The next presidential race will be here soon! Please see current Bovada odds. Thoughts?

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14 July 2022 at 02:28 PM

20207 Replies


by checkraisdraw k

Source: dude, trust me.

Nixon was pretty tame compared to Bush and Trump.

I read "Being Nixon" by Evan Thomas a few years ago and just thumbed through the book again for this post. Tell me if any of these things sound or look familiar in Democratic Party politics today:

1.) Surged in Vietnam before implementing a ceasefire. More than what Obama did to end Afghanistan.

2.) Improved relations with China. Sure, for leverage against the USSR, but still.

3.) Met with Brezhnev in '73 and signed SALT I and the Anti-Ballistic Missle Treaty

4.) Upon establishing relations with Egypt (mostly to remove Soviet influence), threatened to withhold aid to Israel after the Yom Kippur War if they didn't negotiate a peace deal with Egypt and Palestinians.

5.) Reacted to high inflation by giving grants to states.

6.) Imposed price-fixing laws after Congress granted him the right to do so.

7.) Created Earth Day upon creating the EPA.

8.) Opposed busing, but enforced mass desegregation of schools. He didn't do enough, sure, but he could've turned a blind eye.

9.) Endorsed the Equal Rights Amendment.

10.) Revised Executive Order 11246 to desegregate government workplaces.

11.) Cooperated with the Soviet space program with a five-year joint program.

12.) Proposed a health insurance mandate for employers in the private sector.

13.) Supported replacing Medicaid with state-run single-payer systems.

14.) Declared the war on drugs, sure, but boosted funding for rehab facilities.

15.) Tapped Rehnquist for the SCOTUS, sure, but also swing voter Lewis Powell and relatively liberal Harry Blackmun.

by d2_e4 k

And consistently not voting will get you a society where you no longer have to worry about voting at all.

by d2_e4 k

Depends. Maybe not being in prison for your political beliefs is overrated too. You guys seem to idolise countries that didn't have elections and locked up or executed dissidents, so I guess that's all fine and dandy for you, but you probably haven't considered that you won't always be on the "right" side of those in power if and when that happens.

People have not been voting for a very long time. The Reagan/Bush years had dome of the lowest turnout in history. We're basically in the long run from that election as most people that voted for Reagan in 80 are dead. And nobody ever talks about the impact that those people who sat out in 80 are having today. Why would sitting out now be any different in 2060?

by Montrealcorp k

Exactly .
it might sound crazy but I think victor is even more on the left then luciom on the right because luciom clearly see a distinction between democrats and republicans …
Luciom would never vote for democrats .

I don't think it's about being further away from centre. While I disagree with many of Luciom's positions, he's clearly well read, well informed, and is in possession of sufficient mental horsepower to formulate a cogent world view. Victor is... not. Unless "everyone bad, everything bad, communists good" passes for a cogent world view, I suppose.

by tame_deuces k

Perhaps you could give some examples of what policies and people you do support on this issue, as it seems a little easy to just go #bothsidesbad and ride the moral high ground into the sunset.

on the issue of genocide!? yeah i think it's pretty easy to say that both sides are bad for supporting it

as for how i'd solve the whole peace in the middle east issue, who cares, i don't have that power, so i'm not gonna do a book report on the subject just to make you happy. a lot of smarter people than i have looked into it over the years, feel free to google around for that if you actually care about anything other than wasting my time.

by ecriture d'adulte k

Did you think your own view was so dumb that no other progressive would hold it? That's the only good faith reason you would need a citation.

my view on whether accelerationism was a widely held opinion on the left in 2016? yeah, i don't think it was. i don't remember hearing much of that, and to that point there's the fact that a higher % of bernie supporters voted for hillary than hillary supporters voted for obama in 2008. the idea that accelerationism was some widespread thing on the left really seems like an anecdotal lib grudge thing on your part. like you saw brie suggest it once and its lived rent-free in your head ever since. pretty funny actually

were hillary supporters accelerationists, or just racists?

by 702guy k

This is straight from JD Vance:

i don't get what point you're making here, kamala agrees with all of that, except for the blaming biden part obviously

by ecriture d'adulte k

People have not been voting for a very long time. The Reagan/Bush years had dome of the lowest turnout in history. We're basically in the long run from that election as most people that voted for Reagan in 80 are dead. And nobody ever talks about the impact that those people who sat out in 80 are having today. Why would sitting out now be any different in 2060?

I was taking his suggestion to its logical conclusion - i.e. literally nobody votes (since obviously, no individual person is going to ever be in 100% agreement with the policy platform proposed by any party other than maybe the guy who proposed it), or say, fewer than 5% of eligible voters or something, if we want to put some number on it. Tbh I have no idea what exactly would happen in that scenario, but I suspect that some enterprising authoritarian would find a way to take advantage of the situation to get into and stay in power.

by 72off k

on the issue of genocide!? yeah i think it's pretty easy to say that both sides are bad for supporting it

as for how i'd solve the whole peace in the middle east issue, who cares, i don't have that power, so i'm not gonna do a book report on the subject just to make you happy. a lot of smarter people than i have looked into it over the years, feel free to google around for that if you actually care about anything other than wasting my time.

This is gold. Basically the Trump & Kushner "One state, two state, three state, who cares, we'll have it fixed by lunch" solution, then. Boy, you guys sure do have a lot in common with the MAGAs, don't you?

by 72off k

my view on whether accelerationism was a widely held opinion on the left in 2016? yeah, i don't think it was.

