Israel/Palestine thread

Israel/Palestine thread

Think this merits its own thread...

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) 21 Views 21
07 October 2023 at 09:33 PM

33415 Replies


by Dunyain k

The biggest problem of this type of analysis is that you have absolutely no theory of mind for who the Palestinian leadership is, what they want, or even what their capabilities are.

You assume Palestinians are a cohesive society that wants a peaceful state alongside Israel, and will set up a functional govt/society, that has the ability and will to control violence.

There is absolutely nothing to suggest any of these assumptions are true; and a tremendous amount of evidence 0/3 are true.


I don't know. My theory of mind supposes that there is some way of political resolution. What I haven't heard is any kind of political resolution that isn't going to lead to ethnic cleansing. So far there hasn't been any proposal that doesn't involve permanently occupying Gaza, which if it's the same as occupying the West Bank is tantamount to slow ethnic cleansing with settlers building outposts and them and the military brutalizing people with impunity. For vast majorities of Israeli society a recognition of a Palestinian state is an anathema, hell even not killing children isn't even discussed, while for the right wing there's eschatological mission to accomplish by taking the West Bank and Gaza. My theory of mind is that there's nothing in Israeli society to hold back the right wing, and the middle will go along because of their more neutral reasoning, the Palestinians had it coming, free real estate lowers housing costs, resources to be taken, etc.

Sound plausible?

by metsandfinsfan k

Israel tried to give Gaza to egypt

They won't accept them being a terrorist state with means to destroy them no

The idea that Israel can just give some people away like they're second hand clothing is kind of the problem, no?

by metsandfinsfan k

They can become a state when they
Don't have a terrorist government
Accept Israel as a state
Don't insist on Jerusalem as its capitol

I don't see the logic. Israel has a terrorist government. It's foreign minister is the worst sort of spouter of hatred

by Huehuecoyotl k

The idea that Israel can just give some people away like they're second hand clothing is kind of the problem, no?

Egypt occuppied and governed Gaza from 1948-1973. Egypt withdrew in 1973. At camp David several years later Israel offered to let egypt run it like they did for 25 years. They declined and asked for Sinai back instead. Israel said take both. Egypt said no

It's not giving people away. These people were nationless and trying to let them be part of a nation to help them both strategically and economically. The way puerto rico became part of the us

It would have been smart

by Luciom k

Is your workplace an official government building? because i think that makes a difference. Private buildings owners have a right to free speech and should be allowed to fly whatever they want.

Im. A public employee, yes.

by nucularburro k

I don't see the logic. Israel has a terrorist government. It's foreign minister is the worst sort of spouter of hatred

Israel is not a terrorist government

I stopped reading after that

by metsandfinsfan k

These people were nationless and trying to let them be part of a nation to help them both strategically and economically. The way puerto rico became part of the us

the ****?

by nucularburro k

Im. A public employee, yes.

Then I would be scared, unless ofc you like Hamas

by Huehuecoyotl k

I don't know. My theory of mind supposes that there is some way of political resolution. What I haven't heard is any kind of political resolution that isn't going to lead to ethnic cleansing. So far there hasn't been any proposal that doesn't involve permanently occupying Gaza, which if it's the same as occupying the West Bank is tantamount to slow ethnic cleansing with settlers building outposts and them and the military brutalizing people with impunity. For vast majorities of Israeli society a

With the IRA there was no political resolution. They had to jail most of them, some fled, some died of old age.

Now imagine instead of 3-5-10% of the population at most actually agreeing with IRA violence, it's 70% of men (women don't matter in their society).

What's your solution? They tell you they are willing to have all their children die for the cause (the cause being Jewish genocide). That's far more than being willing to die yourself.

What's your political solution to people willing to have their kids die for x, and x is something absolutely impossible for you to accept?

by Trolly McTrollson k

the ****?

Can i help you


by metsandfinsfan k

Can i help you

I pledge that someday I'm going to find your US History teachers and make them pay for what they did to you.

I'm curious which part of Mets post shocked people. Gaza has effectively just traded hands from before the mandate, through the mandate, after the mandate, on and on.

He's saying in a world where they became Egyptians, we'd probably have a better planet today. And since from a religious/customs and genetics perspective they're REAL close to Egyptians (some identical matches along with Jordan and a few other places), it's hard to argue he's wrong.

