Israel/Palestine thread
Think this merits its own thread...
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I don't know why you'd be so glib about something like this. It would be like the United States losing an area slightly larger than Rhode Island. It's not nothing.
It's so much more ignorant than this though.
Over 50% of the acres he listed are the Negev desert alone! Closer to 60% of Israel is true desert or near desert, and can't burn. Then you have the cities.
So you're left with a tiny 1400 sq km area of forest, and 29% of the country is agricultural land. The country definitely doesn't have some random 2500 acres to spare.
As of February there are 135,000 Israelis displaced due to the war
So stop with the who cares hezbollah is bombing civilian area nbd crap
I just want to point out the glaringly obvious here:
It's literally the same thing in Israel. They are not the same ethnicity. And anyone know knows the makeup of Israelis, or who has actually walked anywhere in Israel and looked around, gets that.
Your typical Israeli is going to be traced back to all over the globe, including lots of places like Iran, Iraq, Algeria, Turkey, Morocco, Tunisia, Libya, Lebanon, etc... On top of the massive diversity out of Europe.
On god here we go again.
More nonsense about DNA.
Israel isn't an ethnostate but it's the only state that treats jews as normal human beings in the area. Which for anyone who is a jew is a relevant topic (and should be even for non jews tbh).
Because you believe in treating people as normal human beings, and not calling them animals or advocating for their mass murder for dissent?
I’ve heard it all now.
Israel was created right after the mass liquidation of Jews. That we can't see this as a very simple catalyst for the acceptance of the request for statehood is pretty odd.
Oh I get it now. The plan for Palestinians is
1. Mass liquidation
2. Here, remaining Palestinians and any who managed to escape, have a homeland.
I get it now, more than one person writes under the jalfrezi account. Now the other person has logged and is answering this thread even if the "normal" jalfrezi had read it all many hours ago and decided differently, writing other stuff with another mich less confrontational style.
Makes much more sense now
If Pakistan and India were the same country we would have had various civil wars with many many millions of deaths, and very probably a deeply legally oppressed Muslim minority in that country.
It was actually far better for everyone involved to divide the two populations as much as possible into different countries.
Same in the Balkans if we had divided countries precisely among ethnic lines we would have saved a ton of lives.
But this nilly willy idea that people with opposite value systems which
Hope you’re sitting down when you read this, but there are many Muslims in India and though there are some tensions there are no signs of a civil war. Also the Muslims are generally on the receiving end of the aggression.
I get it now, more than one person writes under the jalfrezi account. Now the other person has logged and is answering this thread even if the "normal" jalfrezi had read it all many hours ago and decided differently, writing other stuff with another mich less confrontational style.
Makes much more sense now
Come to think of it you're absolutely correct here.
Such a weird thing to do too.
I get it now, more than one person writes under the jalfrezi account. Now the other person has logged and is answering this thread even if the "normal" jalfrezi had read it all many hours ago and decided differently, writing other stuff with another mich less confrontational style.
Makes much more sense now
Both of these posts break the rule about addressing posts not posters. Do either of you have anything substantive to say about the posts you’re responding to, or is your intention just to attack people?
I think it’s just the natural way that these discussions usually progress. Once the discussion moves past the limit of tiktok talking points or someone is pressed to offer an actual, realistic solution or alternative they go haywire.
I don't know why you'd be so glib about something like this. It would be like the United States losing an area slightly larger than Rhode Island. It's not nothing.
You’re right, 0.05% is not nothing.
Not sure what point you’re making. In a war where we are repeatedly told that terrible things happening to civilians including children are inevitable, sorry but you have to suck it up, a small area of land was scorched?
Lebanon has no justification for any military attack on Israel, the UN should intervene to defend Israel there, if it had any sense to exist in the first place.
All countries should decry Lebanon a rogue state, ICC should incriminate Lebanon leaders and so on.
The fact that for now the damage to Israel is faily contained doesn't matter in the slightest, any unprovoked aggression should be treated with the utmost response, we have to quell the desire to attack others "just because" from day1.
But of course we don't because the UN is a terrorist enabler organization at this point , with some of the worst countries worldwide as members, even in key positions, a complete joke the west should dismantle entirely. We should stop giving any validity to dictatorial countries, to uncivilized countries, and we should never have given them any voice in international matters to begin with, any decision making role at all.
