Donald J. Trump (For everyone else)

Donald J. Trump (For everyone else)

I assume it's still acceptable to have a Trump thread in a Politics forum?

So this is an obvious lie - basically aimed at

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28 April 2019 at 04:18 AM

14737 Replies


by Gorgonian k

Afraid? No. Unwilling to jump through hoops being waved in front of me by an irrelevant, foaming at the mouth, illiterate cult member would be a better description of the motivation for my apparent apathy.

You are honestly afraid to just say you agree or disagree with my statement about the border because you inherently know the truth and would lose all credibility either way you answer it.

by BGnight k

You are honestly afraid to just say you agree or disagree with my statement about the border because you inherently know the truth and would lose all credibility either way you answer it.

Dude, do you honestly think I care if I am "credible" to you?

by Gorgonian k

Dude, do you honestly think I care if I am "credible" to you?

I'm making a truth claim. Truth claims aren't people and don't care about you. Why can't you just answer the question?

Yes or no. It's very simple. The more you dodge it the more you prove my point.

bg you needed to post cult propaganda in order to provide evidence for your claim

i suggest you sit this thread out

by BGnight k

I'm making a truth claim. Truth claims aren't people and don't care about you. Why can't you just answer the question?

Yes or no. It's very simple. The more you dodge it the more you prove my point.

I honestly couldn't care less whether I prove your point.

Would it surprise you to know I never even read the actual question you're begging me to answer?

by rickroll k

i know, i'm an absolute monster for having a preference that my dating partner doesn't have a penis - this is the kind of cult these people are in

"you don't want to make love to a trans woman? you are worse than hitler!"

Got no dog in whatever fight this is, but I want to say that I agree with rickroll on this one. You should be able to filter based on whether you want a PWP (partner with penis) or not. That seems fairly obvious? I also have a pretty strong preference in this area.

by rickroll k

bg you needed to post cult propaganda in order to provide evidence for your claim

i suggest you sit this thread out

This sentence is incoherent. You're just making up arbitrary nicknames. You automatically categorize any subject you see fit into the term "propaganda" so you can dismiss it and not address it. The low tier use of logic and reason ITT is mind boggling.

by BGnight k

You guy's have no clue how globalist NGO think tanks are reshaping the world via mass immigration. And it most certainly is intentional AND nefarious.

I have no confidence in the white native population to progress science and technology at the rate required to keep the US competitive globally. Go to any high school in a Trump +70% county and talk to the rurals there. You won't be able to find any teachers that could pass a HS curriculum in Manhattan or an IIT entrance exam, forget about the students.

by ecriture d'adulte k

I have no confidence in the white native population to progress science and technology at the rate required to keep the US competitive globally. Go to any high school in a Trump +70% county and talk to the rurals there. You won't be able to find any teachers that could pass a HS curriculum in Manhattan or an IIT entrance exam, forget about the students.

What's your confidence about fixing that by taking in unfiltered Haitians? Because that's what your party did

by Gorgonian k

Got no dog in whatever fight this is, but I want to say that I agree with rickroll on this one. You should be able to filter based on whether you want a PWP (partner with penis) or not. That seems fairly obvious? I also have a pretty strong preference in this area.

thank you for this, this is the kind of drive by posting he does - there's good reason he didn't delve into specifics but just hoped that vague accusations and slander were enough

it's honestly making me think about you in a whole new light as i'd previously just viewed you as an improved version over jj and trolly (you are not on the ignore like they are)

i think karl said it best that i'm terrible with people and my lack of tact really rubs a lot of the far left the wrong way as it jives hard with their kumbaya mentality and they tend to just by default view me negatively on principle

like bb, we've interacted for years, talked about going fishing together even and hanging out when i'm next in florida, and now because he sees me post some very centrist positions starts calling me all sorts of names out the blue and neither backs them with evidence of racism nor nor apologizes for his totally unfounded and unwarranted slander - it's somewhat disheartening but i guess in the end it lets me know what kind of person he really is and perhaps it's best to have dodged a bullet and not gone out to sea all alone with him

but most of you i'd love to meet in person and have a gluten free beverage with, and i mean this, when insoo talked about a bowling league, i genuinely thought that'd be a fun thing if it were logistically possible

