Israel/Palestine thread
Think this merits its own thread...
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33269 Replies
So again we have found the line for this thread and crossed it.
IMBLUEtheONE will be taking a month off. I might change it to a perma since I’m frankly just done being patient with this nonsense.
Wouldn't it have been bad if he said "I hope your beeper goes off"? It seems this was less a threat and more of a way of saying he thinks Victor is part of Hezbollah. You do have to wonder why some of the posters in here have such a passionate hatred towards Israel. It would be nice if people took the emotion out and looked at things through an objective lens like I do. Also, if the individual who was allegedly "threatened" isn't reporting it wouldn't that be a no harm no foul situation?
No, actually. I am enforcing standards, not feelings.
Wouldn't it have been bad if he said "I hope your beeper goes off"? It seems this was less a threat and more of a way of saying he thinks Victor is part of Hezbollah. You do have to wonder why some of the posters in here have such a passionate hatred towards Israel. It would be nice if people took the emotion out and looked at things through an objective lens like I do. Also, if the individual who was allegedly "threatened" isn't reporting it wouldn't that be a no harm no foul situation?
we don't have a passionate hatred for Israel we have a moral compass on when it's a slaughter and not an actual war .
you have a passionate hatred for innocent civilians and little kids that are Palestinian.
lots of info out today about the Israel/ISIS collaboration on looting aid trucks
and finally
It is actually pretty wild just how brainwashed you are and how little you actually care for the Palestinian people, that Hamas announces they murdered 20 Palestinians, gives some lame excuse, and your impulse is to be completely indifferent towards this and outraged at Israel.
I think it is important to always keep in mind that for the vast majority of Islamists and leftists, there is actually no concern at all for the Palestinian people. Complete indifference. As long as Israel isn't involved, there is no amount of death or destruction to the Palestinian people that would cause even the slightest reaction.
The motivating factor is completely hate for (((Israel))).
The fact that Victor announced that Hamas murdered at least 20 Palestinians, and there was a complete indifference from the morale outrage crew illustrates my point perfectly.
I am not indifferent to it. I think that given the current situation, taking out the criminal gangs collaborating with Israel and starving the population is undoubtedly a good thing.
Stop with the personal attacks. Address content, please.
Hamas literally admitted to murdering at least 20 Palestinians, gave a pretty specious reason, and all the moralists who are perpetually outraged at Israel just accepted the Hamas narrative and showed complete indifference. The defense rests.
This is a Wendy’s, counselor.
I wonder if this is the incident where Hamas murdered 20 Palestinian? Wouldn't be surprising in the slightest if it was. It is widely known Hamas has been holding up and looting aid trucks for the last 13 months, and then selling the aid on the back market as a source of income and as a means to maintain as much control as possible over the Palestinian people. Sounds like what really happened is in one of their looting runs (quite possible this one) something went sideways and they killed 20+ Palestinians.
The chief of police in Berlin ladies and gentlemen

There are 2 possibilities:
1) She is wrong and openly jews or gay people don't risk more in those areas of the city, so it's monstrous to say that publicly and she should be fired and possibly prosecuted (if, like in Italy, it's a crime to create a public unsubstantiated scare in the population)
2) She is right, in which case why aren't they policing those areas a lot more to protect citizens as it is their job to do? and ofc if she is right, then immigrants who harbor violent animosity toward jews and homosexuals ("and terrorist sympathizers") should be deported.
no where in that quote does it mention Hamas stealing aid. Id say thats a fake news propaganda twitter account that you shouldnt rely on if you value accuracy.
what we do have, in the last few hours, is even more reports confirming what local Gazans have been reporting for almost a year now. its Israel and criminal gangs stealing the aid.
at the 2min mark of this video the representative explains how Israel stole all the food and most of the medical aid from a truck on the way to a northern hospital.
and in this tweet, an Israeli reporter again corroborates the open secret that Israel works with Salafi types to further the genocide.

The chief of police in Berlin ladies and gentlemen
There are 2 possibilities:
1) She is wrong and openly jews or gay people don't risk more in those areas of the city, so it's monstrous to say that publicly and she should be fired and possibly prosecuted (if, like in Italy, it's a crime to create a public unsubstantiated scare in the population)
2) She is right, in which case why aren't they policing those areas a lot more to protect citizens as it is their job to do? and ofc if she is right, the
Notice she is not advising Arabs to hide their identities in Jewish neighborhoods.
iirc, and I quoted the source months ago, something like 30% of arrests in Germany for antisemitism are against Jews who are less than 1% of the population.
There could have been Hezbollah gold bars in those aid convoys, IDF had no option but to take them out.
right, basically the German police have no credibility. most police dont, but esp German police dont.
I for one am shocked that importing large numbers of persons from the most intolerant part of the world, by pretty much any metric you could use to measure, and being mostly permissive of their intolerance in the name of inclusion, has resulted in no-go zones for historically marginalized persons. Who could have saw this coming?

The UN has been one of Hamas’ loudest supporters so them making a big stink about Hamas’ supply lines being compromised isn’t surprising.
None of the recent articles seem to suggest that these groups have been the ones stealing aid the entire time. What they do seem to suggest is that now, in areas where the IDF have significantly weakened Hamas, there are opposing factions filling the power void. If the IDF wasn’t there, it’s logical to assume Hamas would still be the ones stealing aid.
Hamas supporters saying the that current situation is unfavorable is expected.
As for the other stuff, Europe hasn’t been a safe place for Jews for a long time and I’m always surprised people still choose to live there over the states.
remember that many countries asked for evidence of any of these wild Israeli claims about UNRWA and predictably, they did not provide anything other than "trust us bro" and so most countries have restarted funding of UNRWA.