Israel/Palestine thread

Israel/Palestine thread

Think this merits its own thread...

Discuss my fellow 2+2ers..



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) 21 Views 21
07 October 2023 at 09:33 PM

33349 Replies


and began with the mass liquidation of Palestinians.

by rafiki k

Israel was created right after the mass liquidation of Jews. That we can't see this as a very simple catalyst for the acceptance of the request for statehood is pretty odd.

The assertion that someone can’t care about a place or it’s people without having been there is ridiculous, especially coming from someone like him. Just the fact that someone could have family living in said place is enough to form a basic understanding.

I wonder what percent of the vocal Free Palestine supporters have been to Gaza or even Israel. My guess is the number is between 0 and 1.

by Trolly McTrollson k

Also, imagine a Thai-American who's never been to Thailand saying this kind of nonsense. WE can never be safe anywhere except in OUR special Thai homeland for US. You'd think he was loopy.

If thais were heavily discriminated against in most countries of the world for 2000 years and still kept uniquely distinctive recognizable cultural traits that allowed others to pinpoint them as Thais then they... Might have a point?

by PointlessWords k

and began with the mass liquidation of Palestinians.

Narrator: It did not

If the holocaust had been 6M Jewish refugees leaving Europe, it might have been quite a different thing than 6M of them finding their death in the camps etc.

The Arab population that was displaced in the wars largely lived PW. But I know you know this (or I think you do?). There was no systematic mass extermination of Arabs in the 40's in the land of Israel.

by DoyleBrunsonFan k

The assertion that someone can’t care about a place or it’s people without having been there is ridiculous, especially coming from someone like him. Just the fact that someone could have family living in said place is enough to form a basic understanding.

I wonder what percent of the vocal Free Palestine supporters have been to Gaza or even Israel. My guess is the number is between 0 and 1.

Ive never been to africa but I dont support slavery

by PointlessWords k

Ive never been to africa but I dont support slavery

Is slavery an inherently African thing? Not really interested in your thoughts, so no need to answer. But good on you, that’s very noble and probably the right stance to take.

Also hilariously ironic that you mention not supporting slavery but you’re completely focused on Israel being the evil empire of the ME.

by DoyleBrunsonFan k

If Thai people faced high levels of discrimination around the world and had people calling for the annihilation of Thailand, it wouldn’t be that loopy.

Leaving aside the silly notion that America isn't racist toward Asians and immigrants in general, are you telling me that Thai-Americans can live quite happily without needing some ethnic/racial homeland to protect them? Fascinating stuff!

by PointlessWords k

Take stats and you’ll learn why that sample isn’t representative of the population

Anyway get 500 pics of Israelis
500 pics of Palestinians

Mix them together and then bet me I can’t sort them out with X degree of certainty

Should be a slam dunk win for your side. I would even pool money together if I was you guys.

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I wouldn't do this because I'm not a racist

by Dunyain k

I think the biggest problem as it pertains to I/P is our hyper criticism for the behavior of one side, and complete indifference the other way. Arab behavior towards Israel (Palestinian, Egypt, Lebanese, Yemen, etc.) is a giant part of the problem, and has been for 80 years.

Even today, Lebanese theocratic militias are attacking Israel, causing giant ecological disasters and mass evacuations, that is likely to escalate into a major war, and the silence from the world, especially the Ummah, ove

If you think everyone you meet is bigoted towards you and talking in bad faith, then it becomes a self fulfilling prophecy. Why would anyone act otherwise?

by Trolly McTrollson k

Leaving aside the silly notion that America isn't racist toward Asians and immigrants in general, are you telling me that Thai-Americans can live quite happily without needing some ethnic/racial homeland to protect them? Fascinating stuff!

what's used usually to claim racist toward groups in the USA is group outcomes.

What do you use to claim racism against asian immigrants in america personally, given they have better outcomes than natives?

Fgms used to be performed in Israel regularly


by Bedouins

Then women complained and it stopped

by Luciom k

what's used usually to claim racist toward groups in the USA is group outcomes.

What do you use to claim racism against asian immigrants in america personally, given they have better outcomes than natives?

There's a pretty dumb definition

Thats like saying Jews are generally successful so antisemetism doesn't exist

by Trolly McTrollson k

Leaving aside the silly notion that America isn't racist toward Asians and immigrants in general, are you telling me that Thai-Americans can live quite happily without needing some ethnic/racial homeland to protect them? Fascinating stuff!

Are there people that openly oppose Thailand’s right to exist? Do you realize that both Jews and Thais are minorities in the US and both face varying degrees of discrimination? I’m not really sure what this hypothetical world where Thailand doesn’t exist is supposed to mean. Are you saying Jews would be safe without the existence of the state of Israel? If so just say it? Idk why you’re being so roundabout with this terrible Thailand analogy, it’s not helping you make your point.

by DoyleBrunsonFan k

The assertion that someone can’t care about a place or it’s people without having been there is ridiculous, especially coming from someone like him. Just the fact that someone could have family living in said place is enough to form a basic understanding.