Yalta was a disastrous agreement
Lebanon has no justification for any military attack on Israel, the UN should intervene to defend Israel there, if it had any sense to exist in the first place.
Yalta was a disastrous agreement
Israel has no justification for the occupation since 1967. The UN should intervene there.
What did you expect to happen with millions of Russian troops in central and Eastern Europe at the end of WW2? You think Stalin would agree to pack them all up and take them home?
Official complaints filed against Albanese

There is a paper trail showing she asks for money even if she can't, let's see where this goes to
a state can certainly try to secede, which is what Gaza did from the WB. but you know your example was complete nonsense as it isn't about private citizens thinking elections were rigged rather public authorities not recognizing other public authorities in Palestine.
for some reason you want to draw an equivalence that doesn't exist and you keep going
By "state" here I meant the states of the USA, not state as in country.
There are many public authorities in red states of the US who don't recognize Biden as the legitimate president, saying they are certain his election was 'rigged'.
By "state" here I meant the states of the USA, not state as in country.
There are many public authorities in red states of the US who don't recognize Biden as the legitimate president, saying they are certain his election was 'rigged'.
Not in their official capacity, there are not. They can claim what they want but they aren't acting as if Trump was president. They aren't disregarding federal government actions and so on.
They aren't sending taxes to Trump shadow minister of treasury and so on and on, i don't understand what's unclear to you, Hamas in Gaza governs disregarding the PA in the WB.
Texas or whatever other state you are thinking of isn't telling federal employee to go away and taking all those functions domestically, isn't stopping federal taxes from being paid in the state, hasn't kicked out federal military bases
You’re right, 0.05% is not nothing.
Not sure what point you’re making. In a war where we are repeatedly told that terrible things happening to civilians including children are inevitable, sorry but you have to suck it up, a small area of land was scorched?
Yeah we have to suck it up!!!
Don't complain when jews get displaced it's only genocide when others do!
Israel has no justification for the occupation since 1967. The UN should intervene there.
What did you expect to happen with millions of Russian troops in central and Eastern Europe at the end of WW2? You think Stalin would agree to pack them all up and take them home?
Israel hasn't occupied gaza in 20 years
Read the 1949 armistice agreement regarding if the West Bank is occupied
By "state" here I meant the states of the USA, not state as in country.
There are many public authorities in red states of the US who don't recognize Biden as the legitimate president, saying they are certain his election was 'rigged'.
Stacey Abrams still hasn't conceded she lost the Georgia governor race. Election denying by individuals happen all the time. Stop. Making it news just because some Republicans are being ridiculous. Every state accepts biden as the president. Move on
The only people who can complain about WB occupation are Jordans. Jordan might have a point there and be at war with Israel and whatnot.
This still doesn't justify any activity by Lebanon *at all*, that detail might have been missed by jalfrezi and others.
I say "lebanon has 0 justifications to attack israel, UN should intervene". He goes "Israel is occupying the WB the UN should intervene".
Non sequitur.
Are we 100% that Lebanon is fully wrong there and that anyone who doesn't accept that is an apologist for unprovoked international aggression? are we 100% that we should use military force to make it impossible for Lebanon to ever again attack others unprovoked like it's doing?
Then we discuss WB. WB is occupied. As the result of a war in 1967. Was that war justified on the Israel side? ofc yes they were attacked , again unprovoked, by a coalition of arab nations!
If you attack a sovereign and you lose the war you might lose territory and that's absolutely normal and justified.
Moreover, Jordan doesn't have any more claim to that land. So now that's simply Israel territory, acquired lawfully by winning a war they didn't start.
Lebanon is attacking illegally and the "pacifists" don't blip. Israel gets attacked and wins a war and the pacifists want to punish Israel from having been the target of an attempted genocide 50 years ago and having survived that prevailing against countries 20 times bigger than Israel.
Almost as if the only thing they want in their life is the extermination of jews and the annihilation of Israel and everything they say and do has that only purpose.
Both of these posts break the rule about addressing posts not posters. Do either of you have anything substantive to say about the posts you’re responding to, or is your intention just to attack people?
Victor, when you use someone else's account it's rather relevant. There's a lot of context in who the other person is for a post. For example you and Micro typing the exact same sentence, it can be understood completely differently.
Also how do you not manage 1 month? It's not even long!