Israel/Palestine thread

Israel/Palestine thread

Think this merits its own thread...

Discuss my fellow 2+2ers..



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) 20 Views 20
07 October 2023 at 09:33 PM

33297 Replies


You're playing a game of incomplete information right now. Nobody has all the facts. So what to do?

Let's do a simple thought experiment. If I had to ask you which group, either Group A or Group B, is likely to be acting in good faith and be fair minded, and gave you the following information, which side would you pick?

Group A is not a tolerant of others religious beliefs, sexual preferences, and condones hitting women. A 2018 report by UN Women highlighted that 50% of women and 63% of men agreed that a woman should tolerate violence to keep the family together for Group A.

Group B is tolerant of other religions, sexual preferences, and holds domestic violence offenders to account.

Which group is more likely to be fair-minded?

Note the question please.

Ill go with the group that doesnt murder children for sport.

it is funny to act like Israel is somehow tolerant of women and lgbtq when they have murdered and enslaved orders of magnitude more than any Resistance group.

also the kids. they shoot the kids.

by Victor k

Ill go with the group that doesnt murder children for sport.

Group A or Group B?

And now food colonialism, where will it stop? Next thing you know white girls in Portland are going to be making tortillas

by Victor k

Ill go with the group that doesnt murder children for sport.

Bit harsh to call the murder of children at the Nova festival sport, but okay.

by Trolly McTrollson k


You made up a completely absurd lie out of whole cloth, pulled the usual "oh, cited it already. oh, I'm not at my computer I can't find the link" routine when asked for evidence, and now you produce a citation that explicitly ignores the 2023-2024 killings. It's just a world-class display of clownposting. Normally I'd advise you to fall back and take the L but you seem to enjoy the humiliation.

Lol tf you babbling about? I haven't lied once. You and te rest of your ik are the ones making false claims about genocide apartheid and all the other tired emotive bollocks you spout ad naseam so I'm not interested in your projection or trolling.
So are you now saying the genocide begn with the current war seeing as you're referencing the civilian casualties? Again it's a war so you appear to be alleging that when Israel defends itself from proactive Hamas aggression then it's genocide and you'r bad faith bullshit is laughed at.

by Trolly McTrollson k


You made up a completely absurd lie out of whole cloth, pulled the usual "oh, cited it already. oh, I'm not at my computer I can't find the link" routine when asked for evidence, and now you produce a citation that explicitly ignores the 2023-2024 killings. It's just a world-class display of clownposting. Normally I'd advise you to fall back and take the L but you seem to enjoy the humiliation.

Lol tf you babbling about? I haven't lied once. You and the rest of your ilk are the ones making false claims about genocide apartheid and all the other tired emotive bollocks you spout ad naseam so I'm not interested in your projection or trolling.
So are you now saying the genocide begn with the current war seeing as you're referencing the civilian casualties? Again it's a war so you appear to be alleging that when Israel defends itself from proactive Hamas aggression then it's genocide and you'r bad faith bullshit is laughed at.

by corpus vile k

I didn't ask you to bluster I asked you when this alleged genocide started? Palestinian population has steadily increased since Irgun, so that's that debunked.
Can you gimme a date and year or not?

November 2nd, 1917

Although one could also argue the roots of it started in August 1897.

Russia has announced that Assad is on his own. And Israel and the US are not permitting IRI proxies to join the fight on Assad's behalf. It looks like it might not even matter if they did, as Assad's soldiers are mass defecting.

Looks like Syria is done. Just another example of hitching your wagon to losers, in this case the IRI/Hezbollah, and getting bad results.

I think I have mentioned this before, but maybe not. But one does wonder if this is part of some larger geopolitical realignment, where Russia gives up its interests in Syria (and maybe Iran itself) in exchange for more favorable terms in concluding the Ukraine war.

by gotwoot k

November 2nd, 1917

Although one could also argue the roots of it started in August 1897.

I dont think it can be understated how empty all of the British Palestinian mandate was leading up to the early 20th century, as most of the land is barren desert with no water or resources. The entire population of the mandate was 400K in 1872. Gaza alone has over 5X this number today.

And ironically, it was the Jews coming in and through their blood, sweat and tears making the land habitable that allowed for both Jewish and Arab immigration and population growth. Most of the Arab population living in Palestine circa 1948 was actually recent immigrants themselves. Which is why so many Palestinians have surnames originating from current day Egypt, Iraq, Syria, etc.

Pretty much the exact opposite of Gotwoot's argument.

by gotwoot k

November 2nd, 1917

Although one could also argue the roots of it started in August 1897.

Right. So that's when this genocide started? Which clearly is still ongoing as you've claimed a current genocide.

ME and Gazan Palestinian population has been steadily increasing since 1917. Ergo not a genocide, glad we got that sorted.

I'm positive I could find increases in population during other genocides. Unfortunately comparisons are not allowed in this thread.

Bad faith actors are going to bad faith, so there is no real point in engaging with them seriously; unless as an exercise to organize your own thoughts. However, once we establish there was never any "genocide" of Palestinians in Gaza or anywhere else, we do have to ask ourselves what the actual objective of Israel's war effort in Gaza is. And that is where a lot of legitimate criticism, especially Israel internal criticism, stems from. It isn't obvious if there even is a coherent strategy at this point.

You could of course say the same for Hamas. They are still fighting their war with Israel, holding hostages, and refusing to leave Gaza. And clearly their presence serves no benefit to the Palestinians themselves, and never really has. So it is very fair to ask whether they have any objectives, other than holding onto their power at any cost.

by Victor k

I'm positive I could find increases in population during other genocides. Unfortunately comparisons are not allowed in this thread.

You can PM me, and I will confirm in thread you found some. Dont take too long please, I am holding my breathe in anticipation.

I'll take my chances and mention the Uyghur and Ukrainian genocides.

It's almost like words have different meanings to you guys.

by Victor k

I'll take my chances and mention the Uyghur and Ukrainian genocides.

It's almost like words have different meanings to you guys.

Havent you spent the last 2 years arguing there was no Uyghur genocide?


by corpus vile k

Lol tf you babbling about?

Mostly just pointing and laughing at your brazen dishonesty.

I admit I have always had a hard time mentally articulating why collectivists (right and left) are so reflexively antisemitic, whereas liberalism is so accepting of Judaism and the Jewish people. Maybe this is the reason why. There is nothing more dangerous to collectivist ideologies than the individual and celebration of individuality.


I clicked through to get the context

apparently criticizing jaywalkers is antisemitic

by Victor k

I'm positive I could find increases in population during other genocides. Unfortunately comparisons are not allowed in this thread.

Are you also claiming the genocide began in 1917?

Yeah I'm sure you're miffed you can't make your favourite comparisons vic. My heart bleeds for you.

by Victor k

I'll take my chances and mention the Uyghur and Ukrainian genocides.

It's almost like words have different meanings to you guys.

But you denied those genocides vic, remember?

by Trolly McTrollson k

Mostly just pointing and laughing at your brazen dishonesty.

No, you. Stop making bullshit claims about genocide and you'll be laughed at less. Well slightly less anyway.
