Israel/Palestine thread

Israel/Palestine thread

Think this merits its own thread...

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07 October 2023 at 09:33 PM

33349 Replies


he shouldve said that the people who support the palestinian genocide are racist. he shouldnt have said all of Israel is racist.

idk who you're referring to but I specifically said the Israeli government and IDF.

Mind you, 90%+ of the population seem like they'd love a full on genocide but NOT RACIST OH NO.

by chillrob k

It didn't include an answer about if what I posited was racism.

But that's ok, we all know that's what people do when they know they were wrong about something but don't want to admit it.

It's shocking to me how clueless people are about what racism is.

It's always predicated on a power imbalance. No one cares if some Canadians want to call Americans a bunch of obese burger-eating morons and some Americans want to call Canadians a bunch of moose-****ers, and no one is going to slate either group for being racist.

I don't think you have any reason to assume racism for something which is more easily explained by nationalism, particularly when a nation has been at risk for survival over its entire history.

And when may of the people of the respective nations are of the same race, as someone else pointed out.

The US definitely has a power imbalance against Canada.

But maybe this is a better example:
When 5 or so Arab countries attacked israel at the same time, they clearly thought there was a power imbalance favoring them. Do you think they were racist against the Israelis?

Btw 72off, in plain English you've now said "about the entire country" of Israel are "psychotic, racist pieces of ****"

So the final question is:

Does that include the 2M Arabs living there? Pretty curious where that lands.

by chillrob k

The US definitely has a power imbalance against Canada.

But maybe this is a better example:
When 5 or so Arab countries attacked israel at the same time, they clearly thought there was a power imbalance favoring them. Do you think they were racist against the Israelis?


Do you see the difference between

Some Americans referring to Mexicans as rapists


Some Americans referring to the French as cheese eating surrender monkeys or some Germans referring to the English as insalaffen (island apes)

by jalfrezi k

idk who you're referring to but I specifically said the Israeli government and IDF.

Mind you, 90%+ of the population seem like they'd love a full on genocide but NOT RACIST OH NO.

If I said that 90% of Gaza wanted to murder all the Jews, how quick to you think I get modded? And do you get why I would get modded?

I think people have said that here, or words to that effect.

And I was quoting my Israeli friend on another forum. I can ask his permission to reproduce what he said if you like? He knows a lot more about Israelis than anyone here that’s for sure.

by jalfrezi k

I think people have said that here, or words to that effect.

And I was quoting my Israeli friend on another forum. I can ask his permission to reproduce what he said if you like? He knows a lot more about Israelis than anyone here that’s for sure.

I have a friend who said this about black people

As a way to circ the rules.

Lol you guys are on fire today . Just hot fire.

by chillrob k

I don't think you have any reason to assume racism for something which is more easily explained by nationalism, particularly when a nation has been at risk for survival over its entire history.

And when may of the people of the respective nations are of the same race, as someone else pointed out.

correct. this is why Palestinians cant be racist against Israel. Palestine's existence is being threatened, Israels is not.

by jalfrezi k


Do you see the difference between

Some Americans referring to Mexicans as rapists


Some Americans referring to the French as cheese eating surrender monkeys or some Germans referring to the English as insalaffen (island apes)

Honestly "island apes" sounds more racist than rapists. Blacks in the US seem to think that comparing them with apes is pretty racist.

by PointlessWords k

correct. this is why Palestinians cant be racist against Israel. Palestine's existence is being threatened, Israels is not.

Can Iranians be racist against Israel?

What about Egypt, Jordan, Syria, and Lebanon if they all gang up?

by jalfrezi k

I think people have said that here, or words to that effect.

And I was quoting my Israeli friend on another forum. I can ask his permission to reproduce what he said if you like? He knows a lot more about Israelis than anyone here that’s for sure.

Various factions of Arabs have been attempting to destroy Israel for 80 years. While most of the "Arab street" in the ME and the West has been cheering them on. Israel's actions are a completely predictable response to this.

At some point you just get sick of being constantly attacked, and you say enough is enough.

Western progressives love to tell Israeli's they should be nicer to Palestinians because they are just making more terrorists and hardening Palestinians against them. But guess what, this is very much a 2 way street.

Maybe someone should be telling Arabs (including but not limited to Palestinians, Yemenis, Lebanese Shiites, Iraq/Syria Shiites) to stop being so racist and genocidal and violent and behave better for their own good.

by PointlessWords k

correct. this is why Palestinians cant be racist against Israel. Palestine's existence is being threatened, Israels is not.

