Israel/Palestine thread

Israel/Palestine thread

Think this merits its own thread...

Discuss my fellow 2+2ers..



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07 October 2023 at 09:33 PM

33349 Replies


by PointlessWords k

Palestine doesn’t have a regular army and never has. They are all civilians

Not necessarily. Under the 1977 Protocols to the Geneva Conventions, 'civilians who directly take part in hostilities temporarily lose the protection provided for civilians, but only for the duration of their participation in the hostilities.' The Third Geneva Convention of 1949 already included as combatants 'members of other militias and members of volunteer corps, including those of organized resistance movements belonging to a party to the conflict and operating in or outside their own territory, even if this territory is occupied,' and even 'inhabitants of a non-occupied territory, who on the approach of the enemy spontaneously take up arms to resist the invading forces, without having had time to form themselves into regular armed units, provided they carry arms openly and respect the laws and customs of war'.

Protocol I says that combatants are 'the armed forces of a party to a conflict, and also groups and units that are under a command responsible to that party for the conduct of its subordinates, even if that party is answerable to a government or an authority not recognized by an adverse party.' (Arts. 43 and 50, 1977.)

Guerrillas or irregular forces may conceal arms at times but must carry them openly during engagements to be recognised as combatants rather than criminals.

Handy guide to the law here:-

by rafiki k

I, and history, totally disagree with this.

Happy to send you what you should read/listen to. There's a reason the Brits left totally defeated by the conflict.

The reason was Jewish settlement in Palestine with a view to takeover, like I said. That's what caused the problem and, given the violence of the eventual takeover, on land sacred to Arabs as well as Jews, that's what the Arabs didn't like, since the Zionists considered them (and still consider them) a negligible under-race to be swept aside, and, I mean, you wouldn't like that, would you? The British weren't exactly defeated, they just couldn't be bothered any more, regarding the two sides as irreconcilable, and had better things to do, like the NHS and new housing and gearing up against the Soviets.

by rafiki k

I, and history, totally disagree with this.

Happy to send you what you should read/listen to. There's a reason the Brits left totally defeated by the conflict.

I thought you had previously cited the Jewish community doing pretty good in Baghdad before the 40's. Did you say they controlled like 75% of the import business?

by 57 On Red k

Not necessarily. Under the 1977 Protocols to the Geneva Conventions, 'civilians who directly take part in hostilities temporarily lose the protection provided for civilians, but only for the duration of their participation in the hostilities.' The Third Geneva Convention of 1949 already included as combatants 'members of other militias and members of volunteer corps, including those of organized resistance movements belonging to a party to the conflict and operating in or outside their own terri

yes they are legal targets but still civilians as they havent formed themselves into regular armed units.

My sister and her family were scheduled to leave Israel today (thank god). Haven't heard from her yet. Hopefully later when they get to Virginia.

by PointlessWords k

yes they are legal targets but still civilians as they havent formed themselves into regular armed units.

There are people in Hamas that their only job is being a soldier. That's their career. I guess they're mercenaries? PMC's?

by 57 On Red k

The reason was Jewish settlement in Palestine with a view to takeover, like I said. That's what caused the problem and, given the violence of the eventual takeover, on land sacred to Arabs as well as Jews, that's what the Arabs didn't like, since the Zionists considered them (and still consider them) a negligible under-race to be swept aside, and, I mean, you wouldn't like that, would you? The British weren't exactly defeated, they just couldn't be bothered any more, regarding the two sides as i

I actually just read your OG post again, and totally missed "in their countries". I thought you had said in Israel (which reading my post back I'm sure you'll spot given that context).

In which case, complete agreement. I will read slower next time.

by 5 south k

There are people in Hamas that their only job is being a soldier. That's their career. I guess they're mercenaries? PMC's?

I’d say so. But I don’t think that’s a lot of people. I think Hamas makes it seem that way but that reality is diff

Zionists considered them (and still consider them) a negligible under-race to be swept aside

by rafiki k

I actually just read your OG post again, and totally missed "in their countries". I thought you had said in Israel (which reading my post back I'm sure you'll spot given that context).

In which case, complete agreement. I will read slower next time.

Yup. Racism explains much of Israel’s actions.

by PointlessWords k

I’d say so. But I don’t think that’s a lot of people. I think Hamas makes it seem that way but that reality is diff

I just don't think they pull something off like al aqsa flood with the majority of their guys working a falafel stand 40hrs a week.

You have to be some combination of self deluding, ignorant, foolish, and antisemitic to believe Hamas doesn’t have thousands (maybe tens of thousands) of full time fighters.

by jalfrezi k

Yup. Racism explains much of Israel’s actions.

I don't have the first idea of what you're talking about in relation to what we were talking about.

But in terms of what we were talking about with other posters, life got hard for the Jews in Arab countries in the 30's. Right around the rise of the Nazis is when things go south. So a fair bit before Israel's war of independence. In Iraq in the 30's it looked a lot like it did for Jews in Germany in the early 30's for example. You had horrifically violent pogroms of Jews in Arab countries even late 30's early 40's.

