Israel/Palestine thread

Israel/Palestine thread

Think this merits its own thread...

Discuss my fellow 2+2ers..



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07 October 2023 at 09:33 PM

33266 Replies


by LtUaE42 k

But, the better question is what would happen if someone decided that the USA should no longer exist as a country, that US citizens should be violently removed from their land, and that country then put all their resources into arming themselves and repeatedly attacking the US?

Over a period of many decades, the US should burn many of their homes then confiscate that land and build settlements on it which are reserved for US nationals only, enact laws to segregate them thereby “legally” preventing them from returning to those lands, control their supply of basic living needs as well as enact military law, build cages for them and dictate where they can and can’t walk, tolerate hatred towards them within their own society, and keep attacking them intermittently every few years.

Seems like the most viable option to me.

Crap I forgot something.

They should also definitely build detention centres and imprison without charge nor trail several hundred of those they suspect to be upto no good every year.

That’ll teach ‘em.

I’d like to ask you all a real question instead of a hypothetical one.

Does anybody here know how many military checkpoints there are in The West Bank?

Bonus points if you know how many of them are situated between Israel and the West Bank.

It should be noted that every one of these checkpoints are guarded 24/7 with ready to fire live ammunition, and the type of pass which you hold determines whether or not you may proceed through them. Similar to the ones that South Africa used to have, just a lot more sophisticated.

The checkpoints were established for good reason. I’d imagine the Israelis would prefer it if things were different.

by gotwoot k

Your honour, in my defence I did not ever actually say I was going to steal from the company.

I said I was going to alter the transaction protocol to deposit a small percentage of the funds into my bank account. There is no correlation between the two and I therefore move for this case to be dismissed.

Not sure about you, but not everything I write here is 100% thought out and vetted, and therefore I reserve the right to amend things as needed when I wish to make my point more clear.

Therefore, my dear legal assistant, if you had read my subsequent post you will see I said, "The Palestinians in Gaza, as a majority, would agree with Hamas doing this. This makes them enablers. They are therefore definitionally not innocent. Yes, of course there are those in Gaza who want peace and who do not support Hamas. They are the innocent victims. But they are in the minority."

All of this is of course irrelevant. As was your nonsensical response to my hypothetical in which you seem to complain of checkpoints. All of this would go away if Hamas chose peace over war. As long as Hamas chooses war, even if it is a slow moving, poorly executed, externally funded war, then the people within its territories will suffer. You know, so that bombs and weapons and terrorists have a hard time getting into Israel unchecked. Not that you would care if they did.

It truly astounds me that there are those who will say with a straight face, and with all sincerity, that Hamas and its allies should be allowed to have as its goal the destruction of Israel, and yet Gaza suffer no consequences. It would be one thing if when something tragic happens in Gaza, and pleadings are made with Israel to do more to reduce suffering, the last sentence of the pleading ended with, "but all of this would be unnecessary if Hamas chose peace over war and, since they choose war, this is ultimately all their fault". But, since Israel's critics do not say this, they are irrelevant and not worth listening to or caring about.


US citizens are forced to go through checkpoints over 2 million times a day, often having to remove shoes and hoodies, and have valid ID's to prove who they are. At least this is according to the TSA. Tragic. Airports should simply get rid of all checkpoints. What good do they do, anyway?

by DoyleBrunsonFan k

The checkpoints were established for good reason. I’d imagine the Israelis would prefer it if things were different.

no checkpoints and no Arabs seems to be their preference.

by LtUaE42 k

US citizens are forced to go through checkpoints over 2 million times a day,

lol, no we aren't, WTF are you babbling about?

by DoyleBrunsonFan k

The checkpoints were established for good reason.

Protecting squatters is not a good reason.

by Trolly McTrollson k

lol, no we aren't, WTF are you babbling about?

just like TSA he says

by Trolly McTrollson k

lol, no we aren't, WTF are you babbling about?

Airports. OMG. Thought "TSA" would help...

by Bill Haywood k

Protecting squatters is not a good reason.

And that mindset is why there will soon be no more Gaza.

by LtUaE42 k

Airports. OMG. Thought "TSA" would help...

You can travel from coast to coast without needing to interact with TSA, and TSA isn't run by a hostile foreign government, that's not remotely analogous to the checkpoints Gazans have to pass through. It's a dogshit analogy and you know it.

by Victor k

just like TSA he says

To be fair, a lot of Americans would love to see TSA treat Arabs this way.

by LtUaE42 k

And that mindset is why there will soon be no more Gaza.

Oh yes, the Palestinians forced you to take over their land.

by Bill Haywood k

Oh yes, the Palestinians forced you to take over their land.

To be fair, they did try isolating them and building a barrier around the land.

by campfirewest k

To be fair, they did try isolating them and building a barrier around the land.

Gaza is full of refugees from other areas. What was the "fair" reason for displacing them in the first place?

not really graphic. but I mean, what else is there to say? we have known it was intentional for decades now.

by Bill Haywood k

Protecting squatters is not a good reason.

Nice try.

have been ethnically cleansed this year.

The West Bank villages wiped off the map by Israeli settler violence
Since October 7, over 50 rural Palestinian communities have been forced to abandon their homes amid intensifying attacks, threats, and harassment by Israeli settlers — almost always with the backing of the army and police.

Pretending to be ignorant while moving the goalposts is getting old.

^^^Is that directed at me? What do you mean?

by Bill Haywood k

^^^Is that directed at me? What do you mean?

Lol. Have a nice day, Bill. Maybe we can resume when you’re not so confused.

Doyle is saying that Israel deserves all the land and should be allowed to abuse anyone they want including extermination. its basically White Supremacism.

this is strong resistance. its gotta really piss off the Zionists. they will certainly burn this building down and kill most of the kids and the teachers here. but can they kill them all? I am admittedly not as optimistic as many.