LOL. This is a completely incoherent, absurd definition of racism that I dont think even Trolly would endorse. Palestinians are generally extremely xenophobic and bigoted against Jews, and racist by common parlance of the term (where it is used to encompass bigotry that goes beyond simple "race").

by Dunyain k

Various factions of Arabs have been attempting to destroy Israel for 80 years. While most of the "Arab street" in the ME and the West has been cheering them on. Israel's actions are a completely predictable response to this.

At some point you just get sick of being constantly attacked, and you say enough is enough.

Western progressives love to tell Israeli's they should be nicer to Palestinians because they are just making more terrorists and hardening Palestinians against them. But guess wh

They don't do that because everyone knows those groups are hopeless cases and will never be violent and full of hatred.

by chillrob k

They don't do that because everyone knows those groups are hopeless cases and will never be violent and full of hatred.

Well, I dont think the leadership and people of Saudi Arabia and UAE woke up one day and decided they actually really liked Jews and having a Jewish nation in the ME was a great idea. But they understood it was in their best interests to come to some sort of detente.

The Palestinian situation is hopeless because the incentive structures are horrible. The people running the Palestinian territories have been heavily incentivized to be hateful and violent and brainwash the people to thinking it is their religious duty and life's highest calling to be a shahid fighting the Jews.

I think a different incentive structure could provide much better outcomes. And if it really is hopeless, as many people should be allowed to emigrate out and move on as want to.

Oops, I meant to say always, not never. Brain fart.

by Dunyain k

Various factions of Arabs have been attempting to destroy Israel for 80 years. While most of the "Arab street" in the ME and the West has been cheering them on. Israel's actions are a completely predictable response to this.

At some point you just get sick of being constantly attacked, and you say enough is enough.

Western progressives love to tell Israeli's they should be nicer to Palestinians because they are just making more terrorists and hardening Palestinians against them. But guess wh

indeed. And also true ont he other side where they end up supporting terrorist organsiations. A descent into a destructive cycle of 'had enough'

A feedback cycle more than a 2 way street. The cycle has to be broken. Politics.

by rafiki k

I have a friend who said this about black people

As a way to circ the rules.

Lol you guys are on fire today . Just hot fire.

Israelis aren’t a race, right? 20% of them are Arabs so I don’t know why you’re making this stupid comparison.

There’s a thirst in Israel for more killing of Palestinians and it’s time you admitted it. It’s ok, no one will call you racist.

by chillrob k

Honestly "island apes" sounds more racist than rapists. Blacks in the US seem to think that comparing them with apes is pretty racist.

Go to the people themselves.

No one here cares about being called island apes, in fact people are much more likely to find it funny.

But I don’t think Mexicans reacted well to being called rapists, unsurprisingly.

I’m getting close to the point where I’m going to feel it’s not worth talking to you because of posts like this that are clearly false and that’s the most generous interpretation.

by Dunyain k

Various factions of Arabs have been attempting to destroy Israel for 80 years. While most of the "Arab street" in the ME and the West has been cheering them on. Israel's actions are a completely predictable response to this.

At some point you just get sick of being constantly attacked, and you say enough is enough.

Western progressives love to tell Israeli's they should be nicer to Palestinians because they are just making more terrorists and hardening Palestinians against them. But guess wh

It’s the same story in other places.

One side invades another’s land, refuses to acknowledge wrong doing and, lacking strong international support and in this case a government and an army the wronged take matters into their own hands.

Action and reaction. Israel only has itself to blame since 1967 and the dreadful population have become more and more right wing and voted in more and more extremist governments when they should have been conciliatory.

by jalfrezi k

Go to the people themselves.

No one here cares about being called island apes, in fact people are much more likely to find it funny.

But I don’t think Mexicans reacted well to being called rapists, unsurprisingly.

I’m getting close to the point where I’m going to feel it’s not worth talking to you because of posts like this that are clearly false and that’s the most generous interpretation.

Funny how you ask me a question about my opinion, I give you my honest answer, and then you say it's clearly false. I've never been to England and I had never heard of the term "island apes" before, but it sounds really bad to me. Also, no one has ever called Mexicans (in general) rapists. Trump said something very stupid one time about how Mexico is sending their worst people across the border, including rapists, but even he didn't try to say they were all rapists, or use "rapists" as a general slur against Mexicans, and I doubt anyone has ever done that before.

Right, and I highlighted how out of step your opinion is with those referenced.

I find it hard to believe anyone could think that a white British person would be anywhere near as offended by being likened to an ape as a black person would, and it demonstrates a very poor grasp of what racism is.

I think it shows a difference in opinion about what racism is, which we already knew existed.

I'll take your word that British people generally aren't offended by that term, but it seems like you're saying that's because the people using the term don't mean it to be a slur. And I never even claimed that they would be offended by that, but that the term sounded offensive to me. I certainly wouldn't think it was funny if someone referred to me as an ape, regardless of that person's race, or even whether or not he was joking.
