The next presidential race will be here soon! Please see current Bovada odds. Thoughts?

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14 July 2022 at 02:28 PM

20207 Replies


by Luciom k

Horror, teachers unions in the USA might be effective in doing teachers interests.

But they are incredibly bad for actual educational outcomes, which is why the USA spends more per pupil than basically any country in the world with very mid results.

And what they did during COVID was worse than what unions did basically everywhere else. They pushed for schools to stay closed the longest in the first world and where they succeeded it was disastrous for kids.

I bring that up because some democrats ac

Imma let you finish, but little gains like $10,000 for 50+ hour a week work in K12 education doesn't hurt test scores if you wanna use that as a barometer.

In fact, teachers having less anxiety about money, not working second jobs, and feeling they're getting what they're worth is probably a net-positive long-term for students.

But there's no proof that ugly negotiations of work stoppages under two weeks harm students. Education isn't a zero-sum game.

by Luciom k

If trans is such a niche issue, why did democrats spam 24/7 about it?

If your window to the U.S. is this message board and other firnge corners of the internet, I can see where you believe this, but it just isn't true. Everyone at parties, bars, and other social settings wants to talk politics with me because of what I do and pretty much no one wants to talk LGBTQ+ issues, let alone puberty blockers and bathroom politics.

You'll see people change a Facebook profile picture in June or re-share clever one-liners about privacy in the bedroom, but the median run-of-the-mill Democrat is still a straight, working person far more focused on wages, reproductive rights, gun safety laws, and immigration than most of the issues that leftists and people left of center on this board discuss ad nauseum.

I'm not saying trans issues aren't important. I'm just saying that it's similar to Gaza in that people have feelings about them but don't really care enough to be informed about them, let alone be active based on those issues. The people spamming on trans issues are definitely mostly fringe very online people on the political spectrum. Not your run-of-the-mill Democrat.

Trump’s stop at the Livingston County Sheriff’s Office — complete with officers and
sheriff's vehicles behind him — has led to a probe by the Michigan Bureau of Elections

visiting shortly after white supremacists gathered there and celebrated him and Adolf Hitler

gave the impression that the sheriff’s office was endorsing the GOP presidential nominee

Why should the local residents trust these officers to protect their rights, if the department was
so willing to let them be aligned with one of the most notorious lawbreakers in American history?

by Montrealcorp k

I was wondering , are post from Twitter X has more value and credibility then those made here ?
Many keep posting has proof of truth it seem instead of actual news .

It's easier to post and view an X post on here than a link. It's also the number 1 news app, but I can post a link to the story if you like.

Crypto president has a new grift. I can see why crypto bros like him, quite similar to most rugpulls they get excited about.

by The Horror k

Democrats are pretty centrist in the global scheme of things, if not right of center.

You really have to pretend the rest of the world doesn't exist to call Dems left-wing.

The current leader of dems is running on the idea of the govt price fixing every product and service in the country. That seems like one of the most leftist ideas I’ve heard in the developed world.

by bahbahmickey k

The current leader of dems is running on the idea of the govt price fixing every product and service in the country. That seems like one of the most leftist ideas I’ve heard in the developed world.

where is this? i'd like to visit.

by bahbahmickey k

The current leader of dems is running on the idea of the govt price fixing every product and service in the country. That seems like one of the most leftist ideas I’ve heard in the developed world.

When you can't come up with a good argument, lie. The MAGA way.

by Santzes k

Crypto president has a new grift. I can see why crypto bros like him, quite similar to most rugpulls they get excited about.

Wait, I only watched a part of this, but he is selling "digital trading cards"? So, he is selling jpegs, basically? And the MAGA chodes are buying them? Of course they are, of course they are. Damn man, why did I not think of this?

by Victor k

Based. I hope she starts running on sending socialists to reeducation camps too

by biggerboat k

When you can't come up with a good argument, lie. The MAGA way.

