Israel/Palestine thread
Think this merits its own thread...
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Pogroms are only ok when Israel does them?
kidnapping and enslaving people is only ok when Israel does it?
There are instances of mass killing of civilians that are perfectly justified. The first atomic bomb in Hiroshima for example.
But more akin to current situations perhaps, the indonesian massacre of communists in 1965-66, with logistic and intelligence help of the USA and UK, was perfectly moral.
That said Israel currently isn't doing any pogrom, nor kindnapping nor enslaving at all, and it never did.
I was actually stunned at the 3 year death toll in Yemen coming up on 400k. World real quiet.
Gaza is still intact today if not for the biggest single day killing of Jews since the Shoah. Respectfully, anyone that comes at Israel or the Jewish people and does that again, they're getting the same. That's just the reality of "Never Again". We really mean it.
And I get it, you'll make a little word play on Never Again happening in Gaza, that's your right. Make the word play. But when you go Inglorious Bastards on the guys who came hunting your women and children, it looks a lot like this. I
the holocaust gives you the right to do apartheid, constant pogroms, and ultimately genocide.
but your ideas and desires give me the right to view you the same as I view Germans from the 40s.
I was actually stunned at the 3 year death toll in Yemen coming up on 400k. World real quiet.
Can't pick a clear side there, same as in Darfur. Same as in Myanmar currently (situation is going pretty bad pretty fast).
As i mentioned earlier from europe (Italy in particular), the Israel-Palestine confrontation is particularly salient only because for historical reasons we have a clear and net divide between political factions and supporters of either group.
Bottom line is most people in general don't give any actual **** to the idea that foreigners in far away places die. They start to care when they can relate that to something they actually care about.
There are instances of mass killing of civilians that are perfectly justified. The first atomic bomb in Hiroshima for example.
But more akin to current situations perhaps, the indonesian massacre of communists in 1965-66, with logistic and intelligence help of the USA and UK, was perfectly moral.
That said Israel currently isn't doing any pogrom, nor kindnapping nor enslaving at all, and it never did.
genocide is good if we do it. but we arent doing any genocide. but if we were, it would be good.
bruv, you can just accept the facts. when 10k people get arrested for no crime thats kidnapping. when settlers go into 100s of years old villages and burn people alive, thats a pogrom. when fighter plans drop buildings on multiple generations of multiple families thats pogrom.
you can stop denying the reality and just move onto justifying it.
Thought I was numb, but seeing "Never Again" used as a rallying call for violence is jarring.
Trolly if you understand that Hamas wants the actual genocide of Jews in Israel (and aboard), you'd understand why we'd say it. It's not necessarily for you to understand either, as your family wasn't part of the Holocaust. Mine was.
Violence is sometimes absolutely necessary in this world. Now I don't agree with how a lot has been done in this campaign. Far from it. But I do believe in the spirit of the objective: Hamas can't remain or the region will never heal or advance (that's also like, the understanding of most of the G7).
What happens when you remember that the oppressor/oppressed frame is the Marxist one and as everything Marxist it's the source of basically all evil in society nowadays?
What happens when you remember that Marx's economics ideas are largely accepted by most mainstream economists now and realise that you're talking shite?
I actually think Hamas did have another way. I mean THEY don't believe that. But the other 2 state offers all along the way definitely would have done the job, assuming "the job" is grounded in reason.
One thing we don't ever really talk about is the Peel Commission
The Jewish State, constituting only 17% of the Mandate, would include a coastal strip from Rehovot and Tel Aviv northwards, as well as all of the Galilee. The Arab state would make up 75% of the total, while the remaining 8%, mainly Jerusalem and its surroundings, would continue to be governed by Britain.
The Jews accepted the 17%! I'll let you guess who didn't accept that split...
comparisons between hamas and most (probably all) other independence movements through history break down for the following reason
algeria, india, kenya and so on independence movements wanted to create an independent state, divorced from the rule or undue influence of some other nation
hamas want to create an independent state, divorced from the rule or undue influence of some other nation, plus holocaust 2
Hamas said Thursday that its delegation had left Cairo and that talks on a Gaza cease-fire and hostage release would resume next week, making it extremely unlikely that mediators will broker a deal before the Muslim holy month of Ramadan. President Biden had voiced hope, and urged both parties to strike a deal to halt the Israel-Hamas war before Ramadan begins, which is expected on Sunday evening.
Egyptian officials said earlier that the negotiations had reached an impasse over Hamas' demand for a phased process culminating in an end to the war. But they did not rule out a deal before Ramadan, which is has emerged as an informal deadline.
