Israel/Palestine thread

Israel/Palestine thread

Think this merits its own thread...

Discuss my fellow 2+2ers..



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07 October 2023 at 09:33 PM

33298 Replies


I never said "liberal Jews" and you are the one saying I did and accuse me of putting words in others mouth

looks like Israel is using this ceasefire to entrench their positions and start the occupation.

who could have seen this coming?

anyone else remember when they told the Gazans that would be able to return to their homes?

by Crossnerd k

You actually said in writing that liberal Jews are the cause of the rise in antisemitism for allowing it to happen. Just totally broken ideology.

Show me where I said liberal Jews


by metsandfinsfan k

Alt right idiots were. It wouldn't have been tolerated to not let Muslims in a library on a college campus


My best friend in highschool was Lebanese, spoke Arabic, went home to Beirut every summer to visit extended family. After 9/11, going anywhere with her and her family was a ****ing nightmare. Always selected for the extra screenings, at concerts, at movie theaters, the suspicion and the dirty looks. We were kids and it was scary.

by metsandfinsfan k

Alt right idiots were. It wouldn't have been tolerated to not let Muslims in a library on a college campus

Simply not true. Hate crimes happened all over, the vast majority of Americans supported the war and its excesses. Gonna guess you were all-in on the war as well. Can't criticize a leader when your country is at war, after all.

Mets, you said Jews criticizing Israel is causing the rise in antisemitism.

I think that’s absolutely heinous.

We have nothing else to discuss.

It’s not bombing civilians that’s causing antisemitism, it’s *criticizing* the bombing of civilians that’s causing antisemitism

Wah wah 🙄

Believing that Israel is targeting civilians is what is so lol

But you do you

by Crossnerd k

Nobody has said any of those things Mets. You’re arguing against imaginary monsters. I think Israel should exist and Israel should also be good.

Part of the tension is Israel is fighting an existential war of survival against people who emphatically dont believe this. And a lot of western "pro Palestinian" protestors dont believe this either. So there is an argument that ignoring and enabling these people; while hyper-focusing on the need for Israel to do better; is definitely making the world a worse place for everyone.

No one likes being singled out and picked on and told to do better; and normally it just makes people defensive and entrenches them more. That is just human nature. Whatever you might believe, Jews (and more generally Westerners) aren't superhumans who should be held to higher moral standards than everyone else.

Baruch Hashem

Happy Thanksgiving

by metsandfinsfan k

In 2023 there were 1832 anti Jewish hate crimes and 236 anti Islam in the US according to the fbi

I'm curious if the 2024 ratios

nice now convert that into deaths and compare that to children in Gaza .

One more thing

The college protests started BEFORE ISRAEL RETALIATED

so lol @ thinking the protests are about Israel bombing

The media has you forgetting what has happened

by Trolly McTrollson k

Simply not true. Hate crimes happened all over, the vast majority of Americans supported the war and its excesses. Gonna guess you were all-in on the war as well. Can't criticize a leader when your country is at war, after all.

I could imagine he was full on for "carpet bombing" Iraq and probably even was ok with calling them "freedom fries"

by metsandfinsfan k

One more thing

The college protests started BEFORE ISRAEL RETALIATED

so lol @ thinking the protests are about Israel bombing

The media has you forgetting what has happened

maybe some people knew that it was going to be an over reach reaction on the IDF's part . also protest did not begin on earnest til hospitals etc started getting bombed and collective punishment was obviously being displayed .

by Dunyain k

When the majority of people in the world believe something to be true, and their words and actions reflect this, at some point you just have to accept this is reality; and deal with that reality.

This is maybe one of the smartest things posted across these 1570odd pages.

I would encourage all people, regardless of their nationality, faith, sexual orientation, socioeconomic state etc that choose to accept Israel’s actions over the last 14 months as “self defence” to refer to some of the recent resolutions at the UN or the number of nations which have stated they will be complicit with ICC’s arrest warrants.

The overwhelming majority of the world is quite literally through words and actions condemning Israel’s actions in Gaza & West Bank because there is a plausible cause to believe that Israel is committing apartheid and/or genocide.

At some point, they’re going to have to accept and face the reality.

Fundamentally, when you start with the idea that people owe their allegiance to a state because of blood/ethnic ties, you inevitably wind up at Blood & Soil nationalism and the notion that people might be inherently disloyal because of some inherent connection to a distant fatherland.

Israel didn't drop a bomb until oct 17

bro wut?

murdering people returning to their villages

they break every cease-fire. they want to continue killing and taking land and not have anyone shoot at them.

by metsandfinsfan k

One more thing

The college protests started BEFORE ISRAEL RETALIATED

so lol @ thinking the protests are about Israel bombing

The media has you forgetting what has happened

Actually it is you that has forgotten what happened. Israel started bombing on Oct 7.

Here is an NYT article from Oct 10 talking about the bombings which had already killed 900 Palestinians:

by metsandfinsfan k

In 2023 there were 1832 anti Jewish hate crimes and 236 anti Islam in the US according to the fbi

I'm curious if the 2024 ratios

by MyrnaFTW k

nice now convert that into deaths and compare that to children in Gaza .

Friendly reminder that who is right and who is wrong in this conflict has absolutely nothing to do with numbers. So arguing over them is pointless.

by Crossnerd k

So your take is that liberal Jews are causing antisemitism?

Corpus, get in here

I personally wouldn't say they cause it. But I would say that anti Semites would use it to give their bigotry a veneer of legitimacy. That doesn't mean I don't think liberal Jews aren't entitled to their opinion, or should refrain from voicing it. But their opinions can be used by others with ulterior motives.
And some Jews being either anti Israel or pro or apathetic to it doesn't mean there's anything wrong with a Jewish state where Jews of all opinions, observant, secular and Atheist can be free to be Jews, without discrimination for being Jews, and I'm saying this against the backdrop of history. This isn't directed at you to clarify, it's simply a general counterpoint within this specific discussion.

I’m just recovering from the mental gymnastics it took to get really mad at criticizing the Israeli government only to follow that up by directly blaming Jews for the rise in antisemitism.

Itt I’ve learned that criticizing the actions of a sovereign government is antisemitic, but saying Jews cause antisemitism is totally fine
