Donald J. Trump (For everyone else)
I assume it's still acceptable to have a Trump thread in a Politics forum?
So this is an obvious lie - basically aimed at
Litmus test: Is there anyone ITT who will admit that the left intentionally opened the border and encouraged as many migrants to invade illegally in order to destabilize our country? If you answer incorrectly then all your opinions on anything political are invalid.
That's a shame. We were all hoping for your validation of our opinions. Now what ever will we do?
I love how you idiots will deflect and "uhhh, akchually" over minor details that in no way refute our points as if parsing out some mundane stat correction is a win for you.
"ACTUALLY it was only 100000 kids and only 15 of them were trafficked"...and then claim moral victory cuz Trump has misogynist tendencies.
You're kinda just too dumb to talk to. I was agreeing that lozen was substantially correct on a completely different point.
You are wildly incorrect about what you're talking about.
Even worse, he did it with Miss Teen USA. As young as 15.
...four women in the 1997 Miss Teen USA beauty pageant said he walked into their dressing room while they were changing. Some were as young as 15, Buzzfeed said.
“I remember putting on my dress really quick because I was like, ‘Oh my god, there's a man in here,' ” Mariah Billado, a former Miss Vermont Teen USA told Buzzfeed.
You made this post about Trump TO ADDRESS the subject of missing children. There isn't a more textbook straw man.
You made this post about Trump TO ADDRESS the subject of missing children. There isn't a more textbook straw man.
No, that post had nothing to do with missing children. That post was adding context to another post. I'm afraid you might be functionally illiterate. But you definitely don't know what a straw man is.
Litmus test: Is there anyone ITT who will admit that the left intentionally opened the border and encouraged as many migrants to invade illegally in order to destabilize our country? If you answer incorrectly then all your opinions on anything political are invalid.
It's worse than this, the millions they took in with TPS are legal entrants, temporarily in the country, but everyone knows that unless extreme state violence is used, they won't ever go away.
They abused executive powers on purpose to create a mass big enough they thought even if they ever lost elections, it wasn't fixable.
Now Trump has a very very high threshold to clear and it's very probable he will fail
BGnight is sooooo racist that he thinks it's literally impossible that any white person would just welcome non-white people. It has to be a nefarious plot to win something else.
Luciom just likes fascism and murder and is sad that maybe the State can't kill everyone who didn't obey.
BGnight is sooooo racist that he thinks it's literally impossible that any white person would just welcome non-white people. It has to be a nefarious plot to win something else.
Luciom just likes fascism and murder and is sad that maybe the State can't kill everyone who didn't obey.
I just saw what the (overwhelmingly white but not exclusive) 90% democrat residents of Martha vineyard did when 20-30 immigrants from the border reached their treasure island.
They had 5k+ empty bedrooms . They freaked out and sent the immigrants away.
You can deny that's what the top1% that votes (and controls) the democratic party does in real life, but we have the receipts.
I just saw what the (overwhelmingly white but not exclusive) 90% democrat residents of Martha vineyard did when 20-30 immigrants from the border reached their treasure island.
They had 5k+ empty bedrooms . They freaked out and sent the immigrants away.
You can deny that's what the top1% that votes (and controls) the democratic party does in real life, but we have the receipts.
5000 empty bedrooms in Marth's Vineyard around Labor Day? I'm gonna need a cite for that. Also, the government of Martha's Vineyard doesn't have the authority to just break into private homes and turm them into temporary housing for immigrants.
5000 empty bedrooms in Marth's Vineyard around Labor Day? I'm gonna need a cite for that. Also, the government of Martha's Vineyard doesn't have the authority to just break into private homes and turm them into temporary housing for immigrants.
The owners have the authority to be "empathic" and "not racist" and treat their guests their political choices allowed to enter well as they ask taxpayers to.
It was 10 days after labor day btw, the parties had ended by then
I just saw what the (overwhelmingly white but not exclusive) 90% democrat residents of Martha vineyard did when 20-30 immigrants from the border reached their treasure island.
They had 5k+ empty bedrooms . They freaked out and sent the immigrants away.
You can deny that's what the top1% that votes (and controls) the democratic party does in real life, but we have the receipts.
You have a point?
Very simple explanation for someone in Martha's Vineyard welcoming migrants to the USA, but not their own town. They have some sympathy, but not enough. And, rich people think they get every single thing the way they want. They can support migrants in need and pay to have them live somewhere else and not be forced to look at an old truck with a dent or anything else that rich people can't bear to see.
