Israel/Palestine thread
Think this merits its own thread...
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33263 Replies
Israel did another hospital massacre
as brutal as the Russians are portrayed, even at their worst they havent been in the same stratosphere as Israel.
We’ll never know whether the population is increasing or decreasing because Israel won’t allow any outside journalists in. I’m sure we can just take their word for it, they seem like the most moral army in the world.
Why don't you post footage of that 22 year old girl in the bak ofa pick up truck with her arms and legs broken while the crowd spits on her ? Oh wait it's because Israel bad I forgot.
It's impossible to take you seriously when you us words genocide and apartheid as again it's pre bad faith arguing. You know such words have emotive connotations yet falsely claim such things anyway. It's also counter productive as it leads to accusations of anti Semitism . Then the mods step in infractions are given and proper debate is stifled. So again impossible to take you seriously
Despite all the anti Israel rhetoric, everyone in the region except for Russia, Iran and its proxies are aligned that is a good thing at this point. When Obama gave Syria and Lebanon to Iran/Russia the logic was that Iran was a strong force that would bring stability to the region. However, this is clearly not the case. They are weak, morally and physically, and bring nothing but instability and dysfunction.
For the last 40 years the UN/US has been directly propping up Hezbollah also. And under the new ceasefire agreement the US will be committing significantly money and resources to Lebanon. The question is whether this is going to just be used to prop up Hezbollah, or towards trying to build something better. But at this point everyone realizes something better is only going to happen if the terror pipeline from Iran is cut off.
no you posted a link about population growth since decades ago, not over the last 15 months since Israel dropped like 40kg of bombs per person into Gaza.
Israel could wipe Gaza off the face of the planet in 15 minutes. They haven't done so and have given ample warnings to civilians to vacate areas before strikes so again not a genocide. You deny Russia and China's genocide so you're another not to be taken seriously.
Israel could wipe Gaza off the face of the planet in 15 minutes. They haven't done so and have given ample warnings to civilians to vacate areas before strikes so again not a genocide. You deny Russia and China's genocide so you're another not to be taken seriously.
Well. You can take him seriously. You just have to realize he represents an anti-civilizational viewpoint, represents no real first principals beyond this, and the correct action is to normally do the opposite of what he proposes.
you are changing the subject, I thought you had a citation on the Gazan population growing over the last 15 months. I would be surprised if that were the case.
Israel could wipe Gaza off the face of the planet in 15 minutes.
no they really cant. its not really physically possible. they are destroying it as fast as possible with bombs, bulldozers, mines, drones, and arson and they are about 90% of the way there.
you are changing the subject, I thought you had a citation on the Gazan population growing over the last 15 months. I would be surprised if that were the case.
no they really cant. its not really physically possible. they are destroying it as fast as possible with bombs, bulldozers, mines, drones, and arson and they are about 90% of the way there.
I'm on my phone atm so can't c&p and don't need to appease your personal standards anyway as you'd simply deny any citation because Israel bad. You relished making Nazi comparisons until the mods made you quit so when you use words like genocide, it leads to others questioning your intention. Either way i can't take you seriously
Dude I’m so sorry.
I was wondering why you have trouble understanding the result of 80 years of apartheid, and maybe a little harsh on you as a result.
This whole conflict started in 2023 for you, so now I know you’re 15 months old. Which would explain why your brain hasn’t fully developed yet. It all makes sense now!
Your parents really shouldn’t let you browse the internet at such a young age.
No, it started immediately after Israel became a country and the surrounding Arab countries tried to commit genocide against Israel.
You sarcastic insults are a simple by-product of your desire for Israel to suffer genocide.
I'm on my phone atm so can't c&p and don't need to appease your personal standards anyway as you'd simply deny any citation because Israel bad. You relished making Nazi comparisons until the mods made you quit so when you use words like genocide, it leads to others questioning your intention. Either way i can't take you seriously
so you made a controversial and unfounded and frankly unbelievable claim and cant back it up.
No, it started immediately after Israel became a country and the surrounding Arab countries tried to commit genocide against Israel.
You sarcastic insults are a simple by-product of your desire for Israel to suffer genocide.
"became a country" is a pretty nice euphemism.
when "Israel became a country" they did one of the most massive ethnic cleanses of the modern era. and it was premeditated and executed deliberately and precisely.
so you made a controversial and unfounded and frankly unbelievable claim and cant back it up.