Sigh... you added widely held which nobody said. You claimed to need a citation for anybody saying it.

by 72off k

on the issue of genocide!? yeah i think it's pretty easy to say that both sides are bad for supporting it

as for how i'd solve the whole peace in the middle east issue, who cares, i don't have that power, so i'm not gonna do a book report on the subject just to make you happy. a lot of smarter people than i have looked into it over the years, feel free to google around for that if you actually care about anything other than wasting my time.

"I don't know a solution but genocide isn't it" is a totally fine response by an American citizen funding the genocide.

by ecriture d'adulte k

Sigh... you added widely held which nobody said. You claimed to need a citation for anybody saying it.

you said it, several times:

by ecriture d'adulte k

It was kind of funny in 2016 when online progressives were saying Trump beating Clinton was a good thing because democrats would have to move left.

by ecriture d'adulte k

Bros here were saying we’re better off with Trump because it would hasten the collapse and leftist revolution.

by ecriture d'adulte k

many progressives feel it's better to withhold votes

just stop bro jfc

by The Horror k

"I don't know a solution but genocide isn't it" is a totally fine response by an American citizen funding the genocide.

yeah, and especially on a ****ing message board where literally nobody is gonna care about how any poster's peace plan lmao

by 72off k

you said it, several times:

Why did you post a series of quotes where he didn't say it then?

that's what those words mean man

by Gorgonian k

Why did you post a series of quotes where he didn't say it then?

Yup. And he dishonestly edited a quote. Just pure trolling now.

by 72off k

that's what those words mean man

It's...not at all what those words mean.

1) this just uses the plural of the word "progressive." That could mean as little as 2. Not "widely"
2) same for this one with "bros."
3) we've added many "here," so at least I can see why you could be confused, but "many" is still not synonymous with "widely." For example, "many" could mean, 12, which would not mean "widely" in any group larger than, say 24, certainly.

ok, what do they mean? what was he saying?

by 72off k

ok, what do they mean? what was he saying?

Just try reading his words again, and when you get a mental image of the concept of "widely" in your head, replace it with the concept of "some."


by 72off k

and btw consistently voting "lesser evil" is exactly how you get to, oh idk, say doing a genocide, and then yelling that it's a moral imperative to vote in support of it. you just get ..... well, evil.

Hum well not voting at all would not eradicate evil either so what your point ?
Actually you might allowed the bigger evil to be voted in …
How great that is .

Let’s say there are two candidates. One promises to kill 1 million random people. The other promises to kill 10 million people. I say it would be a moral imperative to vote for the one that will kill 1 million.

Everything else is just talking about what the threshold is. Saying you would never vote for the lesser evil though? Just seems like a weird voting strategy. I would actually respect “voting statistically doesn’t matter” people over “I will never vote lesser evil” people.

by checkraisdraw k

Let’s say there are two candidates. One promises to kill 1 million random people. The other promises to kill 10 million people. I say it would be a moral imperative to vote for the one that will kill 1 million.

Everything else is just talking about what the threshold is. Saying you would never vote for the lesser evil though? Just seems like a weird voting strategy. I would actually respect “voting statistically doesn’t matter” people over “I will never vote lesser evil” people.

Utilitarianism is so evil that you should choose the opposite actually.

But anyway voting isn't a one time game so considerations are different.

You aren't playing the trolley game, you can actually they to put the trolley maker out of business

by Luciom k

Utilitarianism is so evil that you should choose the opposite actually.

But anyway voting isn't a one time game so considerations are different.

You aren't playing the trolley game, you can actually they to put the trolley maker out of business

It’s more in the realm of applied ethics than normative ethics. I can think of much more extreme examples if you want to bite the bullet on never voting lesser evil.

The problem with withholding votes is a separate problem than what I’m talking about. It’s not a well thought out strategy because if the party wins, you completely take yourself out of the coalition. Even if the party loses they might hate you too much to try to appeal to you and will just move to the right/center to attract more moderates (Clinton triangulation).

Then there’s antiduopoly types that should spend all their time on fixing the electoral system if they don’t like the two party system, although boring electoral reforms seem to be extremely unpopular in America for some reason.

I voted the lesser evil pretty often, which in Italy means voting very very far from my values (no party is even vaguely libertarian leaning).

That doesn't mean I did it every time, and btw one thing a person can oppose is the voting system itself.

In the USA there is the 2 party system but you vote often, and for many things.

They need your vote not only once every four year. There are many primaries, many seats you are voting for.

You can vote Jill Stein for president but vote a Democratic senator for example, and they do notice those votes

by 72off k

as for how i'd solve the whole peace in the middle east issue, who cares, i don't have that power, so i'm not gonna do a book report on the subject just to make you happy. a lot of smarter people than i have looked into it over the years, feel free to google around for that if you actually care about anything other than wasting my time.

I was actually asking you who you would support and what policies you would support that you think would accomplish an end to the conflict.

If you don't want to answer, that is fine.

by d2_e4 k

And consistently not voting will get you a society where you no longer have to worry about voting at all.

Turnout has often been in the 50% in the USA, and far higher in brazil, does that seem to correlate with personal freedoms and democracy to you?

by d2_e4 k

Depends. Maybe not being in prison for your political beliefs is overrated too. You guys seem to idolise countries that didn't have elections and locked up or executed dissidents, so I guess that's all fine and dandy for you, but you probably haven't considered that you won't always be on the "right" side of those in power if and when that happens.

oh right the USA famously does not lock up or execute dissidents
