Israel/Palestine thread
Think this merits its own thread...
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33263 Replies
No, we are absolutely on the same page, it’s just that you are completely blind to reality.
Hamas calling for the destruction of Israel as well as their attack on Oct 7th, disgusting and immoral most of it is/was, is absolutely without a glimmer of a doubt a pittance compared to 80 years of apartheid.
Apparently segregation & shooting 5 year olds in the skull is now called “self defence”.
Israel isn't engaging in Apartheid or genocide or colonialism or any of the other bad faith hyperbole its detractors claim., so it's all good.
Israel isn't engaging in Apartheid or genocide or colonialism or any of the other bad faith hyperbole its detractors claim., so it's all good.
Right, sorry I forgot that the UN, Human Rights Watch, UNICEF, Doctors Without Borders, Amnesty International, Oxfam, WHO, Red Cross B’Tselem, ICC are all offshoots of Hamas.
None of whom know as much about what's happening in Gaza as a guy sitting at his laptop in Ireland.
Never said they were, Israel still aren't engaging in any of those things so again all good in the hood.
Bro you should call them and tell them your baseless opinion. They would probably save millions of dollars gathering data and proof which suggests otherwise and in turn would obviously really appreciate you doing so.
Eh, I don't have their number and can't be arsed anyway. And it's hardly baseless, the Palestinian population has increased steadily over the past 80 years. Hardly a genocide.
The Demographic Reality: Palestinian population has doubled about 10 times since the Nakba, 1948
The population of Palestine in 1914 was around 690 thousand; of whom only 8% were Jewish. In 1948, the number of Palestinians in Palestine exceeded 2 million; 31.5% of them were Jews. Between 1932 and 1939, the largest number of Jewish immigrants to Palestine reached 225 thousand Jews. Between 1940 and 1947, more than 93 thousand Jews poured into Palestine. Thus, Palestine received around 318 thousand Jews between 1932 and 1947 and more than 3.3 million from 1948 to 2022.
Despite the displacement of more than one million Palestinians in 1948, and the displacement of more than 200 thousand Palestinians (majority of them to Jordan) after the 1967 war, the Palestinian world population was 14 million by the end of 2022, which means that the number of Palestinians in the world has doubled about 10 times since the Nakba, and more than half of them lived in historical Palestine by the end of 2022. Accordingly, their number reached 7 million (1.7 million in the occupied territories in 1948). Population estimates indicated that the number of population by the end of 2022 in the West Bank, including Jerusalem, was 3.2 million and around 2.2 million in the Gaza Strip
So yeah, Israel ain't genociding nobody, despite the aforementioned emotive bad faith hyperbole bullshit. They could easily turn Gaza into a parking lot by tomorrow. They haven't done so.
They would probably save millions of dollars gathering data and proof
Or they could just click on the PCBS link I provided, that would certainly save them a few quid, defo.
which suggests otherwise and in turn would obviously really appreciate you doing so.
Well I live to give and it's nice to be appreciated. Dunno about you but I for one tend to feel warm and fuzzy inside whenever appreciation of me occurs, especially if they learn something. And speaking of which I appreciate you saying this, it's very magnanimous of you and thanks 😀
Hey wait a minute are you being sarcastic?😡
we are at the death march stage of the genocide
Thank you for outdoing Lt and proving to anyone reading that you are in fact the ignoramus ITT.
It would serve you well to read a couple of things which would make anyone who has laugh out loud at your response. I am literally in tears at the sheer level of stupidity.
First off, the definition of genocide.
The fact that a group’s population has doubled does not mean that genocide is not being committed against them. Had you read it you would understand that it is the intent to destroy in whole or in part that defines a genocide.
I’ll simplify it for your peanut sized brain. The holocaust obviously never happened because here are just as many Jews alive today as there were in 1939.
Secondly, the rest of the report you so cleverly linked, which shows the many different ways Israel is indeed intending to destroy Palestinians as a group. You know the whole land seizure, structure demolition, water control and forced shortage thing.