That would certainly explain why bahbah lies literally every time he posts.

by checkraisdraw k

Based. I hope she starts running on sending socialists to reeducation camps too

Acting just like Republicans is def based

by d2_e4 k

Wait, I only watched a part of this, but he is selling "digital trading cards"? So, he is selling jpegs, basically? And the MAGA chodes are buying them? Of course they are, of course they are. Damn man, why did I not think of this?

i've actually seriously considered buying trump nfts/shoes etc just for resale value but morally feel obligated not to do so

(there's also... big shocker i'm sure... limited resale value)

by d2_e4 k

That would certainly explain why bahbah lies literally every time he posts.

It is possible he isn't lying but believes what he says. Not that its true. Just that on the far right they are listening to a lot of fake news channels. And podcasts. And aren't following neutral news organizations like the NY Times, Washington Post, 60 Minutes, ABC, CBS, NBS (not MSNBC), and CNN. Now the neutral news organizations are now being accused of being fake news by Trump and Republicans but I think they are trying to get things right after they didn't in 2016.

by Mr Rick k

It is possible he isn't lying but believes what he says. Not that its true. Just that on the far right they are listening to a lot of fake news channels. And podcasts.

His reactions when challenged indicate that he is well aware that he is lying, or at the very least posting with a complete indifference to the truth of what he asserts. But yes, he does parrot the same right wing talking points over and over like a broken record.

by d2_e4 k

His reactions when challenged indicate that he is well aware that he is lying, or at the very least posting with a complete indifference to the truth of what he asserts. But yes, he does parrot the same right wing talking points over and over like a broken record.

I get what you are saying. I just think it is likely that he doesn't want to do any research on neutral sites because he doesn't want to have to deal with reality if it is different than his world.

Think about why about 63% of Republicans still believe the 2020 election was stolen. As time progresses more of them just believe it without evidence. Something like only half of them now believe there is any evidence. But if they were willing to know anything about it they would find out that in over 60 cases that Trump's legal team presented after the election, they presented no evidence of fraud. 20 cases were dismissed before evidence could be presented, 14 cases were voluntarily dismissed by Trump or his allies and 30 cases included hearings on the merits. In no case was any actual evidence of voter fraud presented.

So we are living in a country where 63% (or more) of one party believes something that is basically very important and isn't true. Because they want it to be true.

by bahbahmickey k

The current leader of dems is running on the idea of the govt price fixing every product and service in the country. That seems like one of the most leftist ideas I’ve heard in the developed world.

Cool cherry-picking.

She also calls for tax rates lower than most others in the developed world, public-private healthcare partnership instead of single-payer, that the US military should be the most lethal force in the world, sustained intervention in Ukraine, standing with Israel unconditionally, the recent bipartisan border bill. She's also of Christian faith.

Even Luciom has admitted, I think, that American Dems are relative right wingers or centrists in other developed countries on a ton of issues.

It's pretty uncontroversial that America is right-of-center country, relative to the developed world. And Dems stand for pretty mainstream issues, in general.

by rickroll k

that thread is such a liberal hotbed that half the liberals (who aren't liberal enough i guess) are labeled ultra conservative right wing transphobes

it is not at all representative of society, we're talking bleeding edge leftist abounds over there

There aren't any liberals left who are willing to regularly contribute to that thread.

The anti trans crowd outnumbers the "treat others with empathy" crowd like 4:1 yet you still make ridiculous verifiably false posts like this on the regular

by Slighted k

where is this? i'd like to visit.


by biggerboat k

When you can't come up with a good argument, lie. The MAGA way.

See articles below. If you don't think what she is suggesting is price controls please explain what she means as the articles below seem to agree with me all those articles are all from rick's approved news organization list.

by d2_e4 k

That would certainly explain why bahbah lies literally every time he posts.

I think you are grossly misusing the word literally here.

by Mr Rick k

It is possible he isn't lying but believes what he says. Not that its true. Just that on the far right they are listening to a lot of fake news channels. And podcasts. And aren't following neutral news organizations like the NY Times, Washington Post, 60 Minutes, ABC, CBS, NBS (not MSNBC), and CNN. Now the neutral news organizations are now being accused of being fake news by Trump and Republicans but I think they are trying to get things right after they didn't in 2016.