The war cannot and will not end with Hamas in power so their demands are non starters and it looks like no ceasefire at all :(
well duh
-So faced with the reality that Hamas is just stealing all the food, and little aid is making it to the Palestinians anyways, regardless of how it is being administered, the US is planning on constructing an artificial port to deliver food itself. So I guess Hamas will get to attack US soldiers delivering aid now instead of Israeli ones. Should go well.
--Internal poll of Palestinian opinion. Takeaway is the Palestinians generally support Hamas (despite the fact they just hide in tunnels and come steal aid), armed resistance, and destruction of Israel from the river to the sea. They started this war and want this war. They just demand that Israel and the international community let them win.
--And public opinion by Palestinians of the US is 0%. And short of destroying Israel ourselves, no amount of our tax dollars we spend on them is going to change that. It is just a bottomless pit of hate and entitlement.
Biden making a port in Gaza for aid to get through.
Called it.
Pretty sure I said originally the US should air drop aid Gaza.
Anyway gg facists
-So faced with the reality that Hamas is just stealing all the food, and little aid is making it to the Palestinians anyways, regardless of how it is being administered, the US is planning on constructing an artificial port to deliver food itself. So I guess Hamas will get to attack US soldiers delivering aid now instead of Israeli ones. Should go well.
--Internal poll of Palestinian opinion. Takeaway is the Palestinians generally support Hamas (despite the
Hamas is not the reason aid is not reaching the Gazans. Israel is using aid as bait to do flour massacres every day.
Biden making a port in Gaza for aid to get through.
Called it.
Pretty sure I said originally the US should air drop aid Gaza.
Anyway gg facists
this will be awful.
their ideas are the basis of Marxism. but this is not the thread for that. this is the thread for discussing Israeli genocide.
lets get back to talking about tanks driving over living prisoners. I can even provide some pics if you guys want.
or we can talk about the USA invading Gaza soon.

support Israel bc Israel supports women
their ideas are the basis of Marxism. but this is not the thread for that. this is the thread for discussing Israeli genocide.
It isn't a genocide .
lets get back to talking about tanks driving over living prisoners. I can even provide some pics if you guys want.
And I reckon you're just dying to show said pics, the gorier the better yeah? For the sake of the babies of course...
or we can talk about the USA invading Gaza soon.
today, they literally said they were going to invade.

but after reading that headline, its probably more likely just empty talk bc Biden wants to look good for the State of the Union.
today, they literally said they were going to invade.
but after reading that headline, its probably more likely just empty talk bc Biden wants to look good for the State of the Union.
Why are you such a shameless pathological liar? Nowhere in that article do they say they're invading. I realise on planet vic, America delivering aid without putting boots on the ground means AmerIKKKa literally said they were going to invade.
Meanwhile on Planet Earth it means they're delivering aid and everyone laughs at vic, some pointing their fingers and slapping their knees while laughing.
You truly are deluded bruv.
Why are you such a shameless pathological liar? Nowhere in that article do they say they're invading. I realise on planet vic, America delivering aid without putting boots on the ground means AmerIKKKa literally said they were going to invade.
Meanwhile on Planet Earth it means they're delivering aid and everyone laughs at vic, some pointing their fingers and slapping their knees while laughing.
You truly are deluded bruv.
were the Palestinians consulted on if there should be a US controlled port in their territory? did they agree?
If the China or Russia or Iran decided to build a port in the USA without their consultation or permission would that be considered an invasion?
were the Palestinians consulted on if there should be a US controlled port in their territory? did they agree?
If the China or Russia or Iran decided to build a port in the USA without their consultation or permission would that be considered an invasion?
They didn't literally say they were invading, try go one whole post without lying your apologist ass off thanks. You want the people of Gaza to starve rather than have aid delivered due to it being delivered by AmeriKKKa? Even the babies?? Keep showing how you don't give rat's ass about the Palestinian people.
They didn't literally say they were invading, try go one whole post without lying your apologist ass off thanks. You want the people of Gaza to starve rather than have aid delivered due to it being delivered by AmeriKKKa? Even the babies?? Keep showing how you don't give rat's ass about the Palestinian people.
what do you call it when an opposing armed force builds a port in another countries territory without their permission?
I call it an invasion. you can call it what you want but if Putin started building one then you would be quick to agree.
and anyone who believes the USA is there to deliver aid has gotta be one of the delusional mofos on the planet.
Earth to planet vic, lay off the 'shrooms. I'm not pandering to your fringe belief delusions, m'kay? M'kay.