The next presidential race will be here soon! Please see current Bovada odds. Thoughts?

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14 July 2022 at 02:28 PM

20207 Replies


by housenuts k

Read the article in the tweet I posted. Not saying you need to agree with it but it's interesting to see someone's viewpoint

I missed where you explained how improving election security, reducing the voting window to 1 day, and requiring an ID means you'll never have to vote again. Could you explain that?

Also can you explain how having delegates select the democratic candidate for president at the DNC is different from having delegates select the candidate for president at the RNC? Thanks again.

Like, Donald Trump has already attempted to throw out an election. This is just factual and not subject to debate at all. He used collusion, coercion and violence. Tons of people have been found guilty in a court of law over any of those 3 things

You need to prove to me he won’t do it again. I don’t need to prove to you he will

by StoppedRainingMen k

Why is the onus on me to give trump the benefit of the doubt and do some digging? He’s already literally tried to undo an election to the point of violence. Nothing he says from now until forever will further confirm or relieve me that he won’t do it again and soundbytes like this one don’t move the needle for me in one direction or another nor will I waste my time parsing through an entire speech for tea leaves or context. He’s already done it. That’s the end of the discussion

I think the simple answer is he thought the election was stolen and he was the winner. He's not going to think that in 2028 since he won't even be the candidate.

by housenuts k

I think the simple answer is he thought the election was stolen and he was the winner. He's not going to think that in 2028 since he won't even be the candidate.

But it's been clearly proven that he knows it was not when he did that. It's been clearly proven that multiple agencies he hired to investigate it told him there was nothing to this, and he still did it. This no longer holds any water.

by Gorgonian k

I missed where you explained how improving election security, reducing the voting window to 1 day, and requiring an ID means you'll never have to vote again. Could you explain that?

Also can you explain how having delegates select the democratic candidate for president at the DNC is different from having delegates select the candidate for president at the RNC? Thanks again.

Question 1: no.
Question 2: people vote for candidates in primaries. the winner is nominated. people didn't vote here.

by Gorgonian k

But it's been clearly proven that he knows it was not when he did that. It's been clearly proven that multiple agencies he hired to investigate it told him there was nothing to this, and he still did it. This no longer holds any water.

I guess we'll have to disagree.

In 2020 he disagreed with the facts. Factual disputes are fairly common.

In 2028 you're suggesting he'll disagree with the law and 250 years of precedence.

I don't think that will happen. Very low single digit %

by housenuts k

I guess we'll have to disagree.

No. We will not agree to disagree. You are demonstrably wrong. Trump knew the election was not stolen. That has been shown beyond any doubt.

I also would like to remind you of this:

by Gorgonian k

I missed where you explained how improving election security, reducing the voting window to 1 day, and requiring an ID means you'll never have to vote again. Could you explain that?

Also can you explain how having delegates select the democratic candidate for president at the DNC is different from having delegates select the candidate for president at the RNC? Thanks again.

by housenuts k

I think the simple answer is he thought the election was stolen and he was the winner. He's not going to think that in 2028 since he won't even be the candidate.

Trump has thought the following elections were stolen from him since 2016:

1. Every 2016 primary and caucus he lost. Famously he was the only person on the Republican Party debate stage among 10 people not to raise his hand when asked ‘will you commit to accepting the results of the Republican primaries’

2. The popular vote of the 2016 election he won

3. 2020

The following presidents or candidates in American history have actually led an attempt to toss out the American presidential election:

1. Donald Trump
2. End of list

Again, the burden of proof that Trump isn’t a demagauge committed to undoing democracy in his name and that he won’t recreate what he’s already done, on you, not me

Trump has spent literally his entire life as a piece of **** cheat and liar who tells everyone who will listen ‘I win at everything I do and if I don’t win it’s because they lied, they cheated and they stole from me because I’m Trump and Trumps are winners’

It’s unsurprising a cult of absolute losers at life who can’t rationally explain why their life isn’t better gravitate to this mindset

by housenuts k

Question 1: no.
Question 2: people vote for candidates in primaries. the winner is nominated. people didn't vote here.

I missed this somehow.

1. Not surprising. So then it means exactly what we thought it means.

2. People actually vote for delegates that are sympathetic to their preferred candidate (more accurately, delegates are selected based on the primary vote, but it's essentially voting for delegates). The delegates job is then to vote for people that their constituents prefer to the best of their ability. That's how it works in a representative democracy. That's exactly how it worked for the RNC, and exactly how it will work for the DNC.

