Israel/Palestine thread
Think this merits its own thread...
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Arab citizens of Israel have full rights
Is there some systemic racism in Israel that hurts them? Sure. Israel government has invested in Arab cities in recent years and overall citizens
This is from November but arabb Israelis greatly favored and supported Israel in the war
East Jerusalem residents have most of the rights of citizens but not quite
Arab citizens of Israel have full rights
Is there some systemic racism in Israel that hurts them? Sure. Israel government has invested in Arab cities in recent years and overall citizens
This is from November but arabb Israelis greatly favored and supported Israel in the war
East Jerusalem residents have most of the rights of citizens but not quite
Afaik Arab citizens of Israel have more rights / fewer obligations than Jewish citizens of Israel, because they can enlist in the IDF, but aren't mandated by law to do so.
good article in the FT today about how hamas are completely ruined
good article in the FT today about how hamas are completely ruined
I have actually argued that Hamas in its present form staying in power is probably the worst outcome for Gaza. There is no way Gaza is going to be rebuilt as long as Hamas is in charge; but in its current weakened stated Hamas isn't going to be able to exert effective control either. If Hamas isn't thrown out, hard to see Gaza ending up much better than the current situation in Haiti, with chaos and clans/gangs fighting over control and resources.
If you wanted to entertain a real world Israel conspiracy (as opposed to the nonsense genocide rhetoric) you could wonder if that was the goal all along. Destroy Gaza, but not to the point it can actually be reformed and come out better off in the long run. Hamas staying in power pretty much guarantees there is no light at the end of this dark tunnel.
They cannot be allowed to survive as a military entity.
The political leadership needs to offer Sinwar up on a platter if Sinwar won’t agree to a surrender.
They cannot be allowed to survive as a military entity.
The political leadership needs to offer Sinwar up on a platter if Sinwar won’t agree to a surrender.
Who is going to force this?
It would appear Hamas surviving as a governing/paramilitary entity is exactly what the Western left, Muslim world, and Palestinians themselves want. So I see no reason this isn't what is exactly is going to happen, barring Israel shunning world opinion and going into Rafah and dealing the death blow.
Because at the end of the day most interested parties value the Palestinian cause much higher than peace or the people themselves; and Hamas being forced to tap out would be a big psychological blow to the cause.
I see the Zionist ghouls ITT are holding on hard to their support of Israel despite the fresh litany of horrors they have inflicted and continue to inflict upon a couple million Palestinians daily. Real "still, somehow, supporting US militarism in Iraq post insurgency" Islamophobia vibes going on.
Anyway, in a rare bit of good news, world opinion has shifted EVEN FURTHER away from support of Zionism. Most of this planet despises the IDF and wants to see an end to the genocide. Who supports Israel anymore? Half (being generous) of the US, half of Britain, some of Canada, and, um... anybody else? Another parallel to US-Iraq in the early 2000s. I wonder how hard Liberal Zionists and Democrats cringe upon realizing just how similarly they are believing and acting to George W. Bush-era Republicans? Nah, just kidding, that would take some courage and introspection.
I see the Zionist ghouls ITT are holding on hard to their support of Israel despite the fresh litany of horrors they have inflicted and continue to inflict upon a couple million Palestinians daily. Real "still, somehow, supporting US militarism in Iraq post insurgency" Islamophobia vibes going on.
Anyway, in a rare bit of good news, world opinion has shifted EVEN FURTHER away from support of Zionism. Most of this planet despises the IDF and wants to see an end to the genocide. Who supports I
large number of Indians love Israel. they are some of the most grotesque cheerleaders on social media when the dead babies show up.
I see the Zionist ghouls ITT are holding on hard to their support of Israel despite the fresh litany of horrors they have inflicted and continue to inflict upon a couple million Palestinians daily. Real "still, somehow, supporting US militarism in Iraq post insurgency" Islamophobia vibes going on.
Anyway, in a rare bit of good news, world opinion has shifted EVEN FURTHER away from support of Zionism. Most of this planet despises the IDF and wants to see an end to the genocide. Who supports I
Would you call them Arab Ghouls for example? Because you're really very close to the limit here.
The belief that Jews deserve and require the safety of a Jewish homeland (aka Zionism) isn't ghoulish. And October 7th (and the global antisemitism since) has only strengthened our views on how necessary it actually is.
All the Arab nations get nations self-determined by Arabs all around the middle east. I don't see "Arab Ghouls" being used anywhere?
Would you call them African Ghouls for example? Because you're really very close to the limit here.
If they were committing genocide? Of course. There are American ghouls, Israeli ghouls, Indian ghouls, North Korean ghouls, etc. In contemporary language, a "ghoul" is a term routinely given to a demon, monster, etc. in horror stories and other works of fiction.
In before you talk about the word's ancient Islamic origin, or in before you quote some Nazi calling Jewish people ghouls as a refutation, as if antisemites exclusively own that word.
It's very funny and deeply ironic to see a genocide supporter tone-police where "the limit" is for message board posting. That's the good stuff.
Would you call them Arab Ghouls for example? Because you're really very close to the limit here.
The belief that Jews deserve and require the safety of a Jewish homeland (aka Zionism) isn't ghoulish. And October 7th (and the global antisemitism since) has only strengthened our views on how necessary it actually is.
All the Arab nations get nations self-determined by Arabs all around the middle east. I don't see "Arab Ghouls" being used anywhere?
no it def is bc we see how it started and continued the last 8 years
this is ghoulish

I see the Zionist ghouls ITT are holding on hard to their support of Israel despite the fresh litany of horrors they have inflicted and continue to inflict upon a couple million Palestinians daily. Real "still, somehow, supporting US militarism in Iraq post insurgency" Islamophobia vibes going on.
Anyway, in a rare bit of good news, world opinion has shifted EVEN FURTHER away from support of Zionism. Most of this planet despises the IDF and wants to see an end to the genocide. Who supports I
The thing is, right or wrong, Israel exists and due to overwhelming military superiority it's going to continue to exist. Gaza can go on a multi century jihad and they will eventually prevail but is it really worth it?
A change of posture for the Gazans and they'll have a bazillion dollars in aid and can move forward but I would like to see those fundamentalists in the west bank kicked the f out.
The thing is, right or wrong, Israel exists and due to overwhelming military superiority it's going to continue to exist. Gaza can go on a multi century jihad and they will eventually prevail but is it really worth it?
A change of posture for the Gazans and they'll have a bazillion dollars in aid and can move forward but I would like to see those fundamentalists in the west bank kicked the f out.
Israel will never allow Gaza to move forward. they will never allow them to be free.
It's hard to argue but we're looking at a multi century insurgency. Would be nice if some international actors could get everyone to come to the table and figure this **** out. But Hamas needs to acknowledge their land is conquered and gone. All they have left is that dog **** strip of land left.
"Multi century" and the likelihood of nuclear war somewhere goes way up, changing a lot of things.
I was looking for something else by Caitlyn Johnstone but came across this and thought it was relevant to some of the discussion here. It's some Victor stuff so liberals should be warned.
Depends on the Arab country. The Bahraine former ambassador to America is Jewish and despite there being only around 50 Jews in Bahraine several pof them have held high government positions.
I personally would refrain from bandying the term "Zionist ghoul" around, but that's just me.
if the shoe fits
Show your work?
Because we've had many many Arab civilian death tolls way above 100k per country in the last 10 years. I would love to see where the "Arab Ghouls" comments were from you, or anyone else. Yemen just lost almost 400k in the time we've been arguing in here. if I go searching for your takes on Syria, I'll be curious to see what I find.