No, read over my post again and reason given. You seem to have reading comprehension issues, to use a phrase you seem to like. 😀
And absolutely no citation on Earth would satisfy you anyway due to your apparent hatred of the west and by extension Israel. So why tf should I or anyone else indulge your demand?
Better just to admit you made it up than type so much nonsense.
A Massive Database of Evidence, Compiled by a Historian, Documents Israel's War Crimes in Gaza
A woman with a child is shot while waving a white flag ■ Starving girls are crushed to death in line for bread ■ A cuffed 62-year-old man is run over, evidently by a tank ■ An aerial strike targets people trying to help a wounded boy ■ A database of thousands of videos, photos, testimonies, reports and investigations documents the horrors committed by Israel in Gaza
No, it started immediately after Israel became a country and the surrounding Arab countries tried to commit genocide against Israel.
You sarcastic insults are a simple by-product of your desire for Israel to suffer genocide.
Oh you mean in 1948, when the Jews assembled an army in Mandatory Palestine and razed 500 Palestinian villages, killing 15,000 and displacing 750,000 in the process of “becoming a country”?
Which did come first anyway, the chicken or the egg?
I have no desire for anyone to suffer genocide, and am more than happy to admit when one has or is taking place.
Oh you mean in 1948, when the Jews assembled an army in Mandatory Palestine and razed 500 Palestinian villages, killing 15,000 and displacing 750,000 in the process of “becoming a country”?
Which did come first anyway, the chicken or the egg?
I have no desire for anyone to suffer genocide, and am more than happy to admit when one has or is taking place.
When did this "genocide" begin? What year? What date?
Palestinian population increased in 2023 by 2.31% and it even states an increase in 2024.
The current population of Palestine in 2024 is 5,494,963, a 2.3% increase from 2023.
The total population in Palestine was forecast to continuously increase up to more than 5.4 million people by 2023. The current total population is estimated to amount to 5.48 million people in 2023, however these estimates have not yet been adjusted to account for the impact of the 2023 Israel-Hamas War.
So even if we take the latter link as more factual than the first, you're still seeing very recent population increases.
So again when did this um "genocide" start? Precisely?
When I was in Gaza, I saw a little boy no more than 9 years whose hands and part of his face, had been blown off from a booby trapped can of food that soldiers had left behind for Gaza’s starving children. I later learned that they had also left poisoned food for people in Shujaiyya, and in the 1980s and 90s, Israeli soldiers had left booby trapped toys in southern Lebanon that exploded when excited children picked them up.
The harm they do is diabolical, and yet, they expect you to believe they are the victims. Invoking Europe’s holocaust and screaming antisemitism, they expect you to suspend fundamental human reason to believe that the daily sniping of children with so called “kill shots” and the bombing of entire neighborhoods that bury families alive and wipe out whole bloodlines is self-defense.
They want you to believe that a man who had not eaten a thing in over 72 hours, who kept fighting even when all he had was one functioning arm, that this man was motivated by some innate savagery and irrational hatred or jealousy of Jews, rather than the indominable yearning to see his people free in their own homeland. Susan Abulhawa, Oxford Union Debate, Jewish Voice for Labor
….if the roles were reversed—if Palestinians had spent the last eight decade stealing Jewish homes, expelling, oppressing, imprisoning, poisoning, torturing, raping and killing them; if Palestinians had killed an estimated 300,000 Jews in one year, targeted their journalists, their thinkers, their healthcare workers, their athletes, their artists, bombed every Israeli hospital, university, library, museum, cultural center, synagogue, and simultaneously set up an observation platform where people came watch their slaughter as if a tourist attraction;
if Palestinians had corralled them by the hundreds of thousands into flimsy tents, bombed them in so called safe zones, burned them alive, cut off their food, water, and medicine….
