Israel/Palestine thread

Israel/Palestine thread

Think this merits its own thread...

Discuss my fellow 2+2ers..



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07 October 2023 at 09:33 PM

33373 Replies


by rafiki k

Victor, when you use someone else's account it's rather relevant. There's a lot of context in who the other person is for a post. For example you and Micro typing the exact same sentence, it can be understood completely differently.

Also how do you not manage 1 month? It's not even long!


They illegally deface our monuments with their symbols, and then some people ask why i feel at war with them if i am not a Jew

Same building, more flags........sorry, I mean a monument defaced with symbols.

by jalfrezi k

Both of these posts break the rule about addressing posts not posters. Do either of you have anything substantive to say about the posts you’re responding to, or is your intention just to attack people?

Pot, meet kettle.

by Luciom k

If Pakistan and India were the same country we would have had various civil wars with many many millions of deaths, and very probably a deeply legally oppressed Muslim minority in that country.

It was actually far better for everyone involved to divide the two populations as much as possible into different countries.

That's the ideology in a nutshell: humans who are different can never get along, so we have to force them into segregated communities based on a deranged colonial understanding of which people "belong" in which lands. It's demonstrable nonsense, the success of modern societies proves how silly it is. But some people love to wallow in loser ideologies; we still have Americans who wave the Confederate flag around long after those clowns were put into the dirt.

by DoyleBrunsonFan k

Europe hasn’t been a safe place to be Jewish in a long time. Am I just a sheltered and ignorant American?


Europe is perfectly safe for Jews in general. In most of Europe no one has ever knowingly met a Jew.

by jalfrezi k

I don't need to. Everyone knows that the West Bank occupation has been in breach of UN law since 1967.

It was never independent land. The West Bank was ANNEXED by Jordan. Jordan withdrew in 1967 and gave up rights to it years later. It was never a nation

by Luciom k

The only people who can complain about WB occupation are Jordans. Jordan might have a point there and be at war with Israel and whatnot.

This still doesn't justify any activity by Lebanon *at all*, that detail might have been missed by jalfrezi and others.

I say "lebanon has 0 justifications to attack israel, UN should intervene". He goes "Israel is occupying the WB the UN should intervene".

Non sequitur.

Are we 100% that Lebanon is fully wrong there and that anyone who doesn't accept that is an apo

Jordan renounced its claim to the West Bank on July 31, 1988, when King Hussein severed all administrative ties to the area. This ended Jordan's administration of the West Bank, which began on April 24, 1950, when the Jordanian Parliament approved the annexation of the territory. The annexation was based on the idea of "national, physical (and) geographical unity" between the two banks of the Jordan River. However, Israel occupied the West Bank during the 1967 Six Day War, and Jordan's King Hussein realized he needed to reverse his grandfather's decision in response to the first intifada in 1987.

So Jordan has no claim to it

And the partition plan was never accepted by jordan or the Palestinian people

So you can't occupy a country that doesn't exist

That being said, Israel shouldn't have it both ways. I don't approve of how they handle the West Bank

But I'm just clarifying the fact that it's not occupied

the white,red,green is the italian flag, the white field red cross is milan flag, and that's in Milan, Italy.

And those are authorized by the municipality.

by Luciom k

The president of my city Jewish association which I don't think reaches 200 members was able in 12 hours to have our communist mayor remove the Palestine flag he had put on the municipal building , over the outrage of basically all non communists here who were aghast to see that flag there.

Sounds safer than most places in the USA

That's not na issue of safety. My
workplace flies a Palestinian flag and I don't feel it changes my safety one bit.

by PointlessWords k

Is there any conflict one can compare that to?

Sure the Congo wars and Rwanda had many of the same elements. So did the Khmer Rouge.

Historical exceptionalism isn't a useful idea.

by Trolly McTrollson k

That's the ideology in a nutshell: humans who are different can never get along, so we have to force them into segregated communities based on a deranged colonial understanding of which people "belong" in which lands. It's demonstrable nonsense, the success of modern societies proves how silly it is. But some people love to wallow in loser ideologies; we still have Americans who wave the Confederate flag around long after those clowns were put into the dirt.

Some groups that are different enough, at some stages of civilization, that hated and killed each others for centuries, aren't necessarily destinated to get along well especially if forced to do so exactly.

That's not ideology , that's pragmatic assessment of human nature. Does it mean they will never be able to get along? no. It means you don't force it, you let them self-govern, you start helping some tentative approach at the most educated levels (say common research links between universities, immigration of highly educated people from one country to the other), you slowly smooth the edges, then new people are born who don't have hatred, and if you keep peace and good neighbor relationships for 50, 100, 200 years maybe if very lucky, and with a population that gets educated more and more, you can get along.

But it took Italy and France many centuries to reach that and a lot of blood and the periods of time when italy was invaded by the french didn't help.

