Israel/Palestine thread

Israel/Palestine thread

Think this merits its own thread...

Discuss my fellow 2+2ers..



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07 October 2023 at 09:33 PM

33267 Replies


by Luckbox Inc k

I don't think that's something that can be said about Epstein.

Here you go. I’m sorry you weren’t aware. Now you are

You think someone was blackmailing US presidents without a foreign intelligence service being involved

Don’t make me laugh

Here’s epstiens partners dads info

“ 1948 war
A hint of Maxwell's service to Israel was provided by John Loftus and Mark Aarons, who described Maxwell's contacts with Czechoslovak communist leaders in 1948 as crucial to the Czechoslovak decision to arm Israel in the 1948 Arab–Israeli War. Czechoslovak military assistance was both unique and crucial for Israel in the war. According to Loftus and Aarons, it was Maxwell's covert help in smuggling aircraft parts into Israel that led to the country having air supremacy during the 1948 Arab–Israeli War.[56]

Mossad allegations; Vanunu case
The Foreign Office suspected that Maxwell was a secret agent of a foreign government, possibly a double agent or a triple agent, and "a thoroughly bad character and almost certainly financed by Russia". He had known links to the British Secret Intelligence Service (MI6), to the Soviet KGB, and to the Israeli intelligence service Mossad.[57] Six serving and former heads of Israeli intelligence services attended Maxwell's funeral in Israel, while Israeli Prime Minister Yitzhak Shamir eulogised him and stated: "He has done more for Israel than can today be told."[58]

Shortly before Maxwell's death, Ari Ben-Menashe, a self-proclaimed former employee of Israel's Military Intelligence Directorate, approached a number of news organisations in Britain and the US with the allegation that Maxwell and the Daily Mirror's foreign editor, Nicholas Davies, were both long-time agents for Mossad. Ben-Menashe also claimed that, in 1986, Maxwell informed the Israeli Embassy in London that Mordechai Vanunu revealed information about Israel's nuclear capability to The Sunday Times, then to the Daily Mirror. Vanunu was subsequently kidnapped by Mossad and smuggled to Israel, convicted of treason, and imprisoned for 18 years.[59]”

Oh so you guys don’t know that the worst spy we ever caught was working for Israel and they were super happy when they got him home LIKE 20 years ago

“ The Israeli government acknowledged a portion of its role in Pollard's espionage in 1987, and issued a formal apology to the U.S.,[3] but did not admit to paying him until 1998.[4] Over the course of his imprisonment, Israeli officials, US-Israeli activist groups and some US politicians continually lobbied for a reduction or commutation of his sentence.[5] In defense of his actions, Pollard said the American intelligence establishment collectively endangered Israel's security by withholding crucial information. Opposing any form of clemency were many active and retired U.S. officials, including Donald Rumsfeld, Dick Cheney, former CIA director George Tenet; several former U.S. Secretaries of Defense; a bi-partisan group of U.S. congressional leaders; and members of the U.S. intelligence community.[6][4][1][7] They maintained that the damage to U.S. national security due to Pollard's espionage was far more severe, wide-ranging, and enduring than publicly acknowledged. Though Pollard argued that he only supplied Israel with information critical to its security, opponents stated that he had no way of knowing what the Israelis had received through legitimate exchanges, and that much of the data he compromised had nothing to do with Israeli security. Pollard revealed aspects of the U.S. intelligence gathering process, its "sources and methods".[4] In 1995, while imprisoned, he was granted Israeli citizenship.[8]

Pollard was released on November 20, 2015, in accordance with federal guidelines in place at the time of his sentencing.[9] On November 20, 2020, his parole expired and all restrictions were removed.[10] On December 30, 2020, Pollard and his second wife moved to Israel and settled in Jerusalem.”

by BOIDS k

on planet vic we discuss the impact that an obscure friendly fire incident fifty five years ago has on current day israel usa relations, and whether nations with such a history can ever really be allies

meanwhile, in the real world, germany and israel are firm allies three generations on from the holocaust


friendly fire?

anyway, did you miss the more recent collusion to get Trump elected?

by BOIDS k

on planet vic we discuss the impact that an obscure friendly fire incident fifty five years ago has on current day israel usa relations, and whether nations with such a history can ever really be allies

meanwhile, in the real world, germany and israel are firm allies three generations on from the holocaust

The fascinating thing is he states his opinions as facts, with such certainty.

It’s admirable for someone so warped and unintelligent.

by gs3737 k

The fascinating thing is he states his opinions as facts, with such certainty.

