The next presidential race will be here soon! Please see current Bovada odds. Thoughts?
So what's the issue? That Jesus has been portrayed as a fat chick? Or all the nonwhite nonmale people around him/her? Or all of it?
Dunno why we need to turn the Olympics into that. Meant to be a gathering of athletes. I'm really not sure what that is. If people are irate, that's a little silly. I just find it confusing and laughable. But if that's their idea of good television and appealing to the masses, so be it.
Whatever they're pissed off about this time, bible-thumping snowflakes crying when their faith gets mocked makes me happy. Compliments to the director.
Random musings: anyone ever wonder why they asked for a table for 24 then all sat on one side?
Meanwhile 24 other people pissed waiting in line for a reservation knowing full well there’s a table not being fully used
I’m not saying Jesus deserved to be crucified, but if I was being denied service and saw that **** I’d be feeling a certain kinda way
All for making fun of last supper, but don't find that funny or appealing to the eye in any way. Jesus def banged dudes tho
All for making fun of last supper, but don't find that funny or appealing to the eye in any way. Jesus def banged dudes tho
All I know of any of this is the picture you just posted, I didn't watch it. I thought it was some painting initially, before I realised it was probably a still from video.
Looks a bit ridiculous, whatever it's supposed to be. I'd just generally prefer to keep religion out of... everything, but if it's supposed to be some sort of caricature then all good I suppose.
It is interesting. Because if the US motto is "freedom of religion," then France's would be "freedom FROM religion." Playfully mocking Christianity is in line with France's very secular ethos. But at the same time, France is actively promoting immigration of groups of people (almost all Muslim) who are very extreme in the other direction. And the conflicting worldviews are causing a lot of friction (and a lot of French people getting murdered for perceived slights of Islam).
I actually am not sure how the situation is going to flesh out as the population of very religious and sensitive Muslims continue to increase rapidly.
As an aside, the opening ceremony dinner scene and related debauchery are being edited out of broadcasts in Muslim majority nations; as it doesn't align with their religious mores, even given it is not even their religion being mocked.
It is interesting. Because if the US motto is "freedom of religion," then France's would be "freedom FROM religion." Playfully mocking Christianity is in line with France's very secular ethos. But at the same time, France is actively promoting immigration of groups of people (almost all Muslim) who are very extreme in the other direction. And the conflicting worldviews are causing a lot of friction (and a lot of French people getting murdered for perceived slights of Islam).
I actually am
For the avoidance of doubt, since you seemed to be making some sort of point to this effect in the other thread, I am as much if not more against Islam as I am against Christianity and Judaism. I am all for diversity, equity and inclusion when it comes to my disdain for religion.
The following is being spread around on Facebook regarding the controversy.
Dearest Gentle Reader,
I’m about to step on some toes in regard to the Opening Ceremony at the Paris Olympics.
The headless woman was Marie Antoinette. She ruled over France and was found guilty of treason, conspiracy, and stealing from the country.
Sound familiar?
Also, it was not the Last Supper. It was a depiction of an ancient Greek Bacchanal… because, you know, the Olympics are ancient and Greek. Surprise!
And if you didn’t know, a Bacchanalia is an uncontrollably promiscuous, extravagant, and loud party. The parties often spanned several days which honored the god of wine, Bacchus (the blue guy covered in grape vine). He is also known as Dionysus, the Greek god of fertility, later known as the god of wine and pleasure.
And finally, it was not Death on a pale horse. It was Sequana, Goddess of the Seine, the River in which the boat precession took place. She was meant to be the representation of the Olympic spirit and of Sequana.
If some of you weren’t so busy trying to end the Dept. of Education, you might know this.
Loosen the clutch on your pearls.
Yours truly,
Lady Francis
“Paris is back on its feet, jubilant, flamboyant, creative and open. Free,” - Thomas Jolly, the artistic director.
For the avoidance of doubt, since you seemed to be making some sort of point to this effect in the other thread, I am as much if not more against Islam as I am against Christianity and Judaism. I am all for diversity, equity and inclusion when it comes to my disdain for religion.
Well, you would get along just fine with most French with this attitude. But could also end up being brutally murdered for slighting Islam (as many French have) if you weren't careful.
Like I said, it is an interesting dichotomy.
I dont know about the pale horse thing; but watching in real time it definitely seemed to be playing with the last dinner scene. And I admit I am skeptical it never occurred to the people who came up with the skit that it would not be perceived that way.
Looks a bit ridiculous, whatever it's supposed to be. I'd just generally prefer to keep religion out of... everything, but if it's supposed to be some sort of caricature then all good I suppose.
I don't think caricature is the right word. Da Vinci himself drew sketches of angels with feminine breasts and erect penises as well as a portrait of John the Baptist that was too considered to feminine and sexual for a saint so it was painted over into Dionysus. I'd say the Olympics display is more of an homage to the free expression Renaissance artists themselves used. It's sort of funny to hear christians complain about how the world is sick now because of displays like this, not realizing they're entering a thousand year old argument with the original artists of their revered religious icons often accused of blasphemy themselves.
