The next presidential race will be here soon! Please see current Bovada odds. Thoughts?

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14 July 2022 at 02:28 PM

20207 Replies


by Montrealcorp k

Yes soviets are known not killing civilians ……(sarcasm)

That's just CIA propaganda bro. Comrade Stalin was actually a really good guy and the gulags were like 5 star hotels with caviar and champagne and Cuban cigars and stripper Wednesdays.

by Victor k

Soviets massacred the most Nazis. US was very effective at bombing civilians.

Now we’re moving the goalposts from “never been a based massacre” to “the Soviet’s massacre was more based”. Do you ever get embarrassed that your propaganda is so lazy?

countries the USA has recently "helped": Iraq, Libya, Afghanistan, Syria, Ukraine. with friends like the USA...

Amazing, do you have like a direct feed from the Kremlin into your brain or something? The US helping Ukraine is incredibly based.

Also notice how we’re moving the goalposts from outposts/massacres to wars? I’d say that Europe and South Korea probably appreciate our outposts right now fwiw.

by Victor k

countries the USA has recently "helped": Iraq, Libya, Afghanistan, Syria, Ukraine. with friends like the USA...

Well you have the right believe Ukrainians would be better treated under Putin/soviet sovereignty instead of their own .
I wonder why they all wanted to leave in the 1990s…
Or massive amount of people with like the totality of woman in Afghanistan have better life today under the talibans then before .

I know for certain I would find many people living there disagreeing with you ….

And agaisn you didnt answer my question .
Do u know a political system and a country where u agree with and u find no flaws in it today ?

by checkraisdraw k

Now we’re moving the goalposts from “never been a based massacre” to “the Soviet’s massacre was more based”. Do you ever get embarrassed that your propaganda is so lazy?

Amazing, do you have like a direct feed from the Kremlin into your brain or something? The US helping Ukraine is incredibly based.

Also notice how we’re moving the goalposts from outposts/massacres to wars? I’d say that Europe and South Korea probably appreciate our outposts right now fwiw.

Philippines are very happy too based on what China doing presently in the sea in Philippines territory ..

by Montrealcorp k

Philippines are very happy too based on what China doing presently in the sea in Philippines territory ..

Heck as long as we're making a list, Australia and Japan are probably pretty happy they have the strongest military in the world backing them up.

by 72off k

literally what the **** are you talking about


by Luciom k

I guess you have to gote for Jill Stein and help republicans win seats in Congress and perhaps the presidency.

by checkraisdraw k

Now we’re moving the goalposts from “never been a based massacre” to “the Soviet’s massacre was more based”. Do you ever get embarrassed that your propaganda is so lazy?

I was just using your terminology as far as massacres go. when the US bombs Dresden or Tokyo and or Nagasaki, I would classify that as a massacre.

when they do DDay and run through the Falaise pocket then I would not call it a massacre.

the US ofc did a lot more bombing massacres of civilians than fighting soldiers at least in Germany. the Soviets ofc, fought the Nazi soldiers and beat them and won the war.

by Montrealcorp k

Philippines are very happy too based on what China doing presently in the sea in Philippines territory ..

you really want to bring up the Philippines in relation to foreign occupation and treatment by the USA?

nuking japan for ... uh, womens rights. ty 4 ur service 👍👍

by The Horror k


oh ok, was pretty confused bc you quoted my post lol

by Victor k

I was just using your terminology as far as massacres go. when the US bombs Dresden or Tokyo and or Nagasaki, I would classify that as a massacre.

when they do DDay and run through the Falaise pocket then I would not call it a massacre.

the US ofc did a lot more bombing massacres of civilians than fighting soldiers at least in Germany. the Soviets ofc, fought the Nazi soldiers and beat them and won the war.

Yeah I guess for you it was better if they slowly and strategically try to end the Nazi regime, which would have led to even more Jews being killed. Maybe the german citizens who had supported the Nazi party are more important than them.

Tt had been nearly a full year since the first concentration camp was liberated, where the Soviets invited journalists to inspect the ruins of Majdanek. In January of that same year, less than a month before the Dresden campaign, Auschwitz was also liberated by the Soviets. The urgency to put pressure on the Nazi regime to end the war was at an all time high, as news of their crimes were well known at that time by the allies and the Soviets. Furthermore, the figure purported by the Nazi regime and regurgitated and popularized by (unfortunately an amazing author) Kurt Vonnegut of about 250-500k remains highly controversial, and an independent investigation commissioned by the city itself found that the true death toll was around 25,000, an order of magnitude lower than what was reported.