It’s admirable for someone so warped and unintelligent.

the funny thing is that you are so certain it was as an accident when you had never heard of it before.

lets pretend the incident is not obscure and was not friendly fire

if so, the impact it has on current day israel usa relations remains zero point zero percent

by BOIDS k

lets pretend the incident is not obscure and was not friendly fire

if so, the impact it has on current day israel usa relations remains zero point zero percent

Ok fair

How about pollard

never heard of him, but allies get caught spying on each other all the time, here's the latest incident off the top of my head

by BOIDS k

lets pretend the incident is not obscure and was not friendly fire

if so, the impact it has on current day israel usa relations remains zero point zero percent

was anyone arguing that it does impact current relations?

I was just trying to enlighten you guys, like I always am.


by BOIDS k

never heard of him, but allies get caught spying on each other all the time, here's the latest incident off the top of my head

What’s your point? It’s ok to do it to us cause the US does it to others?

You don’t know about the top spy against the US? Maybe there’s a lot of things to this conflict you don’t know about

my point is that an ally getting caught spying on an ally is not unusual

it happens relatively frequently because everyone is spying on everyone else all the time, and everyone knows this

by BOIDS k

my point is that an ally getting caught spying on an ally is not unusual

it happens relatively frequently because everyone is spying on everyone else all the time, and everyone knows this

Nobody is arguing that it’s not unusual

We are arguing about whether Israel is an ally due to the actions it takes with the US military and our political system

as it relates to the pollard guy, israel can be as much an ally as, for example, britain, who are also spying on you and always have

by BOIDS k

as it relates to the pollard guy, israel can be as much an ally as, for example, britain, who are also spying on you and always have

You’re saying Britain has a spy in the US that has hurt us as much as the UK?

Or you’re just making hypotheticals and applying them to our current situation without a basis in reality

Lol you all for engaging him

by PointlessWords k

You’re saying Britain has a spy in the US that has hurt us as much as the UK?

we've had some disasters, bigly. 57 on red, who no doubt knows much more than i do about it, will be along to talk about you through it in the next day or two

Israel just killed 3 paramedics in Lebanon.

Lebanon is not in Gaza btw. altho I cannot satisfactorily prove to gs that it is not.

by Victor k

theres really no difference between Netanyahu and the most liberal Israeli when it comes to Gaza

This isn’t true.

has any liberal in the Knesset disapproved of the bombing and genocide campaign?

the only people that oppose the genocide are leftists and family members of the hostages. last polls put support at like 85%.

by BOIDS k

as it relates to the pollard guy, israel can be as much an ally as, for example, britain, who are also spying on you and always have

Pollard faced allegations of passing info on to Pakistan as well who were/are also US allies.

by Bluegrassplayer k

As what you quoted says, we are currently seeing this play out. Israel is saying it is UN's fault, USA is calling BS. USA has now begun air dropping food in and Biden is blaming Israel for the humanitarian crisis.

This was after weeks of Biden telling Bibi that aid needs to get in. Israel finally tried it, it had awful results because of the desperation there caused by Israel not allowing aid in for weeks. Israel likely went back to Biden saying "See it can't be done!" and Biden called BS again.

Just so there's clarity in the thread, there has always been a very big percentage of Israel that is committed to the wellbeing of Palestinians. In fact a lot of them got killed or kidnapped on Oct 7th.

But if we zoom out from there, in the 90's it was close to half the country who was quite sensitive to the needs of the Palestinians (alongside their own needs). Today it's also a big number of Israelis, well over a million.

There is an entire political and media wing dedicated to it. This article is the most recent one, but articles like it were being published every single week for months on end (going back to December).

30,000 Dead. A Stampede of the Starving. Hostages Dying. The War in Gaza Has to End
Today, every human being can add two new reasons to end the war. Today, the number of Gazans killed reached 30,000. And Palestinians in northern Gaza fought over aid trucks

The challenge with this conflict will be to mesh empathy, realistic and effective outcomes on the ground, deradicalization of both sides (including orthodox Jewish settlers), and hopefully depoliticizing it a whole bunch (for everyone).

I think it starts with the end of Bibi. That has to happen first (and should).

After 10 years of trying, a Palestinian woman had twins. An Israeli strike killed them both

Of the 14 people killed in the Abu Anza house, six were children and four were women, according to Dr. Marwan al-Hams, director of the hospital where the bodies were taken. In addition to her husband and children, Rania also lost a sister, a nephew, a pregnant cousin and other relatives.

Farouq Abu Anza, a relative, said about 35 people were staying at the house, some of whom had been displaced from other areas. He said they were all civilians, mostly children, and that there were no militants among them.

by formula72 k

After 10 years of trying, a Palestinian woman had twins. An Israeli strike killed them both

Such a terrible thing - trying for 10 years to bring more people into existence just to live in a place where, according to many here, they have long lived as prisoners. What kind of person would want more babies in jail?

by PointlessWords k

Israel isn’t an ally lol. They spy on us more than any other country. And they have killed countless Americans during this genocide

Who are some of these "countless Americans" killed by Israel?