seeing this makes me want to view you in a whole new light - i previously liked you a bit (you in fact changed your avatar because i found it too difficult to look at) but i do feel that you lost total perspective during the election cycle and went very hard in the paint with both irrational positions and insults to the intelligence of anyone who disagreed

meanwhile i made a good chunk of money quietly betting on outcomes i didn't want but felt were mispriced by the market - i actually got very lucky that i was in the midst of a weekend college reunion bender and too inebriated or hungover to be paying attention to the markets and i missed my window to hedge on democrats or get kamala popular vote at a good price as that was the weekend where the market corrected from 70/30 to the 60/40 i thought it would be

i would have lost 5 figures if kamala popular vote -160 was still up by the time i sobered up because i was very wrong and thought that was a lock - i almost considered getting it at the price when it was deep in the -200s but alas didn't simply because the logistical work of moving funds and ensuing tax implications didn't feel like the juice was worth the squeeze

there were a lot of things i was wrong about as well, but i never smugly called anyone who disagreed with my positions an idiot for 3/4 of my posts

that post of yours bothered me so much because if you spent 30 seconds reviewing it you could have absolutely destroyed the credibility of both that poster and his post in one fell swoop but instead you just gut-reacted with "it's an opinion piece" which doesn't conclude anything nor even convince him he was wrong - it just turns the thread into a nasty he said she said situation whereas you could have actually gotten him to possibly re-evaluate his position if just took a beat and told him "burh you're sharing cult propaganda" - i feel like this is what you do with most things here and it doesn't aid in the discussion whatsoever - it's like you're simply here to argue with people

by Luciom k

What's your confidence about fixing that by taking in unfiltered Haitians? Because that's what your party did

I’m fine with it. If you want to close off the borders go teach reading and arithmetic to rurals. Otherwise whether from Hati or India we need talent because so much of the area and resources are being used up to produce none of it.

Nah, you are just a unlikable, pompous *******, rickroll. You are not even worth reading past your first movie meme.

rickroll it's nice that you posted that, but the reason I called people that disagreed with me idiots was almost always because they were idiots. Not because they disagreed with me. I probably had too much faith in the American people to not vote for a disgusting human being, and that's on me, but if I called someone an idiot, they were very likely being an idiot. And I don't mean because they were disagreeing with me.

As an example, I disagreed very strongly with ecriture. He was right and I was wrong, but I stood my ground because I believed I was right. I didn't call him an idiot, though. Because he's not. In fact, since I knew for a fact he wasn't, his posts scared the hell out of me.

I'm willing to forgive and forget, dude.

by ecriture d'adulte k

I have no confidence in the white native population to progress science and technology at the rate required to keep the US competitive globally. Go to any high school in a Trump +70% county and talk to the rurals there. You won't be able to find any teachers that could pass a HS curriculum in Manhattan or an IIT entrance exam, forget about the students.

is this true?

feels like it probably isn't true

It's 100% true at my sparse suburban (so should be better than rural) high school. To be fair, HSs in Manhattan are pretty good by US/European standards and you probably need to know what a Fourier transform is on day 1 to do decent at IIT. Not exactly what you'll find in the trailer parks and pill addiction capitals of Trumplandia.

by BOIDS k

is this true?

feels like it probably isn't true

lol, of course it's not true.

Trump is working on solving the pill addiction in Trumplandia with a 25% tariff on almost everything from Canada.

by BOIDS k

is this true?

feels like it probably isn't true

it's not

i'm sure he can find ample examples of it to back up parts of it anecdotally because usa is a huge country with close to 100k public schools and majority of those are going to be in rural trump country - but by and large it's not anything like he says

anecdotally - i grew up in a very rural area (albeit in wealthy new england not alabama or oklahoma) and also attended one of those fancy pants 70k a year skull and bones boarding schools

if anything, my teachers at the public school were better - whenever i think about the best teachers i had, we don't get into any prep school teachers until we exceed the top 3 and then it's more of a debate if any belong in the top 5 rather than assured

my school was also well funded as schools are majority funded by local property taxes so rural areas where there's far more childless properties that pay into it without getting anything back and those with kids generally pay more in property taxes per child than an area with more population density that isn't a high networth region

also anecdotally, not once in my life have i heard anyone talk about not wanting their kids in the rural public school they attended - some sent their kids to boarding school but that was not so much anything to do with the local school as they were sending their kids to a new england prep school regardless of where they lived - ie i have a friend who's local high school is easily in the top 1% in the country (high net worth area so major funding via property taxes)

meanwhile, every single parent i know in either cities or suburbs has constant school anxiety for their children, constantly worrying about whether or not their kids will be in a terrible school or not

the quality of the local school district is the number one priority for all home buyers with children in urban and suburban america - it's patently dishonest for ed to portray this as not only a rural issue but one specifically in red states

by ecriture d'adulte k

It's 100% true at my sparse suburban (so should be better than rural) high school.

