Israel/Palestine thread
Think this merits its own thread...
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33268 Replies
I read the article. It said China and Russia are exploiting the situation to promote propaganda of their own, which might be true.
It didn't say, for example, that doctors are lying about all the executed children they see, that the pope is an antisemetic propagandist or that Save The Children fabricated this.
Your argument seems to be "some propaganda exists, therefore anything I don't want to hear is antisemitic."
can we stop using children when talking about post puberal boys that have active war roles, guns and for all extents and purposes behave like soldiers?
I haven't followed this thread lately and don't know much or anything about the banned poster's posting, but I agree that the public interest value of having an actual IDF soldier posting in this thread surely must outweigh whatever negatives he's also bringing.
IDF soldier or not, his claims are complete bullshit and indistinguishable from the most outrageous claims of Netanyahu.
Washington Post:
this is yet another example of the Palestinian reports from on the ground in Gaza being corroborated months later by mainstream Western media. this has been well-known since like Feb.
Seems like the guy who kills people in real life should be on a tighter leash vis-a-vis vaguely threatening Victor, but 2p2 does 2p2 things.
Reads like the UN is unhappy that Hamas’ lifeline has been compromised.
If the IDF wasn’t suppressing Hamas, they’d be the ones stealing aid.
It’s comical, the UN is mad at Israel for not “clamping down” on cigarette smuggling. The paragraph above states that the majority of the contraband (cigs) are coming from Egypt, who declined to comment.
IDF soldier or not, his claims are complete bullshit and indistinguishable from the most outrageous claims of Netanyahu.
No. Everything you say and think is complete bullshit lying Islamist propaganda, and indistinguishable from people who mutilate and murder their own daughters for honor.
You bring nothing but lies and hate to this forum. He brought actual genuine perspective that addresses reality, and is worth 1,000 lying hateful posters that live in a fantasyland of propaganda and hate like yourself.
people who mutilate and murder their own daughters for honor.
bro wut
I dunno, I think such a claim should be addressed. I have no idea what he is talking about.
It was addressed with an infraction.
Stop now please.
In other news a Lebanese govt spokesperson (who is a stooge for Hezbollah and the IRI) announced that Hezbollah and Lebanon have agreed to a ceasefire. At this time it is unknown whether this is a fake agreement like the Egypt/Hamas one last summer or a good faith effort. We shall see.
Obviously, any peace agreement at minimum is going to require to Hezbollah to completely demilitarize south of the Litani River, and I for one am very skeptical the IRI is willing to allow this to happen.
At the point it would actually be a shame (for the future of Lebanon) if there was a peace deal that allowed Hezbollah to continue to make Lebanon a colonial puppet of the IRI. But Israel cant be responsible for doing all the work. If the Lebanese people want freedom from the IRI/Hezbollah at some point they are going to have to free themselves. And if not, Lebanon can continue to be a failed state that functions as a colonial outpost for the IRI and their Jihad to destroy Israel.
still doesn't make your thesis totally wrong.. Israel will strike back 50x what Hamas is capable of doing .
what Hamas did was super stupid from a normal strategic point , they I'm sure thought that out and have ulterior motives for sacrificing their people .
It would be ignorant to say that I wouldn't be fighting along side hamas, or anyone willing to fight, if I were born there with what the've endured. There's really only so much blame you can put on a group of people that are being victimized to that kind of degree. But Iran should know better and they've been allergic to making good decisions on behalf of their own (in my opinion) for as long as i've been able to walk. Maybe there's a level of sociopathy or a general dgaf about the Palestinians in regards to their own, or maybe their playing the 100 year long game but their actions for decades now has been a straight up **** show of mistakes in regards to their own and the people they supposedly are trying to protect.
Actually both theories are inaccurate.
Intel has two main phases: gathering the intel, and drawing conclusions from the facts gathered.
We had a very comprehensive intel pre 7/10. we just concluded the wrong conclusions.
staggeringly wrong if they really had the intelligence. So still not reasonable to think that's suddenly changed to close to perfect.
