Israel/Palestine thread

Israel/Palestine thread

Think this merits its own thread...

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) 20 Views 20
07 October 2023 at 09:33 PM

33263 Replies


by chillrob k

Who are some of these "countless Americans" killed by Israel?

heres 2 for ya

anyway, another big day.

another bread massacre ofc. like the hospital attacks, these are just becoming accepted norms.

Israel made small incursions into Lebanon with foot soldiers yesterday and got repelled. so ofc today they decided to murder 3 paramedics. Hezbollah has responded with a lot of rockets at the moment.

No details are given about the circumstances of what the first person was doing when he died, but it certainly seems likely that he deliberately put himself in harm's way and may have been actively participating in a war.

The second I would not consider American - he and his family had emigrated from the US to another country.

well you are shifting the goalposts but regardless, I gotta question your comprehension.

the 2nd was a 17 year old boy who went to HS in New Orleans and was visiting family.

how on earth you claim this guy isnt a "real American" is beyond me but I have my suspicions.

and as for the first guy, I dont see how you can think that an 80 year old man was doing war. even the Israeli Army called it:

and subsequently actually paid the family some money and "punished" the soldiers.

I did miss that he was 80yo. In that case, it's likely he was senile and probably wandered into a war zone.
The article doesn't make it clear why he was there.

The article about the teen contradicts itself. It does say he was visiting family, but later it says "The teen and his four siblings moved with their parents to the West Bank last May."
This is what I was referring to.

he was stopped at a checkpoint in the West Bank. they have checkpoints all over and detain people at a whim. why do you think it was a War Zone?

the article doesnt contradict itself. you just didnt read the end of the sentence.

by Victor k

anyway, another big day.

another bread massacre ofc. like the hospital attacks, these are just becoming accepted norms.

Israel made small incursions into Lebanon with foot soldiers yesterday and got repelled. so ofc today they decided to murder 3 paramedics. Hezbollah has responded with a lot of rockets at the moment.

The Rockets killing Thai people? Yeah we saw

A foreign laborer was killed and seven were wounded Monday when an anti-tank guided missile fired by terrorists in Lebanon struck an orchard near the border community of Margaliot, medics and the military said.

The victims were all foreign laborers, reportedly from Thailand.

The wounded men were taken to Beilinson, Rambam, and Ziv hospitals, by MDA and Israeli Air Force helicopters.

those lives are clearly more important to you than Lebanese paramedics. we all know why. it is because you have been inculcated with anti-Arab propaganda for your entire life.

the main difference is that HB did not intend to kill them. Israel absolutely intended to kill those paramedics.

What do you call it when the assassins accuse the assassin? A lie. A lie and we have to be merciful.

by Victor k

Israel just killed 3 paramedics in Lebanon.

Lebanon is not in Gaza btw. altho I cannot satisfactorily prove to gs that it is not.

I get it’s tough to use your own standards against you.

by chillrob k

Who are some of these "countless Americans" killed by Israel?

You didn’t hear?? Israel killed 8,450 Americans on the USS Liberty (give or take…)

by Victor k

those lives are clearly more important to you than Lebanese paramedics. we all know why. it is because you have been inculcated with anti-Arab propaganda for your entire life.

the main difference is that HB did not intend to kill them. Israel absolutely intended to kill those paramedics.

Wtf do they think rockets do???

by gs3737 k

Wtf do they think rockets do???

It is not Victor's place to judge the resistance or its tactics. All he knows that when Hezbollah fires rockets at a farm, that happen to kill/injure farmers, it was not their goal.

But when Israel shoots rockets at Hezbollah fighters and allegedly kills "paramedics" imbedded in them, then it is crystal clear killing paramedics was the aim.

Victor has a preternatural ability of reading these types of situations. You just have to accept his analysis of what happened and what the motives are is correct. It just so happens pro Islamist propaganda always tells the truth and Israel propaganda is always lying. Nothing to do about it but call it out for what it is.

by chillrob k

Such a terrible thing - trying for 10 years to bring more people into existence just to live in a place where, according to many here, they have long lived as prisoners. What kind of person would want more babies in jail?

