Israel/Palestine thread
Think this merits its own thread...
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Victor doesn't feel it is his place to question the strategy or tactics of the resistance; including Iran, Houthis, Hezbollah, Hamas, North Korea, Russia, ISIS, Boko Haram, Khmer Rouge, etc.. His criticism is solely for Israel and the US.
Would you have questioned the tactics of the Irgun or Lehi when they resisted the British during the mandate? Palestinians aren’t even the OG terrorists in the area. But we don’t talk about that 😀
Since we quote individuals here and then attribute what they say to every member of their tribe, what might the same posters say about something like this?
Neither Jewish ethics nor Jewish tradition can disqualify terrorism as a means of combat. We are very far from having any moral qualms as far as our national war goes. We have before us the command of the Torah, whose morality surpasses that of any other body of laws in the world: "Ye shall blot them out to the last man."
But first and foremost, terrorism is for us a part of the political battle being conducted under the present circumstances, and it has a great part to play: speaking in a clear voice to the whole world, as well as to our wretched brethren outside this land, it proclaims our war against the occupier.
We are particularly far from this sort of hesitation in regard to an enemy whose moral perversion is admitted by all.
From a Zionist paramilitant group c1943
Whatever the maneuver, it didn't work. Plan B
The Irgun anthem
Tagar -
Through all obstacles and enemies
Whether you go up or down
In the flames of revolt
Carry a flame to kindle – never mind!
For silence is filth
Worthless is blood and soul
For the sake of the hidden glory
To die or to conquer the hill -
Yodefet, Masada, Betar.
Gosh, if one didn’t know better they might call them Jihadis?
Would you have questioned the tactics of the Irgun or Lehi when they resisted the British during the mandate? Palestinians aren’t even the OG terrorists in the area. But we don’t talk about that 😀
You must have missed my post where I argued the Roman defeat of Jewish freedom fighters/terrorists as a model for how you actually can totally defeat terrorists (as opposed to the liberal narrative that you kill one terrorist, and you recruit 2 more).
Well, Israel doesn't have an Island nation 10,000 miles away to retreat to as Plan B if things dont work out; so they better take the lesson to heart and take dealing with the Palestinian terrorists a lot more serious than the British did the Zionists.
Would you have questioned the tactics of the Irgun or Lehi when they resisted the British during the mandate? Palestinians aren’t even the OG terrorists in the area. But we don’t talk about that 😀
the ones who fought a battle with a few dozen deaths and nearly started a civil war against the Israeli state?
oh and whos leader later became prime minister
dont even get me started on all the massacres of Palestinians these scumbags did.
this guy was Lehi. wonder if this is a mistranslation or something I dunno.
Almost like they're jihadis. So self satisfying
They've been radicalized long ago, Crossdork
Speed ahead in the conversation
wasn't samson the first 'suicide bomber'?
nyt article on why victor and his fellow terrorist sympathisers spend so much time and energy denying the rapes which occurred on 7 oct
first it’s worth looking at the forms this denialism takes. One method is to acknowledge, as one recent article put it, that “sexual assault may have occurred on Oct. 7,” but nobody has really proved that it was part of an organized pattern. Another is to raise questions about various details in stories to suggest that if there’s even a single error, or a witness whose testimony is at all inconsistent, the entire account must also be false and dishonest. A third is to treat anything an Israeli says as inherently suspect.
And finally, there is the point that there are barely any witnesses to the assaults. Where are the women who were allegedly raped? Why aren’t they speaking out?
by the way, i understand if any mods reading this are uncomfortable with my referring to a fellow poster as as terrorist sympathiser, but victor has repeatedly expressed his sympathy for hamas and the houthis in yemen itt and elsewhere in this forum, and both of those groups have been designated as terrorist organisations by the US, UK, EU and elsewhere
all 4 of those things are reasonable!
tell me why I should believe Yossi Landau about this one thing after he has lied so many times?
feel like this is half the people here
I dont see him on the AIPAC list. but Ill bet that performance gets him on it next time!
But what happens if you don't believe in broad sweeping oppressor/oppressed paradigms to apply to all situations?
What happens when you remember that the oppressor/oppressed frame is the Marxist one and as everything Marxist it's the source of basically all evil in society nowadays?
Carrying out the Pogrom you KNEW would lead to it, and then running back to hide behind your women and children, with babies and old people in tow? I dunno man, it's at least unquestionably diabolically evil.
What's ironic is the oppressor/oppressed folks just aren't old enough to remember the 40's to 80's, where most of the world viewed Israel as the small oppressed one being attacked on all fronts. Israel fought really hard (in those defensive wars) and put everything it had into becoming strong. Strong enough that today it can rank among the "oppressors". I guess all Israel had to do to avoid that, was lose.
Pogroms are only ok when Israel does them?
kidnapping and enslaving people is only ok when Israel does it?
Pogroms are only ok when Israel does them?
kidnapping and enslaving people is only ok when Israel does it?
Gaza is still intact today if not for the biggest single day killing of Jews since the Shoah. Respectfully, anyone that comes at Israel or the Jewish people and does that again, they're getting the same. That's just the reality of "Never Again". We really mean it.
And I get it, you'll make a little word play on Never Again happening in Gaza, that's your right. Make the word play. But when you go Inglorious Bastards on the guys who came hunting your women and children, it looks a lot like this. I often dream of being able to warn people Oct 6th, I still have that dream. Because it saves everyone on both sides. I wonder if I'll stop having that dream.
Hey is Micro ok? Just noticed he's been gone a while.