Donald J. Trump (For everyone else)

Donald J. Trump (For everyone else)

I assume it's still acceptable to have a Trump thread in a Politics forum?

So this is an obvious lie - basically aimed at

) 26 Views 26
28 April 2019 at 04:18 AM

14479 Replies


by Inso0 k

I don't think we're at risk of actual dictatorships or suspension of elections.

Given the way the rest of your predictions have gone thus far, my odds on this happening probably just halved.

by chezlaw k

Peter Thiel is the man behind vance.

A second trump presidency is likely to be much more organised and purposeful. Not in a good way.

Or maybe in a good way. Maybe having input from a well-connected Silicon Valley VC could turn out to be a good thing.

by Dunyain k

Or maybe in a good way. Maybe having input from a well-connected Silicon Valley VC could turn out to be a good thing.

For who ?
The majority of Americans ?
To believe venture capital and Wall Street are for the greater good is lol .

by Dunyain k

Or maybe in a good way. Maybe having input from a well-connected Silicon Valley VC could turn out to be a good thing.

A bad way in my view and a good way in your view are consistent.

It's not just input., The new right is a political movement with Peter Thiel as a key backer and player.

Trump has survived Covid, an assassination attempt, impeachments, sexual assault allegations, being convicted of a felony, being cancelled, the global elites etc. Yet somehow this man is the heavy favorite to be the next President of the United States. It sounds like this is the guy who needs to lead this nation. I don't know if there is a God or not but I do believe if there is he certainly favors Trump. He clearly doesn't like the liberals. Just like Gaza should probably stop attacking the much stronger Israel, Liberals should stop attacking the much stronger Trump.

It's time to come together as a nation.

by Inso0 k

I don't think we're at risk of actual dictatorships or suspension of elections.

If I see a member of the Trump dynasty on the ballot in 2028, you have my promise that I'll actually go vote for whatever Dem they put out there, even if their hair color can be found in a bag of Tropical Skittles.

Quoted for posterity

by mongidig k

Trump has survived Covid, an assassination attempt, impeachments, sexual assault allegations, being convicted of a felony, being cancelled, the global elites etc. Yet somehow this man is the heavy favorite to be the next President of the United States. It sounds like this is the guy who needs to lead this nation. I don't know if there is a God or not but I do believe if there is he certainly favors Trump. He clearly doesn't like the liberals. Just like Gaza should probably stop attacking the muc

Some people believe that uniting behind a man who attempted to overturn the results of our last Presidential election and sat by while his supporters violently stormed the capital is not in the best long-term interests of the nation. Not to mention that a material majority of Americans prefer Biden over Trump - 7 million in 2020 - so being the heavy favorite to win the election based on the electoral college system is not the same as being the man American's want in office.

I'm excited at the possibility of Elon Musk having an advisory role. Biden's admin has diminished his accomplishments at SpaceX for far too long.

Some influence is good. The trouble is he has far too much wealth and power

by Tuma k

I'm excited at the possibility of Elon Musk having an advisory role. Biden's admin has diminished his accomplishments at SpaceX for far too long.

I wonder what country he is loyal to.

by Tuma k

I'm excited at the possibility of Elon Musk having an advisory role. Biden's admin has diminished his accomplishments at SpaceX for far too long.

Really I think Trump has the "total douchebag who inherited a lot of money and got lucky at every turn to make it into more money" base pretty well covered.

Every turn, chillrob? How much luck is required to build a company better than NASA from scratch?

Well NASA is nothing to sneeze at. While chillrob's post, on the contrary, is.


Edit: Ahhhh-Choo!


Edit2: Rats, Now I have to clean my monitor.

by Tuma k

Every turn, chillrob? How much luck is required to build a company better than NASA from scratch?

The luck was required to turn a lot of money into a ton of money (he didn't actually start Tesla, etc).

The ton of money was required to build Space X.

Elon Musk is by far the most talented, gifted and successful conman in history, and I say that with shameless admiration and jealousy.

by mongidig k

Trump has survived Covid, an assassination attempt, impeachments, sexual assault allegations, being convicted of a felony, being cancelled, the global elites etc. Yet somehow this man is the heavy favorite to be the next President of the United States. It sounds like this is the guy who needs to lead this nation. I don't know if there is a God or not but I do believe if there is he certainly favors Trump. He clearly doesn't like the liberals. Just like Gaza should probably stop attacking the muc

So, I feel like this is fairly obvious to most, so I'm not sure if I'm responding to a troll here, but being impeached, found liable for sexual assault, and convicted of a felony are not qualities you look for in "the guy who needs to lead this nation."

Are you being serious and are just confused about that or is this something a level away from that that I'm not getting?

I especially like how "surviving sexual assault allegations and a felony conviction" are listed as accomplishments. I mean, I guess he did better than Ted Bundy, who did not survive that experience.

This doesn't get mentioned much, but Ukraine will be completely ****ed if trump wins.

Europe have to step up. That was always the case and bizarly trump is the one who is making europe realise it.

It used to be so much harder to get people to understand that we can't trust the usa. Very late may be better than too late.

by Gorgonian k

So, I feel like this is fairly obvious to most, so I'm not sure if I'm responding to a troll here, but being impeached, found liable for sexual assault, and convicted of a felony are not qualities you look for in "the guy who needs to lead this nation."

That probably depends who you are.

by Gorgonian k

So, I feel like this is fairly obvious to most, so I'm not sure if I'm responding to a troll here, but being impeached, found liable for sexual assault, and convicted of a felony are not qualities you look for in "the guy who needs to lead this nation."

Are you being serious and are just confused about that or is this something a level away from that that I'm not getting?

The 'idea' is that he has survived the accusations, political attacks etc. Not being bang to rights for the things he is accused of.

We may strongly disagree with that perspective but it's pretty straightforward and a serious problem

by mongidig k

Trump has survived Covid, an assassination attempt, impeachments, sexual assault allegations, being convicted of a felony, being cancelled, the global elites etc. Yet somehow this man is the heavy favorite to be the next President of the United States. It sounds like this is the guy who needs to lead this nation. I don't know if there is a God or not but I do believe if there is he certainly favors Trump. He clearly doesn't like the liberals. Just like Gaza should probably stop attacking the muc

while this post is obviously ridiculous and stupid. it does show what the right means by "unity" or "united". it has nothing to do with compromise or coming together. it means control. nothing they say about "we're so divided" or "come together as a nation" has ever been real.

by Slighted k

while this post is obviously ridiculous and stupid. it does show what the right means by "unity" or "united". it has nothing to do with compromise or coming together. it means control. nothing they say about "we're so divided" or "come together as a nation" has ever been real.

Sort of how they're the party of law and order, except when it comes to election coercion, sedition, lying about classified materials, wanting your VP hung by a lynch mob, and other various minor crimes.

by pocket_zeros k

Sort of how they're the party of law and order, except when it comes to election coercion, sedition, lying about classified materials, wanting your VP hung by a lynch mob, and other various minor crimes.

Accusing them of these things is really bad, like, worse than them actually doing them, and if you keep up with the accusations then something something something and that's why everyone votes Trump.

by itshotinvegas1 k

What do you calling inciting an assassination attempt?

You guys don't know it, yet, but you've lost the rhetoric battle.

Why don't you ask the Republican party since the guy was a card carrying Republican