Like if you want something plain vanilla like Wiki:

In the 1930s, the situation of the Jews in Iraq deteriorated. Previously, the growing Iraqi Arab nationalist sentiment included Iraqi Jews as fellow Arabs,[51] but these views changed with the ongoing conflict in the Palestinian Mandate and the introduction of Nazi propaganda.[52] Despite protestations of their loyalty to Iraq, Iraqi Jews were increasingly subject to discrimination and anti-Jewish actions. In September 1934, following the appointment of Arshad al-Umari as the new minister of economics and communications, tens of Jews were dismissed from their posts in that ministry; and, subsequently, there were unofficial quotas of Jews that could be appointed in the civil service or admitted to secondary schools and colleges.[53] Zionist activity had continued covertly even after 1929, but in 1935 the last two Palestinian Jewish teachers were deported, and the president of the Zionist organization was put on trial and ultimately required to leave the country.[54]

Mass grave for the victims of the Farhud in 1946
Following the collapse of Rashid Ali al-Gaylani's pro-Axis coup d'état in 1941, the Farhud ("violent dispossession") pogrom broke out in Baghdad on June 1, in which approximately 200 Iraqi Jews were murdered (some sources put the number higher[55]), and up to 2,000 injured – damages to Jewish-owned property were estimated at $3 million (US$ 62 million in 2024). There were also instances of looting of Jewish properties in many other cities at around the same time, with the pogrom lasting for two days until June 2. Afterwards, Jewish emissaries from Palestine were sent to teach Iraqi Jews self-defense, which they were eager to learn.[47] The newly restored pro-Allied monarchist regime quickly implemented measures to prevent the outbreak of similar anti-Jewish violence and established a committee of enquiry on 7 June "to examine the facts and find who was culpable

Racism is ignoring the 50k civilians that the IDF has killed in the past 100 years while in the same breath saying the conflict started on Oct 7 because of Hamas.

That is a lie, incongruent with history and it shows you treat one race/group of people to a different standard than the other, which results in DEATHS and genocide of the less powerful group.

by PointlessWords k

Racism is ignoring the 50k civilians that the IDF has killed in the past 100 years while in the same breath saying the conflict started on Oct 7 because of Hamas.

That is a lie, incongruent with history and it shows you treat one race/group of people to a different standard than the other, which results in DEATHS and genocide of the less powerful group.

I don't ignore Palestinian deaths. But I do think there were many many off-ramps to minimize those deaths over the year, and sadly none were taken.

Does this make me racist?

The Israel government doesn't ignore Palestinian deaths either; it just gives them one tenth (or less) the value of an Israeli death.

And yes, that does make them and anyone who agrees with them racist.

by jalfrezi k

The Israel government doesn't ignore Palestinian deaths either; it just gives them one tenth the value of an Israeli death.

And yes, that does make them and anyone who agrees with them racist.

Sounds like the prisoner swaps to me?

Also which wars are fought at death parity? Where did that rule ever come from?

And if the Palestinians had the powerful army, do you think they'd seek this fictional parity? Or just run the other side over?

All these questions!

by jalfrezi k

The Israel government doesn't ignore Palestinian deaths either; it just gives them one tenth (or less) the value of an Israeli death.

And yes, that does make them and anyone who agrees with them racist.

That's not racism that's nationalism. It would be racism if they valued some foreign enemies less than others because of race.

Valuing your own citizne lives a lot more than foreign lives is not racism per se at all.

Besides a significant majority of Israeli are the same race as the palestinians

by rafiki k

Sounds like the prisoner swaps to me?

Also which wars are fought at death parity? Where did that rule ever come from?

And if the Palestinians had the powerful army, do you think they'd seek this fictional parity? Or just run the other side over?

All these questions!

Insane radical left fantasies, no country can even exist if it doesn't value it's citizens more than foreigners, in fact jalfrezy said many times he would love countries not to exist.

Imagine a country taxing it's citizens a lot to pay for healthcare and pensions in poorer country because you do more with less money elsewhere, so at parity it's actually immoral to spend 5000 to save a (say) british life when you can save 4 (say) nigerian lives with the same money.

by jalfrezi k

The Israel government doesn't ignore Palestinian deaths either; it just gives them one tenth (or less) the value of an Israeli death.

And yes, that does make them and anyone who agrees with them racist.

no, they give palestinian deaths zero value. they say that there are no civilians in gaza. they say that they are all hamas terrorists, even the women and children. they are trying to kill them all.

and yes, they are psychotic, racist pieces of ****.

Please let’s be careful with our generalizations, as some of them are somewhat borderline when it comes to characterizing ALL Palestinians or ALL Israelis, etc. Thanks, friends

by 72off k

no, they give palestinian deaths zero value. they say that there are no civilians in gaza. they say that they are all hamas terrorists, even the women and children. they are trying to kill them all.

and yes, they are psychotic, racist pieces of ****.

Who is "they"?

Every member of THIS government? Any member of ANY Israeli government? Any Israeli?

Just want a sense for who "they" might be to you

by Crossnerd k

Please let’s be careful with our generalizations, as some of them are somewhat borderline when it comes to characterizing ALL Palestinians or ALL Israelis, etc. Thanks, friends

Ah, just beat me to it.

"borderline" is being fairly generous here.

Don’t get heated, Rafiki. I’m on it, friend.

Just as Mets was not allowed to say all Palestinians hate women, it’s also not allowed to say all Israelis are racist.

So let’s be very careful with our specifications and use precise language, or I’m going to have to take you at what you post and moderate it.

You got this, guys 😀

by 72off k

no, they give palestinian deaths zero value. they say that there are no civilians in gaza. they say that they are all hamas terrorists, even the women and children. they are trying to kill them all.

and yes, they are psychotic, racist pieces of ****.

I think they are humans caught up in group think. What you said may also be true

by Crossnerd k

Don’t get heated, Rafiki. I’m on it, friend.

Just as Mets was not allowed to say all Palestinians hate women, it’s also not allowed to say all Israelis are racist.

So let’s be very careful with our specifications and use precise language, or I’m going to have to take you at what you post and moderate it.

You got this, guys 😀

I think he was saying people in the Israeli govt who support the killing of kids because they could be Hamas, are racist