So this is your reaction to children being killed, it sucks how much life has hurt you.

by Crossnerd k

This isn’t true.

I think this is just another one of those things your good pal Victor (who is definitely not an antisemite) and you are going to have to agree to disagree on.

by Victor k

anyway, another big day.

another bread massacre ofc. like the hospital attacks, these are just becoming accepted norms.

Israel made small incursions into Lebanon with foot soldiers yesterday and got repelled. so ofc today they decided to murder 3 paramedics. Hezbollah has responded with a lot of rockets at the moment.

Can you please link sources every time you mention something happening? In a thread like this, really everyone should be doing that

I will say looking at the fate of Arab countries that allow themselves to be used as Iranian proxies to fight Israel (Lebanon, Palestine, Syria, Iraq, Yemen) and those that don't and are at peace with Israel (Jordan, Egypt, Gulf States), I have to say there is a certain pattern emerging as far as outcomes go.

A cynic might wonder if this might actually be a cynical plan by Iran to destabilize the Arab world for its own relative benefit.

by Dunyain k

It is not Victor's place to judge the resistance or its tactics. All he knows that when Hezbollah fires rockets at a farm, that happen to kill/injure farmers, it was not their goal.

But when Israel shoots rockets at Hezbollah fighters and allegedly kills "paramedics" imbedded in them, then it is crystal clear killing paramedics was the aim.

Victor has a preternatural ability of reading these types of situations. You just have to accept his analysis of what happened and what the motives are is

Spot on.

by gs3737 k

Wtf do they think rockets do???

by Dunyain k

It is not Victor's place to judge the resistance or its tactics. All he knows that when Hezbollah fires rockets at a farm, that happen to kill/injure farmers, it was not their goal.

But when Israel shoots rockets at Hezbollah fighters and allegedly kills "paramedics" imbedded in them, then it is crystal clear killing paramedics was the aim.

Victor has a preternatural ability of reading these types of situations. You just have to accept his analysis of what happened and what the motives are is

in this case, I dont necessarily agree with Nasrallah but I do not have his experience or that of the Lebanese. he did say a few weeks ago that any civilian deaths would be met with reciprocation. Israel deliberately killed those paramedics with that in mind.

So much irony.

by TeflonDawg k

Can you please link sources every time you mention something happening? In a thread like this, really everyone should be doing that

I post more sources than anyone else in this thread. this is a rediculous claim on your part.

but since I have been trained well by my capitalist education system to obsequiously comply.

its actually a lot of work to find the best sources and cites and then they always get dismissed anyway.

another bread massacre ofc. like the hospital attacks, these are just becoming accepted norms.

proly Hamas shooting at them

Israel made small incursions into Lebanon with foot soldiers yesterday and got repelled.

so ofc today they decided to murder 3 paramedics.

same article

its also all over twitter. the names and pics of these murdered by a genocidal racist regime of terror. people just doing their job and trying to help members of their society are the ones that Israel targets the most often bc they want to destroy all fabric of society.

Hezbollah has responded with a lot of rockets at the moment.

all over this guys twitter. also a lot of pics of the targeted destruction and murder wrought by the Israeli fascist murderers in Lebanon. but you can look at that on your own.

Serious question: did you actually watch that video from the Ramy Abdul tweet?

by gs3737 k

So much irony.

its def ironic. like raeeain. that Israel is now murdering Lebanese civilian paramedics. I get that you guys think that all the brown people over there are crazy subhumans whose life does not matter but, well I didnt get that feeling when I visited. but I guess viewing Lebanese as real actual people is proly antisemitic or something.

by Victor k

its def ironic. like raeeain. that Israel is now murdering Lebanese civilian paramedics. I get that you guys think that all the brown people over there are crazy subhumans whose life does not matter but, well I didnt get that feeling when I visited. but I guess viewing Lebanese as real actual people is proly antisemitic or something.

So many assumptions.
