Israel/Palestine thread

Israel/Palestine thread

Think this merits its own thread...

Discuss my fellow 2+2ers..



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07 October 2023 at 09:33 PM

33349 Replies


by Huehuecoyotl k

As the saying goes all politics is local and rightly or wrongly Israel gets singled out in the US because there's a close cultural connection with the Jewish diaspora and American politics. I'd say the same thing is true with regards to Britain and the US. People, both left and right, probably know more, what little they do know, about British politics more than, say internal Egyptian politics, because the UK has much more cultural ties to the US than Egypt. I don't think there's anything nefari

can't be that, you should check the raging debate in europe even in countries with extremely low numbers of resident jews (like Italy).

The reason Pakistani politics doesn't get airtime is that you can't map it over the left-right western cultural civil war, simple as that.

Which is why Bolsonaro and Milei got a lot of airtime even if most people in the USA and the EU don't have the ****ing basic clue about Argentinian and Brasilian politics (just one example, in both cases those people don't control parliament, so can't pass most of their policy proposals, yet commentators think they can and are super scared and so on).

Israel vs Palestine is 100% mappable over the western civil cultural war. Capitalism vs "something else". "colonizer vs native". "white vs brown" (as silly as it is, that's the mapping many people do).
Military imperialism vs "rightful resistance by the oppressed".

It's 1 for 1 "core cultural values of the right" vs "core cultural values of the left". What doesn't map well gets deleted (homophobia among palestinians for example, women rights).

Most people don't actually care a **** in general about what's not related to them. They care about Israel v palestine more than they usually care about international events because pressure groups managed to make them relate it to it through the above mapping.

by rafiki k

Trolly most of the planet functions this way. Literally MOST of it. Even a place like Thailand has their version. Thailand is a modern nation.

You keep flip-flopping, insisting on one hand that it's not an ethnostate but then saying "yes, it's an ethnostate just like Thailand(everyone's go-to example of a successful modern society?)"

Like, you can't say Israel isn't an ethnostate and then gush about how your genetic ties mean Israel is YOUR country for people like YOU. Pick a century and stay in it (hint: the 21st is much safer for Jews than the 19th).

Israel isn't an ethnostate but it's the only state that treats jews as normal human beings in the area. Which for anyone who is a jew is a relevant topic (and should be even for non jews tbh).

by Trolly McTrollson k

You keep flip-flopping, insisting on one hand that it's not an ethnostate but then saying "yes, it's an ethnostate just like Thailand(everyone's go-to example of a successful modern society?)"

Like, you can't say Israel isn't an ethnostate and then gush about how your genetic ties mean Israel is YOUR country for people like YOU. Pick a century and stay in it (hint: the 21st is much safer for Jews than the 19th).

It's not an ethnostate AND most of the world operates on some version of what you discuss, with far less diversity than Israel.

Both can be true (contrary to your assertion). You are discussing "modernity". I'm telling you it ain't so. Most of the planet isn't operating on your cherished principles.

And speaking of having it both ways, what's interesting is a lot of this thread rages against the West. But the West is unquestionably the place welcoming the most diversity. Kind of funny, that.

In italy Israel v Palestine maps 100% on "americanism".

Everyone who accepts the claim "Italy being allied with the USA is a moral positive and provided us with a lot of benefits and it's a core element of our national identity" is pro Israel.

Everyone who accepts the claim "Italy suffered being allied with the USA and americans don't have italians best interests at heart and we should stop thinking they do" is pro Palestine.

by Trolly McTrollson k

Then I'm very confused why some guy living in New York thinks Israel is HIS country for people like HIM based on his ethnicity alone. Nevermind that the people of Gaza are genetically indistinguishable from Israelis, nevermind how silly it would look if a guy from NY with Irish grandparents thought he had privileged opinions about Irish politics.