I wonder what percent of the vocal Free Palestine supporters have been to Gaza or even Israel. My guess is the number is between 0 and 1.

If they've visited Israel, they likely wouldn't hate Israel

by PointlessWords k

and began with the mass liquidation of Palestinians.

All you do is lie



by metsandfinsfan k

There's a pretty dumb definition

Thats like saying Jews are generally successful so antisemetism doesn't exist

that's what the left uses , i agree it's dumb, but trollson is very leftist so i am asking what he uses to define racism exists in a place

by DoyleBrunsonFan k

Are there people that openly oppose Thailand’s right to exist? Do you realize that both Jews and Thais are minorities in the US and both face varying degrees of discrimination? I’m not really sure what this hypothetical world where Thailand doesn’t exist is supposed to mean. Are you saying Jews would be safe without the existence of the state of Israel? If so just say it? Idk why you’re being so roundabout with this terrible Thailand analogy, it’s not helping y

Droves of my expat friends left Thailand because it became quite challenging to be a white guy there depending on where you were (there are surely many parts of the country where it may be easier). And these were guys that had been there a very long time as business owners (mind you they could only own 49% of a business by law).

"Thailand's ethnic origins are diverse and continue to evolve. The nation's ethnic makeup is obscured by the pressures of Thaification, Thai nationalism, and social pressure, which is intertwined with a caste-like mentality assigning some groups higher social status than others"

93.5 percent are estimated to be Buddhist; 5.4 percent Muslim; 1.1 percent Christian;

Foreign residents: About 3.9%

Ethnostate? Or just how most of the world is. I have no issues at all with Thailand fwiw. But if you look at that makeup, you can't point over at Israel and think "Ethnostate!"

by metsandfinsfan k

All you do is lie



you can say the same thing in a way that won't get you the timeout. And I'm not disagreeing with you, fwiw. But they're trying to get us to take a breath before we hit submit.

I am biased against thailand (not thai people) because they went nutz against vaping and because they have coriander in basically every single dish there and i am one of those people for whom coriander tastes like detergent and i can't eat anything.

I also thing that their lèse majesté rules are a bit excessive.

by Luciom k

I am biased against thailand (not thai people) because they went nutz against vaping and because they have coriander in basically every single dish there and i am one of those people for whom coriander tastes like detergent and i can't eat anything.

I also thing that their lèse majesté rules are a bit excessive.

The law, referred to as 112 because of its position in the Thai criminal code, makes it an offense to: “defame, insult or threaten members of the royal family.” The law is so sweeping that almost anyone who threatens political elites can be prosecuted under it, striking fear into opposition politicians, civil society, all manner of activists, and ordinary Thais.

I learned something new, thanks. That is indeed wildly intense.

When the travel forum was more active I there was a time when I would often get post reports of foreigners in Thailand complaining about people speculating on the king's death, and talking about his son in a negative manner.

I thought it was pretty silly and said I was not going to remove posts about that. Several posters sent me links about sites which have been banned from Thailand for similar talk, as well as barring people from reentering Thailand over their posts. I was convinced to take the posts down.

by Trolly McTrollson k

Leaving aside the silly notion that America isn't racist toward Asians and immigrants in general, are you telling me that Thai-Americans can live quite happily without needing some ethnic/racial homeland to protect them? Fascinating stuff!

I don't think, as a strategy, having similar religious and ethnic people move together and work together politically is a bad idea, but there are clearly large portions of Israel who are not thinking in purely existential terms, they're on a messianic expansionist and supremist mission. What does annexing the West Bank have to do with Jewish people's safety worldwide? Why fund Hamas and have a minimum amount of soldiers guarding the border? Why make alliances with obvious anti-Semites in other countries?

It is pretty dumb to think Israel is the only way to keep Jewish people safe though when it's not obviously the case and plenty of cases when Israel is antagonistic to the diaspora.

by Huehuecoyotl k

I don't think, as a strategy, having similar religious and ethnic people move together and work together politically is a bad idea

It's a terrible idea because people naturally tend to migrate and intermingle for lots of reasons and it takes force (i.e., ethnic cleansing) to segregate them into their own little Bantustans. In practice, "let's move all the Turks here and all the Armenians over there and everyone will be happy" leads to the forced displacement of millions of people and enormous human suffering and doesn't make anyone a bit safer. Modern, developed societies don't operate this way except maybe Israel and Russia.

by Bluegrassplayer k

When the travel forum was more active I there was a time when I would often get post reports of foreigners in Thailand complaining about people speculating on the king's death, and talking about his son in a negative manner.

I thought it was pretty silly and said I was not going to remove posts about that. Several posters sent me links about sites which have been banned from Thailand for similar talk, as well as barring people from reentering Thailand over their posts. I was convinced to take th

2p2 self-censored itself to comply with the wishes of an autocrat? Can I suggest that this was a terrible decision? Hope I'm still allowed to make fun of Xi Jinping.

by metsandfinsfan k

All you do is lie



Can you explain the nakba to me using facts

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