Here are a few articles from the sites you mentioned that all tell nearly the same story which is that nearly every economist who doesn't work for the federal gov't (and many who do work for the govt) think her idea that blaming inflation on corporate greed is incredible stupid and punishing companies for raising prices is likely to have the opposite effect of her goal.

"Kamala Harris’s Price-Control Delusion
Consumers inevitably would end up paying via shortfalls of supply and reductions in quality."


"Jason Furman, a top economist in the Obama administration, shared Roberts’ view that anti-price gouging laws could inadvertently harm consumers. “This is not sensible policy, and I think the biggest hope is that it ends up being a lot of rhetoric and no reality,” he told the New York Times. “There’s no upside here, and there is some downside.”


"Economists have cited a range of forces for pushing up prices in the recovery from the pandemic recession, including snarled supply chains, a sudden shift in consumer buying patterns, and the increased customer demand fueled by stimulus from the government and low rates from the Federal Reserve. Most economists say those forces are far more responsible than corporate behavior for the rise in prices in that period."


"A ban on price gouging would in theory disallow food and grocery companies from hiking prices an excessive amount over a set period of time, economists told ABC News. They disagreed, however, on whether the measure could control the rise of food prices or if such an outcome is desirable."


""There are lots of reasons for the high inflation we've suffered over the past several years, but aggressive or unfair pricing practices are at bottom of list of reasons, if they're on the list at all," Mark Zandi, chief economist at Moody's Analytics, told CBS MoneyWatch. "It may have been more of an issue back when supply chains were being disrupted by the pandemic, but today it's hard to point to any significant, meaningful examples of price gouging."


by bahbahmickey k

The current leader of dems is running on the idea of the govt price fixing every product and service in the country. That seems like one of the most leftist ideas I’ve heard in the developed world.

What you think about Nixon ?
He used the same ploy in early 70s….
Was he communist too ?

by Mr Rick k

I get what you are saying. I just think it is likely that he doesn't want to do any research on neutral sites because he doesn't want to have to deal with reality if it is different than his world.

Think about why about 63% of Republicans still believe the 2020 election was stolen. As time progresses more of them just believe it without evidence. Something like only half of them now believe there is any evidence. But if they were willing to know anything about it they would find out that in

I think some of that 63% are considering what facebook's zuck recently admitted to (that he and other media sites caved to pressure from one party to block info about hunter's laptop and about covid) which helped get biden elected as cheating. I don't think we can say those people are wrong.

So much of biden's campaign was about how trump didn't do enough to protect people from covid and if some of the stuff that was blocked came to light it would have justify what trump was doing - atleast in the minds of some voters. He said 50+ times on the campaign trail he isn't involved in his family's foreign business deals and I think if the laptop proved he had a lot of dinner and phone calls with a lot of hunter's foreign biz partners some voters would have turned on him.

by coordi k

The anti trans crowd outnumbers the "treat others with empathy" crowd like 4:1

You think that is how the two sides dividing line is? I think you're proving rick's point.

by Montrealcorp k

What you think about Nixon ?
He used the same ploy in early 70s….
Was he communist too ?

Let's not forget that pinko also started the EPA.

by Mr Rick k

It is possible he isn't lying but believes what he says. Not that its true. Just that on the far right they are listening to a lot of fake news channels. And podcasts. And aren't following neutral news organizations like the NY Times, Washington Post, 60 Minutes, ABC, CBS, NBS (not MSNBC), and CNN. Now the neutral news organizations are now being accused of being fake news by Trump and Republicans but I think they are trying to get things right after they didn't in 2016.

The writing of baham is good enough to know his lying like all the folks on foxnews do….
Wouldn’t surprise me at all his a paid shill in some way from a conservative group.
His lies are too huge and his reality is too distorted to be what he really believes in While following the exact “ propagande du jour” of the Republican Party .

by campfirewest k

Let's not forget that pinko also started the EPA.

These days you can add the environment to the very long list of things modern day US conservatism does not want to conserve.

Other things it has deemed no longer necessary is morals, norms, integrity, law, order and basic human decency.

It is long overdue to abandon Trumpism.
