Israel/Palestine thread

Israel/Palestine thread

Think this merits its own thread...

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07 October 2023 at 09:33 PM

33297 Replies


by chillrob k

Alright, let's tell all these starving Palestinians that food isn't coming because Victor doesn't like the plan.

They aren't gonna provide food. If the USA wanted food to reach the Gazans it would be done with a phone call.

I tend to think the whole Port thing was just a blatant lie ahead of the State of the Union to try to make Biden look like he is doing something.

but this is a possibility too

regardless, massive lols to any naive person who thinks this will help the Gazans get food and aid.

by Victor k

They aren't gonna provide food. If the USA wanted food to reach the Gazans it would be done with a phone call.

So what exactly do you think they're planning to do? Please let us know so we can check back later to see how good your prediction was.

by chillrob k

So what exactly do you think they're planning to do? Please let us know so we can check back later to see how good your prediction was.

probably nothing since all the Gazans will be dead by the time its built

by corpus vile k

Are the Irish, Indians, Kenyans and Americans inferior to the British? Considering they were dominated?

look on the bright side, they consider you more important than the Palestinians!

Countries are coming together to build a port for food aid to Gaza (and to help Biden in Michigan). Is any more evidence needed that Israel is intentionally starving Gazan children? Or any more evidence of Biden's corruption, since he could simply threaten to withhold ammo and compel Israel to let in the (more efficient) trucks?

More Nations Join U.S.-Backed Effort to ...

by Bill Haywood k

Countries are coming together to build a port for food aid to Gaza (and to help Biden in Michigan). Is any more evidence needed that Israel is intentionally starving Gazan children? Or any more evidence of Biden's corruption, since he could simply threaten to withhold ammo and compel Israel to let in the (more efficient) trucks?

More Nations Join U.S.-Backed Effort to ...

No it's evidence it's hard to distribute help in northern gaza.

You can blame israel for that, other people blame hamas for that.

Sure if the only thing that mattered was getting aid in, with no regards as to eliminating hamas or avoiding hamas stealing it like it always do and rebuild it's capacity for acts of terror on Israel soil, Biden could act otherwise.

by corpus vile k

Colonialism sucked balls, whether it was done by English, French, Spanish, Italians, Portuguese, Belgians or Muslims.

you left one out?

by Bill Haywood k

Countries are coming together to build a port for food aid to Gaza (and to help Biden in Michigan). Is any more evidence needed that Israel is intentionally starving Gazan children? Or any more evidence of Biden's corruption, since he could simply threaten to withhold ammo and compel Israel to let in the (more efficient) trucks?

More Nations Join U.S.-Backed Effort to ...

When the west sends aid it's corrupt. Unbelievable.

by Bill Haywood k

Countries are coming together to build a port for food aid to Gaza (and to help Biden in Michigan). Is any more evidence needed that Israel is intentionally starving Gazan children? Or any more evidence of Biden's corruption, since he could simply threaten to withhold ammo and compel Israel to let in the (more efficient) trucks?

More Nations Join U.S.-Backed Effort to ...

I know you support Hamas and Jihad in pursuit of Palestinians reconquering Israel, so this is antithetical to your own interests. But trucks coming in through Egypt are also how Hamas will resupply, start the next war sometime down the line, and force us to do this all over again. The port seems like an idea to try to rebuild Gaza without it becoming exactly what it was before.

But yeah, given the number of people who will be completely reliant on aid for the foreseeable future, and the large number of bad actors in Palestinian society like Hamas who will work to undermine the effort, hard to envision how this is actually going to work.

by corpus vile k

My country was colonised. I'm not viewing it through a progressive morality lens. You're viewing it from a persecution complex re white people lens.

they keep telling you that your people deserved it.

by Victor k

you left one out?

My apologies vic, here y'go:

Originally Posted by corpus vile
Colonialism sucked balls, whether it was done by English, French, Spanish, Italians, Portuguese, Belgians, Putin's Russia or Muslims.