The thread has officially gone full ******.
Don’t worry Doyle “it’s all good in the hood”
Just to clarify the Holocaust definiteky happened and was one of the most tragic events in history.
I was trolling, and am by no means trying to deny it. I just can’t understand people who are denying this crime against humanity.
words have different meanings for the West. ceasefire means, the Supremacists can kill and murder at will but the natives cant shoot back.
genocide only applies if the White Empire somehow wipes the natives out in like a week. meanwhile, if the natives say they want to be free as in "Palestine will be free" then that means it is the indigenous that are doing genocide.
Sartre said that words have no meaning. I think he was wrong. words have meaning, but they twisted for these people.
Russia’s invasion of Ukraine was met with sanctions and the West seeking trial and “justice” after 14 minutes
Yet, here we are 14 months and 50k dead and “we continue to find the accusations of genocide to be unfounded”
Tell me you have no soul without telling me you have no soul
Russia’s invasion of Ukraine was met with sanctions and the West seeking trial and “justice” after 14 minutes
Yet, here we are 14 months and 50k dead and “we continue to find the accusations of genocide to be unfounded”
Tell me you have no soul without telling me you have no soul
Are you arguing the world has failed by having a double standard and not accusing Russia of genocide?
--Of course the irony here is Russia is literally committing genocide (removing Ukrainians from Eastern Ukraine and replacing them with Russians), while Israel is doing nothing of the sort in Gaza.
Don’t worry Doyle “it’s all good in the hood”
Just to clarify the Holocaust definiteky happened and was one of the most tragic events in history.
I was trolling, and am by no means trying to deny it. I just can’t understand people who are denying this crime against humanity.
Who is denying the crime against humanity?
I emphatically agree that Hamas invading Israel, murdering hundreds of civilians in their homes, and taking hundreds more as hostages (executing some of them) for months on end is an ongoing crime against humanity.
Russia’s invasion of Ukraine was met with sanctions and the West seeking trial and “justice” after 14 minutes
Yet, here we are 14 months and 50k dead and “we continue to find the accusations of genocide to be unfounded”
Tell me you have no soul without telling me you have no soul
It’s been 50k dead for half a year now. It’s a tragic loss of human life, and I’m not really sure what Hamas’ plan was when they initiated Oct 7th. They were probably under influence from Iran and Russia, neither of whom really give a rat’s ass what happens to the Palestinians. What is an acceptable number for a year long conflict against a terrorist group who is entrenched within a civilian population?
If (when) Syria falls, Iran is going to have a harder time supplying Lebanon.
Thank you for outdoing Lt and proving to anyone reading that you are in fact the ignoramus ITT.
It would serve you well to read a couple of things which would make anyone who has laugh out loud at your response. I am literally in tears at the sheer level of stupidity.
First off, the definition of genocide.
The fact that a group’s population has doubled does not mean that genocide is not being committed against them. Had you read it you would understand that it is
Ah so Israel are doing genocide they're just doing a piss poor job of it, the only genocide in history where the victims' population increases. Okay😀.
pretty doubtful the population has increased in the last 15 months. you got a citation bc that sounds like a wild claim?
Well... then that means Hamas and Iran started genocide against Israel first. Where is the outrage?
Dude I’m so sorry.
I was wondering why you have trouble understanding the result of 80 years of apartheid, and maybe a little harsh on you as a result.
This whole conflict started in 2023 for you, so now I know you’re 15 months old. Which would explain why your brain hasn’t fully developed yet. It all makes sense now!
Your parents really shouldn’t let you browse the internet at such a young age.
Ah so Israel are doing genocide they're just doing a piss poor job of it, the only genocide in history where the victims' population increases. Okay😀.
We’ll never know whether the population is increasing or decreasing because Israel won’t allow any outside journalists in. I’m sure we can just take their word for it, they seem like the most moral army in the world.