Israel/Palestine thread

Israel/Palestine thread

Think this merits its own thread...

Discuss my fellow 2+2ers..



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) 21 Views 21
07 October 2023 at 09:33 PM

33349 Replies


by Victor k

show your work.

thousands of Christians have lived in Gaza alongside Hamas for decades without being murdered.

there are multiple secular godless Commie groups fighting alongside Hamas right now.

ok again, another example of the demeaning and dehumanizing rhetoric around Palestinians. you guys cant help yourselves.

by Victor k

ok again, another example of the demeaning and dehumanizing rhetoric around Palestinians. you guys cant help yourselves.

Show your work.

I already did. Hamas lives alongside Christians and seculars and atheists without oppressing or murdering them.

by Victor k

imagine this response if he was asked about if Jews were human. or Israelis is more analogous but still.

I actually had no idea the racism towards Palestinians until I started seeing things like this and reading the posts on this forum. like, the liberal baseline is that they are bloodthirsty monsters whos only desire is to murder Jews and its questionable on if they are even human.

This clip is crazy, of course. But it has nothing to do with anything said by anyone on this forum.

The correct belief is that they are bloodthirsty humans whose strongest desire is to murder Jews.

You don't dignify violent Marxists with an answer, he should just have spit upon them.

pure ignorance

hamas spend most of their resources trying to kill jews and their leader announced that the murder and rape of civilians on oct 7 was a dress rehearsal for the main event. facts

by Victor k

I already did. Hamas lives alongside Christians and seculars and atheists without oppressing or murdering them.

1000 Christians in the midst of millions of Muslims (and of the same race) isn't particularly significant.

21% of Israel is Arab, mostly Muslim.
So that must really mean that Israel doesn't oppress and murder them, right?

by chillrob k

1000 Christians in the midst of millions of Muslims (and of the same race) isn't particularly significant.

21% of Israel is Arab, mostly Muslim.
So that must really mean that Israel doesn't oppress and murder them, right?

no bc in fact, Israel does murder and oppress them. do you see the difference?

by Victor k

imagine this response if he was asked about if Jews were human. or Israelis is more analogous but still.

I actually had no idea the racism towards Palestinians until I started seeing things like this and reading the posts on this forum. like, the liberal baseline is that they are bloodthirsty monsters whos only desire is to murder Jews and its questionable on if they are even human.

That is Hamas. 100%.

That is not "Palestinians"

When you're whatsapp'ing your parents from inside Israel, praising that you killed X many Jews "with my own hands", and are praised with "God is Great", then sorry man. That is exactly what it looks and sounds like.

The highest paying job in Gaza is still killing a Jew. Not saving someone else's life. That's something, ain't it?

I am waiting for Israel to enter Rafah with full force at this point.

I think Bibi will call Biden bluff

by Victor k

Ive refuted it many times. Rabin even said he never intended for a 2 state solution and offered "something less than a state."

Hamas is not stupid. the Palestinians are not stupid. in general, most people are not stupid esp after decades of oppression and pressure. they know at this point that freedom will never be given to them and they must struggle for it.

If we're to believe the bolded, which is 100% just you talking (you have nothing to back that by). But let's just take you at your word that this is what's coming from this more "moderate" Hamas. For that we'd need to:

1) Disregard everything Palestinians have done till now. We have to totally forget that never before have they shown (in acts of any kind) that they were remotely ok with what you're suggesting Victor (2 state etc). And all the historical events that have lead us to this moment in time, we have to disregard.

2) Disregard everything they've said publicly and written (particularly Hamas). in particular since 2017 if you want to sharpen that down a bit (recent times do matter more).

But then let's also not disregard that less than 10 years ago, we were still talking "rid the planet of Jews" in there in writing. We've "progressed" up to the recent rhetoric, and it's not pretty. Their schools teach them that it's all theirs and they will one day have it. And that Jews are evil.

Victor the simple truth is that once 2 state under Hamas is achieved, the new 2 state is just the new attack vector to achieve what you have always been telling everyone you'd do. And Victor isn't listening (I'm not sure why that is).

by rafiki k

That is Hamas. 100%.

That is not "Palestinians"

When you're whatsapp'ing your parents from inside Israel, praising that you killed X many Jews "with my own hands", and are praised with "God is Great", then sorry man. That is exactly what it looks and sounds like.

The highest paying job in Gaza is still killing a Jew. Not saving someone else's life. That's something, ain't it?

lol wut

a lot of people that saved lives for a living or even out of charity are dead now btw. including the 2 paramedics that Israel lured into a trap with an injured 6 year old girl. she was executed too ofc.

by Luciom k

I am waiting for Israel to enter Rafah with full force at this point.

I think Bibi will call Biden bluff

bro we know. the snuff videos from Israeli tiktok will be amazing.

these backwards Palestinians dont want to be doctors

I don't know

Maybe they wait out Ramadan

When is Pallywood having the Oscars for best fake?

Victor gave us the nominees but the winner is unclear, many look like top quality

Palestinians are humans, the vast majority of whom are regular humans who just want to live comfortably with their loved ones and enjoy life.

by Victor k

no bc in fact, Israel does murder and oppress them. do you see the difference?

I haven't heard of them murdering any Muslim Israeli citizens. Did you understand that I said Arabs in Israel, not Gaza?

I have heard some claims that they are oppressed, but have seen nothing terribly convincing.

by chillrob k

I haven't heard of them murdering any Muslim Israeli citizens. Did you understand that I said Arabs in Israel, not Gaza?

I have heard some claims that they are oppressed, but have seen nothing terribly convincing.

the Arab Muslims in Gaza and the West Bank are indeed part of Israel considering they are under Israeli Army control and can be murdered at any time. and they are being murdered as we can all see.

were the people in Eastern Europe part of Nazi Germany in the 40s?

and if you want to discuss Israeli citizens that are Muslim, well they are by lay oppressed considering they do not have equal rights as the Jewish Supremacists.

by Victor k

the Arab Muslims in Gaza and the West Bank are indeed part of Israel considering they are under Israeli Army control and can be murdered at any time. and they are being murdered as we can all see.

were the people in Eastern Europe part of Nazi Germany in the 40s?

and if you want to discuss Israeli citizens that are Muslim, well they are by lay oppressed considering they do not have equal rights as the Jewish Supremacists.

How do Jews fair in Arab countries? Asking for a friend.

by Victor k

the Arab Muslims in Gaza and the West Bank are indeed part of Israel considering they are under Israeli Army control and can be murdered at any time. and they are being murdered as we can all see.

were the people in Eastern Europe part of Nazi Germany in the 40s?

and if you want to discuss Israeli citizens that are Muslim, well they are by lay oppressed considering they do not have equal rights as the Jewish Supremacists.

Of course not, they were occupied territory, just like you usually say that Gaza is occupied territory. Until you want to make a silly argument like this one.

by rafiki k

How do Jews fair in Arab countries? Asking for a friend.

I thought they were all expelled. Maybe a few stayed though, there are always a few hiding behind after any ethnic cleansing.

by rafiki k

How do Jews fair in Arab countries? Asking for a friend.

dun cur. take it up with Algeria or Egypt or wherever.

by chillrob k

Of course not, they were occupied territory, just like you usually say that Gaza is occupied territory. Until you want to make a silly argument like this one.

ok so I guess we agree. the Muslims in the Israeli occupied territories are indeed subjected to murder and oppression. glad we got that straightened out.