Do I think that the events of the war hold up to modern standards? Hell no. Some of the stuff that they did to civilians, especially rape and looting, was disgusting. I mean the Soviets certainly raped and looted themselves to a higher degree, but then again they weren't above doing horrible stuff to their own civilians so that's to be expected. But the firebombing of Dresden wasn't for not reason or without justification. These were the same people that had benefited from and supporting the Nazi government and their persecution of Jewish people.

by Victor k

you really want to bring up the Philippines in relation to foreign occupation and treatment by the USA?

You were talking on present USA intervention and holding post weren’t you ?
Yes today they are happy the U.S. is there .
U keep going up and dow in time trying to justify I don’t know .
Again tell us which country or political system u support and we go from there .
If all u do is find any errors countries did , well they all did .
Maybe we should just eradicate the entire human race since no one is perfect shrug .
Maybe that will make u more happy .

Guys you are OT

South Korea best example of USA protecting the world.

It might also be the only example

i enjoy that it's now Harris that is apparently pushing for open mics at the debate and trump's people are saying, no we want mics to cut off.

i say "trump's people" because clearly the Harris campaign thinks it's not trump's idea since they are calling him out saying his "handlers" are controlling the situation for him.

nate silver said trump agreeing to debate was an underrated bad decision

in hindsight yeah but thats being results oriented isnt it

by Slighted k

i enjoy that it's now Harris that is apparently pushing for open mics at the debate and trump's people are saying, no we want mics to cut off.

i say "trump's people" because clearly the Harris campaign thinks it's not trump's idea since they are calling him out saying his "handlers" are controlling the situation for him.

They are just running a smart campaign and realize the open mikes helps them as Trump will interrupt non stop and look stupid. Whoever is running her campaign is doing a great job . Even at the convention all the American flags and patriotism that was the GOP's thing

by lozen k

They are just running a smart campaign and realize the open mikes helps them as Trump will interrupt non stop and look stupid. Whoever is running her campaign is doing a great job . Even at the convention all the American flags and patriotism that was the GOP's thing

They used pics of Trump border wall in their ad on their border policy...

by the pleasure k

nate silver said trump agreeing to debate was an underrated bad decision

in hindsight yeah but thats being results oriented isnt it

I didn't see Silver's comments, so I don't know what he meant, but I could make a case that the debate format changed the course of U.S. history. Turning off the mics and relying on the candidates to fact check each other was a disaster for Biden because it highlighted his weaknesses.

With a different format, I think there is a universe in which the debate would have devolved into a complete shitshow, which would have made it easier for Biden and his people to blame his performance on Trump abusing the format. We probably would have ended up in the same spot, but I think there is maybe a 25% chance that Biden would have remained the nominee in the debate shitshow scenario.

by Luciom k

They used pics of Trump border wall in their ad on their border policy...

seem's on brand for politicians i guess.. trump just did an event at Obama's border wall.


by Rococo k

I didn't see Silver's comments, so I don't know what he meant, but I could make a case that the debate format changed the course of U.S. history. Turning off the mics and relying on the candidates to fact check each other was a disaster for Biden because it highlighted his weaknesses.

With a different format, I think there is a universe in which the debate would have devolved into a complete shitshow, which would have made it easier for Biden and his people to blame his performance on Trump ab

Silver means that Trump is worse off because of that debate. Without the debate Biden would probably still be on the ballot and trump chances would be far higher and so on.

In general, in literature, whomever is in the lead doesn't gain from debating

by Luciom k

Silver means that Trump is worse off because of that debate. Without the debate Biden would probably still be on the ballot and trump chances would be far higher and so on.

In general, in literature, whomever is in the lead doesn't gain from debating

I was guessing that was what he meant. I just hadn't read his comments.

by lozen k

Even at the convention all the American flags and patriotism that was the GOP's thing

Yes, Democrats have never waved the flag and talked about patriotism. 😵

by Didace k

Yes, Democrats have never waved the flag and talked about patriotism. 😵

exactly, everyone knows democrats hate america

Except, now that I think about it, aren't both parties exactly the same?

This is all making my head hurt.

It's funny, Kinzinger started his speech with something like "I was surprised to learn that Democrats like America as much as we do!"
