Israel/Palestine thread

Israel/Palestine thread

Think this merits its own thread...

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) 21 Views 21
07 October 2023 at 09:33 PM

33428 Replies


in the video they clearly bomb an already wounded man or possibly child who is being tended to by civilian bystanders.

by Victor k

in the video they clearly bomb an already wounded man or possibly child who is being tended to by civilian bystanders.

Timestamp? And the timestamp of the sniper attack while you are at it.

I didnt say anything about a sniper

anybody still "hinged" after seeing this stuff and reading this stuff, well I would get banned for accurately describing them.

heres the rest of the article which is just as damning not that it would matter to the pro-Israeli bombing side.

What a world we live in where opposing genocide is labelled as unhinged.

by David Sklansky k

It seems like you skipped the intermediate scenario.

There is no unlimited right to kill innocent children of people who want you dead if they don't have the means to do it.

There is an unlimited right to kill the actual adults who want you dead if they have the means to do it.

But you left out whether there is a right to kill adults if they want you dead but don't appear to have the means.

Obviously, this is the basis of both American and Isreali FP.

We've butchered up, I don't know, 5-8 million civilians, depending on if you count using local death squads or not. The Argument has always been "these impoverished people, thousands of miles away pose a threat to the most powerful country on earth." El Salavador, Vietnam, Chile, Libya, Iraq....

It was also the argument for the Holocaust.

It is a popular argument on CNN, in the NYT and if you want to work at a think tank or political party funded by arms dealers, it is a good way to effectively arrive at the conclusion that war is a good in itself.

It's much like climate denial, or trickle down economics. It only exists because people make money off it.

I don't think any object theorist on ethics or just war would buy it for obvious reasons, like the fact that it can be used to justify the endless mass slaughter of civilians just because someone percieved them as a threat.

If you want to conclude that the Nazis did nothing wrong, it is a good argument to get there. Hitler was convinced Jews would destroy Germany, so he did the only sensible thing.

by chezlaw k

Part of the mo involves getting the west to go nuts at times. Killing leaders which will be outraegous assassination when it's done to us rather than by us will probably be part of that.

but drones will be available to small groups over the coming decades. It wont be high tech or expensive or always stoppable. There will many people seeking revenge/vengence now and they can operate from virtually anywhere.

I saw a video, years ago. It was produced by people who worked in robotics, intended as a warning.

This guy has scores of these little drones a couple inches long that buzz around until they are able to shoot one person in the head. He releases them maybe half a mile from his target (a bunch of students). If they were real, I have no idea how you could stop them.

It's not hard to imagine these things being cheap and easy to make in the future.

I don't see it discussed much, but I wonder what the world looks like when it's fairly easy to cause a lot of death and destruction and you might even have a decent shot of getting away with it.

Not just political and religious violence, but school shooter types.

I guess you could say that the OKC bombing only reqired a truck full of crap.

by ES2 k

I saw a video, years ago. It was produced by people who worked in robotics, intended as a warning.

This guy has scores of these little drones a couple inches long that buzz around until they are able to shoot one person in the head. He releases them maybe half a mile from his target (a bunch of students). If they were real, I have no idea how you could stop them.

It's not hard to imagine these things being cheap and easy to make in the future.

I don't see it discussed much,

You dont let people get away with it.

When religious theocrats that worship death vow to kill you (as IRI, Houthis and Hezbollah have done with the US and Israel) you do whatever it takes to defeat them. You make the cost of attacking you so astronomically high only the most zealous fanatical Islamist would even consider it, and when those people tell and show you who they are; you destroy them totaly.

That is the only way the liberal world is going to survive the next century. You have to get rid of death worshipping theocratic maniacs dedicated to the destruction of civilization in the name of their God.

by ES2 k

Obviously, this is the basis of both American and Isreali FP.

We've butchered up, I don't know, 5-8 million civilians, depending on if you count using local death squads or not. The Argument has always been "these impoverished people, thousands of miles away pose a threat to the most powerful country on earth." El Salavador, Vietnam, Chile, Libya, Iraq....

It was also the argument for the Holocaust.

