The next presidential race will be here soon! Please see current Bovada odds. Thoughts?

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14 July 2022 at 02:28 PM

20207 Replies


Oh the US govt disagrees with the unanimous court decision that they helped kill MLK? I guess that settles the case then.

Ignoring your dumb conspiracy talk, you are quite clearly also arguing in bad faith. All the examples you gave are of extrajudicial activities. The countries you idolise persecuted political opponents as a matter of public policy, and their incarceration and/or execution was within the framework of the judicial system for vague crimes such as being "an enemy of the state", or of course their favourite fallback charge, espionage.

Extrajudicial? Oh so it's better that USA was working outside of the law?

Back on topic please

by d2_e4 k

Ignoring your dumb conspiracy talk, you are quite clearly also arguing in bad faith. All the examples you gave are of extrajudicial activities. The countries you idolise persecuted political opponents as a matter of public policy, and their incarceration and/or execution was within the framework of the judicial system for vague crimes such as being "an enemy of the state", or of course their favourite fallback charge, espionage.

these days they come up with pseudolegal excuses, and the executions are very rarely official unless there is a clear non political crime involved.

Russia in particular is good at keeping a facade up, including fake voting.

they do this exactly to give the victors of the world plausible deniability.

regimes were less sophisticated in the past, and you see some examples of that in very weak regimes currently like the Burmese junta.

if Tienanmen Square happened today the reaction would be as lethal or more, but far less photogenic.

just check recently how dissenters in Hong Kong disappeared without publicity, or the epidemic of suicides by jumping from a window among high level Russian dissenters.

Putin in particular has been very careful with the killing of journalists and opposition candidates. he didn't take the "merit" almost ever

sorry mod I was writing while you intervened, will go back to topic as well

ty, luc

But he will leave the post up with a blatant personal attack and falsehood to which I am not allowed to respond.

by Victor k

But he will leave the post up with a blatant personal attack and falsehood to which I am not allowed to respond.

there is no personal attack. can answer in the China or Russia thread depending on which claims you disagree with

by tame_deuces k

I was actually asking you who you would support and what policies you would support that you think would accomplish an end to the conflict.

oh, yeah, well ... voting in a us federal election wouldn't help there, kamala made that clear with her big speech. voting 3rd party or not voting might send a message, but it won't end the conflict. idk, organize, advocate, protest, bds, disrupt, make phone calls, write letters, [redacted], etc. not much anyone can do to end the conflict unless you're joe brandon or a us senator/congressperson, so i guess you can only do what you can do to show you're not happy about the situation. laying down and voting for the "lesser evil" who are doing this certainly won't do anything.

contact your local anti-war/genocide group to learn more, they'll probably have some better ideas than i.

you can vote in primaries for candidates that agree with you, within the two main parties.

or you can do your best to help Israel win definitively, which would end the war as well.

I still don't believe for a second the obsession over this particular conflict over all other life loss and human right violations occurring worldwide is genuine, I am absolutely certain it's predicated on antisemitism almost always, but in the very rare case you personally aren't antisemite yet you decide the Gaza situation is worthy of 100x the attention of all other violations worldwide combined (this is what you guys are doing) because you can't do math, I guess you have to gote for Jill Stein and help republicans win seats in Congress and perhaps the presidency.

i mean it's completely obvious that women rights in Afghanistan are being violated because Biden left them there to be violated, and that's more human suffering than the Gaza situation, but for some reason you guys are ok with leaving women in Afghanistan as actual slaves of their men and don't give a **** about actual human suffering if it isn't Palestinian suffering

you don't care about womens' rights lol

yeah ppl can vote down ballot for candidates they like, especially if they're anti-war. it probably won't end the genocide, but it might be a net positive.

by 72off k

oh, yeah, well ... voting in a us federal election wouldn't help there, kamala made that clear with her big speech. voting 3rd party or not voting might send a message, but it won't end the conflict. idk, organize, advocate, protest, bds, disrupt, make phone calls, write letters, [redacted], etc. not much anyone can do to end the conflict unless you're joe brandon or a us senator/congressperson, so i guess you can only do what you can do to show you're not happy about the situation. laying down

