Israel/Palestine thread

Israel/Palestine thread

Think this merits its own thread...

Discuss my fellow 2+2ers..



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) 21 Views 21
07 October 2023 at 09:33 PM

33349 Replies


by PointlessWords k

Pretty similar. One side committing a genocide against the other. The world had to step in to protect civilians from a powerful govt

Sound familiar??

Sent from my iPhone using Tapatalk

Where are the bodies from this "genocide"? We keep hearing about "atrocities" and "massacres" but where are the bodies? I see body cam footage with Palestinians running around but they aren't being shot by Israelis.

by PointlessWords k

Wrong. Please adjust your opinion based on new info

Total casualties for this period 144,963, including 66,789 fatalities.


by Luciom k

ah the joke use of the word civilian you want to waste time on.

don't care at all tbh, if armed or in any form violent vs the soldiers they deserve to be killed.

So choose the word, "innocents" if you prefer, many more completly innocent people died in afghanistan in 20 years of war than in gaza+wb since 1948 because of Israeli actions.

Btw if they don't have a army and don't have a state it can't be war. You claim 10 7 was an act of war against a military target, but committed by civilians lol. Tr

During the War in Afghanistan, according to the Costs of War Project the war killed 176,000 people in Afghanistan:

46,319 civilians,

69,095 military and police and at least 52,893 opposition fighters. However, the death toll is possibly higher due to unaccounted deaths by "disease, loss of access to food, water, infrastructure, and/or other indirect consequences of the war."[1] According to the Uppsala Conflict Data Program, the conflict killed 212,191 people.[2] The Cost of War project estimated in 2015 that the number who have died through indirect causes related to the war may be as high as 360,000 additional people based on a ratio of indirect to direct deaths in contemporary conflicts.[3]

looks like once 110k Palestinians have been killed then you will be wrong. lets hope that doesnt happen.

by PointlessWords k

Cave fighting kinda ended after pakistan protected Osama.

After that it was villages, cities, hearts and minds. Supporting the northern alliance against the taliban.

Kabul and kandahar are still standing. the US didnt murder everyone there and we didnt flatten their cities.

You guys love to ignore the evidence right in your face. its hilarious tbh, but in a macabre way

Is the US living right next door to Afghanistan. Have the people of Afghanistan threatened to kill all Americans and wipe the US off the map? Is the US surrounded by countries that want to wipe if off the map?

by mongidig k

Can we just agree that Arabs and Jews are not compatible and will never like each other?

No we most defintiely do not agree. Not close. I couldn't disagree more

by jalfrezi k

Dude, you know you're allowed to say a post is total bs but not say the poster is lying. Come on bruv, play the game.

Why can't you say a poster is lying? Why would you be allowed to call someone a liar in a backhanded way?

Also, what is "bruv"?

by chezlaw k

No we most defintiely do not agree. Not close. I couldn't disagree more

I'll rephrase what I said. I know that Arabs and Jews can get along on an individual basis. As a whole I do not think they will ever be compatible. Certainly the extremes on both side will prevent this from ever happening.

by PointlessWords k

Yea it was 15 years long. It was an entire county. We bombed multiple cities and towns. We treated the civilians like people because we wanted to win their hearts and minds.

Gazans don't realize it now but Israel is liberating them from terrorism. Gazans need their main industry to change from terrorism to tourism. Just think if they would have taken the billions of dollars given to them and built up their infrastructure instead of spending it on Terror. They could be a Dubai or Singapore. Hatred and victim mentality is not gonna get these people anywhere. The Israelis have plenty of reason to hate but they choose progress. They choose treating people like human beings. Gaza needs a full makeover physically, logistically and mentally.

by mongidig k

I'll rephrase what I said. I know that Arabs and Jews can get along on an individual basis. As a whole I do not think they will ever be compatible. Certainly the extremes on both side will prevent this from ever happening.

I think we should focus on defeating the extremists. They are not the people I want dictating anyhting

by chezlaw k

I think we should focus on defeating the extremists. They are not the people I want dictating anyhting

I think we should focus helping our allies and damaging our enemies.

Israel is our ally and Iran (with all his proxies) is our enemy.

So even if you believed the extremism was at the same level (I don't) it would still be imperative to side with Israel with no ifs and no buts

by chezlaw k

I think we should focus on defeating the extremists. They are not the people I want dictating anyhting

Who are tbey? There ia some confusion here on who the extremists are.

by mongidig k

Gazans don't realize it now but Israel is liberating them from terrorism. Gazans need their main industry to change from terrorism to tourism. Just think if they would have taken the billions of dollars given to them and built up their infrastructure instead of spending it on Terror. They could be a Dubai or Singapore. Hatred and victim mentality is not gonna get these people anywhere. The Israelis have plenty of reason to hate but they choose progress. They choose treating people like human b

At most they could be a Marsa Alam which would still be far better than present conditions

by formula72 k

Who are tbey? There ia some confusion here on who the extremists are.

