Donald J. Trump (For everyone else)
I assume it's still acceptable to have a Trump thread in a Politics forum?
So this is an obvious lie - basically aimed at
I know this isn’t exactly right, but that Cannon decision is some serious 4D chess action from the Rs.
-Complain that prosecution of trump is politically motivated
-Garland - I have zero involvement in this to show how impartial my DOJ is
-Judge - Since you have zero involvement, this appointment is illegal.
Chef kiss from bahbah on this one.
Changing how the pieces move mid game and declaring victory doesn't take much imagination or ability; just a lack of shame.
agreed, nobody who was already going to vote biden would switch due to this
but with such low voter turnout and only 2 viable options, elections have never been about convincing people to switch sides, it's about convincing them to get off the couch and vote
this is why all the biden ads aren't about his policies or platforms, but simply telling people this election is really important because they want to convince the apathetic to show up
only 2/3 of eligible voters end up voting
if before we had 7
Yeah I don't agree with that. Election is 4 months away. They'll barely remember it by then if their needle hadn't moved before it.
Project 2025 and the rvw crowd aren't going anywhere by November
Didn’t Hunter try this same argument and get laughed out of court?
I believe that Inso0 voted for Trump the first time around, but he has been explicit that he is not voting for Trump this time around.
I don't know how he talked himself into voting for Trump the first time, but I see no point in flaming someone who now has recognized Trump for what he is.
press x to: Doubt
insoo is a great poster
Trump just announced J.D. Vance is his VP pick, the guy who called Trump "America's Hitler" in 2016. Perhaps that was a term of endearment.
Absolute power corrupt absolutely.
Trump just announced J.D. Vance is his VP pick, the guy who called Trump "America's Hitler" in 2016. Perhaps that was a term of endearment.
that's politics - a bunch of phony clowns. I believe Kamala Harris was talking trash about Biden, became VP, and kisses his ass. It's all about the money folks.
JD Vance referred to Trump as "America's Hitler"??
Sounds quite provoking of assassination attempts, doesn't it?
Trump just announced J.D. Vance is his VP pick, the guy who called Trump "America's Hitler" in 2016. Perhaps that was a term of endearment.
someone online was joking that this doesn't mean Vance has changed his opinion on Trump since 2016, he's just changed his opinion on Hitler..
Peter Thiel is the man behind vance.
A second trump presidency is likely to be much more organised and purposeful. Not in a good way.
It's all in the written record here on 2p2. It pretty much boiled down to, "POTUS is mostly a figurehead so let's try the businessman route instead of giving the White House back to the Clintons. Trump is a clown but he can put non-clowns in charge of actual operations just like any successful business typically does."
I couldn't figure out a pleasant way to search for my posts from 2016 because the search function is limited to 10 pages of hits, but I found the batch leading up to the 2020 election, where I absolutely did not vote for him. The only vote I cast in 2020 was for Bernie Sanders in the WI primary. First one bolded for emphasis of why I was finished with him mere weeks after his first inauguration.
Trump has also been in whiny ***** status for a while now, but he has only himself to blame. Should've flushed the phone with the Twitter app back in March of 2017 when it was clear that it wasn't helping.
Trump is going to get rekt in November, so I'm not very concerned about what happens to him after that.
Eh, no. Trump has a longer leash precisely because he's such a maniac. I think the fact that normal politicians would've been held to a higher standard is the primary driver of TDS.
This one shouldn't even be close.
Don't lie to yourselves, boys. When Trump inevitably loses this upcoming election, that sound you'll hear is an enormous sigh of relief coming from the collective mouths of Republicans everywhere.
Found this, too:
It's genuinely funny to read your posts next to Shifty's (or redbuck's) in the Trump thread.
Shifty: "Look at these rallies, energy and enthusiasm is off the charts, the left is totally desperate in this election"
Inso0: "Trump is going to lose by a lot and most Republicans are happy to be rid of him"
Inso0's likeability ratings.
GWB > Obama >>>>>>>>>>>>>>> Trump >>>> new goofyballer > mother****ing buses in my way during commute.
RIP goofyballer
100% ready for this to be over and done with so I never have to hear about Trump again.
Only 2 weeks left, gents.
You get the idea.
I had a lot of other posts that could be categorized as "defending Trump" as it related to discussions about his tax returns and businesses but I would've made those same points about anyone. Trump lost any modicum of respect I had for him back in early February 2017 when he wouldn't shut the **** up on Twitter. Turns out he never wanted to be POTUS to do POTUS things. He wanted the office itself. He's a clown, but not nearly as big of a clown as the DNC collective who are trotting a corpse out there to run against him.
I won't be surprised or particularly upset if he wins, because at the end of the day I won't really be affected one way or the other, but he's not worth the 15 minutes of my life on Election Day. Factorio: Space Age releases at the end of October.
Is it childish of me to just sit out and not vote? Maybe.
Do I care what you say? Not really. The factory must grow.
Maybe by the time 2028 rolls around, America can remove head from ass and put up some quality candidates that people can vote for instead of simply vote against.
I don't think we're at risk of actual dictatorships or suspension of elections.
If I see a member of the Trump dynasty on the ballot in 2028, you have my promise that I'll actually go vote for whatever Dem they put out there, even if their hair color can be found in a bag of Tropical Skittles.
A person can't be a threat to something if it's not possible for him to circumvent.
Trump engaged in lawfare in order to change the results of the election. He wasn't successful because elections are ran at the state level, and any nefarious act by a state actor is going to get checked by the courts.
I don't find Trump's lawfare to be appealing, quite the opposite. However, the response has been hyperbolic. Like good lefties, you guys get spun up by the political narratives and you lose sight of
IHIV is back! We just need Laggy and this would be a real party.
Seriously did 2+2 just grant amnesty to all of the deplorables to to create new accounts after having been banned?