Feel better? 😀

so CBS says the airdrops killed 5 people today including children.

airdrops, not bombs.

as I predicted, this ghoulish PR stunt was never going to work and would only cause more misery. people ask me how I am always right about this stuff. its pretty simple. America bad is undefeated.

by jalfrezi k

Your whole thesis about racial superiority is, apart from being repugnant, very childish.

There is no race involved in my thesis, just culture.

What's repugnant is to see race everywhere

by Luciom k

I don't think I disregard the existence of white Muslims, I am pretty sure I talked about cechen terrorism for example in this forum in the past

Yeah but they're not really white to you.

by Bill Haywood k

Countries are coming together to build a port for food aid to Gaza (and to help Biden in Michigan). Is any more evidence needed that Israel is intentionally starving Gazan children? Or any more evidence of Biden's corruption, since he could simply threaten to withhold ammo and compel Israel to let in the (more efficient) trucks?

More Nations Join U.S.-Backed Effort to ...

I think you and some others here really overestimate the influence Biden has over what Israel does.

If the US stopped all military exports to Israel, I still don't think that would cause them to immediately cease trying to get rid of Hamas in Gaza.

There are other countries they could turn to for ammunition, or they could decide to start using their nukes.

by chillrob k

I think you and some others here really overestimate the influence Biden has over what Israel does.

If the US stopped all military exports to Israel, I still don't think that would cause them to immediately cease trying to get rid of Hamas in Gaza.

There are other countries they could turn to for ammunition, or they could decide to start using their nukes.

I don't think so given veto powers in the UN having been used very few days ago by the Biden admin to avoid enormous problems for Israel.

It's not only about weapons, not even mainly that.

by Trolly McTrollson k

Lucio's really going to flip his **** if he ever discovers what the eugenics crowd thought about Italians.

I am not sure if it's the same crowd but I have seen the depictions of Italians as rats by anti immigration activists in late 19th century in the USA.

I still think the main source of hatred toward us was anticatholicism (like for the Irish) but it doesn't matter much I guess.

by Luciom k

I don't think so given veto powers in the UN having been used very few days ago by the Biden admin to avoid enormous problems for Israel.

It's not only about weapons, not even mainly that.

I don't know exactly what problems you're referring to, but I was responding to Bill saying Biden could threaten to withhold ammunition.

by chillrob k

I think you and some others here really overestimate the influence Biden has over what Israel does.

If the US stopped all military exports to Israel, I still don't think that would cause them to immediately cease trying to get rid of Hamas in Gaza.

There are other countries they could turn to for ammunition, or they could decide to start using their nukes.

They could just cease all restraint on the use of dumb weapons.

by grizy k

They could just cease all restraint on the use of dumb weapons.

Yeah, the pro Palestinian crowd has this idea that Palestinians (and more generally the Arab/Muslim world) actually wants peace, and that if weaken Israel enough this will result in peace. And clearly this is a very dangerous, misinformed delusion that will invariably result in exponentially more deaths for both sides if ever tested.

I honestly think if Israel ceased all restraint and just leveled Gaza and West Bank and annexed the ruins and remaining survivors, fewer Israelis would die. They'd be ostracized for a while but the world will move on.

by grizy k

I honestly think if Israel ceased all restraint and just leveled Gaza and West Bank and annexed the ruins and remaining survivors, fewer Israelis would die. They'd be ostracized for a while but the world will move on.

lol you gotta be careful even joking about that. Mods gonna get ya

by rafiki k

Look if you wanted Swastika flags hanging all over Irish cities, I'm not going to begrudge you.

Utterly dishonest characterization.

by Dunyain k

Yeah, the pro Palestinian crowd has this idea that Palestinians (and more generally the Arab/Muslim world) actually wants peace, and that if weaken Israel enough this will result in peace. And clearly this is a very dangerous, misinformed delusion that will invariably result in exponentially more deaths for both sides if ever tested.

I think Egypt wants peace tbh, at least the secular/military establishment does.

Northern Africans in general seem to be fairly supportive of actual peace (again, the leaders/elites at least).

But I don't think even the most ardent pro Hamas people believe Iran wants peace