It is a popular argument on CNN, in the NYT and if you want to work at a think tank or political p

Jews in Europe pre Holocaust were as dangerous as Hamas and Hezbollah? Amazing take, thanks for sharing.

by DoyleBrunsonFan k

Been a tough year. Give ‘em a break.

as this post and many others indicate, the world is not looking away. they are doing something much worse.

by Dunyain k

You dont let people get away with it.

Unless I'm mistaken, I think he was wondering what the world would look like if those who cause death and destruction are able to remain anonymous.

by ES2 k

I saw a video, years ago. It was produced by people who worked in robotics, intended as a warning.

This guy has scores of these little drones a couple inches long that buzz around until they are able to shoot one person in the head. He releases them maybe half a mile from his target (a bunch of students). If they were real, I have no idea how you could stop them.


they killed this guys 90s year old dad in Dec. now much more of his family.

and ofc this is reminiscent of the mass murder of this guy's family

by Gregory Illinivich k

Unless I'm mistaken, I think he was wondering what the world would look like if those who cause death and destruction are able to remain anonymous.

Yes. Though it is fascinating to watch people in this thread evolve from "Isreal would never target a hospital unless it was secretly a Hamas HQ" to almost verbatim Nazi arguments in favor of mass extermination.

The point was more that, at some point, everyone will be able to do this. Islamists. Jewish supremacists. White supremacists. Every gov. Cartels. School shooters. The types who stormed the capital.

E.g. if a guy can get a few shots off at a Trump rally, he could certainly send a bunch of the drones in that video to one, and it certainly seems like it would be much harder to catch him.

Yes. Clearly "Jewish supremacists" are a thing on par with Islamism and white supremacy.

just piles of a dead children tonight. just absolutely shredded bodies.

Anyways, Western and Israeli media are reporting that classified US intelligence on Israel has been leaked onto Telegram. Since Obama the Democrat party has been extremely compromised with IRI spies, so this isn't anything too surprising. There is literally an Iranian spy whose father was an adviser to the Ayatollahs who has sworn allegiance to the IRI who has Pentagon security clearance**. So if you are Israel, this is just something you have to live with and manage as best you can.

**I have no clue if she is the source of the leak, but her clearance is endemic of the Democrat party generally being compromised.

by Brian James k

What a world we live in where opposing genocide is labelled as unhinged.

Accusing Israel of genocide is unhinged.

by DoyleBrunsonFan k

Jews in Europe pre Holocaust were as dangerous as Hamas and Hezbollah? Amazing take, thanks for sharing.

It's not my call. It's entirely up to whoever has the most power to decide who poses a threat.

Hitler thought it was Jews. By Sklansky's reasoning ,we can only fault him for making a miscalculation of the threat, but he was right in principle and did nothing morally wrong.

Same for Bush and Iraq, or Stalin and enemies of the state.

That's why it's a silly argument.

by Victor k

they killed this guys 90s year old dad in Dec. now much more of his family.

and ofc this is reminiscent of the mass murder of this guy's family

How did this guy have a 90 year old dad?

by Dunyain k

Yes. Clearly "Jewish supremacists" are a thing on par with Islamism and white supremacy.

This is just a small sample.

I guess if they are raping you because they think you are subhuman, it's a bit of a problem.

Jewish supremacists are also a threat to normal Jews because they provide ammo to antisemitism. They use people like those quoted bellow to argue that this is how all Jews are.

I have a German name. When I was a substitute teacher, many times students asked if I was a Nazi or my grandparents were. Nobody ever asked if they opposed the Nazis.

by ES2 k

In the sense that Germany, Japan and South Africa were condemned "no matter what they do."

Once they stopped being supresmacist states that brutalized those deemed inferior, they were eventually welcomed back and few people resent younger generations.

This was the founder of Isreal's Shas party in 2010


Can you find a David Duke quote that bad?

So they view most Americans as subhuman. They got 400k votes in the last election. Like 13 million votes in an American election. And it's hardly contained

by ES2 k

It's not my call. It's entirely up to whoever has the most power to decide who poses a threat.

Hitler thought it was Jews. By Sklansky's reasoning ,we can only fault him for making a miscalculation of the threat, but he was right in principle and did nothing morally wrong.

Same for Bush and Iraq, or Stalin and enemies of the state.

That's why it's a silly argument.

You have a non-existent understanding of history.