So we have almost certainly less than perfect intellegence combined with seriosu question marks about the ability to understand it / act on it
I read the article. It said China and Russia are exploiting the situation to promote propaganda of their own, which might be true.
It didn't say, for example, that doctors are lying about all the executed children they see, that the pope is an antisemetic propagandist or that Save The Children fabricated this.
Your argument seems to be "some propaganda exists, therefore anything I don't want to hear is antisemitic."
Executed? They're lining children up and executing them? Is it via lethal injection? The electric chair maybe? Can you cite were children are actually being executed as opposed to collateral damage or a 17 year old Hamas fighter? Any point you raise is automatically weakened if you're going to engage in hyperbole at best or willfully false claims at worst. There have been no children "executed ".
Executed? They're lining children up and executing them? Is it via lethal injection? The electric chair maybe? Can you cite were children are actually being executed as opposed to collateral damage or a 17 year old Hamas fighter? Any point you raise is automatically weakened if you're going to engage in hyperbole at best or willfully false claims at worst. There have been no children "executed ".
There are reports of young children being shot in the head, supposedly in ways that indicate they were executed.
Some children were shot more than once in the head, but that won't be enough to convince some people of executions (cold blooded murder).
these abduction pics will go down in history

Look, the IDF is the most moral fighting force in the world and when they shoot children in the head or sexually abuse them, it's for perfectly valid military reasons. Maybe they are child commandos, or they're human shields, or else they're sitting on top of underground Hamas treasure vaults.
Look, the IDF is the most moral fighting force in the world and when they shoot children in the head or sexually abuse them, it's for perfectly valid military reasons. Maybe they are child commandos, or they're human shields, or else they're sitting on top of underground Hamas treasure vaults.
Nah. It is all just nonsense propaganda that confirms your biases, so you uncritically lap it up.
But Iran should know better and they've been allergic to making good decisions on behalf of their own (in my opinion) for as long as i've been able to walk. Maybe there's a level of sociopathy or a general dgaf about the Palestinians in regards to their own, or maybe their playing the 100 year long game but their actions for decades now has been a straight up **** show of mistakes in regards to their own and the people they supposedly are trying to protect.
I'm sure Iran doesn't gaf about the Palestinian people, but also they've been one of the more rational actors in the region? I've lost track of how many times USA/Israel has dropped bombs in Iranian territory and/or assassinated officials and they respond with limited missile strikes back. It's pretty clear they don't want a war and they're prepared to overlook provocations.
If we want to talk about bad decisions, maybe the US overthrowing their government and allowing a theocracy to fill in the void was a bit of a bad idea?
I'm sure Iran doesn't gaf about the Palestinian people, but also they've been one of the more rational actors in the region? I've lost track of how many times USA/Israel has dropped bombs in Iranian territory and/or assassinated officials and they respond with limited missile strikes back. It's pretty clear they don't want a war and they're prepared to overlook provocations.
If we want to talk about bad decisions, maybe the US overthrowing their government and allowing a theocracy to fill in the
This take is completely delusional.
IRI's colonial efforts have destroyed huge chunks of the Arab world. Syria, Iraq, Lebaon, Yemen, Gaza just to name a few. The IRI comes in and complete dysfunction and destruction follow.
They are rationale in that they are destroying the Arab world to protect their own interests, preying on the religious superstition and xenophobia of the Muslim people, especially Shiites, to support actions that largely work against their own interests in favor of the IRI theocracy.
But it has been a complete disaster for the Arab world. They dont want a direct war with Israel/the West because the status quo of using Arab proxies, who bear the brunt of the cost, serves them just fine.
They are rationale, but they are bad news for everyone but themselves. No one is better off for IRI influence, including the Iranian people themselves. But it is much worse for Arabs, because they are the ones directly dying and fighting to promote IRI interests.
I am curious what trollson proposes the USA and others should have done not to "allow" a theocracy to be established in Iran