Could Jesus still walk on water after they put holes in his feet?
For the avoidance of doubt, since you seemed to be making some sort of point to this effect in the other thread, I am as much if not more against Islam as I am against Christianity and Judaism. I am all for diversity, equity and inclusion when it comes to my disdain for religion.
No country in the free world is more anti Islam than France. They flat out banned full face coverings in public.
I didn’t get at all at the beginning about the painting and what it was referencing at .
After viewing some post here , for me it’s perfectly normal and non controversial.
It passes a messages to the world and to its immigrants , France is secular regardless the gods u believe in .
And to prove it, (Charlie hebdo) we do it to ourself as well .
Being a believer in secularism I see no problem at all with it .
Don’t live in a country like trance if you are a theocrat it’s that simple .
Read this story, it's great. He really should be 25thed now.
In late 1967, as the Vietnam War was raging and President Lyndon B. Johnson was becoming increasingly unpopular, I was recruited to handle the press and write speeches for Senator Eugene McCarthy of Minnesota, the only Democrat gutsy enough to run against the Democratic president.
Months later, working round the clock in a cluttered suite in a New Hampshire motel, I was curious about a courier from New York City who flew up most nights on the last Eastern Airlines flight. The courier would dash to the suite with a canvas bag attached to his wrist and turn it over to one of the campaign’s richest and most enthusiastic benefactors. The guy was a multi-millionaire who ran a major stock market fund but was happy to sit in the suite I was then sharing with Richard Goodwin, a real political pro—unlike me and the college brats on the campaign—and just watch and do the various errands that needed doing.
One night I asked the millionaire what was in the bag. He threw it to me, with a key. I unlocked it and found myself staring at dozens of shiny packages of 100 dollar bills. I had no idea then or now whether the funds were properly reported and did not ask. So that’s how it works, I thought, and I tossed the bag back. I knew then I was not long for the world of presidential politics.
It’s not surprising that the long overdue unraveling of President Joe Biden’s re-election campaign happened when it became impossible to keep his increasing impairment covered up. It was the big-time money backers of the Democratic Party who called off the game of see no evil, hear no evil, after Biden’s shocking performance in his June debate with Donald Trump. They balked at continuing to give millions of dollars to the party now that there was evidence that the president is not always there.
You’d think it would be a vigilant press corps, led by the New York Times and the Washington Post, who first broached the issue of Biden’s impairment, but those papers missed the story. The first significant report came in early June from the Wall Street Journal, whose consistently brilliant news section—considered suspect by the Times and Post and many readers because of the paper’s conservative editorial page and the fact that it is part of Rupert Murdoch’s News Corp—broke the story on the front page under the headline, “Behind Closed Doors, Biden Shows Signs of Slipping.”
The White House press office quickly responded that both of those quoted in the story were Republicans who are supporters of Trump. The strategy somehow worked. Fear of Trump took priority over doing the right thing. Ditto for CNN and MSNBC, whose panels of former White House officials often can be fun to watch, especially while chewing lots of cotton candy. Viewers of the equally biased Fox News undoubtedly had similar candy to crunch.
Who in Washington didn’t know that Biden was failing? We all did, up to a point. I had learned months earlier from a federal official that those in the front rows of university events where Biden was speaking were warned not to move if the president tripped while walking to the podium. Secret Service agents were on hand to pick him up immediately. There would be no front-page photos of a college valedictorian helping the president climb to his feet.
The American public could see Biden’s slow decline. The Journal reported that nearly three-fourths of those polled thought Biden was “too old to seek another term.” Cabinet meetings in the past few years largely disappeared or turned into rote sessions, as recorded by the C-SPAN, which faithfully televises all White House events. Biden would join the seated Cabinet heads and read from a prepared text, with each page covered with a plastic sheet. It was far from vibrant television.
After the debate, there was mounting pressure on Biden to drop out. The White House and the president himself denied that he was suffering from anything more than a bad day, a cold, and jet lag. There were newspaper stories about Hunter Biden, the president’s convicted son, keeping by his side and warning all White House staffers that anyone who even hinted at the truth would be fired. That message quickly was leaked to the press. Soon the White House press corps suddenly discovered that they were being misled by the president’s press secretary. There were lots of tortured questions and broken hearts, but the message was the same: the president is in good health and is going to run for re-election this fall and carry on serving for four more years after he defeats Trump.
On Monday, July 15, Biden took off on Air Force One on a campaign trip to Nevada, a tossup state that Biden won in 2020 by a little more than 30,000 votes. On Tuesday he gave the keynote address to 5,000 members of the NAACP at its annual convention. The next day, the president, apparently stricken while campaigning with a yet-to-be-revealed illness, broke from his schedule and made a police escort race to Air Force One after initially telling police they were heading to the nearest emergency room.