It was a general point.

It's about an attitude towards seriously harming innocent people to progress their cause.

by mongidig k

Can we just agree that Arabs and Jews are not compatible and will never like each other?

Utter nonsense. They live side by side in parts of London without any problems.

by formula72 k

Who are tbey? There ia some confusion here on who the extremists are.

It was a general point.

It's about an attitude towards seriously harming innocent people to progress their cause.

Specifically here it's hamas/etc, Iran's leaders, Israel's leaders etc etc

by mongidig k

Gazans don't realize it now but Israel is liberating them from terrorism. Gazans need their main industry to change from terrorism to tourism. Just think if they would have taken the billions of dollars given to them and built up their infrastructure instead of spending it on Terror. They could be a Dubai or Singapore. Hatred and victim mentality is not gonna get these people anywhere. The Israelis have plenty of reason to hate but they choose progress. They choose treating people like human b

sure but that doesnt mean its ok.

by jalfrezi k

Utter nonsense. They live side by side in parts of London without any problems.

and in all major cities across america.

by jalfrezi k

Utter nonsense. They live side by side in parts of London without any problems.

No problems?

by formula72 k

Who are tbey? There ia some confusion here on who the extremists are.

Hamas plus all the many terrorist brigades. Also, the crazies rioting around the world. On the Israel side it is the religious Zionists in East Jerusalem and the West Bank. There are a handful of troublemakers in the the government but I wouldn't blame the entire government.

by PointlessWords k

I said it’s a legal target. Dunno why you guys can’t figure out the diff between legal and military. One day you may be able to understand

Are people who materially support IDF innocent? How about ex IDF soldiers?

Are ex Hamas people innocent?

Nobody on either side cares about those definitions as they don't impact the morality of the situation. Every time you bring this up you just bog down the discussion.

by mongidig k

Can we just agree that Arabs and Jews are not compatible and will never like each other?

I'm also on team disagree. The 2M living in Israel now also show a really good level of integration and understanding. I'm friends with plenty of Arabs.

Radicalized Arabs and Radicalized Jews? You're on to something.

by mongidig k

I'll rephrase what I said. I know that Arabs and Jews can get along on an individual basis. As a whole I do not think they will ever be compatible. Certainly the extremes on both side will prevent this from ever happening.

Arabs were fine with Jews as a minority in their countries until 1948 (broadly speaking -- Jewish settlement in Palestine was already causing friction before then). The Nakba changed all that, but Egypt, Jordan and even Saudi have since reconciled themselves to Israel. The current situation is straining things, but we don't know how it will work out in the end.

by 57 On Red k

Arabs were fine with Jews as a minority in their countries until 1948 (broadly speaking -- Jewish settlement in Palestine was already causing friction before then). The Nakba changed all that, but Egypt, Jordan and even Saudi have since reconciled themselves to Israel. The current situation is straining things, but we don't know how it will work out in the end.

I, and history, totally disagree with this.

Happy to send you what you should read/listen to. There's a reason the Brits left totally defeated by the conflict.

That's a very dishonest post.

The dispute was over the screening of a film not an argument between neighbours.

by jalfrezi k

That's a very dishonest post.

The dispute was over the screening of a film not an argument between neighbours.

The Jews quickly ran them out of there and it didn't look like a friendly goodbye. The UK police/crossing guards were of course useless. I have tons of other videos I can post showing the pro "Palestinian" crowd provoking problems with the Jews.

by rafiki k

I'm also on team disagree. The 2M living in Israel now also show a really good level of integration and understanding. I'm friends with plenty of Arabs.

Radicalized Arabs and Radicalized Jews? You're on to something.

I since clarified my position. Certainly on an individual level Jews and Arabs can get along.

Are you friends with the Arabs or just friendly? If find Arabs tend to stick amongst themselves. Serious Muslims tend to look down on other people. Orthodox Jews are kind of the same way. This is my experience.

by jalfrezi k

Utter nonsense. They live side by side in parts of London without any problems.

by jalfrezi k

That's a very dishonest post.

The dispute was over the screening of a film not an argument between neighbours.

by mongidig k

The Jews quickly ran them out of there and it didn't look like a friendly goodbye. The UK police/crossing guards were of course useless. I have tons of other videos I can post showing the pro "Palestinian" crowd provoking problems with the Jews.

You're conflating one side with Arabs and the other with Jews, when clearly there were people involved who don't fit those identities (like the English racist far right on the Jewish side (for now)).

As I said, there are many parts of London where Arabs and Jews live quite happily as neighbours and have done for a long time. Cite or stop talking nonsense about something you don't have any idea about.