It's pure colonial brain rot: people who look like this live here and people who look like that live over there and that's the only way people can be s

Agreed. They disagree with you but won’t bet on it. Laughable.

by Luciom k

Sure who did you ever hear saying south korea is a bad place because they don't have enough thai and cambodians as a % of the population ?

Btw see, hindu nationalism isn't about making an ethnostate, do you realize how many ethnicities make up india, even staying strictly within groups that are hindus?

I say it all the time. Koreans are very racist and only like Koreans. Source: I lived there for a year

by rafiki k

Are all the pornstars out there Jewish? lol.

Conclusion: The highest-quality studies suggest that medical male circumcision has no adverse effect on sexual function, sensitivity, sexual sensation, or satisfaction.

This guy, I swear. I'm gonna guess pubmed is not a good enough source...

Do you know what suggest means?

Anyway, how many dicks were sucked during their tests? I’ve gotten my dick sucked by about 200 girls, I assure you men without foreskin are much much less sensitive than men with it.

For example I can cum from head in 3-5 minutes. Not the same with circumcised men. How do I know? I’ve had over 100 girls tell me and compliment me on it. We also **** better because our dick heads are more sensitive so we aren’t just blindly punching the pussy with a desensitized piece of tissue

by Luciom k

Israel isn't an ethnostate but it's the only state that treats jews as normal human beings in the area. Which for anyone who is a jew is a relevant topic (and should be even for non jews tbh).

It's the only country I know where the hostage posters aren't torn down frequently. And people wonder why it needs to exist.

by Luciom k

Israel isn't an ethnostate but it's the only state that treats jews as normal human beings in the area. Which for anyone who is a jew is a relevant topic (and should be even for non jews tbh).

No they don’t. They only do it for white Jews. Not for Ethiopian Jews. Not for Palestinian Jews

by Luciom k

Sure who did you ever hear saying south korea is a bad place because they don't have enough thai and cambodians as a % of the population ?

Me? I'll say it now. Another example is Japan's reluctance to allow immigration in the interests of ethnic purity has hampered it's economic progress. See this is easy, throw another one out there and I'll take a swing.

Btw see, hindu nationalism isn't about making an ethnostate, do you realize how many ethnicities make up india, even staying strictly within groups that are hindus?

I think the exact term used for Israel was a religious ethnostate because Israel slides between Jewish ethnicity and Jewish observance for its supremacy, but you can broaden the concept. It's generally a good idea to take your political polity as it is and deal with the people that are there instead of evicting, oppressing, or murdering them. Apply that to ethnicity or religious observance.

by PointlessWords k

No they don’t. They only do it for white Jews. Not for Ethiopian Jews. Not for Palestinian Jews

Have you even looked at the photos of the murdered people on 10 7? do they all look white to you?

by PointlessWords k

Do you know what suggest means?

Anyway, how many dicks were sucked during their tests? I’ve gotten my dick sucked by about 200 girls, I assure you men without foreskin are much much less sensitive than men with it.

For example I can cum from head in 3-5 minutes. Not the same with circumcised men. How do I know? I’ve had over 100 girls tell me and compliment me on it. We also **** better because our dick heads are more sensitive so we aren’t just blindly punching the pussy with a desensitized pie


by Luciom k

Have you even looked at the photos of the murdered people on 10 7? do they all look white to you?

Take stats and you’ll learn why that sample isn’t representative of the population

Anyway get 500 pics of Israelis
500 pics of Palestinians

Mix them together and then bet me I can’t sort them out with X degree of certainty

Should be a slam dunk win for your side. I would even pool money together if I was you guys.

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by Huehuecoyotl k

Me? I'll say it now. Another example is Japan's reluctance to allow immigration in the interests of ethnic purity has hampered it's economic progress. See this is easy, throw another one out there and I'll take a swing.

Can you walk me through your model according to which importing more low skilled uneducated people would have increased japanese per capita real gdp, or are you only talking about absolute gdp levels here ?

by PointlessWords k

Take stats and you’ll learn why that sample isn’t representative of the population

Anyway get 500 pics of Israelis
500 pics of Palestinians

Mix them together and then bet me I can’t sort them out with X degree of certainty

Should be a slam dunk win for your side. I would even pool money together if I was you guys.