also not true (unless you quizzed errybody)

by Gorgonian k

rickroll it's nice that you posted that, but the reason I called people that disagreed with me idiots was almost always because they were idiots.

i mean you're not wrong, most of the stuff you were responding to was objectively stupid

by Gorgonian k

I probably had too much faith in the American people to not vote for a disgusting human being, and that's on me

i think the main disconnect here is that most trump supporters think all politicians are disgusting humans and view him as a breath of fresh air in that he doesn't try to hide it

it's one of the few things i agree with them on

if biden were such a good person, why'd he also issue all those gross and disgusting pardons - ie we can all acknowledge trump is a bastard who'll do that but then you get half the population also understanding biden is as well but the left will just find excuses for him to hide behind his facade

this is worth watching, frontline did a whole doc on biden, one made by a strongly left leaning organization and the entire thing is just a list of all the lies he told throughout his entire life - like what killed his presidential hopes in the 80s were that he literally plagiarized speeches from a member of parliament and didn't even bother to change the personal details like he repeated word for word the parts of the original speech which talked about growing up the son of a coal miner - he also plagiarized in college as well and graduated at the very bottom of his class despite repeatedly telling people he graduated at the top of his class

he really is a terrible person who throughout his career would lie about anything to get ahead

likewise, if the democrats were truly the party of the people then why didn't they do anything for the people when they had control of everything under clinton and obama?

at some point you need to accept that the dems are either just as against the working class as the other side or that they are grossly incompetent - either way, why would you continue to support a party which only pays lip service and does nothing that they supposedly claim to support

by Gorgonian k

I'm willing to forgive and forget, dude.

same, i'm sorry for lashing out like that

by ecriture d'adulte k

I’m fine with it. If you want to close off the borders go teach reading and arithmetic to rurals. Otherwise whether from Hati or India we need talent because so much of the area and resources are being used up to produce none of it.

I don't want to close the border. I want to exclusively let in people who are measurably a lot better than the american median.

And, to kick out at any time anyone who fails (for generations) after that. Ie to keep an option to kick out failures even if they passed the first filter.

You aren't getting any talent by letting random unfiltered haitians in, you are creating bigger problems.

I would give automatic green cards to anyone who can be hired at 1.5x median income. Automatic greencard to any person who majored in stem or healthcare in a reputable institution worldwide.

But path to citizenship has to be very strict.

All the rest of immigration has to be put to 0 for 50 + years, and a lot of citizenships have to be removes though.

You seem to constantly deny that every time you let a min wage immigrant come in, you are ruining the country, because his kids will be americans, he will access welfare and so on.

Also eliminate the totality of federal interventions in educations at all levels sure, starting with anything to due with college tuition

by microbet k

Trump is working on solving the pill addiction in Trumplandia with a 25% tariff on almost everything from Canada.

Last year border services seized 20 lbs of fentanyl coming in from Canada

This is more about his hate for Trudeau who has trashed him many times

10% on energy

This may shut down the auto industry in weeks

by lozen k

Last year border services seized 20 lbs of fentanyl coming in from Canada

This is more about his hate for Trudeau who has trashed him many times

10% on energy

This may shut down the auto industry in weeks

Trump is ****ing with business for 360 million people because he has beef with someone? What a colossal piece of ****.

I wish the people who **** on immigrants who earn less than the median had to work in the fields and slaughterhouses in order to get to eat.

by BGnight k

I'm making a truth claim. Truth claims aren't people and don't care about you. Why can't you just answer the question?

Yes or no. It's very simple. The more you dodge it the more you prove my point.

And yet :

Broken YouTube Link

Can’t handle it from science, stats, math, nature , etc …
So stop it for the sake of all of us and this forum …