The owners have the authority to be "empathic" and "not racist" and treat their guests their political choices allowed to enter well as they ask taxpayers to.
It was 10 days after labor day btw, the parties had ended by then
If someone can't see the differences between a person's home, a town, a state and a country they are just idiots.
It's kind of like bad social science really, which is ironic because the people who are so guilty of bad reasoning inspired by "first principles" usually are very eager to accuse any soft science of misusing math/axioms to the point where their models are just fantasy.
5000 empty bedrooms in Marth's Vineyard around Labor Day? I'm gonna need a cite for that. Also, the government of Martha's Vineyard doesn't have the authority to just break into private homes and turm them into temporary housing for immigrants.
Haha yeah. I get the distinct impression that maybe these people don't have any clue about the places they are talking about.
Obviously a rich person in Martha's Vineyard isn't trying to "destabilize our country" when they want to settle refugees in some working class neighborhood in Little Rock. They just think that's where poor people go. They certainly wouldn't want to see poor white people jump starting their cars so they can go buy lottery tickets any sooner than look at poor Venezuelans.
The owners have the authority to be "empathic" and "not racist" and treat their guests their political choices allowed to enter well as they ask taxpayers to.
It was 10 days after labor day btw, the parties had ended by then
I promise you that there are not 5000 empty bedrooms on Martha's Vineyard in mid-September. Also, it isn't a party destination. It's a vacation spot for wealthy families and older people.
In any case, you don't need to be a cheerleader for wealthy people in MV in order to think that what DeSantis did was pathetic and morally bankrupt.
And for the record, pointing out it was an opinion piece was the correct way to dismiss the article. Attacking the author is literally an argument ad hominem. Rickroll thought pointing out the author's nationality and religious beliefs was a better argument that the article wasn't a good source of factual information than pointing out that it was presented as opinion.
and here we are literally defending cult produced propaganda strictly produced with the goal of spreading cult influence around the world because "it would be wrong to judge someone"
jfc you have no shame
Agreed. The funny thing is, he's completely right about the Washington Times thing. Washington Times is the INSANE, Moonie-owned, ultra-right overt propaganda paper which makes Fox News look like a bunch of libs; and the ridiculousness of that source is more of an issue than the fact the linked piece was an opinion piece. But Rick is so deeply unlikeable that it's the classic case of "I'd rather be wrong and not on his side, than be right and on his side".
What's his "dating app-transgender id
cn, this is why it's good not to delete closed threads as was done with the old trans threads because now we can actually look at what was actually said rather than whatever gross disgusting lies people want to make about it once it's gone so i thank you for not deleting that thread when it was closed like the other threads were nuked
as a result of cn's magnanimity, we can all go revisit that very lengthy conversation if you would rather not listen to a known liar's lies
this is the post that started it start at 6523
can't quote because thread now closed

it goes on for quite some time
the basic gyst was that i can filter so specifically that dating apps will only give a feed of midget ethiopian jews with phds who don't smoke and are fluent in spanish if i like, but the one thing i'm not allowed to choose is whether or not they have a penis
the debate was then a bunch of people not on the apps and not knowing how it works simply disagreeing on a hunch - because you know, i'm the devil incarnate and thus must clearly be wrong
and then people who actually use the apps chimed in with - no you are wrong, you absolutely can't filter out trans from the feed, even if they opt in to disclose
i know, i'm an absolute monster for having a preference that my dating partner doesn't have a penis - this is the kind of cult these people are in
"you don't want to make love to a trans woman? you are worse than hitler!"
5000 empty bedrooms in Marth's Vineyard around Labor Day? I'm gonna need a cite for that. Also, the government of Martha's Vineyard doesn't have the authority to just break into private homes and turm them into temporary housing for immigrants.
i love you roc but this is flat out wrong - it was 2 weeks after labor day in the middle of september - not remotely similar
i can't speak for martha's vineyard specifically but most new england summering regions are empty at that point of the season - martha's vineyard has 20k year round residents and 200k summer residents
they 100% had vacant hotels and community centers to house 50 people with several months of buffer before anyone would need them again
BGnight is sooooo racist that he thinks it's literally impossible that any white person would just welcome non-white people. It has to be a nefarious plot to win something else.
Believing it's just "nice" progressive white people being welcome to brown people is the dumbest and most naive of conspiracy theories. It's a provable fact that it's intentional. You guy's have no clue how globalist NGO think tanks are reshaping the world via mass immigration. And it most certainly is intentional AND nefarious.