The next presidential race will be here soon! Please see current Bovada odds. Thoughts?

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14 July 2022 at 02:28 PM

20207 Replies


by d2_e4 k

Sounds glorious like a glory hole.

Anyway, I wouldn't hold your breath for Trump "understanding" anything that you wouldn't expect a second grader to be able to understand.

Yes see this for a second grade understanding

by Karl_TheOG_Marx k

Crypto blows. It takes a massive expenditure of energy for the benefit of a pyramid scheme-esque pseudo-currency with little use outside of a few internet-y speculative stuff. I use it for online poker and feel like a douche every time. Yeah, people will be one day able to use it for groceries and ****... right after the value of it stops regularly going up and down in roller-coaster fashion! Any day now.

I don't know why you care what Kamala thinks about crypto; you're a reactionary lunatic,

by housenuts k

Yes see this for a second grade understanding

I'm not sure you or I follow your train of thought. How is KoG's understanding of crypto relevant to Trump's understanding of crypto?

by housenuts k

Talking about creating a strategic Bitcoin reserve. RFK talked yesterday. 4m bitcoin reserve for USA. No one really cares cause RFK won't win. But maybe Trump tries to one up him. RFK said 4m, let's go 5m. And beyond just talking numbers, having a few minutes showing his actual understanding of it.

There is zero chance that Trump, or basically anyone over 75, know anything about crypto.

At a brewery so can't listen.

is there a crypto containment thread for this aids that nobody cares about?

i saw a tweet about the crypto ideas that RFK and housenuts are pushing, and it just comes off as they want the US government to be the next buyer in the pyramid scheme to the tune of a quarter trillion dollars..

real libertarian paradise you have there where you need the US government to become the backer of your fancy ecoin

He's promising an end to democracy in broad daylight. We ignore it at our own peril.

He's been saying this since Xi made himself president for life. Believe him, he means it.

When I saw the tweet with the Trump clip about not needing to vote again, without seeing the video, my assumption was it was just the usual bluster about how Trump is so amazing that he'll have the country completely "fixed" in 4 years so none of his cult will have to care who wins in 2028 because things will be so bigly great, not that there wouldnt be an election. Having watched the clip, I still feel the same way.

That said, I'd put nothing past Trump. And it doesn't matter whether he is or isn't a threat to democracy when it comes to finding reasons to want him to lose - there are many, many reasons already.

by Bobo Fett k

When I saw the tweet with the Trump clip about not needing to vote again, without seeing the video, my assumption was it was just the usual bluster about how Trump is so amazing that he'll have the country completely "fixed" in 4 years so none of his cult will have to care who wins in 2028 because things will be so bigly great, not that there wouldnt be an election. Having watched the clip, I still feel the same way.

That said, I'd put nothing past Trump. And it doesn't matter whether he is or is

If that were the case, considering the fact that a key point in both parties' campaigns seems to be that the other side is a threat to democracy, one would have thought that even that massive buffoon would have known to choose his words more carefully.

If a Trump supporter had made this point defense of his statements, my question back would be "so your defense of him here is that he is monumentally stupid?"

by d2_e4 k

...even that massive buffoon would have known to choose his words more carefully.

I think I spotted the problem here

by diebitter k

I think I spotted the problem here

So we're just writing off to stupidity that which can be adequately explained by malice now?

No, your assumption that Donald Trump has any kind of ability to filter is what I was suggesting is the problem.

by diebitter k

No, your assumption that Donald Trump has any kind of ability to filter is what I was suggesting is the problem.

Right, so we are in agreement that he meant those words in the most obvious interpretation of them. I am saying that if he did not intend that meaning, he would have chosen different words, or at least clarified what he meant.

by Bobo Fett k

When I saw the tweet with the Trump clip about not needing to vote again, without seeing the video, my assumption was it was just the usual bluster about how Trump is so amazing that he'll have the country completely "fixed" in 4 years so none of his cult will have to care who wins in 2028 because things will be so bigly great, not that there wouldnt be an election. Having watched the clip, I still feel the same way.

That said, I'd put nothing past Trump. And it doesn't matter whether he is or is

I do tend to think, gun to my ear, this goes back to his whole narrative of ‘we don’t need the votes’ whatever the **** that means, which he’s said multiple times for no good reason

This snippet certainly isn’t why I think he’s a danger to democracy but ya you can throw it on the pile

It’s disingenuous of me to say I think he’s saying democracy ends in 4 years. My thought before hearing it was yours I think, that ‘we’re gonna be so good we’ll just win in landslides going forward and you won’t have to vote’

I also don’t care if that was the message. When you’re this undemocratic sack of **** maybe don’t say words that so easily scare the **** out of everyone who isn’t in your MAGA cult

by StoppedRainingMen k

When you’re this undemocratic sack of **** maybe don’t say words that so easily scare the **** out of everyone who isn’t in your MAGA cult

but wokes are a very easily scared and offended group. always need to be tip toeing to make sure people's feelings don't get hurt

by housenuts k

but wokes are a very easily scared and offended group. always need to be tip toeing to make sure people's feelings don't get hurt

Dunno man, if this forum is anything to go by, seems that MAGA dipshits are the ones with the perennial grievances and busted fee fees. If I had a satoshi for every time "the liberals" did something unfair to one of the little snowflakes, I'd be a rich man.

Maga morons are currently irate over the olympics opening ceremony. Will lasr until the next random thing hurts their feelings.

by ecriture d'adulte k

Maga morons are currently irate over the olympics opening ceremony.

What's the beef this time? Is the torch a DEI hire?

by ecriture d'adulte k

Maga morons are currently irate over the olympics opening ceremony. Will lasr until the next random thing hurts their feelings.

This is amazing for so many reasons. What a world we live in.

What am I looking at here? An irreverent and light-hearted take on the last supper?

Random musings: anyone ever wonder why they asked for a table for 24 then all sat on one side?

by d2_e4 k

What am I looking at here? An irreverent and light-hearted take on the last supper?

An orca fat chic in the middle. Hard to miss.

JD Vance would be all over that thing

by housenuts k

An orca fat chic in the middle. Hard to miss.

So what's the issue? That Jesus has been portrayed as a fat chick? Or all the nonwhite nonmale people around him/her? Or all of it?

by ecriture d'adulte k

Maga morons are currently irate over the olympics opening ceremony. Will lasr until the next random thing hurts their feelings.

Where are you getting this from?

The 3some was weird but whatevs.
