The next presidential race will be here soon! Please see current Bovada odds. Thoughts?

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14 July 2022 at 02:28 PM

20207 Replies


by housenuts k

Semantics. Yes he dropped out. The Dems strong armed him to.

So, he did choose to drop out.

Got it.

by housenuts k

But he won't lose next time since he won't be running. So 0%

You think RNC nominates him again?

You're just pretending not to get it, right?

The dunking in 4 years is going to be epic.

by Gorgonian k

Let me get this straight: you think because he'll probably die before he can make himself dictator, the destruction of democracy is not a problem? Are you just trolling now?

I listed multiple reasons why it is super unlikely he'll be dictator. Dying is one of those, yes.

by housenuts k

I listed multiple reasons why it is super unlikely he'll be dictator. Dying is one of those, yes.

You really didn't but ok. Your other reason was he "won't be running in 2028." As we've already established, he's going to eliminate the vote. NOBODY WILL BE "RUNNING." jfc. I think we've seen enough of this interaction to draw our conclusions.

by housenuts k

In 2020 he disagreed with the facts. Factual disputes are fairly common.

I have no idea if this is correct, but if it is, then Trump is dangerously delusional.

The evidence of widespread fraud in favor the Democrats was approximately as compelling as the evidence in favor of a flat earth.

I have always assumed that Trump and his henchman were mostly opportunists who were willing to subvert democracy for political gain, with a few nutter true believers mixed in.

Your read on Trump is less morally problematic than mine, but arguably more alarming. You seem to be suggesting that he is inherently incapable of distinguishing fact from fiction -- perhaps at all times but certainly in situations involving his personal political interests.

housenuts doesn't like that the republicans party has been taken over by religious nutjobs and realizes that trump lies more then he eats...

...but he has no choice but to vote for him...

...because he is a simple small minded person...

...with a crypto wallet

by biggerboat k

Every once in a while I get a feeling that housenuts is salvageable, but then this happens.

No Trumpkin on an online forum is salvageable.

by housenuts k

You fail to differentiate the event last time with the proposed one in 2028.

I'll help you. He was a candidate last time. He didn't like the results of the vote.

Next time he won't be a candidate. He'll also be in his 80s and finished his 2 terms.

He'll also probably be killed off at some point in the next 4 years.

Stop worrying so much.

Do you believe that Trump would willingly subvert democracy for personal gain if he had the ability to do so? If so, is that a concern for you regardless of how likely you believe it is that he would be able to subvert democracy for personal gain?

by Rococo k

Do you believe that Trump would willingly subvert democracy for personal gain if he had the ability to do so? If so, is that a concern for you regardless of how likely you believe it is that he would be able to subvert democracy for personal gain?

Yes probably. Do I believe he'll be able to? No.

by housenuts k

Yes probably. Do I believe he'll be able to? No.

Do you care that he would be willing to do so if the opportunity presented itself? Is that a concern for you?

I like housenuts. I hate his posting in this forum but I like him in general

I’m a complex guy like that

by housenuts k

Yes probably.

And you'll still vote for him, believing that?

by Gorgonian k

And you'll still vote for him, believing that?


by Rococo k

Do you care that he would be willing to do so if the opportunity presented itself? Is that a concern for you?

Ya a bit. He's a clown. But he won't succeed so my concern isn't too high.

by housenuts k


Now I'm confused. You aren't voting for Trump?

by housenuts k


Well. That's fine then. As long as you won't vote for Trump, maybe there's hope for you after all. I mean you sound ridiculous in this thread, but the only people I've lost hope for are the ones that will still vote for him.

by housenuts k

Ya a bit. He's a clown. But he won't succeed so my concern isn't too high.

Seems like quite a gamble. If he'd had a different VP in his first term the US might already be a dictatorship now.

by housenuts k

I listed multiple reasons why it is super unlikely he'll be dictator. Dying is one of those, yes.

Maybe. But you're missing another key point. Behind him is a growing fascist movement that he's enabling. Give them enough power and we lose our country.

by StoppedRainingMen k

I like housenuts. I hate his posting in this forum but I like him in general

I’m a complex guy like that

Yeah that's where I am. We played a lot of ww together and I always enjoyed it.

I'm sure the ww games can continue with agreement of the Gestapo.

Sadly ww is dead here

Isn't housenuts a Canadian? He won't be voting for anyone.

by Gorgonian k

And you'll still vote for him, believing that?

He's not USAian.

Regardless, the mental gymnastics Trump supporters go to to persuade themselves that he doesn't mean what he literally says when it's inconvenient for them are ****ing Olympic standard.