Well, if you think you should vote 3rd party, write letters and protest, then do that. It's what democracy is about. If it changes anything or not isn't that relevant, a voter can rarely be an agent of change on his own.

by Luciom k

i mean it's completely obvious that women rights in Afghanistan are being violated because Biden left them there to be violated, and that's more human suffering than the Gaza situation, but for some reason you guys are ok with leaving women in Afghanistan as actual slaves of their men and don't give a **** about actual human suffering if it isn't Palestinian suffering

This is weird to me in a lot of ways:

1.) I never voted for Biden and a lot of people around here dislike him.

2.) I don't know why my dollars should be fighting for women to live better lives on the other side of the world. And why in Afghanistan when women's rights are pretty terrible everywhere on the other side of the world?

3.) Giving a **** about Palestinian suffering is a fringe issue and mostly cared about my people who are against U.S. military intervention. Whether it's against Israel or the Taliban.

I get what you're saying, but you're kind of talking to no one here when you say "you guys". Now, if you wanna point out hypocrisy int he Ukraine thread where the hypocrisy exists, OK; I don't read that thread, so I won't speak to what's in there. But your lines are really weird here.

by 72off k

yeah ppl can vote down ballot for candidates they like, especially if they're anti-war. it probably won't end the genocide, but it might be a net positive.

The Jill Stein vote winning down ballot for the GOP was the weirdest line of that post.

by tame_deuces k

a voter can rarely be an agent of change on his own

thanks chief

by The Horror k

The Jill Stein vote winning down ballot for the GOP was the weirdest line of that post.

literally what the **** are you talking about

by Luciom k

i mean it's completely obvious that women rights in Afghanistan are being violated because Biden left them there to be violated, and that's more human suffering than the Gaza situation, but for some reason you guys are ok with leaving women in Afghanistan as actual slaves of their men and don't give a **** about actual human suffering if it isn't Palestinian suffering

The afghan withdrawal should have been a learning experience for the doves but they will never learn their lesson. They think that indifference in the face of injustice in another country is some kind of moral imperative.

But no, these people never get to learn from their mistakes and get to keep pretending that every action of the US military and every foreign outpost of the US is inherently evil and every time the US stops helping an ally is awesome and based.

yes every US foreign outpost and foreign massacre is evil and wrong. a simple reading of history would show this.

by Victor k

yes every US foreign outpost and foreign massacre is evil and wrong. a simple reading of history would show this.

No countries should help other countries !
Strange stance from a lefty where the concept of helping each other should be a normal thing .

Btw Vic , is there a specific country you would say is a good country to live in with a great politics that fit your view , basically isn’t evil ?

by Victor k

yes every US foreign outpost and foreign massacre is evil and wrong. a simple reading of history would show this.

every US foreign outpost is evil and wrong? so if I can show that just a single US foreign outpost is not evil and wrong, then suddenly you will retract this statement right?

Also I’d say massacring Nazis was pretty based, you might have different opinions due to your opinions on “zionists” but idk

Soviets massacred the most Nazis. US was very effective at bombing civilians.

by Montrealcorp k

No countries should help other countries !
Strange stance from a lefty where the concept of helping each other should be a normal thing .

Btw Vic , is there a specific country you would say is a good country to live in with a great politics that fit your view , basically isn’t evil ?

countries the USA has recently "helped": Iraq, Libya, Afghanistan, Syria, Ukraine. with friends like the USA...

by Victor k

Soviets massacred the most Nazis. US was very effective at bombing civilians.

Yes soviets are known not killing civilians ……(sarcasm)

by Luciom k

A few examples can easily be found, but they don't allow any equivalence with regimes that lock up and execute a ton more.

The worst one by a very large margin was the internment of japanese-americans by the left-most president in USA history , which the left-most SCOTUS in USA history considered constitutional.

I'm sure it would've been a giant love fest with the dr. strangelove crew in charge.
