Donald J. Trump (For everyone else)

Donald J. Trump (For everyone else)

I assume it's still acceptable to have a Trump thread in a Politics forum?

So this is an obvious lie - basically aimed at

) 26 Views 26
28 April 2019 at 04:18 AM

14480 Replies


by biggerboat k

This doesn't get mentioned much, but Ukraine will be completely ****ed if trump wins.

This constant insinuation that Trump is somehow in Putin's pocket makes no sense. What does Trump have to gain from that dynamic? Even if the leftist wet dreams are true and there are videos of Trump getting pissed on in a Russian hotel, what can Putin realistically do for him that wouldn't be increased tenfold by acknowledging that he likes golden showers and just growing his standing with allies in polite society instead?

If you mean that Trump might walk back the many many billions of dollars that America is sending over to Europe, then I suppose you might be right. We're just shy 75 billion in so far, and ALL of Europe has only managed about 100 billion. I'm gonna need more of you to get out and start pushing this train down the track. It's your back yard we're defending here.

America is tired of being world police. You Europoors are always making fun of us for being a backwards society that cares not for our people, but we spend ungodly sums of money making sure the world doesn't implode. If we do decide to divert half of our military spending to Universal Healthcare, we will be fine, and it is you who will all be quite ****ed.

by Inso0 k

This constant insinuation that Trump is somehow in Putin's pocket makes no sense. What does Trump have to gain from that dynamic? Even if the leftist wet dreams are true and there are videos of Trump getting pissed on in a Russian hotel, what can Putin realistically do for him that wouldn't be increased tenfold by acknowledging that he likes golden showers and just growing his standing with allies in polite society instead?

If you mean that Trump might walk back the many many billions of dollar

Makes no sense other than years of evidence?

Trump's family has received billions from Russians and Saudis?

Money. Trump stands to gain money from these dynamics. Are you ODing on crayons right now?

Vance said he doesn't care about Ukraine, for whatever that's worth.

by chezlaw k

The 'idea' is that he has survived the accusations, political attacks etc. Not being bang to rights for the things he is accused of.

We may strongly disagree with that perspective but it's pretty straightforward and a serious problem

What definition of survived are we using here? Didn't die from? Was found innocent? The first one pretty much anyone could do, the second he didn't do. So, no, I still don't get it.

Maybe he means people still support him anyway? That has nothing to do with him and is down to the crappiness of the Republican party. There's no universe any of that comment makes even a slight bit of sense.

by Inso0 k

This constant insinuation that Trump is somehow in Putin's pocket makes no sense. What does Trump have to gain from that dynamic?

Don't try to apply your sensibilities to trump. He doesn't operate like that. He just adores power and Putin is powerful. Not much else there really.

by coordi k

Are you ODing on crayons right now?

No, but I have been doing Keto for the last month or so and did eat a LOT of carbs yesterday in the form of half of a stuffed meat pizza, so I'm not feeling fantastic. Cheat day gone horribly wrong.

Trump doesn't need Putin to extract large sums of money from his position of power and influence. He's set for life already by selling sneakers, hats, and NFTs.

by Inso0 k

No, but I have been doing Keto for the last month or so and did eat a LOT of carbs yesterday in the form of half of a stuffed meat pizza, so I'm not feeling fantastic. Cheat day gone horribly wrong.

Trump doesn't need Putin to extract large sums of money from his position of power and influence. He's set for life already by selling sneakers, hats, and NFTs.

LOL, there will never be "enough".

by Gorgonian k

What definition of survived are we using here? Didn't die from? Was found innocent? The first one pretty much anyone could do, the second he didn't do. So, no, I still don't get it.

Maybe he means people still support him anyway? That has nothing to do with him and is down to the crappiness of the Republican party. There's no universe any of that comment makes even a slight bit of sense.

politcal survival

The 'idea' is that there has been a massive political (and assasination) effort to take him out as a contender for the next president and that it all failed.

Of course there are possible universes in which it's true. Some believe ours is one of them. If we dont understand that then that's our failure.

by chezlaw k

politcal survival

The 'idea' is that there has been a massive political (and assasination) effort to take him out as a contender for the next president and that it all failed.

Of course there are possible universes in which it's true. Some believe ours is one of them. If we dont understand that then that's our failure.