Gazans being Egyptians would have been waaaaay better in terms of an alternate timeline. And for a long time, they were.

Nobody would worry about "open air prison" or "ghetto" or anything like that. It would just be Egypt.

by Luciom k

With the IRA there was no political resolution. They had to jail most of them, some fled, some died of old age.

Now imagine instead of 3-5-10% of the population at most actually agreeing with IRA violence, it's 70% of men (women don't matter in their society).

What's your solution? They tell you they are willing to have all their children die for the cause (the cause being Jewish genocide). That's far more than being willing to die yourself.

What's your political solution to people willing to have

More nonsense. What happened with the IRA/PIRA was that they were infiltrated by agents of the UK which reduced their effectiveness to virtually zero. This brought them to the negotiating table and resulted in the Good Friday Agreement for power sharing in NI.

There. I even bolded the parts which show how to make progress with terrorists. But you keep on with writing the same wishful fantasies about victorious states etc that are palpably untrue and about situations which you clearly know nothing about.

by Luciom k

With the IRA there was no political resolution. They had to jail most of them, some fled, some died of old age.

Now imagine instead of 3-5-10% of the population at most actually agreeing with IRA violence, it's 70% of men (women don't matter in their society).

What's your solution? They tell you they are willing to have all their children die for the cause (the cause being Jewish genocide). That's far more than being willing to die yourself.

What's your political solution to people willing to have

Many of the causes for Irish militantism were addressed starving the more militant factions of the IRA of political capital. The IRA didn't get what they wanted, but the Irish people got a lot of what they needed.

by rafiki k

And since from a religious/customs and genetics perspective they're REAL close to Egyptians (some identical matches along with Jordan and a few other places), it's hard to argue he's wrong.

**** me lads, we can resolve this whole silly mess of who gets to live where by breaking out the genetic calipers.

Some of the Irish people got all of what they wanted, some got less than they wanted, some didn't want any change at all.

That is jacob from america stealing a house that belongs to this women and her family for many generations:

too bad she is a jouralist and we have internet now:

by Trolly McTrollson k

**** me lads, we can resolve this whole silly mess of who gets to live where by breaking out the genetic calipers.

That's more or less how everyone else did it after the colonies broke up?

There has never been a country called Gaza. If you have to put it somewhere, put it where it makes the most approximate sense. We did that literally everywhere else.

The only reason it may wind up being a little mini state is because the Egyptians refused what was otherwise entirely obvious.

by Trolly McTrollson k

I pledge that someday I'm going to find your US History teachers and make them pay for what they did to you.

I'm aware after puerto was granted independence the Us took it over by force, but I'm saying the people of Puerto Rico are better because of it

by rafiki k

I'm curious which part of Mets post shocked people. Gaza has effectively just traded hands from before the mandate, through the mandate, after the mandate, on and on.

He's saying in a world where they became Egyptians, we'd probably have a better planet today. And since from a religious/customs and genetics perspective they're REAL close to Egyptians (some identical matches along with Jordan and a few other places), it's hard to argue he's wrong.

Gazans being Egyptians would have been waaaaay be

Exactly this

by washoe k

btw, why are they trying to destroy the temple mount??

Why are they illegally stealing land and houses in east jerusalem?
against international law and displacing hundreds of people who are supposed to live there??

The Israeli government is not trying to destroy the temple mount

Israel is not illegally stealing land. That annexed East Jerusalem it is part of Israel.

Even in the partition plan, east Jerusalem was not technically part of Palestine

Whatever propoganda you may think you are using is wrong.

What we do is we test everyone and if their genetic profile doesn't match that of the indigenous people, we force them out of the country. Let's start with French Canadians.

by rafiki k

That's more or less how everyone else did it after the colonies broke up?

There has never been a country called Gaza. If you have to put it somewhere, put it where it makes the most approximate sense. We did that literally everywhere else.

The only reason it may wind up being a little mini state is because the Egyptians refused what was otherwise entirely obvious.

The thing about countries is you can just make one if you want to.

by Trolly McTrollson k

**** me lads, we can resolve this whole silly mess of who gets to live where by breaking out the genetic calipers.

Isn't that the entire point?

Why would the Palestinians need their own land if they were part of the same Palestinian mandate of Jordan and syria and lebanon? I thought the whole argument was that the Palestinians need to have their own state because they are a specific people. Am i wrong? Why would they need different refugee status from every other refugee group in the world otherwise
