The next presidential race will be here soon! Please see current Bovada odds. Thoughts?

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14 July 2022 at 02:28 PM

20207 Replies


by Victor k

oh right the USA famously does not lock up or execute dissidents

You aren't locked up so i guess that answers the question

by Luciom k

You aren't locked up so i guess that answers the question

menna b a slam dunk lolol

by Luciom k

You aren't locked up so i guess that answers the question

Viktor thinks US prisons are worse than Soviet Gulags btw. I am not joking.

by Victor k

oh right the USA famously does not lock up or execute dissidents

Whom did the US famously lock up or execute for being a dissident?

That can't be a serious question.

by Victor k

That can't be a serious question.

I have no idea whom you have in mind. Humour me.

you can start here but as the great 72o said I aint doing book reports for you guys

by checkraisdraw k

Let’s say there are two candidates. One promises to kill 1 million random people. The other promises to kill 10 million people. I say it would be a moral imperative to vote for the one that will kill 1 million.

Everything else is just talking about what the threshold is. Saying you would never vote for the lesser evil though? Just seems like a weird voting strategy. I would actually respect “voting statistically doesn’t matter” people over “I will never vote lesser evil” people.

My new best friend

by d2_e4 k

Viktor thinks US prisons are worse than Soviet Gulags btw. I am not joking.

What’s the data say

by d2_e4 k

I have no idea whom you have in mind. Humour me.

A few examples can easily be found, but they don't allow any equivalence with regimes that lock up and execute a ton more.

The worst one by a very large margin was the internment of japanese-americans by the left-most president in USA history , which the left-most SCOTUS in USA history considered constitutional.

by Victor k

you can start here but as the great 72o said I aint doing book reports for you guys

While this is obviously not ideal, the fact that you equate actions the US government took against armed militants to actions the governments you idolise regularly take/took against journalists, authors and such is pretty laughable.

by PointlessWords k

What’s the data say

There is no randomized control trial of gulags vs american prisons so it's impossible to make any claim about the comparison between the 2, sorry that's how social science works.

by d2_e4 k

While this is obviously not ideal, the fact that you equate actions the US government took against armed militants to actions the governments you idolise regularly take/took against journalists, authors and such is pretty laughable.

The USA fights against domestic armed terrorists when they try to overthrow the state which is why when China sterilizes all uighur women to genocide their ethnicity it's the same.

by PointlessWords k

What’s the data say

If you need to ask, you probably need to do some more reading on the subject of soviet Gulags. Wikipedia is a great place to start.

Hint: saying US prisons are worse than soviet Gulags would be akin to saying US prisons are worse than Nazi concentration camps. Would you be asking for "data" is someone made that comparison?

by d2_e4 k

While this is obviously not ideal, the fact that you equate actions the US government took against armed militants to actions the governments you idolise regularly take/took against journalists, authors and such is pretty laughable.

now hes gonna argue that the people assassinated and thrown in jail on fake charges deserved it. peak liberal right here folks.

the famous armed militant MLK!

by Victor k

the famous armed militant MLK!

The US government assassinated MLK? Tell me more.

by Luciom k

A few examples can easily be found, but they don't allow any equivalence with regimes that lock up and execute a ton more.

The worst one by a very large margin was the internment of japanese-americans by the left-most president in USA history , which the left-most SCOTUS in USA history considered constitutional.

Again, while obviously not ideal and a stain on American history, they were not interred for being dissidents.

by Victor k

now hes gonna argue that the people assassinated and thrown in jail on fake charges deserved it. peak liberal right here folks.

Not what I said though, is it? What I said is that you are drawing false equivalences, as per the standard operating procedure for your kind.

d2_e4: The US government doesn't do xyz to people for being dissidents.
Victor: What about these guys?
d2_e4: They were more than just dissidents. They were armed militants.
Victor: So they deserved it then? Standard libtard.

Lol you, Victor. Lol you.

by d2_e4 k

Again, while obviously not ideal and a stain on American history, they were not interred for being dissidents.

they were interred for being potentially dissidents, even worse.

"how can we be sure that they won't help japan soldiers"

by checkraisdraw k

Let’s say there are two candidates. One promises to kill 1 million random people. The other promises to kill 10 million people. I say it would be a moral imperative to vote for the one that will kill 1 million.

Everything else is just talking about what the threshold is. Saying you would never vote for the lesser evil though? Just seems like a weird voting strategy. I would actually respect “voting statistically doesn’t matter” people over “I will never vote lesser evil” people.

The point is you don't need hypotheticals to figure out the impact of not voting. We know from demographic analysis that voters are a subset of the population that leans slightly to the right and primary voters lean even more to the right. If you are on the left and advocate not voting, you're advocating for the exact strategy that lead to Reagan, Bush, Clinton and the current status quo.

In primaries, progressives in droves did not turn out for Bernie Sanders. Yet they didn't change radically and discover that they should not expect to win if they run a lesser evil candidate. The impact of progressive vote withholding seems pretty well understood and historically has resulted in right leaning candidates winning primaries and elections and no leftward shift, either of the party as a whole or the progressive wing.

by Luciom k

they were interred for being potentially dissidents, even worse.

"how can we be sure that they won't help japan soldiers"

It was a good faith (even if obviously extremely misguided) fear for national security. It wasn't using national security as a pretext to lock up people who disagree with the party in power politically.

The Soviet Union and its ilk regularly locked up journalists, authors, artists and others who posed no danger and could not possibly pose any danger other speaking out against the party in power. It's a qualitatively different scenario.

by d2_e4 k

The US government assassinated MLK? Tell me more.

I like how you just skipped over the whole imprisoned part but its ok, I still got you. bc you know I can and do read stuff.

by d2_e4 k

The US government assassinated MLK? Tell me more.

It was in a documentary I saw about two very attractive FBI agents. The something files.

by Victor k

I like how you just skipped over the whole imprisoned part but its ok, I still got you. bc you know I can and do read stuff.

Cool, I can do screenshots too, although sadly I do not have the same faith in your reading abilities as you have in mine.

In any case, your evidence for your assertion that the US government executes dissidents is a ****ing MLK assassination conspiracy theory. Great work as usual, crack on.
