Donald J. Trump (For everyone else)
I assume it's still acceptable to have a Trump thread in a Politics forum?
So this is an obvious lie - basically aimed at
A bit late for that one, but would you like to take any bets on any of your other predictions? If so, please let me know which ones.
This was one of my only "predictions", I usually only post information that I learned about from the people I know. I much rather people would just wake up and get over themselves already about "hating trump" because I'll debate you live on any platform of your choosing and we'll go head to head about who's better, byden or President Trump.
Some of what I "predict", like saying this judge will probably get "sick" by 7/11 is just my own prediction. I say that because he'll probably get tipped off that there are Special Forces and Navy JAG officers (under the leadership of Vice Admiral Crandall, General Berger and General Smith, a few of our REAL Generals not the TV one's that were already dealt with) who are ready to scoop him for treason (there's always the possibility that he agrees to work with them for a lighter sentence and sho
One of the big fish from NY is at camp delta as we speak. I don't wanna win money by "predicting" something, I much rather just see more people wake tf up. The case was a political assassination against a political rival to keep the other side in power. Most logical people understand the dangers of that. The jurors who accepted a million in cash (and one was dumb enough to deposit it) will pay for their crimes.
I'll debate you live on any platform of your choosing and we'll go head to head about who's better, byden or President Trump.
I doubt I could get through a debate with you without breaking out into hysterics every time you mention one of your unhinged conspiracy theories.
The jurors who accepted a million in cash (and one was dumb enough to deposit it) will pay for their crimes.
Like this one.
Anyway, the whole point of debate is that you use logic and facts to respond to your opponent's points, so I doubt you'd do particularly well in an activity in which you've had zero practice.
I have mods who know who my old alt is, but Im not going to prove myself (or who Im not) to anyone
I doubt I could get through a debate with you without breaking out into hysterics every time you mention one of your unhinged conspiracy theories.
Like this one.
Anyway, the whole point of debate is that you use logic and facts to respond to your opponent's points, so I doubt you'd do particularly well in an activity in which you've had zero practice.
I was referring only to which one is more capable of running the country, byden or Trump. Nothing else (it's tough debating something that can't yet be proven, whould't ya think?)
lol FGators it makes complete sense
Has Trump ever mentioned Project 2025 by name?
If not, it might help the Dems to stop scare mongering it as Trumps plan when its just some think tank.
Well that’s true. One thing we know about Trump is that if he was part of a project he wouldn’t be able to stop talking about it.
The issue is as soon as he gets the words 'project 2025' into his head, he'll start talking about it like it was his own idea, and start saying even more stupid things semi-related, which will obscure the source of these set of ideas....
and his cult won't care anyway....
Trump is a complete embarrassment on the world stage. He knows nothing about foreign policy or how to communicate with our allies. He is not a student of history, or, in reality a student of anything. He is a bullshit con artist whose business model is slapping his name on things and then claiming they have more value....until they go bankrupt from mismanagement.
You meant Biden right? Trump was the most respected leader we've had since Reagan. He had the balls to walk into N. Korean territory without a security detail. Obama, Bush, Clinton(s), and especially our current child molesting invalid, can't compare to his leadership qualities. Explain why he's the most popular and most supported President by our troops since WW2 if what you say has even a speck of truth (it doesn't.)
He doesn't need to be a student. He needs to be a leader, which he is. He's a Billionaire and the most popular person on the planet. That's not the result of being a con artist.
You're delusional. Go get another booster.
Lmao, I've met FGators but I'm not him. Funny though. He's a good dude fwiw.
And if the other guy IS FGators he's on your side. So there's that.
Not a cult.....
I think the only people around here who are suffering from any sort of Trump derangement are those thinking he is honest, moral, or qualified. Even most Trump supporters would agree that's pretty ****ing deranged. I guess being a god botherer has made you completely immune to reflecting on your own delusions, though.
MORE honest, moral, and qualified. Never claimed he doesn't lie or exaggerate. He just has more of those qualities than Biden, Obama, Clinton, Bush, etc... He's just more in your face and honest about things. His personality obviously rubs people the wrong way and turns them into blabbering, incoherent morons who can't think objectively.
His 4 years in office speaks for itself geopolitically and economically. He won't stand up to the FED (none of them will) or stop funding Israel, but he's definitely not perfect.
You meant Biden right? Trump was the most respected leader we've had since Reagan. He had the balls to walk into N. Korean territory without a security detail. Obama, Bush, Clinton(s), and especially our current child molesting invalid, can't compare to his leadership qualities. Explain why he's the most popular and most supported President by our troops since WW2 if what you say has even a speck of truth (it doesn't.)
He doesn't need to be a student. He needs to be a leader, which he is. He's a
Another whataboutism guy like Losern. Trump is the laughingstock of Europe. He knows nothing about politics, which is why he couldn’t pass any meaningful legislation other than his tax cuts. His billionaire status is highly questionable- he is probably the only “billionaire” that can’t seem to prove his net worth. He is a spoiled trust fund brat at best.
Losing two elections by the largest popular vote margins do not actual make him popular. And the us troops make up 1% of the population, so no one cares about measuring their support but I doubt this isn’t just a made up statistic by you. It does sound like one of Trumps lies that he repeats over and over so his minions believe them to be true (and somehow meaningful).
Has Trump ever mentioned Project 2025 by name?
If not, it might help the Dems to stop scare mongering it as Trumps plan when its just some think tank.
I don't think he describes the policy proposals as "Project 2025" because what's the point from his perspective of making it sound like some secret plan. But he talks about various policy proposals embedded in "Project 2025" all the time. Not all of them, of course, but many of them.
The Heritage Foundation's main policy document on Project 2025 is more than 900 pages long, so I think we can be certain that Trump has not actually read it, for whatever that is worth.
You meant Biden right? Trump was the most respected leader we've had since Reagan. He had the balls to walk into N. Korean territory without a security detail. Obama, Bush, Clinton(s), and especially our current child molesting invalid, can't compare to his leadership qualities. Explain why he's the most popular and most supported President by our troops since WW2 if what you say has even a speck of truth (it doesn't.)
He doesn't need to be a student. He needs to be a leader, which he is. He's a
Well at least now we’ve confirmed this is fgators
Please tell me you're still getting boosters. I'll be sure to put my coffee down when I read your reply so I don't destroy my monitor.
If I thought you were, for one second, capable of handling a conversation about vaccines, I would be happy to engage. This not being the proper venue (and the covid thread being locked), in addition to you not being equipped for the conversation, prevent me from engaging with you on this topic. You would decidedly not enjoy it, anyway.