Don't even slightly buy it. This is like the battered woman saying her husband survived accusations of domestic abuse so he must be worth staying with. It's not even slightly believable as a concept and is just an example of someone fooling themselves.

So is beliving it doesn't make sense.

It's like the moon landings. It makes sense that it was faked. There are possible universes in which it was faked. Some people believe it was actually faked.

They may well be fooling themselves. So are those who dont believe people believe stuff that obviously isn't true. Generally caring about the truth of a belief is only one factor (sometimes very weak) in belief formation.

That was too difficult to even parse. I'm not even going to try.

I'll reply to my best guess. I'm not saying stupid people don't exist. I'm saying they are stupid. I hope that addresses whatever your point is. If not, that's my point and I'm standing by it. This guy I was talking to is either one of them or is acting like one of them (or is seriously misguided) in his post.

It wasn't that tricky.

We all understand the idea of false accusation thrown in dirty political battles. Plenty was thrown at Obama for example and it was made up. Not being able to comprehend that people sometimes believe it when it's made up and sometimes believes it's made up when it's false seems odd to me.

people believe all sorts of shite - on religion, covid, CTs, economics, politics etc etc. They may be stupid if you like but then so would be those who dont understand that or believe that these people dont exist in vast numbers (to the point of including most people)

Lol chez. On fine form today I see. Keep up the good work buddy.

Ty. I try

by chezlaw k

Ty. I try

Gorgonian: I'm not denying that stupid people exist. I am saying that x is a stupid person.
Chez: It would be stupid to deny stupid people exist.

They certainly do chez. They certainly do, and they might be closer than you think.

by Slighted k

what the right means by "unity"

Republican convention abandons ‘unity’ push.

The party's emphasis on “unity” was nice while it lasted, but it didn’t last long.


by d2_e4 k

Gorgonian: I'm not denying that stupid people exist. I am saying that x is a stupid person.
Chez: It would be stupid to deny stupid people exist.

They certainly do chez. They certainly do, and they might be closer than you think.

I dont think you're stupid d2

I give you credit for your comprehension failure as a form of deliberate trolling. Almost top class, well done. Unfortunately we win at trolling but not much else politically. Maybe one day you will consider why (just joking)

by steamraise k

Republican convention abandons ‘unity’ push.

The party's emphasis on “unity” was nice while it lasted, but it didn’t last long.


Meh, masks off seems like it's for the best.

by d2_e4 k

Gorgonian: I'm not denying that stupid people exist. I am saying that x is a stupid person.
Chez: It would be stupid to deny stupid people exist.

They certainly do chez. They certainly do, and they might be closer than you think.

Jfc I was beginning to wonder if I was the only one. Thank you.

I'd like a little recognition for my battered woman analogy, too, if possible. Was pretty happy with that, and I'm afraid it was wasted. Thanks in advance.

That is how people come to believe nonsense.

Now extrapolate it to 'the other side' Someone talks nonsnese. Others leap to believe it because it's satisfying. It's easy and it feels good.

Personally I dont think they're stupid.

by chezlaw k

I dont think you're stupid d2

I give you credit for your comprehension failure as a form of deliberate trolling. Almost top class, well done. Unfortunately we win at trolling but not much else politically. Maybe one day you will consider why (just joking)

Everyone around you seems to suffer from uncharacteristic comprehension failures, huh chez? Must be one of dem spooky coinkydinks.

by Gorgonian k

Jfc I was beginning to wonder if I was the only one. Thank you.

I'd like a little recognition for my battered woman analogy, too, if possible. Was pretty happy with that, and I'm afraid it was wasted. Thanks in advance.

Well done, kiddo. Now do the rest of your homework and then you can watch some TV.

by d2_e4 k

Well done, kiddo. Now do the rest of your homework and then you can watch some TV.


by d2_e4 k

Everyone around you seems to suffer from uncharacteristic comprehension failures, huh chez? Must be one of dem spooky coinkydinks.


politics is steeped in comprehension failure. Trying to understand stuff is far too hard and no fun. To your credit I dont think you fail.

by chezlaw k


politics is steeped in comprehension failure. Trying to understand stuff is far too hard. To your credit. But I dont think you fail.

No comprende senor. Hablo ingles?