I'm never happy having to explain how the us government works to americans as a canadian.

by housenuts k

I think the simple answer is he thought the election was stolen and he was the winner.

No, he knew damn well he lost but instead of honoring the results or the office of president, he chose to tell his idiot followers a bunch of lies. Which they stupidly believe.

by housenuts k

I guess we'll have to disagree.

In 2020 he disagreed with the facts. Factual disputes are fairly common.

In 2028 you're suggesting he'll disagree with the law and 250 years of precedence.

I don't think that will happen. Very low single digit %

No, he didn't disagree. He lied.

If he wins this go around he will do EVERYTHING in his power to never leave office. Not sure if he succeeds or not, but any rational human that cares about our country should be adamant he never gets the chance.

Every once in a while I get a feeling that housenuts is salvageable, but then this happens.

by d2_e4 k

Last time you bothsided a similar sentiment you said you'd PM me with names and I'm still waiting for it.

Sorry I wasn't quite being facetious but I had no intention of actually sending you a pm. However if you want names you only need to open a thread like this and look around.

So, the maga idiots keep saying that the democrats subverted democracy somehow.

I guess they missed the part where Joe Biden himself decided he wasn't going to run.

My very unscientific poll suggests that almost no democratic voters are upset that Kamala is now the candidate. I haven't heard from any.

by biggerboat k

If he wins this go around he will do EVERYTHING in his power to never leave office. Not sure if he succeeds or not, but any rational human that cares about our country should be adamant he never gets the chance.

This is where we disagree and is the major fear narrative people are pushing.

1) small % chance he tries to stay in power
2) exponentially smaller % he succeeds if he tries

People thinking he will succeed do not believe in America.

by biggerboat k

So, the maga idiots keep saying that the democrats subverted democracy somehow.

I guess they missed the part where Joe Biden himself decided he wasn't going to run.

My very unscientific poll suggests that almost no democratic voters are upset that Kamala is now the candidate. I haven't heard from any.

Correct. And the delegates' literal job is to vote for their constituents' preferences. They have pledged to do that.

It's working exactly like it's supposed to.

by biggerboat k

I guess they missed the part where Joe Biden himself decided he wasn't going to run.

Lol at actually thinking this

by housenuts k

This is where we disagree and is the major fear narrative people are pushing.

1) small % chance he tries to stay in power
2) exponentially smaller % he succeeds if he tries

People thinking he will succeed do not believe in America.

He's already tried to do it once.

He's explicitly stated he's going to do it again.

How do you reconcile this disagreement and those two facts?

by housenuts k

This is where we disagree and is the major fear narrative people are pushing.

1) small % chance he tries to stay in power
2) exponentially smaller % he succeeds if he tries

People thinking he will succeed do not believe in America.

The % of times he's tried to stay in power after losing is 100%. To what do you ascribe a small % chance that he will try again?

by housenuts k

Lol at actually thinking this

No one can force him to drop out. There is no mechanism to do so.

by Gorgonian k

He's already tried to do it once.

He's explicitly stated he's going to do it again.

How do you reconcile this disagreement and those two facts?

You fail to differentiate the event last time with the proposed one in 2028.

I'll help you. He was a candidate last time. He didn't like the results of the vote.

Next time he won't be a candidate. He'll also be in his 80s and finished his 2 terms.

He'll also probably be killed off at some point in the next 4 years.

Stop worrying so much.

by Gorgonian k

No one can force him to drop out. There is no mechanism to do so.

Semantics. Yes he dropped out. The Dems strong armed him to.

by pocket_zeros k

The % of times he's tried to stay in power after losing is 100%. To what do you ascribe a small % chance that he will try again?

But he won't lose next time since he won't be running. So 0%

You think RNC nominates him again?

by housenuts k

You fail to differentiate the event last time with the proposed one in 2028.

I'll help you. He was a candidate last time. He didn't like the results of the vote.

Next time he won't be a candidate. He'll also be in his 80s and finished his 2 terms.

He'll also probably be killed off at some point in the next 4 years.

Stop worrying so much.

Let me get this straight: you think because he'll probably die before he can make himself dictator, the destruction of democracy is not a problem? Are you just trolling now?
