Donald J. Trump (For everyone else)
I assume it's still acceptable to have a Trump thread in a Politics forum?
So this is an obvious lie - basically aimed at
jfc man the reality distortion with you is crazy, you had the entire election prediction thread mocking you because you were so confidently incorrect about everything
you think we forgot that? nobody did - we're not as stupid as you are buddy
The sooner a nation can give up looking at elected leaders are "moral anchors* for anything the better.
We don't have kings. We have SERVANTS we select for temporary jobs where they either do what we want them to or we kick them out.
They aren't there to lead us lol ffs, nor to console is, nor to "help us go through bad times". They aren't our friends, they aren't our family.
They are a necessary evil we should never fully respect, rather look at as a malignant but necessary element of society we s
Leading by example is a lost skill that was pretty efficient and hard to dispute imo .
I never heard before that servants had immunity , kings always did tho ….
jfc man the reality distortion with you is crazy, you had the entire election prediction thread mocking you because you were so confidently incorrect about everything
you think we forgot that? nobody did - we're not as stupid as you are buddy
Yeah, I admitted I got the election prediction wrong. Oh no. How devastating. That's literally a prediction of the future. Nobody is right on those all the time. What ACTUAL FACTS HAVE I BEEN WRONG ABOUT?
You said I was defiantly wrong about a long list of things. Not just the election prediction. And remember, actual facts.
And then you said none of the things I confidently said would come true have come true. You've got the election there, but what else? Surely between those two claims you have more on me than just the election. Right?
So again (for the 5th time), where's that long list of things I was wrong about?
And where's that list of things I confidently said would happen that haven't come true?
Let's see it buddy. This shouldn't be hard to produce for as strongly as you've accused me here, right?
gorg once again being classic dumbass gorg in ignoring what matters and focusing on the most benign aspect of it like some gotcha
jfc you are stupid
you had incredible ammunition here to attack that post but resort to this because you wanted to respond like a child does when he's told he can't have any candy
you are a clown - this is why literally everything you confidently stated would happen hasn't
dunning kruger at its finest
Imagine being so mad that I had the nerve to say Trump would lose the election that you posted this absolute toddler fit.
ex presidents can be prosecuted and found guilty as well.
remember trump is a convincted felon?
Again , we speak about elected officials .
Was trump was in office ?
Do you know why all lawsuits vs trump been abandon since couple weeks/months ago ?
Take a guess I know u can find the answer .
Try again find another equivalence …
If there’s one thing the last couple of weeks have shown it’s that Trump is an absolute god damn pig without the basic elements of empathy required to exist as a human with a soul
Anyone who holds this **** in reverence or admiration is subhuman garbage. If you’re a poster who reads this and feels a certain kind of outrage about reading that, I have no sympathy for you. You’re a scumbag with no ability to connect with humanity. I’m sorry about your TDS
I had never heard about that before, that doesn't make me an idiot.
But pointing out the opinion thing is a sure thing , no idea why you would be that mad.
If your goal is to disqualify an article and you have multiple options, pointing out at opinion seems the safest universal way?
He never cared about the opinion thing. It was just an excuse to attack me because he doesn't like me. It's far from the first time he's made a fool of himself doing it. He did it again in a different thread on a different subject less than an hour later. He rails and rails about what a terrible person I am for daring to have an opinion that I defended about that upcoming election, but never gets that upset about Brian James, Playbig, Luciom or any of these other people who have countless dangerous, terrible opinions that they defend aggressively and call people names (which he has no leg to stand on if you read his posts). He always comes after me, but actual evil posters are apparently fine. When pressed, the ONLY thing he doesn't like about me is how I argued about my election predictions.
He's just a terrible, bitter person.
And for the record, pointing out it was an opinion piece was the correct way to dismiss the article. Attacking the author is literally an argument ad hominem. Rickroll thought pointing out the author's nationality and religious beliefs was a better argument that the article wasn't a good source of factual information than pointing out that it was presented as opinion.
I disagree with you on many things but frankly his posts are barely worth reading let alone taking seriously.