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Would you accept the bet if i pick only Israeli jews with middle eastern origins (approd 40% of Israel population)?

and you claim they only mistreat white jews, so why didn't they only kill white jews? that's the point they didn't. They indiscriminately killed jews, because they hate all the same.

by rafiki k


Because I don’t support genital mutilation nor racist or religious/xenophobic tropes

As to why I got my dick sucked so much? The answer should be obvious; I wasn’t a victim of MGM so getting my dick sucked feels way better to me than it does to people that are victims of MGM

I’m guessing you don’t have your foreskin so getting your dick sucked isn’t that great

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by Luciom k

Would you accept the bet if i pick only Israeli jews with middle eastern origins (approd 40% of Israel population)?

Are you asking me to make a different bet?

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by PointlessWords k

Are you asking me to make a different bet?

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I am telling you that non-white Israeli (or american) jews are discriminated against terribly in many countries in the area, so you are factually wrong about the idea that they only hate white jews. Objectively wrong as usual and everyone knows that.

by Luciom k

I am telling you that non-white Israeli (or american) jews are discriminated against terribly in many countries in the area, so you are factually wrong about the idea that they only hate white jews. Objectively wrong as usual and everyone knows that.

So you won’t take my bet?

And you offered me a different bet? Which I won’t take

I never said they only hate white jews. So funny to see you make things up. Is it a disorder or do you do it on purpose thinking I won’t notice? Is there another option?

by Huehuecoyotl k

I think the exact term used for Israel was a religious ethnostate because Israel slides between Jewish ethnicity and Jewish observance for its supremacy, but you can broaden the concept. It's generally a good idea to take your political polity as it is and deal with the people that are there instead of evicting, oppressing, or murdering them. Apply that to ethnicity or religious observance.

I think the biggest problem as it pertains to I/P is our hyper criticism for the behavior of one side, and complete indifference the other way. Arab behavior towards Israel (Palestinian, Egypt, Lebanese, Yemen, etc.) is a giant part of the problem, and has been for 80 years.

Even today, Lebanese theocratic militias are attacking Israel, causing giant ecological disasters and mass evacuations, that is likely to escalate into a major war, and the silence from the world, especially the Ummah, over this is deafening.

The entire narrative is a giant exercise in bad faith, that is leading nowhere good and never will. And honestly, just serves to emphasize how bigoted and unreasonable the world really is towards Jews/Israel; which if your goal is to convince Jews that Israel doesn't need to be a "Apartheid" safe haven from the world's bigotry, you aren't presenting a very convincing argument IMO.

by rafiki k

Maybe we create a google doc of all the publishers in London and grade them on their ideas

Maybe you should and you'd see how many Jewish authors have agents and publishers.

by PointlessWords k

Because I don’t support genital mutilation nor racist or religious/xenophobic tropes

As to why I got my dick sucked so much? The answer should be obvious; I wasn’t a victim of MGM so getting my dick sucked feels way better to me than it does to people that are victims of MGM

I’m guessing you don’t have your foreskin so getting your dick sucked isn’t that great

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New lows. We reaching them. Washoe is like "bro...."

by washoe k

Well that is just wrong my man.

Delete or you get in trouble.


What was wrong? I don’t know why I got my dick sucked so much, I was just throwing out the answer I felt was correct

He asked me “why?” And I answered

Maybe I got head so much cause I was good looking and smart. Thanks tinder!

by rafiki k

New lows. We reaching them. Washoe is like "bro...."

Do you have your foreskin?

by PointlessWords k

getting my dick sucked feels way better to me than it does to people that are victims of MGM

Sent from my iPhone using Tapatalk

ok I have to ask. How do you know?

YUp. That was a truly horrible post.