A series of blog posts, local police reports, internet messages, and report in the Daily Mail disclosed further details of Biden’s trip to Las Vegas and his abrupt return home to Delaware. I went over these reports this week with a senior official in Washington who helped me fashion an account of a White House in complete disarray, culminating in the president’s withdrawal from the race. It’s a story not unlike Seven Days in May, the Cold War thriller in which a colonel played by Kirk Douglas foils a coup staged by a general played by Burt Lancaster. None of what you read below comes from an official account by the White House.
At that point, according to Emily Goodin, a Daily Mail reporter who was in the traveling press pool, the president was “deathly pale” and Air Force One flew at maximum speed to Delaware, where the president has a weekend retreat at Rehoboth Beach. The press pool was told that Biden had COVID. Nothing more was said on Air Force One. After Biden’s return to Delaware, the White House told the public that Biden had contracted a COVID infection and would be in isolation. He was said to have upper respiratory symptoms, a runny nose, a cough, and was fatigued.
That was the last straw for a core group of Congressional leaders, government officials and some senior Biden funders who were withholding huge amounts of committed contributions. “There was pressure on donors to come across on their pending commitments,” the official told me. “It was understood that Biden had a physical problem in Las Vegas and the family was saying no” to continued pressure from donors and senior Democrats in Congress to withdraw from the presidential campaign. Initially, the president could not be reached.
By Saturday, July 20, former President Barack Obama was deeply involved, and there was talk that he would place a call to Biden. It was not clear whether Biden had been examined or just what happened to him in Las Vegas. “The Big Three,” the official said, referring to former House Speaker Nancy Pelosi, Senate Majority Leader Charles Schumer and House Minority Leader Hakeem Jeffries, continued to be directly involved. “On Sunday morning,” the official told me, with the approval of Pelosi and Schumer, “Obama called Biden after breakfast and said, ‘Here’s the deal. We have Kamala’s approval to invoke the 25th Amendment.” The amendment provides that when the president is determined by the vice president and others to be unfit to carry out the powers and duties of his office, the vice president shall assume those duties.
“It was clear at this point,” the official said, “that she would get the nod”—that is, the support to run for the presidency in the November election. “But Obama also made it clear,” the official said, “that he was not going to immediately endorse her. But the group had decided that her work as a prosecutor would help her deal with Trump in a debate.”
One possible drawback, I was told, was Harris’s sometime disdain for the work of the US Intelligence Community. She is known not to be especially interested in the President’s Daily Brief, a highly classified summary of current intelligence that is prepared overnight by the Office of the Director of National Intelligence and delivered by hand to the most vital offices in Washington, including the vice president’s. The document, which includes signals intelligence, is to be read by the addressee in the presence of the delivering intelligence officer. I was told that Harris often showed little interest in reading the document and at some point asked the agency to stop delivering it to her. Now, as a presidential candidate, she is being kept up to date on all significant intelligence matters.
A key factor in the decision to force Biden out of office by invoking the 25th Amendment was a series of increasingly negative polls on the president’s standing against Trump that had been commissioned by the funders, the official said. “The downward slope was increasing.” Polling would also be important for the vice president, I was told, and it was agreed that if the polls did not continue to show her gaining traction, other options would be considered, including an open convention. I was unable to learn if Harris was aware of such considerations or whether she intends to abide by them.
The official, who has decades of experience in fundraising, told me that Obama emerged as the strongman throughout the negotiations. “He had an agenda and he wanted to seek it through to the end, and he wanted to have control over who would be elected.”
A few days after we talked, with Harris getting off to a solid start, Obama and his wife announced their endorsement of Harris and told her, over the phone in a staged TV event, that they would do all they could to campaign for her and to support her.
But she had better perform.
The Sun: JD Vance once told a Yale Law School classmate that he hated the police and that Donald Trump was a "morally reprehensible human being," according to reports.
The classmate Sofia Nelson handed over up to 90 messages and emails Vance and they shared from 2014 to 2017 to the New York Times.
The messages revealed Vance's alleged stance on his now-running partner Donald Trump and his openness to accept Nelson, who is transgender.
Nelson's primary purpose for leaking the text messages and emails is to "inform the opinion of voters about Mr. Vance," Nelson said.
In 2014, Vance shared his thoughts on police after the killing of Michael Brown, a Black 18-year-old, by a white police officer in Ferguson, Missouri.
"I hate the police. Given the number of negative experiences I've had in the past few years, I can't imagine what a black guy goes through," Vance allegedly said in an email to Nelson, according to the New York Times.
In 2015, in an excerpt from an email between Vance and Nelson, he also allegedly referred to Trump as a demagogue.
"I'm obviously outraged at Trump's rhetoric, and I worry most of all about how welcome Muslim citizens feel in their own country, Vance said, per the New York Times reports.
"But I also think that people have always believed crazy s**t and there have always been demagogues willing to exploit the people who believe crazy s**t."
Sofia/Sofa hmm
The couch is definitely funnier though.
Read this story, it's great. He really should be 25thed now.
I read the first part of this but I am having trouble following. Why is the money being delivered to the donor? Isn't it supposed to be going the other way? Or is this his own money being delivered to him, that he is then giving to the campaign?