Imagine being so mad that I had the nerve to say Trump would lose the election that you posted this absolute toddler fit.
Every three months or so, Rickroll posts a “you are a loser” ranting projecting his own attributes onto someone who disagrees with his pronouncements. It’s pretty pathetic.
He is still angry no one took his dating app-transgender id complaint seriously.
I disagree with you on many things but frankly his posts are barely worth reading let alone taking seriously.
I don't even know who y'all are talking about...which makes sense. But it really does make the forum more readable to completely ignore morons or people who can't make substantive posts at least occasionally.
Every three months or so, Rickroll posts a “you are a loser” ranting projecting his own attributes onto someone who disagrees with his pronouncements. It’s pretty pathetic.
He is still angry no one took his dating app-transgender id complaint seriously.
Agreed. The funny thing is, he's completely right about the Washington Times thing. Washington Times is the INSANE, Moonie-owned, ultra-right overt propaganda paper which makes Fox News look like a bunch of libs; and the ridiculousness of that source is more of an issue than the fact the linked piece was an opinion piece. But Rick is so deeply unlikeable that it's the classic case of "I'd rather be wrong and not on his side, than be right and on his side".
What's his "dating app-transgender id complaint"? I remember he had some thoroughly revolting takes on trans issues, but no specifics.
300,000 children being trafficked as sex slaves is the McMartin preschool hysteria kind of stuff combined with extreme partisanship. BGnight, and the rest of the Trumpers, believe it because they are gullible idiots and because it has become part of their tribalism, they're just going to lean harder into it no matter what.
And, it can be hard to face the fact that they are doing heinous **** and when they "find" some child who is living with their cousins or something, hiding from ICE, and they
Update all the gang members are in Jail in El Salvador. El Salvador went from the highest murder rate to the lowest. Reality is the only folks scared to be returned to El Salvador are gang members. Yes 3 years ago you had a valid asylum application today you do not
And posted by a guy who just showed all the world he fell for the 300,000 missing children obvious propaganda.
So no children went missing during the migrant invasion under Biden? What ****ing delusional clown world do you live in? Just asserting something something is "propaganda" isn't refuting it. It's just being an idiot and using low I.Q. leftists tactics. Your kind cannot stand the subject of child trafficking because it exposes the heart of our worldview. You'll do everything in your power to destroy children via abortion (racist in it's origin), perverted sexual grooming, pushing atheism, and claiming ANY AND ALL child trafficking is some Qanon conspiracy.
Update all the gang members are in Jail in El Salvador. El Salvador went from the highest murder rate to the lowest. Reality is the only folks scared to be returned to El Salvador are gang members. Yes 3 years ago you had a valid asylum application today you do not
Not literally true, but close enough. Yes, homicide rates have changed a lot in El Salvador and yes, they have built maybe the largest prison in the world.
I think you can go ahead and remove the scare quotes on the guy who, by his own admission, walked into the dressing rooms of Miss America contenders as they were changing. Then there's the bragging about sexual assault, palling around with Epstein... and that's just the stuff of the top of the head.
Donald Trump is almost certainly a serial rapist.
Yes, hundreds of thousands of children were missing and unaccounted for. Do you not know how to look up stats and data? I never claimed any of them were trafficked but unaccounted for kids are in serious danger of it (however thousands upon thousands go missing and are trafficked every year in our country but lets ignore that). The point is Biden did NOTHING and claimed they couldn't while Trump showed they were sitting on their ass intentionally not addressing the issue....WHICH IS THE CASE WITH ENTIRE BORDER FIASCO.
So, asserting that "Trump is a rapist!" somehow proves child trafficking doesn't exist is beyond ******ed.
Not literally true, but close enough. Yes, homicide rates have changed a lot in El Salvador and yes, they have built maybe the largest prison in the world.
I love how you idiots will deflect and "uhhh, akchually" over minor details that in no way refute our points as if parsing out some mundane stat correction is a win for you.
"ACTUALLY it was only 100000 kids and only 15 of them were trafficked"...and then claim moral victory cuz Trump has misogynist tendencies.