims that Project 2025 isn't Trumps idea. When he talks about immigrants "poisoning the blood of the country" and talks about mass deportation events that is just mirroring whats in the document. When Republicans are gutting education and trying to insert religion into everything that's just mirroring whats in the document. When the Supreme Court erodes womens rights and moves presidential power closer to a dictatorship its just mirroring whats in the document. Etc etc etc

by d2_e4 k

Playbig, you seem to be confused. The question was: "was Trump's inauguration crowd bigger than Obama's?" You seem to be answering some other question that I didn't ask. I'm sure this is an honest mistake and not an attempt to avoid answering the question, so have another go.

I didn't attend either, and whatever the fake mockingburd bought out and controlled state media is saying, I generally take with a grain of salt, but that's just me.

by Playbig2000 k

I didn't attend either, and whatever the fake mockingburd bought out and controlled state media is saying, I generally take with a grain of salt, but that's just me.

You seem to be struggling to give a direct answer to a direct question. This doesn't bode well for your performance in our live debate. Also, no need to point out that it's "just you", that much has been abundantly clear for quite some time.

Let's try another one: are "state control media" narratives, photographs and videos legitimate when they support your views, but illegitimate otherwise? Presumably you did not attend either of the events in the photographs you posted, but yet you did post those photographs as evidence to support your assertions. This does not comport with the idea that you need to be physically present at an event to believe reports about the crowd size there.

by d2_e4 k

Playbig, was Trump's inauguration crowd bigger than Obama's?

by Playbig2000 k

I didn't attend either, and whatever the fake mockingburd bought out and controlled state media is saying, I generally take with a grain of salt, but that's just me.

Running count of posts responding to d2_e4 without answering his question: 2.

by ganstaman k

Yes. And any further claims that the 2020 election was fraudulent in some way will be moved to the conspiracy thread, or deleted if it gets too much and too annoying.

we only have a fringe conspiracy thread which is completely different than talking about election interference and election hacking, something which the US has had happen many different times

why don't you want to talk about it? do you think the 2016 election was stolen?
