The next presidential race will be here soon! Please see current Bovada odds. Thoughts?

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14 July 2022 at 02:28 PM

20207 Replies


by jalfrezi k

No Trumpkin on an online forum is salvageable.

Sad but probably true.

I doubt Trump himself even knows what he's saying half the time when he goes off book and starts riffing

by Trolly McTrollson k

He's not USAian.

Ah. So he would if he were American. That makes sense.

by Crossnerd k

I doubt Trump himself even knows what he's saying half the time when he goes off book and starts riffing

The fact that he is incoherent some nontrivial % of the time certainly makes it much easier for his supporters to imbue his words with whatever meaning they want, obviously without actually addressing the whole issue of the fact they support an incoherent, probably demented idiot.

the photo of JD Vance at the gun show hanging out next to the table that is selling a bunch of swastika merch is so perfect. just the best dogwhistle.

it brings out all the weird "it's history!1! we need to remember the historys!1!" weirdos while also pleasing the white supremacist undertones that make up the republican party..

like no, you dont actually need your very own swasitka to "remember the history"... you ****ing nazi.

by biggerboat k

Yeah that's where I am. We played a lot of ww together and I always enjoyed it.

Unlike some others, he has a decent sense of humor and has made me laugh more than once.

by jjjou812 k

Unlike some others, he has a decent sense of humor and has made me laugh more than once.

D2 and rickroll also make me laugh more than I care to admit :p

Housenuts can be quite funny when he isn't doing his other things..

by jjjou812 k

Unlike some others, he has a decent sense of humor and has made me laugh more than once.

A right winger with a half decent sense of humour is a rare phenomenon indeed.

by housenuts k

People thinking he will succeed do not believe in America.

Being complacent is a bad mindset , it has nothing to do with confidence .
Complacency is usually where black swan emerges , where $h!t hits the fan .

House prices never go down (2008).
Stock price never go down (1929).
Woman’s right about abortion will never be in danger in the US , freedom too strong ….(2022).
Will never see a president try to overturn an election (2021) .
Not hard to find many example where complacency being at all time high , despite clear signs of danger , it brings major disaster in its midst.

by Rococo k

I have no idea if this is correct, but if it is, then Trump is dangerously delusional.

The evidence of widespread fraud in favor the Democrats was approximately as compelling as the evidence in favor of a flat earth.

I have always assumed that Trump and his henchman were mostly opportunists who were willing to subvert democracy for political gain, with a few nutter true believers mixed in.

Your read on Trump is less morally problematic than mine, but arguably more alarming. You seem to be sugg

Fwiw is there A situation where trump ever admitted defeat in anything ?
Even before the results came in he said there was fraud.
He even can’t agree to the results for the next election coming…

To believe trump really though he won in 2020 is the biggest laugh ever .

Throughout history democracies did died many times .
The concept of US democracy cannot be in danger because Americans are different is funny .
I’m sure All the prior “democratic people” thought the same before they lost their democracy previously too ->” we are special it can’t happen to us”.

I mean trump did allude it would be fine to suspend the constitution for election purposes ….

It feels like "saving democracy" is the equivalent of "saving the children" from online poker.

by Tuma k

It feels like "saving democracy" is the equivalent of "saving the children" from online poker.

Fwiw I was wondering what more “events” would it take for some to believe US democracy be in danger in the lower double digits and not in single digit .
Let’s say it 5%, I have trouble seeing 10X worst events happening just ending up being a coin flip at 50% of what we saw already from trump .
To me we are clearly pass single digit shrug .

Trump speaking here any minute for 30 mins for people that wanna dunk on him. I'm sure he'll have some dumb moments. And hopefully some glorious ones.

by housenuts k

Trump speaking here any minute for 30 mins for people that wanna dunk on him. I'm sure he'll have some dumb moments. And hopefully some glorious ones.

What does a "glorious moment" for Trump look like?

Not shitting into his socks while speaking.

by d2_e4 k

What does a "glorious moment" for Trump look like?

Talking about creating a strategic Bitcoin reserve. RFK talked yesterday. 4m bitcoin reserve for USA. No one really cares cause RFK won't win. But maybe Trump tries to one up him. RFK said 4m, let's go 5m. And beyond just talking numbers, having a few minutes showing his actual understanding of it.

People saying a guy snuck in past security and secret service is searching for him

by Montrealcorp k

Fwiw is there A situation where trump ever admitted defeat in anything ?

"Can't believe I lost to this effing guy," pointing to Joe Biden.

‘After I lost the election’: audio of Donald Trump

by housenuts k

Talking about creating a strategic Bitcoin reserve. RFK talked yesterday. 4m bitcoin reserve for USA. No one really cares cause RFK won't win. But maybe Trump tries to one up him. RFK said 4m, let's go 5m. And beyond just talking numbers, having a few minutes showing his actual understanding of it.

Sounds glorious like a glory hole.

Anyway, I wouldn't hold your breath for Trump "understanding" anything that you wouldn't expect a second grader to be able to understand.

by housenuts k

But he won't lose next time since he won't be running. So 0%

You think RNC nominates him again?

If he refuses to give up power after his potential second term then running again isn't in the equation.

by housenuts k

People saying a guy snuck in past security and secret service is searching for him

Ooh, this is sounding more glorious, I mean, interesting. Keep us updated.

by housenuts k

People saying a guy snuck in past security and secret service is searching for him

I read it was J.D. Vance.

In b4 we learn it was PlayBig when he throws his boxers on the stage while screaming "I love you Donald, you will always be my 47".

by pocket_zeros k

I read it was J.D. Vance.

Lots of couches at the event
