Israel/Palestine thread

Israel/Palestine thread

Think this merits its own thread...

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) 21 Views 21
07 October 2023 at 09:33 PM

33428 Replies


by chezlaw k

This is a very likely future now. Leaders at all levels will be the targets of drones. Their homes, offices, neighborhoods, meetings etc will be prime targets.

maybe but I doubt it. its a much better usage of limited resources to target the people with actual guns and bombs. taking out Bibi, just like taking out Sinwar, does nothing. they could take out the top 1k American and Israeli leaders and it wouldnt change anything. killing a thousand officers who are managing the actual campaign on the ground would be important though.

drones are going to be very cheap and plentiful. Probably also very difficult to stop at least at times.

Killing all the eladers is a terrible strategy for anyone who wants to brign about a peaceful outcome but a superb one for anyone who wants escalation or vengence.

I include officers btw.

"eladers"? you mean invaders?

I dont think there is really anything else you can do when an army of extermination rolls in. I dont think peace is even achievable when a country has the ideology of supremacy and conquest.

sorry "leaders"

I mean the politicians, officers, spokespeople, negotiators etc. And journalists

oh right. we agree then. maybe they were just trolling and this isnt really a change from their current strategy but just a one off.

by Victor k

"eladers"? you mean invaders?

I dont think there is really anything else you can do when an army of extermination rolls in. I dont think peace is even achievable when a country has the ideology of supremacy and conquest.

Yes, the red dot in the sea of green represents the ideology of supremacy and conquest.

Palestine conquered all of the green? weird bc they arent even really allowed to travel to most of it.

Israeli intelligence is trying to piece together a timeline of Sinwar's last few months. It seems IDF campaign to destroy the deep tunnels was highly successful, and the high profile Hamas members like Sinwar who have been forced into permanent hiding have been flushed to tunnels close to the surface and had their movement increasingly limited. Of course the majority of Hamas are unknown to Israel so just blend into the population surrounded by hidden weapons caches stored in mosques, schools and homes; for easy access when needed.

The 6 Israeli hostages that were executed were apparently part of Sinwar's human shield. However, their condition had become so poor they couldn't walk anymore (due to severe malnourishment, restricted movement, and no sunlight for months on end). So Sinwar was left with a choice of leaving them (where they would probably be found possibly alive) or execute them. Obviously he chose the latter.

Also, when he was caught he was basically doing a supply run and it was just chance an IDF patrol saw the group he was in, and had no clue who he was until they retrieved the body the next day. It seems the supply run could have been done without him, but IDF believes he was getting ready to go underground for a long time, so maybe he just wanted to get outside a little bit first.

I think something we discount is the it isn't physically or psychologically good to live your life in underground tunnels. And of course that is exactly what the Israeli hostages have had to go through for over a year, assuming any are still alive. Given the poor shape Sinwar's human shield was in when they were executed, hard to imagine many of the rest of the hostages are still alive.

The Ayatollah Ali Khamenei has announced that Hamas will live on and fight on. It is kind of telling that the IRI is the one encouraging the Lebanese and Palestinian people to keep throwing themselves in the Israeli meat grinder in support of the IRI's imperial ambitions. And I would hope with the Palestinian and Lebanese people themselves the lightbulb is starting to go on what is going on, and they are getting tired of doing the IRI's bidding.

At this point, it is pretty clear how long this war drags on is going to be a function of how long Arab Shiites (and non Shiite Islamist allies such as Hamas) are willing to be the highly expendable front line of attack for the IRI's ambitions. Hopefully not too much longer.

And at some point the world needs to address the elephant in the room of the US "ally" Qatar funding Islamist extremism and pushing Islamist propaganda (though Al Jazeera) thoughout the world.

As you guys are on such a moral outrage kick, you should check out the story of the ISIS sex slave who has been kept in sex slavery for the last 10+ years by the people in Gaza (even after her ISIS owner died), and the heroic efforts of Israel to free her. It was obviously great that this woman was saved, but there are a lot of women kept in similar situations in Islamist societies such as Gaza, so the work in freeing them is not close to done.

by jalfrezi k

I just watched this video and didn't see any of the things described in the caption. Can you time stamp when the "citizen" was sniped and the "drone attack" ?

If there aren't body parts on the lens it didn't happen.

by Victor k

Palestine conquered all of the green? weird bc they arent even really allowed to travel to most of it.

You can just casually assert that every Muslim across the world is hellbent on bloodthirsty conquest here.

by chezlaw k

drones are going to be very cheap and plentiful. Probably also very difficult to stop at least at times.