Italy and France success at having decent relationships now doesn't prove that you are wise at forcing people with few years of education to share a polity with another group of uneducated people who they deeply hate since 500+ years ago.

"colonial understanding" of which land was inhabited by which people lol

by nucularburro k

That's not na issue of safety. My
workplace flies a Palestinian flag and I don't feel it changes my safety one bit.

Is your workplace an official government building? because i think that makes a difference. Private buildings owners have a right to free speech and should be allowed to fly whatever they want.

Fascists love cosplaying as tough guys, but they get scared of a flag, lol.

by Luciom k

The only people who can complain about WB occupation are Jordans. Jordan might have a point there and be at war with Israel and whatnot.

I don't know, maybe the people who live there could complain about it.

by Huehuecoyotl k

I don't know, maybe the people who live there could complain about it.

They can complain that their ancestors rejected the partition plan in 1947 if they want i suppose

by Huehuecoyotl k

I don't know, maybe the people who live there could complain about it.

And we don't grant self-determination to every one automatically do we? i remember a whole war was fought in the USA because some states said "i don't want to be part of the federation i am currently part of" 170 years ago.

I also remember just a few years ago people (including elected members of parliament) being arrested because they attempted to organize a vote for seceding from Spain in Catalonia.

We aren't allowing russophone areas of some countries to simply secede and join Russia are we?

In other cases instead it's all fine see Czech republic and Slovakia parting ways peacefully with everyone accepting that. Canada and the UK have referendums and i suppose if Quebec voted to go away they would let Quebec become independent, same as Scotland.

So how does it work? doesn't look like there is any first principle at play wrt self-determination of residents in an area.

The IDF destroyed a large tunnel in Rafah that reached the Philadelphi corridor and destroyed ready-to-fire rocket launchers that were hidden in a UN post in Deir al-Balah, Gaza, the military announced on Wednesday.

The combat teams of the 12th Brigade, the Givati Brigade, the 401st Brigade, the Yahalom Unit, and Unit 504 have been conducting precise, intelligence-based, targeted operations in the Rafah area for the past few weeks under the command of the 162nd Division.

During operations, troops located several smaller tunnel shafts that led to a long tunnel route that reached as far as the Philadelphi Corridor. The tunnel route was approximately 2 kilometers long and connected to several other routes in the area.

Inside a two-kilometer long tunnel in Rafah, southern Gaza Strip, June 5, 2024 (IDF SPOKESPERSON'S UNIT)
The tunnel that was located was extensive and contained blast doors, which were storing weapons such as AK-47s, anti-tank missiles, many intelligence assets, and explosives.

The Israeli government is set to vote on authorizing the IDF to raise the number of reservists in active duty to 350,000 by the end of August

This is likely for an attack on Hezbollah

by Luciom k

And we don't grant self-determination to every one automatically do we? i remember a whole war was fought in the USA because some states said "i don't want to be part of the federation i am currently part of" 170 years ago.

I also remember just a few years ago people (including elected members of parliament) being arrested because they attempted to organize a vote for seceding from Spain in Catalonia.

We aren't allowing russophone areas of some countries to simply secede and join Russia are we?


Really seems like there's two ways to go about it. People in the West Bank and Gaza aren't going to be granted political rights by Israel, they're not going to be absorbed willingly by any of the surrounding countries, they do seem to have their own ideas about who they are apart from their neighboring countries and they're not going away any time soon. Seems like a good candidate to grant self determination to, even if there is no first principle. It's either that or Israel commits ethnic cleansing.

by Huehuecoyotl k

Really seems like there's two ways to go about it. People in the West Bank and Gaza aren't going to be granted political rights by Israel, they're not going to be absorbed willingly by any of the surrounding countries, they do seem to have their own ideas about who they are apart from their neighboring countries and they're not going away any time soon. Seems like a good candidate to grant self determination to, even if there is no first principle. It's either that or Israel commits ethnic clean

Problem is as soon as gaza was given freedom, they elected terrorists with a charter to destroy Israel

by metsandfinsfan k

It was never independent land. The West Bank was ANNEXED by Jordan. Jordan withdrew in 1967 and gave up rights to it years later. It was never a nation

You should take that up with the UN.

by nucularburro k

That's not na issue of safety. My
workplace flies a Palestinian flag and I don't feel it changes my safety one bit.

The extraordinary showflakeisms of the far right. Normal people see a flag on a building, they see a symbol defacing a monument. lol.

by metsandfinsfan k

Problem is as soon as gaza was given freedom, they elected terrorists with a charter to destroy Israel

I'd suggest thinking about what is its that turns some people into terrorists.

It's not like they wake up one morning and think "You know what, **** the family, **** the job and my future, terrorism has a good career path for me".

by jalfrezi k

You should take that up with the UN.

I don't need to

But let me ask you this

Why did 5 arab nations attack Israel when they accepted the plan?
