Israel/Palestine thread
Think this merits its own thread...
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33268 Replies
hopefully this is true and these criminal collaborator gangs have been disassembled and disarmed.
Tough day in Israel.
An arab city near me (Shfaraam) was badly hit. A female teacher is dead and about 30 injured.
then a direct hit in Ramat Gan (a big city next to Tel Aviv). 5 injured and a building in danger of collapsing.
I dont believe in a conspiracy theory here. That would make what's happening as pure evil.
I do think the claim the intelligence is close to perfect is a very easy for them to claim to make but is highly unlikely to be true. Maybe it's quite good.
Actually both theories are inaccurate.
Intel has two main phases: gathering the intel, and drawing conclusions from the facts gathered.
We had a very comprehensive intel pre 7/10. we just concluded the wrong conclusions.
One one hand we have a poster with first hand experience of the conflict, and on the other hand we have some guys who have been ingesting antisemitic propaganda for a year straight and have never set foot in the ME. Both have their obvious biases.
Again, the list of antisemetic propaganda outlets is like: the un, oxfam, save the children, Doctors without borders, all western doctors and nurses who were there, human rights watch, the pope, dozens of prominent Jewish political commentators, Amnesty International, the mediums of video and photography, some of the Israeli press, Wikipedia and Israeli college professors.
The list of things that aren't propaganda: the US and Isreali governments and usually but not always the corporate media. The people who claimed soccer hooligans losing a fight they started was a Pogram are the only source for non-propaganda.
Again, the list of antisemetic propaganda outlets is like: the un, oxfam, save the children, Doctors without borders, all western doctors and nurses who were there, human rights watch, the pope, dozens of prominent Jewish political commentators, Amnesty International, the mediums of video and photography, some of the Israeli press, Wikipedia and Israeli college professors.
The list of things that aren't propaganda: the US and Isreali governments and usually but not always the corporate media. Th
I’ve posted a few write ups and articles produced by DC-based non-profit think tanks. You can easily google them and check out their biases and leanings. Almost all of those sources have gone ignored. You seem to be in denial in regards to the extreme volume of propaganda surrounding the conflict.
I could find you a source for that also, if you’re inclined to read it.
I’m going to assume you don’t click on most of the links and Twitter posts in here because if you did, you wouldn’t be arguing with me.
So again we have found the line for this thread and crossed it.
IMBLUEtheONE will be taking a month off. I might change it to a perma since I’m frankly just done being patient with this nonsense.
Permabanning the only poster who is offering informed opinions on what’s going on seems like a bad idea.
Permabanning the only poster who is offering informed opinions on what’s going on seems like a bad idea.
Repeatedly infracting him and temping him for going over the line with personal attacks has failed to yield any discernible corrections in behavior, so the options remaining to me are permabanning him as I will not allow any individual posters to be above the rules of this forum.
Also, just for the record, making a violent statement toward other another poster is significantly worse than a standard name calling or insult. It is because I am allowing him lenience to contribute to this thread that I didn’t perma him immediately for that post.
It’s NOT okay and will not be allowed in this thread.
sounds like hamas is raiding the aid trucks again and killing anyone who tries to stop them, must be a day ending in y
Washington Post:
Gangs looting Gaza aid operate in areas ...
One gang leader, the memo said, established a “military like compound” in an area “restricted, controlled and patrolled by the IDF.”
Permabanning the only poster who is offering informed opinions on what’s going on seems like a bad idea.
what proof has he shown that he is an IDF soldier and is taking part in this war?
fwiw, I didnt report the post bc I think he is just telling stories. but if this guy is actually taking part in this war then I would actually be a bit concerned.
I’ve posted a few write ups and articles produced by DC-based non-profit think tanks. You can easily google them and check out their biases and leanings. Almost all of those sources have gone ignored. You seem to be in denial in regards to the extreme volume of propaganda surrounding the conflict.
I could find you a source for that also, if you’re inclined to read it.
I read the article. It said China and Russia are exploiting the situation to promote propaganda of their own, which might be true.
It didn't say, for example, that doctors are lying about all the executed children they see, that the pope is an antisemetic propagandist or that Save The Children fabricated this.

Your argument seems to be "some propaganda exists, therefore anything I don't want to hear is antisemitic."
last time blue was banned sinwar got sent to hell by some random idf squaddie. not saying the two events were linked but also i'm not saying they weren't
anyway gjge banning the one person itt with actual knowledge of the conflict. back to our regularly scheduled diet of wall-to-wall musk algorithm repostings
I read the article. It said China and Russia are exploiting the situation to promote propaganda of their own, which might be true.
It didn't say, for example, that doctors are lying about all the executed children they see, that the pope is an antisemetic propagandist or that Save The Children fabricated this.
Your argument seems to be "some propaganda exists, therefore anything I don't want to hear is antisemitic."
My original statement was talking about propaganda some people itt are ingesting. If you’ve seen the Twitter posts shared in here and taken any time to explore those pages, the accounts engaging with them, the other content they share, etc youll see what I’m talking about.
I didn’t say doctors are lying about what they’ve seen but some of these doctors who volunteer to go to Gaza and speak to the media have an agenda beyond helping people. Recently, I pointed out examples from the article highlighting obvious bias. There were other examples, such as claiming “60% of the dead were women and children” while conveniently ignoring the other 40% who were? Let’s leave that bit up to the imagination. Wouldn’t want to get too specific because that might start bordering on honest journalism.
I’m very open to the fact that there is a lot of pro-Israel propaganda out there as well and I don’t follow any political accounts on social media.
There is a lot of effort going into obfuscating the truth and making it seem like Israel is deliberately targeting women and children while deflecting blame from Hamas and Hezbollah for putting these people in harm’s way.
The truth is always somewhere in the middle. The IDF is brutal and the Israelis have been radicalized by 80 years of conflict and currently a year long, multifront war.
Did you read the part of the article which talks about Iranian propaganda? It’s probably the most relevant part.
There is also a lot of blurring going on between anti-semitism and anti-Israel or anti-Zionist sentiments.
what proof has he shown that he is an IDF soldier and is taking part in this war?
fwiw, I didnt report the post bc I think he is just telling stories. but if this guy is actually taking part in this war then I would actually be a bit concerned.
Th moderators have reason to believe he is who he says he is, ftr.
I haven't followed this thread lately and don't know much or anything about the banned poster's posting, but I agree that the public interest value of having an actual IDF soldier posting in this thread surely must outweigh whatever negatives he's also bringing.
I haven't followed this thread lately and don't know much or anything about the banned poster's posting, but I agree that the public interest value of having an actual IDF soldier posting in this thread surely must outweigh whatever negatives he's also bringing.
Which is why he’s been given so much leniency so far. But we’re not going to have posts that wish death on others here, I don’t care if he’s Netanyahu himself.
Maybe if everyone values his contributions so much then someone can explain that there are actual rules here in this forum that everyone is expected to abide by. I have already referred him to the rules about half a dozen times a far without success.