Killing all the eladers is a terrible strategy for anyone who wants to brign about a peaceful outcome but a superb one for anyone who wants escalation or vengence.

I include officers btw.

The Iran coalition is a lot more restrained when it comes to revenge. The strategy is low intensity warfare ad infinitum, force Israel to spazz out and alienate support of younger generations of Western voters, wait for said young people to take over governments, and slowly close in on the 5-front war.

The sacrifice in order to achieve this is absolutely massive, but the current generation will be gods for centuries to come if they are successful. The pro-Israelis in this thread, having the typical secular pragmatic Western viewpoint, are drastically underrating how powerful a motivator honor and glory can be.

by Dunyain k

The Ayatollah Ali Khamenei has announced that Hamas will live on and fight on. It is kind of telling that the IRI is the one encouraging the Lebanese and Palestinian people to keep throwing themselves in the Israeli meat grinder in support of the IRI's imperial ambitions. And I would hope with the Palestinian and Lebanese people themselves the lightbulb is starting to go on what is going on, and they are getting tired of doing the IRI's bidding.

At this point, it is pretty clear how long this w

Russia is the silent elephant in the room. Iran would be dust and rubble if Russia did not have their back.

by Trolly McTrollson k

You can just casually assert that every Muslim across the world is hellbent on bloodthirsty conquest here.

The amusing part of this post is that Victor is the one making a blanket assertive demonization, and I made no assertions at all. I just provided a data point to refute his casualty assertion.

2 people, an elder and a child, were killed by aid drops. remember when you guys thought I was insane for explaining that the aid drops would do more harm than good and were actually just another way to kill and torment Gazans?

there have been reports of field executions for a few days now esp around the hospitals in the North. all hospitals have lost many or all services. many patients have died from lack of services.

now we are starting to get pictures like these. will these people be executed? there are many children in these pictures.

by LtUaE42 k

Russia is the silent elephant in the room. Iran would be dust and rubble if Russia did not have their back.

Well, last time I checked we were heavily sanctioning Russia, and we were extending favored diplomatic relations to Qatar.

by jalfrezi k

If there aren't body parts on the lens it didn't happen.

Well, you continually post videos making wild claims, and the videos themselves pretty much never support the claims. But I doubt most people (including yourself) actually look at the videos, so here we are.

by Pompeous k

The Iran coalition is a lot more restrained when it comes to revenge. The strategy is low intensity warfare ad infinitum, force Israel to spazz out and alienate support of younger generations of Western voters, wait for said young people to take over governments, and slowly close in on the 5-front war.

The sacrifice in order to achieve this is absolutely massive, but the current generation will be gods for centuries to come if they are successful. The pro-Israelis in this thread, having the typi

Well, in the IRI's case, it helps that most of the sacrifice so far has been Arabs living thousands of miles away. We will see how enthusiastic they are for sacrifice if/when it gets closer to home.

Also, if/when Israel is finally destroyed I think Islamists and their sycophants are going to be wildly disappointed with the results. Israel and Israelis dont seem inclined to go away quietly, and I doubt many but the most hardcore Islamists are going to think the juice was worth the squeeze.

But as you note, "honor and pride," especially when tied into belief in supernatural powers directing your actions, are a powerful narcotic; so maybe I am severely underestimating the threshold for the amount of destruction done in the service of Allah that can and will be tolerated. And even if the entire MENA is a completely destroyed hellscape when Israel eventually falls, Islamists and their sycophants will agree it was worth it.

by Pompeous k

The Iran coalition is a lot more restrained when it comes to revenge. The strategy is low intensity warfare ad infinitum, force Israel to spazz out and alienate support of younger generations of Western voters, wait for said young people to take over governments, and slowly close in on the 5-front war.

The sacrifice in order to achieve this is absolutely massive, but the current generation will be gods for centuries to come if they are successful. The pro-Israelis in this thread, having the typi

Part of the mo involves getting the west to go nuts at times. Killing leaders which will be outraegous assassination when it's done to us rather than by us will probably be part of that.

but drones will be available to small groups over the coming decades. It wont be high tech or expensive or always stoppable. There will many people seeking revenge/vengence now and they can operate from virtually anywhere.

least surprising thing ever to find out that USA troops are actively doing extermination

by Dunyain k

Well, you continually post videos making wild claims, and the videos themselves pretty much never support the claims. But I doubt most people (including yourself) actually look at the videos, so here we are.

I generally take a look, assuming it’s an actual tweet and not just a picture of a tweet. A lot of it is very obvious rage bait propaganda with reply sections full of bots.