if Palestinians made Jewish children wander barefoot with empty pots; made them gather the flesh of their parents into plastic bags; made them bury their siblings, cousins and friends; made them sneak out from their tents in the middle of the night to sleep on their parents’ graves; made them pray for death just to join their families and not be alone in this terrible world anymore, and terrorized them so utterly that their children lose their hair, lose their memory, lose their minds, and made those as young as 4 and 5 year old were die of heart attacks;
if we mercilessly forced their NICU babies to die, alone in hospital beds, crying until they could cry no more, died and decomposed in the same spot;
if Palestinians used wheat flour aid trucks to lure starving jews, then opened fire on them when they gathered to collect a day’s bread; if Palestinians finally allowed a food delivery into a shelter with hungry Jews, then set fire to the entire shelter and aid truck before anyone could taste the food;
if a Palestinian sniper bragged about blowing out 42 Jewish kneecaps in one day as one Israeli soldier did in 2019; if a Palestinian admitted to CNN that he ran over hundreds of Jews with his tank, their squished flesh lingering in the tank treads;
if Palestinians were systematically raping Jewish doctors, patients, and other captives with hot metal rods, jagged and electrified sticks, and fire extinguishers, sometimes raping to death, as happened with Dr Adnan alBursh and others;
if Jewish women were forced to give birth in filth, get C-sections or leg amputations without anesthesia; if we destroyed their children then decorated our tanks with their toys; if we killed or displaced their women then posed with their lingerie…
if the world were watching the livestreamed systematic annihilation of Jews in real time, there would be no debating whether that constituted terrorism or genocide.
And yet two Palestinians—myself and Mohammad el-Kurd— showed up here to do just that, enduring the indignity of debating those who think our only life choices should be to leave our homeland, submit to their supremacy, or die politely and quietly. Susan Abulhawa, Oxford Union Debate, Jewish Voice for Labor
When did this "genocide" begin? What year? What date?
Palestinian population increased in 2023 by 2.31% and it even states an increase in 2024.
So even if we take the latter link as more factual than the first, you're still seeing very recent population
those are forecasts using date from years prior to estimate and by your own notes dont take into account the Gaza war.
the genocide is happening in Gaza so its still a genocide if the Palestinian population increases worldwide.
When did this "genocide" begin? What year? What date?
Palestinian population increased in 2023 by 2.31% and it even states an increase in 2024.
So even if we take the latter link as more factual than the first, you're still seeing very recent population increases.
So again when did this um "genocide" start? Precisely?
Wow big day today, I feel like I’m really starting to get to know you guys…
First I learned that Lt is 15 months old and now that you’ve never heard of the Nakba?! Dude, you’ve got some reading to do this is going to completely change your view on the whole situation!
Wait til you find out about the Irgun & Lehi and the roots of terrorism in present day Middle East!
Wow big day today, I feel like I’m really starting to get to know you guys…
First I learned that Lt is 15 months old and now that you’ve never heard of the Nakba?! Dude, you’ve got some reading to do this is going to completely change your view on the whole situation!
Wait til you find out about the Irgun & Lehi and the roots of terrorism in present day Middle East!
I didn't ask you to bluster I asked you when this alleged genocide started? Palestinian population has steadily increased since Irgun, so that's that debunked.
Can you gimme a date and year or not?
those are forecasts using date from years prior to estimate and by your own notes dont take into account the Gaza war.
the genocide is happening in Gaza so its still a genocide if the Palestinian population increases worldwide.
Ah here we go 😆
As I said:
And absolutely no citation on Earth would satisfy you anyway due to your apparent hatred of the west and by extension Israel. So why tf should I or anyone else indulge your demand?
I see I was right. 😀
When did this genocide start vic?
yes I dont think that forecasts leaving out the most important piece of data, ie the fact that Israel has dropped 40kg of bombs per person on Gaza, are worth really using.
this genocide machine never stops. but this particular genocide started in Oct of 2023.
There's no evidence at all of a genocide if you don't take into account the 2023-2024 killings.
There's no evidence at all of a genocide if you don't take into account the 2023-2024 killings.
You're conflating casualties of war- which is inevitable in any war- with a concentrated willful attempt at genocide and here's where the bad faith debating comes into play. You're perfectly validated in opining that Israel's response is wholly disproportionate or even that you personally feel they're committing mass murder and give your reasons.
But this genocide apartheid crap doesn't do anything for any argument or point you wish to get across and you know it's going to piss others off and again proper debate will cease. Pure bad faith tactics.
You're conflating casualties of war- which is inevitable in any war- with a concentrated willful attempt at genocide and here's where the bad faith debating comes into play.
You made up a completely absurd lie out of whole cloth, pulled the usual "oh, cited it already. oh, I'm not at my computer I can't find the link" routine when asked for evidence, and now you produce a citation that explicitly ignores the 2023-2024 killings. It's just a world-class display of clownposting. Normally I'd advise you to fall back and take the L but you seem to enjoy the humiliation.